
801 lines
23 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

export = Omi;
export as namespace Omi;
declare namespace Omi {
type Key = string | number;
type Ref<T> = (instance: T) => void;
type ComponentChild = JSX.Element | string | number | null;
type ComponentChildren = ComponentChild[];
* @deprecated
* Use Attributes instead
type ComponentProps = Attributes;
* @deprecated
* Use ClassAttributes instead
type PreactHTMLAttributes = ClassAttributes<any>;
interface Attributes {
key?: string | number | any;
jsx?: boolean;
interface ClassAttributes<T> extends Attributes {
ref?: Ref<T>;
interface PreactDOMAttributes {
children?: ComponentChildren;
dangerouslySetInnerHTML?: {
__html: string;
type ComponentFactory<P> = ComponentConstructor<P> | FunctionalComponent<P>;
* Define the contract for a virtual node in omi.
* A virtual node has a name, a map of attributes, an array
* of child {VNode}s and a key. The key is used by omi for
* internal purposes.
interface VNode<P> {
nodeName: ComponentFactory<P> | string;
attributes: P;
children: Array<VNode<any> | string>;
key?: Key | null;
type RenderableProps<P, RefType = any> = Readonly<
P & Attributes & { children?: ComponentChildren; ref?: Ref<RefType> }
interface FunctionalComponent<P = {}> {
(props: RenderableProps<P>, context?: any): VNode<any> | null;
displayName?: string;
defaultProps?: Partial<P>;
interface ComponentConstructor<P = {}, S = {}> {
new (props: P, context?: any): Component<P, S>;
displayName?: string;
defaultProps?: Partial<P>;
// Type alias for a component considered generally, whether stateless or stateful.
type AnyComponent<P = {}, S = {}> = FunctionalComponent<P> | Component<P, S>;
interface Component<P = {}, S = {}> {
componentWillMount?(): void;
componentDidMount?(): void;
componentWillUnmount?(): void;
getChildContext?(): object;
componentWillReceiveProps?(nextProps: Readonly<P>, nextContext: any): void;
shouldComponentUpdate?(nextProps: Readonly<P>, nextState: Readonly<S>, nextContext: any): boolean;
componentWillUpdate?(nextProps: Readonly<P>, nextState: Readonly<S>, nextContext: any): void;
componentDidUpdate?(previousProps: Readonly<P>, previousState: Readonly<S>, previousContext: any): void;
abstract class Component<P, S> {
constructor(props?: P, context?: any);
static displayName?: string;
static defaultProps?: any;
state: Readonly<S>;
props: RenderableProps<P>;
context: any;
base?: HTMLElement;
setState<K extends keyof S>(state: Pick<S, K>, callback?: () => void): void;
setState<K extends keyof S>(fn: (prevState: S, props: P) => Pick<S, K>, callback?: () => void): void;
forceUpdate(callback?: () => void): void;
abstract render(props?: RenderableProps<P>, state?: Readonly<S>, context?: any): JSX.Element | null;
function h<P>(
node: ComponentFactory<P>,
params: Attributes & P | null,
...children: (ComponentChild | ComponentChildren)[]
): VNode<any>;
function h(
node: string,
params: JSX.HTMLAttributes & JSX.SVGAttributes & Record<string, any> | null,
...children: (ComponentChild | ComponentChildren)[]
): VNode<any>;
function render(node: ComponentChild, parent: Element | Document, mergeWith?: Element): Element;
function rerender(): void;
function cloneElement(element: JSX.Element, props: any): JSX.Element;
var options: {
syncComponentUpdates?: boolean;
debounceRendering?: (render: () => void) => void;
vnode?: (vnode: VNode<any>) => void;
event?: (event: Event) => Event;
declare module "omi/devtools" {
// Empty. This module initializes the React Developer Tools integration
// when imported.
