2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
< p align = "center" >
< a href = "##" > < img alt = "Omi" src = "http://images2015.cnblogs.com/blog/105416/201701/105416-20170120114244046-622856943.png" > < / a >
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Open and modern framework for building user interfaces.
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< a href = "https://travis-ci.org/AlloyTeam/omi" > < img src = "https://travis-ci.org/AlloyTeam/omi.svg" > < / a >
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2017-03-22 10:04:17 +08:00
## 中文 | [English](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi#english--中文)
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
2017-05-10 10:03:12 +08:00
* [Omi 官网 ](http://www.omijs.org )
2017-05-18 11:22:15 +08:00
* [Omi Cli ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi-cli )
2017-05-10 10:03:12 +08:00
* [Omi Playground ](http://alloyteam.github.io/omi/example/playground/ )
* [Omi 文档 ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/blob/master/tutorial/all.md )
* [Omi 教程 ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/tutorial#omi-相关文章 )
* [New issue ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/issues/new )
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
* 如果想更加方便的交流关于Omi的一切可以加入QQ的Omi交流群(256426170)
## 命令行
``` js
$ npm install omi-cli -g //安装cli
$ omi init your_project_name //初始化项目,你也可以在一个空的文件夹下执行 omi init
$ cd your_project_name //如果你是在空文件夹下执行的 omi init。请无视这条命令
2017-06-03 10:43:17 +08:00
$ npm start //开发
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
$ npm run dist //部署发布
2017-03-20 13:57:57 +08:00
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
2017-06-10 13:31:09 +08:00
``` js
$ npm run ie //用于生成未压缩js的发布包用来定位ie8的问题
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
## 特性
* 超小的尺寸, 7 kb (gzip)
* 完全面向对象的组件体系
* 局部CSS, HTML+ Scoped CSS + JS组成可复用的组件
* 更自由的更新, 每个组件都有update方法, 自由选择时机进行更新
* 模板引擎可替换, 开发者可以重写Omi.template方法来使用任意模板引擎
* 提供了ES6+和ES5的两种开发方案供开发者自由选择
2017-06-05 15:48:28 +08:00
* 良好的兼容性, 支持IE8( 请使用omi.art.js或者omi.lite.js或者omi.mustache.js, 并自行引用 es5-shim 或 [es5-sham ](//s.url.cn/qqun/xiaoqu/buluo/p/js/es5-sham-es5-sham.min.77c4325f.js ) 和 [console-polyfill ](//s.url.cn/qqun/xiaoqu/buluo/p/js/console-polyfill.min.848060c4.js )) ,比如:
2017-05-26 15:31:21 +08:00
<!-- [if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" src="//s.url.cn/qqun/xiaoqu/buluo/p/js/console - polyfill.min.848060c4.js"></script>
< script type = "text/javascript" crossorigin = "anonymous" src = "//s.url.cn/qqun/xiaoqu/buluo/p/js/es5-sham-es5-sham.min.77c4325f.js" > < / script > <![endif]-->
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
2017-03-27 08:06:42 +08:00
## 插件
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
2017-03-31 09:13:53 +08:00
* [omi-router ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-router ) : Omi专属的官方Router插件.
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
* [omi-finger ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-finger ) Omi的[AlloyFinger](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/AlloyFinger)插件,支持各种触摸事件和手势
2017-03-21 01:33:04 +08:00
* [omi-transform ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-transform ) Omi的[transformjs](https://alloyteam.github.io/AlloyTouch/transformjs/)插件, 快速方便地设置DOM的CSS3 Transform属性
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
* [omi-touch ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-touch ) Omi的[AlloyTouch](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/AlloyTouch)插件, Omi项目的触摸运动解决方案( 支持触摸滚动、旋转、翻页、选择等等)
* [omi-jquery-date-picker ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-jquery-date-picker ) Omi的时间选择插件, 支持各种时间或者时间区域选择
2017-03-20 13:57:57 +08:00
## 通过npm安装
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
``` js
$ npm install omi
## Hello World
你可以使用 [webpack ](https://webpack.github.io/ ) + [babel ](http://babeljs.io/ ), 在webpack配置的module设置[babel-loader](https://github.com/babel/babel-loader), 立马就能使用ES6+来编写你的web程序。
* [[Hello World ES6+ ->在线试试]](http://alloyteam.github.io/omi/website/redirect.html?type=hello_nest)
* [[Hello World ES5 ->在线试试]](http://alloyteam.github.io/omi/website/redirect.html?type=hello_es5)
如果使用omi.lite.js版本(不包含[mustache.js](https://github.com/janl/mustache.js)模板引擎)的话,也可以[使用 ${this.data.name} 的方式](http://alloyteam.github.io/omi/website/redirect.html?type=without_tpl)。
## CDN
2017-06-15 08:30:10 +08:00
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.min.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.min.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.art.min.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.art.min.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.art.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.art.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.lite.min.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.lite.min.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.lite.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.lite.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.mustache.min.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.mustache.min.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.mustache.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.mustache.js )
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
2017-03-22 17:29:24 +08:00
## 感谢
* [morphdom ](https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom )-Fast and lightweight DOM diffing/patching (no virtual DOM needed)
2017-05-26 12:14:48 +08:00
* [art-template ](https://github.com/aui/art-template )-JS template engine with excellent performance
2017-04-18 12:29:38 +08:00
* [sodajs ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/sodajs )-Light weight but powerful template engine for JavaScript
2017-04-19 11:51:20 +08:00
* [mustache.js ](https://github.com/janl/mustache.js )-Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
2017-03-22 17:29:24 +08:00
2017-03-23 07:53:17 +08:00
## English | [中文](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi#中文--english)
2017-05-18 11:22:15 +08:00
* [Omi Cli ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi-cli )
2017-03-27 08:10:00 +08:00
* If you want to experience the Omi framework, you can visit [Omi Playground ](https://alloyteam.github.io/omi/example/playground/ ) or read the code of [TodoMVC by Omi ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/todomvc )
2017-03-23 07:53:17 +08:00
