@ -23,10 +23,9 @@
var stack = [];
function h(nodeName, attributes) {
var children = EMPTY_CHILDREN,
var children = [],
lastSimple = void 0,
child = void 0,
simple = void 0,
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@
if (simple && lastSimple) {
children[children.length - 1] += child;
} else if (children === EMPTY_CHILDREN) {
} else if (children.length === 0) {
children = [child];
} else {
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
function getUse(data, paths) {
var obj = {};
var obj = [];
paths.forEach(function (path, index) {
var isPath = typeof path === 'string';
if (isPath) {
@ -1089,278 +1088,12 @@
var _class, _temp;
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var id = 0;
var WeElement = (_temp = _class = function (_HTMLElement) {
_inherits(WeElement, _HTMLElement);
function WeElement() {
_classCallCheck(this, WeElement);
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _HTMLElement.call(this));
_this.props = Object.assign(nProps(_this.constructor.props), _this.constructor.defaultProps);
_this.elementId = id++;
_this.data = {};
return _this;
WeElement.prototype.connectedCallback = function connectedCallback() {
var p = this.parentNode;
while (p && !this.store) {
this.store = p.store;
p = p.parentNode || p.host;
if (this.store) {
this.constructor.use && (this.use = getUse(this.store.data, this.constructor.use));
!this._isInstalled && this.install();
var shadowRoot = void 0;
if (!this.shadowRoot) {
shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({
mode: 'open'
} else {
shadowRoot = this.shadowRoot;
var fc = void 0;
while (fc = shadowRoot.firstChild) {
if (this.constructor.css) {
} else if (this.css) {
shadowRoot.appendChild(cssToDom(typeof this.css === 'function' ? this.css() : this.css));
!this._isInstalled && this.beforeRender();
options.afterInstall && options.afterInstall(this);
if (this.constructor.observe) {
this._host = diff(null, this.render(this.props, this.data, this.store), {}, false, null, false);
if (isArray(this._host)) {
this._host.forEach(function (item) {
} else {
!this._isInstalled && this.installed();
this._isInstalled = true;
WeElement.prototype.disconnectedCallback = function disconnectedCallback() {
this._isInstalled = false;
if (this.store) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.store.instances.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this.store.instances[i] === this) {
this.store.instances.splice(i, 1);
WeElement.prototype.update = function update() {
this._willUpdate = true;
this._host = diff(this._host, this.render(this.props, this.data, this.store), null, null, this.shadowRoot);
this._willUpdate = false;
WeElement.prototype.fire = function fire(name, data) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(name.toLowerCase(), { detail: data }));
WeElement.prototype.beforeInstall = function beforeInstall() {};
WeElement.prototype.install = function install() {};
WeElement.prototype.afterInstall = function afterInstall() {};
WeElement.prototype.installed = function installed() {};
WeElement.prototype.uninstall = function uninstall() {};
WeElement.prototype.beforeUpdate = function beforeUpdate() {};
WeElement.prototype.updated = function updated() {};
WeElement.prototype.beforeRender = function beforeRender() {};
WeElement.prototype.rendered = function rendered() {};
WeElement.prototype.receiveProps = function receiveProps() {};
WeElement.prototype.beforeObserve = function beforeObserve() {};
WeElement.prototype.observed = function observed() {};
return WeElement;
}(HTMLElement), _class.is = 'WeElement', _temp);
function render(vnode, parent, store) {
parent = typeof parent === 'string' ? document.querySelector(parent) : parent;
if (store) {
store.instances = [];
var timeout = null;
var patchs = {};
store.data = new JSONPatcherProxy(store.data).observe(false, function (patch) {
if (patch.op === 'remove') {
// fix arr splice
var kv = getArrayPatch(patch.path, store);
patchs[kv.k] = kv.v;
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
update(patchs, store);
patchs = {};
}, 0);
} else {
var key = fixPath(patch.path);
patchs[key] = patch.value;
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
update(patchs, store);
patchs = {};
}, 0);
parent.store = store;
return diff(null, vnode, {}, false, parent, false);
function update(patch, store) {
function extendStoreUpate(store) {
store.update = function (patch) {
var _this = this;
var updateAll = matchGlobalData(this.globalData, patch);
if (Object.keys(patch).length > 0) {
this.instances.forEach(function (instance) {
if (updateAll || _this.updateAll || instance.constructor.updatePath && needUpdate(patch, instance.constructor.updatePath)) {
//update this.use
instance.use = getUse(store.data, instance.constructor.use);
this.onChange && this.onChange(patch);
function matchGlobalData(globalData, diffResult) {
if (!globalData) return false;
for (var keyA in diffResult) {
if (globalData.indexOf(keyA) > -1) {
return true;