declare global {
namespace JSX {
interface Element extends Omi.VNode<any> {
interface ElementClass extends Omi.Component<any, any> {
interface ElementAttributesProperty {
props: any;
interface SVGAttributes extends HTMLAttributes {
accentHeight?: number | string;
accumulate?: "none" | "sum";
additive?: "replace" | "sum";
alignmentBaseline?: "auto" | "baseline" | "before-edge" | "text-before-edge" | "middle" | "central" | "after-edge" | "text-after-edge" | "ideographic" | "alphabetic" | "hanging" | "mathematical" | "inherit";
allowReorder?: "no" | "yes";
alphabetic?: number | string;
amplitude?: number | string;
arabicForm?: "initial" | "medial" | "terminal" | "isolated";
ascent?: number | string;
attributeName?: string;
attributeType?: string;
autoReverse?: number | string;
azimuth?: number | string;
baseFrequency?: number | string;
baselineShift?: number | string;
baseProfile?: number | string;
bbox?: number | string;
begin?: number | string;
bias?: number | string;
by?: number | string;
calcMode?: number | string;
capHeight?: number | string;
clip?: number | string;
clipPath?: string;
clipPathUnits?: number | string;
clipRule?: number | string;
colorInterpolation?: number | string;
colorInterpolationFilters?: "auto" | "sRGB" | "linearRGB" | "inherit";
colorProfile?: number | string;
colorRendering?: number | string;
contentScriptType?: number | string;
contentStyleType?: number | string;
cursor?: number | string;
cx?: number | string;
cy?: number | string;
d?: string;
decelerate?: number | string;
descent?: number | string;
diffuseConstant?: number | string;
direction?: number | string;
display?: number | string;
divisor?: number | string;
dominantBaseline?: number | string;
dur?: number | string;
dx?: number | string;
dy?: number | string;
edgeMode?: number | string;
elevation?: number | string;
enableBackground?: number | string;
end?: number | string;
exponent?: number | string;
externalResourcesRequired?: number | string;
fill?: string;
fillOpacity?: number | string;
fillRule?: "nonzero" | "evenodd" | "inherit";
filter?: string;
filterRes?: number | string;
filterUnits?: number | string;
floodColor?: number | string;
floodOpacity?: number | string;
focusable?: number | string;
fontFamily?: string;
fontSize?: number | string;
fontSizeAdjust?: number | string;
fontStretch?: number | string;
fontStyle?: number | string;
fontVariant?: number | string;
fontWeight?: number | string;
format?: number | string;
from?: number | string;
fx?: number | string;
fy?: number | string;
g1?: number | string;
g2?: number | string;
glyphName?: number | string;
glyphOrientationHorizontal?: number | string;
glyphOrientationVertical?: number | string;
glyphRef?: number | string;
gradientTransform?: string;
gradientUnits?: string;
hanging?: number | string;
horizAdvX?: number | string;
horizOriginX?: number | string;
ideographic?: number | string;
imageRendering?: number | string;
in2?: number | string;
in?: string;
intercept?: number | string;
k1?: number | string;
k2?: number | string;
k3?: number | string;
k4?: number | string;
k?: number | string;
kernelMatrix?: number | string;
kernelUnitLength?: number | string;
kerning?: number | string;
keyPoints?: number | string;
keySplines?: number | string;
keyTimes?: number | string;
lengthAdjust?: number | string;
letterSpacing?: number | string;
lightingColor?: number | string;
limitingConeAngle?: number | string;
local?: number | string;
markerEnd?: string;
markerHeight?: number | string;
markerMid?: string;
markerStart?: string;
markerUnits?: number | string;
markerWidth?: number | string;
mask?: string;
maskContentUnits?: number | string;
maskUnits?: number | string;
mathematical?: number | string;
mode?: number | string;
numOctaves?: number | string;
offset?: number | string;
opacity?: number | string;
operator?: number | string;
order?: number | string;
orient?: number | string;
orientation?: number | string;
origin?: number | string;
overflow?: number | string;
overlinePosition?: number | string;
overlineThickness?: number | string;
paintOrder?: number | string;
panose1?: number | string;
pathLength?: number | string;
patternContentUnits?: string;
patternTransform?: number | string;
patternUnits?: string;
