dntzhang 5dec136dad update md 2018-11-07 09:28:50 +08:00
config update eslint 2018-11-05 16:45:08 +08:00
dist build 2018-11-07 08:12:08 +08:00
examples update example 2018-11-06 10:07:41 +08:00
src build 2018-11-07 08:12:08 +08:00
test standart code styling 2018-10-21 22:56:05 +03:00
.babelrc standart code styling 2018-10-21 22:56:05 +03:00
.editorconfig add omi to packages 2018-10-17 09:14:52 +08:00
.eslintignore eslint 2018-11-06 08:58:41 +08:00
.eslintrc eslint fix 2018-10-26 16:09:45 +08:00
.flowconfig add omi to packages 2018-10-17 09:14:52 +08:00 build 2018-10-28 08:28:32 +08:00
package.json update md 2018-11-07 09:28:50 +08:00
typings.json standart code styling 2018-10-21 22:56:05 +03:00

Omi: Next Generation Web Framework in 4kb JavaScript

Merge JSX, Web Components, Proxy, Store, Path Updating together

Why Omi?

  • Tiny size. (4kb gzipped)
  • Supports TypeScript.
  • Reactive data-binding
  • Based on Shadow DOM
  • Easy to debug via Omi DevTools Extension [Install from Chrome WebStore]
  • Compliance with browser trend and API design.
  • Merge Web Components and JSX into one framework.
  • Work well with mobx by omi-mobx (No need to call this.update()).
  • Web Components can also be a data-driven view, UI = fn(data).
  • JSX is the best development experience (code intelligent completion and tip) UI Expression with least grammatical noise.
  • The original Path Updating system. Proxy-based automatic accurate update, low power consumption, high degree of freedom, excellent performance, easy integration of requestIdleCallback
  • Say goodbye to this.update method when using store system! It will automatically update UI partially when data is changed.
  • Look at Facebook React vs Web ComponentsOmi combines their advantages and gives developers the freedom to choose the way they like.
  • Shadow DOM merges with Virtual DOM, Omi uses both virtual DOM and real Shadow DOM to make view updates more accurate and faster.
  • With a Store system, 99.9% of projects don't need time travel, and not only Redux can travel, please don't come up on Redux, Omi store system can meet all projects
  • Scoped CSS's best solution is Shadow DOM, the community churning out frameworks and libraries for Scoped CSS (using JS or JSON writing styles such as Radium, jsxstyle, react-style; binding to webpack using generated unique className filename-classname-hash, such as CSS Modules, Vue), are hack technologies; and Shadow DOM Style is the perfect solution.

Ecosystem of Omi

Project Description
omi-docs Omi official documents
omi-devtools Browser DevTools extension
omi-cli Project scaffolding
omi-i18n Internationalization solution for omi.js using i18next ecosystem
omi-transform Omi / css3transform integration. Made css3 transform super easy in your Omi project.
omi-page Tiny client-side router by page
omi-tap Support tap event in your omi project
omi-mobx Omi Mobx Adapter
omi element ui(working) Omi version of element-ui



  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your branch (git checkout -b my-urgent-hotfix)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Fixed something')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-urgent-hotfix)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Please contact us for any questions:


MIT © Tencent