update render-web-components-to-native

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LeeHyungGeun 2018-11-01 17:25:01 +11:00
parent efbba89e51
commit a1831238a1
1 changed files with 194 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1 +1,194 @@
## Render Web Components to Native
How to render Web Components to Native? There is an [Omi Framework](https://github.com/Tencent/omi) because Omi is designed [based on Web Components](https://github.com/Tencent/omi#why-omi)
## Industry Status
Now, there has two genres to render to Native
* Flutter
* Use Skia high performance rendering engin to draw GPU directly
* Develop using the Dart language
* React Native, Weex, Taro, Hippy, Plato
* Through Bridge and JSCore command to transfer to draw
* Develop using JavaScript language
* JSCore and Native each maintain the same DOM tree树
Here, Omi uses the second way to achieve [→ omi-native](https://github.com/Tencent/omi/tree/master/packages/omi-native)。
## Pre research
Becase Web Components is based on `HTMLElement`. It can be seen a custom element of Omi is inherited from `WeElement`:
import { render, WeElement, define } from 'omi'
define('my-counter', class extends WeElement {
static observe = true
data = {
count: 1
sub = () => {
add = () => {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.sub}>-</button>
<button onClick={this.add}>+</button>
render(<my-counter />, 'body')
Through the Omi source code, you can see `WeElement` is inherited from `HTMLElement`:
class WeElement extends HTMLElement {
既然要在 JSCore 里向 Native 发送指令,那么首先要保证能正常运行。但是在 JSCore 里是没有 DOM 和 BOM, `HTMLElement` 属于 DOM, 自然也就没有。所以 Omi 的项目在 JSCore 里会报错。所以解决这个问题的答案也就浮出水面。
## 模拟 HTMLElement
* HTMLElement 继承自父接口 Element 和 GlobalEventHandlers 的属性
* Element 继承自 Node (常用的 appendChild、removeChild、insertBefore 都定义在 Node 中)
* Node 从其父类EventTarget 继承属性
但是我们实现未必需要和浏览器的实现完全一致,更加不用实现所有的 API。所以 `omi-native` 仅仅实现了:
* Element
* HTMLElement
* Document
其中 HTMLElement 继承自 Element具体需要实现哪些API这里优先梳理出 Omi 使用的 DOM API:
* HTMLElement
* connectedCallback
* disconnectedCallback
* Element
* addEventListener
* removeEventListener
* removeAttribute
* setAttribute
* removeChild
* appendChild
* replaceChild
* style
* Document
* createElement
所以只要实现包括上面这些 API 就能保证 Omi 项目能够在 JSCore 里跑起来不报错。但是仅仅不报错,是不够的,还需要来回发送指令。
指令传输的意义在于让 Native 维护的 DOM Tree 和 JSCore 维护的 DOM Tree 保持一致。而指令发送的频率会直接影响耗时,指令发送频率越低越好。所以在把 bridge 通讯注入到 appendChild、removeChild 等方法中时,遵循的原则是:
* 只有真正落在树上的 DOM 操作才发送指令
所以可想而知,`document.createElement` 或者悬空节点的 `appendChild`、`removeChild` 是不发送任何指令
## 生命周期
Omi 自定义元素的生命周期如下所以:
| Lifecycle method | When it gets called |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| `install` | before the component gets mounted to the DOM |
| `installed` | after the component gets mounted to the DOM |
| `uninstall` | prior to removal from the DOM |
| `beforeUpdate` | before update |
| `afterUpdate` | after update |
| `beforeRender` | before `render()` |
怎么保证 Omi 的生命周期在 JSCore 中正常执行。通过 Omi WeElement 的源码可以发现:
connectedCallback() {
const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })
this.css && shadowRoot.appendChild(cssToDom(this.css()))
options.afterInstall && options.afterInstall(this)
this._isInstalled = true
disconnectedCallback() {
if (this.store) {
for (let i = 0, len = this.store.instances.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this.store.instances[i] === this) {
this.store.instances.splice(i, 1)
Omi 的生命周期完全依赖 `HTMLElement``connectedCallback``disconnectedCallback`
* connectedCallback 元素被插入到页面时候触发
* disconnectedCallback 元素从页面移除时触发
既然 `HTMLElement``Element` 都是自己实现,所以可以控制 `connectedCallback``disconnectedCallback` 的执行时机。因为你知道元素什么时候被插入到 DOM 树里。比如 append 的时候:
appendChild(node) {
if (!node.parentNode) {
linkParent(node, this)
insertIndex(node, this.childNodes, this.childNodes.length, true)
removeChild(node) {
if (node.parentNode) {
removeIndex(node, this.childNodes, true)
## 事件绑定
由于 JS 里事件绑定的回调函数包含上下文信息,不能传输给客户端,所以只需要告诉 native 元素的 id 和事件绑定的类型,当客户端触发的时候只需传输回元素的 id 和事件的类型。
addEventListener(type, handler) {
if (!this.event[type]) {
this.event[type] = handler
this.ownerDocument.addEvent(this.ref, type)
[→ 戳这里看下源码](https://github.com/Tencent/omi/tree/master/packages/omi-native/src/native)