pointerEvents?: number | string;
points?: string;
pointsAtX?: number | string;
pointsAtY?: number | string;
pointsAtZ?: number | string;
preserveAlpha?: number | string;
preserveAspectRatio?: string;
primitiveUnits?: number | string;
r?: number | string;
radius?: number | string;
refX?: number | string;
refY?: number | string;
renderingIntent?: number | string;
repeatCount?: number | string;
repeatDur?: number | string;
requiredExtensions?: number | string;
requiredFeatures?: number | string;
restart?: number | string;
result?: string;
rotate?: number | string;
rx?: number | string;
ry?: number | string;
scale?: number | string;
seed?: number | string;
shapeRendering?: number | string;
slope?: number | string;
spacing?: number | string;
specularConstant?: number | string;
specularExponent?: number | string;
speed?: number | string;
spreadMethod?: string;
startOffset?: number | string;
stdDeviation?: number | string;
stemh?: number | string;
stemv?: number | string;
stitchTiles?: number | string;
stopColor?: string;
stopOpacity?: number | string;
strikethroughPosition?: number | string;
strikethroughThickness?: number | string;
string?: number | string;
stroke?: string;
strokeDasharray?: string | number;
strokeDashoffset?: string | number;
strokeLinecap?: "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit";
strokeLinejoin?: "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit";
strokeMiterlimit?: string;
strokeOpacity?: number | string;
strokeWidth?: number | string;
surfaceScale?: number | string;
systemLanguage?: number | string;
tableValues?: number | string;
targetX?: number | string;
targetY?: number | string;
textAnchor?: string;
textDecoration?: number | string;
textLength?: number | string;
textRendering?: number | string;
to?: number | string;
transform?: string;
u1?: number | string;
u2?: number | string;
underlinePosition?: number | string;
underlineThickness?: number | string;
unicode?: number | string;
unicodeBidi?: number | string;
unicodeRange?: number | string;
unitsPerEm?: number | string;
vAlphabetic?: number | string;
values?: string;
vectorEffect?: number | string;
version?: string;
vertAdvY?: number | string;
vertOriginX?: number | string;
vertOriginY?: number | string;
vHanging?: number | string;
vIdeographic?: number | string;
viewBox?: string;
viewTarget?: number | string;
visibility?: number | string;
vMathematical?: number | string;
widths?: number | string;
wordSpacing?: number | string;
writingMode?: number | string;
x1?: number | string;
x2?: number | string;
x?: number | string;
xChannelSelector?: string;
xHeight?: number | string;
xlinkActuate?: string;
xlinkArcrole?: string;
xlinkHref?: string;
xlinkRole?: string;
xlinkShow?: string;
xlinkTitle?: string;
xlinkType?: string;
xmlBase?: string;
xmlLang?: string;
xmlns?: string;
xmlnsXlink?: string;
xmlSpace?: string;
y1?: number | string;
y2?: number | string;
y?: number | string;
yChannelSelector?: string;
z?: number | string;
zoomAndPan?: string;
interface PathAttributes {
d: string;
interface EventHandler<E extends Event> {
(event: E): void;
type ClipboardEventHandler = EventHandler<ClipboardEvent>;
type CompositionEventHandler = EventHandler<CompositionEvent>;
type DragEventHandler = EventHandler<DragEvent>;
type FocusEventHandler = EventHandler<FocusEvent>;
type KeyboardEventHandler = EventHandler<KeyboardEvent>;
type MouseEventHandler = EventHandler<MouseEvent>;
type TouchEventHandler = EventHandler<TouchEvent>;
type UIEventHandler = EventHandler<UIEvent>;
type WheelEventHandler = EventHandler<WheelEvent>;
type AnimationEventHandler = EventHandler<AnimationEvent>;
type TransitionEventHandler = EventHandler<TransitionEvent>;
type GenericEventHandler = EventHandler<Event>;
interface DOMAttributes extends Omi.PreactDOMAttributes {
// Image Events
onLoad?: GenericEventHandler;
// Clipboard Events
onCopy?: ClipboardEventHandler;
onCut?: ClipboardEventHandler;
onPaste?: ClipboardEventHandler;
// Composition Events
onCompositionEnd?: CompositionEventHandler;
onCompositionStart?: CompositionEventHandler;
onCompositionUpdate?: CompositionEventHandler;
// Focus Events
onFocus?: FocusEventHandler;
onBlur?: FocusEventHandler;
// Form Events
onChange?: GenericEventHandler;