* If you want to use the Omi framework or develop and improve omi framework, please read [the Omi documentation ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/docs#omi使用文档 )
* If you want to get a better reading experience of the documents, you can visit [Docs Website ](https://alloyteam.github.io/omi/website/docs.html )
2017-03-26 21:05:59 +08:00
* Tutorial or blogs about omi framework, you can visit [Omi Tutorial ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/tutorial )
2017-03-23 07:53:17 +08:00
* If you have Any problems, please [New issue ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/issues/new )
* If you want to be more convenient on the exchange of all Omi can join the QQ Omi exchange group (256426170)
## omi-cli
``` js
$ npm install omi-cli -g //install cli
$ omi init your_project_name //init project, you can also exec 'omi init' in an empty folder
$ cd your_project_name //please ignore this command if you executed 'omi init' in an empty folder
2017-06-03 10:43:17 +08:00
$ npm start //develop
2017-03-23 07:53:17 +08:00
$ npm run dist //release
2017-06-10 13:31:09 +08:00
other cmd:
``` js
$ npm run ie //for debugging in ie8
2017-03-23 07:53:17 +08:00
## Features
* Super tiny size, 7 KB (gzip)
2017-04-24 10:01:03 +08:00
* Good compatibility, support IE8 (please import es5-shim or [es5-sham ](//s.url.cn/qqun/xiaoqu/buluo/p/js/es5-sham-es5-sham.min.77c4325f.js ) by yourself)
2017-03-23 07:53:17 +08:00
* Fully object-oriented component system
* Support Scoped CSS, reusable components are composed of HTML, Scoped CSS and JS
* More free updates, each component has a update method, free to choose the right time to update
* Template engines can be replaced, developers can override the Omi.template method to use any template engine
* Provides two development way ( ES6+ and ES5) for developers to choose freely
## Plugins
2017-03-31 09:13:53 +08:00
* [omi-router ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-router ) : Router for Omi.
2017-03-23 07:53:17 +08:00
* [omi-finger ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-finger ) : Omi /[AlloyFinger](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/AlloyFinger) integration.
* [omi-transform ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-transform ) : Omi /[transformjs](https://alloyteam.github.io/AlloyTouch/transformjs/) integration.
* [omi-touch ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-touch ) : Omi /[AlloyTouch](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/AlloyTouch) integration.
* [omi-jquery-date-picker ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi/tree/master/plugins/omi-jquery-date-picker ): Omi / JQuery Date Picker integration.
## Install
``` js
$ npm install omi
## Hello World
You can use [webpack ](https://webpack.github.io/ ) + [babel ](http://babeljs.io/ ), configure the [babel-loader ](https://github.com/babel/babel-loader ) in the module settings of webpack, then you can use ES6+ to write your web program.
* [[Hello World ES6+ ->Try it on Playground]](http://alloyteam.github.io/omi/website/redirect.html?type=hello_nest)
* [[Hello World ES5 ->Try it on Playground]](http://alloyteam.github.io/omi/website/redirect.html?type=hello_es5)
if using 'omi.lite.js' (without [mustache.js ](https://github.com/janl/mustache.js )), you can [use the ${this.data.name} way ](http://alloyteam.github.io/omi/website/redirect.html?type=without_tpl )。
## CDN
2017-06-15 08:30:10 +08:00
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.min.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.min.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.art.min.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.art.min.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.art.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.art.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.lite.min.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.lite.min.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.lite.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.lite.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.mustache.min.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.mustache.min.js )
* [https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.mustache.js ](https://unpkg.com/omi@1.7.2/dist/omi.mustache.js )
2017-03-23 07:53:17 +08:00
## Thanks
* [morphdom ](https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom )-Fast and lightweight DOM diffing/patching (no virtual DOM needed)
2017-05-26 12:14:48 +08:00
* [art-template ](https://github.com/aui/art-template )-JS template engine with excellent performance
2017-04-18 12:29:38 +08:00
* [sodajs ](https://github.com/AlloyTeam/sodajs )-Light weight but powerful template engine for JavaScript
2017-04-19 11:51:20 +08:00
* [mustache.js ](https://github.com/janl/mustache.js )-Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
2017-03-23 07:53:17 +08:00
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
## Contributors
2017-03-20 13:57:57 +08:00
|name |avatars |company |
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
| [CodeFalling ](https://github.com/CodeFalling ) | ![](https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/5436704?v=3& s=60) | alibaba |
| [abell123456 ](https://github.com/abell123456 ) | ![](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/2232380?v=3& s=60) | alibaba |
| [Aresn ](https://github.com/icarusion ) | ![](https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/5370542?v=3& s=60) | TalkingCoder |
| [pasturn ](https://github.com/pasturn ) | ![](https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/6126885?v=3& s=60) | Mars Holding |
2017-03-20 13:57:57 +08:00
| [vorshen ](https://github.com/vorshen ) | ![](https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/10334783?v=3& s=60) | Tencent |
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
| [xcatliu ](https://github.com/xcatliu ) | ![](https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/5453359?v=3& s=60) | Microsoft |
2017-04-19 19:25:53 +08:00
| [dorsywang ](https://github.com/dorsywang ) | ![](https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/7475208?v=3& s=60) | Tencent |
2017-03-20 13:57:57 +08:00
| [dntzhang ](https://github.com/dntzhang ) | ![](https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/7917954?v=3& s=60) | Tencent |
2017-03-09 16:26:06 +08:00
# License
This content is released under the [MIT ](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT ) License.