for (var i = 0, len = globalData.length; i < len; i++) {
if (includePath(keyA, globalData[i])) {
return true;
return false;
function needUpdate(diffResult, updatePath) {
for (var keyA in diffResult) {
if (updatePath[keyA]) {
return true;
for (var keyB in updatePath) {
if (includePath(keyA, keyB)) {
return true;
return false;
function includePath(pathA, pathB) {
if (pathA.indexOf(pathB) === 0) {
var next = pathA.substr(pathB.length, 1);
if (next === '[' || next === '.') {
return true;
return false;
function fixPath(path) {
var mpPath = '';
var arr = path.replace('/', '').split('/');
arr.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index) {
if (isNaN(Number(item))) {
mpPath += '.' + item;
} else {
mpPath += '[' + item + ']';
} else {
mpPath += item;
return mpPath;
function getArrayPatch(path, store) {
var arr = path.replace('/', '').split('/');
var current = store.data[arr[0]];
for (var i = 1, len = arr.length; i < len - 1; i++) {
current = current[arr[i]];
return { k: fixArrPath(path), v: current };
function fixArrPath(path) {
var mpPath = '';
var arr = path.replace('/', '').split('/');
var len = arr.length;
arr.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index < len - 1) {
if (index) {
if (isNaN(Number(item))) {
mpPath += '.' + item;
} else {
mpPath += '[' + item + ']';
} else {
mpPath += item;
return mpPath;
function _classCallCheck$1(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn$1(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits$1(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var OBJECTTYPE = '[object Object]';
var ARRAYTYPE = '[object Array]';
@ -1375,18 +1108,18 @@
} else {
var Element = function (_WeElement) {
_inherits$1(Element, _WeElement);
_inherits(Element, _WeElement);
function Element() {
var _temp, _this, _ret;
_classCallCheck$1(this, Element);
_classCallCheck(this, Element);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn$1(this, _WeElement.call.apply(_WeElement, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this._useId = 0, _this._useMap = {}, _this._preCss = null, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn$1(_this, _ret);
return _ret = (_temp = (_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _WeElement.call.apply(_WeElement, [this].concat(args))), _this), _this._useId = 0, _this._useMap = {}, _this._preCss = null, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, _ret);
Element.prototype.render = function render(props, data) {
@ -1515,6 +1248,274 @@
var _class, _temp;
function _classCallCheck$1(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn$1(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits$1(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
var id = 0;
var WeElement = (_temp = _class = function (_HTMLElement) {
_inherits$1(WeElement, _HTMLElement);
function WeElement() {
_classCallCheck$1(this, WeElement);
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn$1(this, _HTMLElement.call(this));
_this.props = Object.assign(nProps(_this.constructor.props), _this.constructor.defaultProps);
_this.elementId = id++;
_this.data = {};
return _this;
WeElement.prototype.connectedCallback = function connectedCallback() {
var p = this.parentNode;
while (p && !this.store) {
this.store = p.store;
p = p.parentNode || p.host;
if (this.store) {
if (this.initUse) {
var use = this.initUse();
this._updatePath = getPath(use);
this.use = getUse(this.store.data, use);
} else {
this.constructor.use && (this.use = getUse(this.store.data, this.constructor.use));
!this._isInstalled && this.install();
var shadowRoot = void 0;
if (!this.shadowRoot) {
shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({
mode: 'open'
} else {
shadowRoot = this.shadowRoot;
var fc = void 0;
while (fc = shadowRoot.firstChild) {
if (this.constructor.css) {
} else if (this.css) {
shadowRoot.appendChild(cssToDom(typeof this.css === 'function' ? this.css() : this.css));
!this._isInstalled && this.beforeRender();
options.afterInstall && options.afterInstall(this);
if (this.constructor.observe) {
this._host = diff(null, this.render(this.props, this.data, this.store), {}, false, null, false);
if (isArray(this._host)) {
this._host.forEach(function (item) {
} else {
!this._isInstalled && this.installed();
this._isInstalled = true;
WeElement.prototype.disconnectedCallback = function disconnectedCallback() {
this._isInstalled = false;
if (this.store) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.store.instances.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this.store.instances[i] === this) {
this.store.instances.splice(i, 1);
WeElement.prototype.update = function update() {
this._willUpdate = true;
this._host = diff(this._host, this.render(this.props, this.data, this.store), null, null, this.shadowRoot);
this._willUpdate = false;
WeElement.prototype.fire = function fire(name, data) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(name.toLowerCase(), { detail: data }));
WeElement.prototype.beforeInstall = function beforeInstall() {};