onInput?: GenericEventHandler;
onSearch?: GenericEventHandler;
onSubmit?: GenericEventHandler;
// Keyboard Events
onKeyDown?: KeyboardEventHandler;
onKeyPress?: KeyboardEventHandler;
onKeyUp?: KeyboardEventHandler;
// Media Events
onAbort?: GenericEventHandler;
onCanPlay?: GenericEventHandler;
onCanPlayThrough?: GenericEventHandler;
onDurationChange?: GenericEventHandler;
onEmptied?: GenericEventHandler;
onEncrypted?: GenericEventHandler;
onEnded?: GenericEventHandler;
onLoadedData?: GenericEventHandler;
onLoadedMetadata?: GenericEventHandler;
onLoadStart?: GenericEventHandler;
onPause?: GenericEventHandler;
onPlay?: GenericEventHandler;
onPlaying?: GenericEventHandler;
onProgress?: GenericEventHandler;
onRateChange?: GenericEventHandler;
onSeeked?: GenericEventHandler;
onSeeking?: GenericEventHandler;
onStalled?: GenericEventHandler;
onSuspend?: GenericEventHandler;
onTimeUpdate?: GenericEventHandler;
onVolumeChange?: GenericEventHandler;
onWaiting?: GenericEventHandler;
// MouseEvents
onClick?: MouseEventHandler;
onContextMenu?: MouseEventHandler;
onDblClick?: MouseEventHandler;
onDrag?: DragEventHandler;
onDragEnd?: DragEventHandler;
onDragEnter?: DragEventHandler;
onDragExit?: DragEventHandler;
onDragLeave?: DragEventHandler;
onDragOver?: DragEventHandler;
onDragStart?: DragEventHandler;
onDrop?: DragEventHandler;
onMouseDown?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseEnter?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseLeave?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseMove?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseOut?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseOver?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseUp?: MouseEventHandler;
// Selection Events
onSelect?: GenericEventHandler;
// Touch Events
onTouchCancel?: TouchEventHandler;
onTouchEnd?: TouchEventHandler;
onTouchMove?: TouchEventHandler;
onTouchStart?: TouchEventHandler;
// UI Events
onScroll?: UIEventHandler;
// Wheel Events
onWheel?: WheelEventHandler;
// Animation Events
onAnimationStart?: AnimationEventHandler;
onAnimationEnd?: AnimationEventHandler;
onAnimationIteration?: AnimationEventHandler;
// Transition Events
onTransitionEnd?: TransitionEventHandler;
interface HTMLAttributes extends Omi.PreactHTMLAttributes, DOMAttributes {
// Standard HTML Attributes
accept?: string;
acceptCharset?: string;
accessKey?: string;
action?: string;
allowFullScreen?: boolean;
allowTransparency?: boolean;
alt?: string;
async?: boolean;
autocomplete?: string;
autofocus?: boolean;
autoPlay?: boolean;
capture?: boolean;
cellPadding?: number | string;
cellSpacing?: number | string;
charSet?: string;
challenge?: string;
checked?: boolean;
class?: string;
className?: string;
cols?: number;
colSpan?: number;
content?: string;
contentEditable?: boolean;
contextMenu?: string;
controls?: boolean;
coords?: string;
crossOrigin?: string;
data?: string;
dateTime?: string;
default?: boolean;
defer?: boolean;
dir?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
download?: any;
draggable?: boolean;
encType?: string;
form?: string;
formAction?: string;
formEncType?: string;
formMethod?: string;
formNoValidate?: boolean;
formTarget?: string;
frameBorder?: number | string;
headers?: string;
height?: number | string;
hidden?: boolean;
high?: number;
href?: string;
hrefLang?: string;
for?: string;
httpEquiv?: string;
icon?: string;
id?: string;
inputMode?: string;
integrity?: string;
is?: string;
keyParams?: string;
keyType?: string;
kind?: string;
label?: string;
lang?: string;
list?: string;
loop?: boolean;
low?: number;
manifest?: string;
marginHeight?: number;
marginWidth?: number;
max?: number | string;
maxLength?: number;
media?: string;
mediaGroup?: string;
method?: string;
min?: number | string;
minLength?: number;
multiple?: boolean;
muted?: boolean;
name?: string;
noValidate?: boolean;
open?: boolean;
optimum?: number;
pattern?: string;
placeholder?: string;
poster?: string;
preload?: string;
radioGroup?: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
rel?: string;
required?: boolean;
role?: string;
rows?: number;
rowSpan?: number;
sandbox?: string;
scope?: string;
scoped?: boolean;
scrolling?: string;
seamless?: boolean;
