
This commit is contained in:
张磊 2015-06-10 15:04:04 +08:00
parent 739e032fb2
commit 97f41f92ce
1 changed files with 32 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -15,45 +15,54 @@
var LineChart = Nuclear.createCanvas({
render: function () {
var option = this.option,canvas=this.canvas, ctx = this.ctx;
var canvas = this.canvas, option = this.option,
offset = [option.offset[0], option.offset[1]],
xLen = option.xValueGrid.length,
yLen = option.yValueGrid.length,
cellHeight = Math.ceil((canvas.height - offset[1]) / yLen),
cellWidth = Math.ceil((canvas.width - offset[0]) / xLen),
bottom = offset[1] + cellHeight * (yLen - 1);
this.renderGird(offset, xLen, yLen, cellWidth, cellHeight, bottom);
this.renderData(cellWidth, bottom);
renderGird: function (offset, xLen, yLen, cellWidth, cellHeight, bottom) {
var option = this.option, canvas = this.canvas, ctx = this.ctx;
ctx.strokeStyle = option.gridBoderColor,
ctx.fillStyle = option.gridFontColor,
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
var offset = [option.offset[0], option.offset[1]],
s = option.yValueGrid.length,
o = option.xValueGrid.length,
u = Math.ceil((canvas.height - offset[1]) / s),
a = Math.ceil((canvas.width - offset[0]) / o),
f = offset[0] + a * (o - 1),
l = offset[1] + u * (s - 1);
ctx.fillStyle = option.fontColor,
var f = offset[0] + cellWidth * (xLen - 1);
ctx.fillStyle = option.fontColor;
ctx.fillText(option.yUnit, offset[0] - 22, offset[1] - 15);
for (var c = 0; c < s; c++) {
for (var c = 0; c < yLen; c++) {
ctx.moveTo(offset[0], offset[1]),
ctx.fillText(option.yValueGrid[s - c - 1], offset[0] - 22, offset[1] + 5),
ctx.fillText(option.yValueGrid[yLen - c - 1], offset[0] - 22, offset[1] + 5),
ctx.lineTo(f, offset[1]),
offset[1] += u;
offset[1] += cellHeight;
offset = [option.offset[0], option.offset[1]];
for (var c = 0; c < o; c++) {
for (var c = 0; c < xLen; c++) {
ctx.moveTo(offset[0], offset[1]),
ctx.fillText(option.xValueGrid[c] + option.xUnit, offset[0] - 10, l + 15),
ctx.lineTo(offset[0], l),
offset[0] += a;
ctx.fillText(option.xValueGrid[c] + option.xUnit, offset[0] - 10, bottom + 15),
ctx.lineTo(offset[0], bottom),
offset[0] += cellWidth;
renderData: function (cellWidth, bottom) {
var option = this.option,ctx=this.ctx;
var h = option.yValueGrid[option.yValueGrid.length - 1] - option.yValueGrid[0];
offset = [option.offset[0], option.offset[1]];
for (var c = 0, p = option.lines.length; c < p; c++) {
var d = option.lines[c];
ctx.strokeStyle = d.lineColor,
for (var v = 0, m = d.data.length - 1; v < m; v++) ctx.moveTo(offset[0] + a * v, l - (l - offset[0]) * d.data[v] / h),
ctx.lineTo(offset[0] + a * (v + 1), l - (l - offset[0]) * d.data[v + 1] / h);
for (var v = 0, m = d.data.length - 1; v < m; v++) ctx.moveTo(offset[0] + cellWidth * v, bottom - (bottom - offset[0]) * d.data[v] / h),
ctx.lineTo(offset[0] + cellWidth * (v + 1), bottom - (bottom - offset[0]) * d.data[v + 1] / h);
@ -62,8 +71,8 @@
var d = option.lines[c];
ctx.strokeStyle = d.lineColor;
for (var v = 0, m = d.data.length; v < m; v++) {
var g = offset[0] + a * v,
y = l - (l - offset[0]) * d.data[v] / h;
var g = offset[0] + cellWidth * v,
y = bottom - (bottom - offset[0]) * d.data[v] / h;
ctx.lineWidth = 3,
ctx.arc(g, y, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2, !1),
@ -75,7 +84,6 @@
v === m - 1 && (ctx.fillText(d.data[v], g + 10, y + 10))
@ -83,7 +91,7 @@
var lineChart=new LineChart("#lcContainer", 600, 300, {
gridBoderColor: "white",
gridBoderColor: "#ccc",
gridFontColor: "black",
yValueGrid: [0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300],
yUnit: "万元/㎡",