WeElement.prototype.install = function install() {};
WeElement.prototype.afterInstall = function afterInstall() {};
WeElement.prototype.installed = function installed() {};
WeElement.prototype.uninstall = function uninstall() {};
WeElement.prototype.beforeUpdate = function beforeUpdate() {};
WeElement.prototype.updated = function updated() {};
WeElement.prototype.beforeRender = function beforeRender() {};
WeElement.prototype.rendered = function rendered() {};
WeElement.prototype.receiveProps = function receiveProps() {};
WeElement.prototype.beforeObserve = function beforeObserve() {};
WeElement.prototype.observed = function observed() {};
return WeElement;
}(HTMLElement), _class.is = 'WeElement', _temp);
function render(vnode, parent, store) {
parent = typeof parent === 'string' ? document.querySelector(parent) : parent;
if (store) {
store.instances = [];
store.data = new JSONPatcherProxy(store.data).observe(false, function (patch) {
var patchs = {};
if (patch.op === 'remove') {
// fix arr splice
var kv = getArrayPatch(patch.path, store);
patchs[kv.k] = kv.v;
update(patchs, store);
} else {
var key = fixPath(patch.path);
patchs[key] = patch.value;
update(patchs, store);
parent.store = store;
return diff(null, vnode, {}, false, parent, false);
function update(patch, store) {
function extendStoreUpate(store) {
store.update = function (patch) {
var _this = this;
var updateAll = matchGlobalData(this.globalData, patch);
if (Object.keys(patch).length > 0) {
this.instances.forEach(function (instance) {
if (updateAll || _this.updateAll || instance.constructor.updatePath && needUpdate(patch, instance.constructor.updatePath) || instance._updatePath && needUpdate(patch, instance._updatePath)) {
//update this.use
instance.constructor.use && (instance.use = getUse(store.data, instance.constructor.use));
this.onChange && this.onChange(patch);
function matchGlobalData(globalData, diffResult) {
if (!globalData) return false;
for (var keyA in diffResult) {
if (globalData.indexOf(keyA) > -1) {
return true;
for (var i = 0, len = globalData.length; i < len; i++) {
if (includePath(keyA, globalData[i])) {
return true;
return false;
function needUpdate(diffResult, updatePath) {
for (var keyA in diffResult) {
if (updatePath[keyA]) {
return true;
for (var keyB in updatePath) {
if (includePath(keyA, keyB)) {
return true;
return false;
function includePath(pathA, pathB) {
if (pathA.indexOf(pathB) === 0) {
var next = pathA.substr(pathB.length, 1);
if (next === '[' || next === '.') {
return true;
return false;
function fixPath(path) {
var mpPath = '';
var arr = path.replace('/', '').split('/');
arr.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index) {
if (isNaN(Number(item))) {
mpPath += '.' + item;
} else {
mpPath += '[' + item + ']';
} else {
mpPath += item;
return mpPath;
function getArrayPatch(path, store) {
var arr = path.replace('/', '').split('/');
var current = store.data[arr[0]];
for (var i = 1, len = arr.length; i < len - 1; i++) {
current = current[arr[i]];
return { k: fixArrPath(path), v: current };
function fixArrPath(path) {
var mpPath = '';
var arr = path.replace('/', '').split('/');
var len = arr.length;
arr.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (index < len - 1) {
if (index) {
if (isNaN(Number(item))) {
mpPath += '.' + item;
} else {
mpPath += '[' + item + ']';
} else {
mpPath += item;
return mpPath;
function tag(name, pure) {
return function (target) {
target.pure = pure;
@ -1577,7 +1578,7 @@
return ModelView;
}(WeElement), _class$1.observe = true, _class$1.mergeUpdate = true, _temp$1);
}(WeElement), _class$1.observe = true, _class$1.mergeUpdate = false, _temp$1);
* classNames based on https://github.com/JedWatson/classnames
@ -1665,9 +1666,7 @@
options.root.Omi = omi;
options.root.omi = omi;
options.root.Omi.version = '5.0.24';
var _class$2, _temp2;
options.root.Omi.version = '6.0.4';
function _classCallCheck$3(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
@ -1699,13 +1698,13 @@
var tree = generateTree();
define('tree-node', (_temp2 = _class$2 = function (_WeElement) {
_inherits$3(_class, _WeElement);
define('tree-node', function (_WeElement) {
_inherits$3(_class2, _WeElement);
function _class() {
function _class2() {
var _temp, _this, _ret;
_classCallCheck$3(this, _class);
_classCallCheck$3(this, _class2);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
@ -1739,8 +1738,15 @@
}, _temp), _possibleConstructorReturn$3(_this, _ret);
// static use = [
// 'tree'
// ]
_class.prototype.render = function render$$1(props) {
_class2.prototype.initUse = function initUse() {
return ['tree[' + this.props.id + ']'];
_class2.prototype.render = function render$$1(props) {
var _store$data$tree$prop = this.store.data.tree[props.id],
counter = _store$data$tree$prop.counter,
childIds = _store$data$tree$prop.childIds;
@ -1784,8 +1790,8 @@
return _class;
}(WeElement), _class$2.use = ['tree'], _temp2));
return _class2;
render(Omi.h('tree-node', { id: 0 }), 'body', {
data: {