selected?: boolean;
shape?: string;
size?: number;
sizes?: string;
slot?: string;
span?: number;
spellCheck?: boolean;
src?: string;
srcset?: string;
srcDoc?: string;
srcLang?: string;
srcSet?: string;
start?: number;
step?: number | string;
style?: any;
summary?: string;
tabIndex?: number;
target?: string;
title?: string;
type?: string;
useMap?: string;
value?: string | string[] | number;
width?: number | string;
wmode?: string;
wrap?: string;
// RDFa Attributes
about?: string;
datatype?: string;
inlist?: any;
prefix?: string;
property?: string;
resource?: string;
typeof?: string;
vocab?: string;
interface IntrinsicElements {
a: HTMLAttributes;
abbr: HTMLAttributes;
address: HTMLAttributes;
area: HTMLAttributes;
article: HTMLAttributes;
aside: HTMLAttributes;
audio: HTMLAttributes;
b: HTMLAttributes;
base: HTMLAttributes;
bdi: HTMLAttributes;
bdo: HTMLAttributes;
big: HTMLAttributes;
blockquote: HTMLAttributes;
body: HTMLAttributes;
br: HTMLAttributes;
button: HTMLAttributes;
canvas: HTMLAttributes;
caption: HTMLAttributes;
cite: HTMLAttributes;
code: HTMLAttributes;
col: HTMLAttributes;
colgroup: HTMLAttributes;
data: HTMLAttributes;
datalist: HTMLAttributes;
dd: HTMLAttributes;
del: HTMLAttributes;
details: HTMLAttributes;
dfn: HTMLAttributes;
dialog: HTMLAttributes;
div: HTMLAttributes;
dl: HTMLAttributes;
dt: HTMLAttributes;
em: HTMLAttributes;
embed: HTMLAttributes;
fieldset: HTMLAttributes;
figcaption: HTMLAttributes;
figure: HTMLAttributes;
footer: HTMLAttributes;
form: HTMLAttributes;
h1: HTMLAttributes;
h2: HTMLAttributes;
h3: HTMLAttributes;
h4: HTMLAttributes;
h5: HTMLAttributes;
h6: HTMLAttributes;
head: HTMLAttributes;
header: HTMLAttributes;
hr: HTMLAttributes;
html: HTMLAttributes;
i: HTMLAttributes;
iframe: HTMLAttributes;
img: HTMLAttributes;
input: HTMLAttributes;
ins: HTMLAttributes;
kbd: HTMLAttributes;
keygen: HTMLAttributes;
label: HTMLAttributes;
legend: HTMLAttributes;
li: HTMLAttributes;
link: HTMLAttributes;
main: HTMLAttributes;
map: HTMLAttributes;
mark: HTMLAttributes;
menu: HTMLAttributes;
menuitem: HTMLAttributes;
meta: HTMLAttributes;
meter: HTMLAttributes;
nav: HTMLAttributes;
noscript: HTMLAttributes;
object: HTMLAttributes;
ol: HTMLAttributes;
optgroup: HTMLAttributes;
option: HTMLAttributes;
output: HTMLAttributes;
p: HTMLAttributes;
param: HTMLAttributes;
picture: HTMLAttributes;
pre: HTMLAttributes;
progress: HTMLAttributes;
q: HTMLAttributes;
rp: HTMLAttributes;
rt: HTMLAttributes;
ruby: HTMLAttributes;
s: HTMLAttributes;
samp: HTMLAttributes;
script: HTMLAttributes;
section: HTMLAttributes;
select: HTMLAttributes;
slot: HTMLAttributes;
small: HTMLAttributes;
source: HTMLAttributes;
span: HTMLAttributes;
strong: HTMLAttributes;
style: HTMLAttributes;
sub: HTMLAttributes;
summary: HTMLAttributes;
sup: HTMLAttributes;
table: HTMLAttributes;
tbody: HTMLAttributes;
td: HTMLAttributes;
textarea: HTMLAttributes;
tfoot: HTMLAttributes;
th: HTMLAttributes;
thead: HTMLAttributes;
time: HTMLAttributes;
title: HTMLAttributes;
tr: HTMLAttributes;
track: HTMLAttributes;
u: HTMLAttributes;
ul: HTMLAttributes;
"var": HTMLAttributes;
video: HTMLAttributes;
wbr: HTMLAttributes;
svg: SVGAttributes;
animate: SVGAttributes;
circle: SVGAttributes;
clipPath: SVGAttributes;
defs: SVGAttributes;
ellipse: SVGAttributes;
feBlend: SVGAttributes;
feColorMatrix: SVGAttributes;
feComponentTransfer: SVGAttributes;
feComposite: SVGAttributes;
feConvolveMatrix: SVGAttributes;
feDiffuseLighting: SVGAttributes;
feDisplacementMap: SVGAttributes;
feFlood: SVGAttributes;
feGaussianBlur: SVGAttributes;
feImage: SVGAttributes;
feMerge: SVGAttributes;
feMergeNode: SVGAttributes;
feMorphology: SVGAttributes;
feOffset: SVGAttributes;
feSpecularLighting: SVGAttributes;
feTile: SVGAttributes;
feTurbulence: SVGAttributes;
filter: SVGAttributes;
foreignObject: SVGAttributes;
g: SVGAttributes;
image: SVGAttributes;
line: SVGAttributes;
linearGradient: SVGAttributes;
marker: SVGAttributes;
mask: SVGAttributes;
path: SVGAttributes;
pattern: SVGAttributes;
polygon: SVGAttributes;
polyline: SVGAttributes;
radialGradient: SVGAttributes;
rect: SVGAttributes;
stop: SVGAttributes;
symbol: SVGAttributes;
text: SVGAttributes;
tspan: SVGAttributes;
use: SVGAttributes;