2574 lines
98 KiB
2574 lines
98 KiB
* Omi v0.1.0 By dntzhang
* Github: https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi
* MIT Licensed.
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = global.document ?
factory( global, true ) :
function( w ) {
if ( !w.document ) {
throw new Error( 'Omi requires a window with a document' );
return factory( w );
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define('Omi', [], factory);
else if(typeof exports === 'object')
exports['Omi'] = factory();
root['Omi'] = factory();
})(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function( window, noGlobal ) {
var document = window.document;
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ exports: {},
/******/ id: moduleId,
/******/ loaded: false
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.loaded = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(0);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
var _omi = __webpack_require__(1);
var _omi2 = _interopRequireDefault(_omi);
var _mustache = __webpack_require__(2);
var _mustache2 = _interopRequireDefault(_mustache);
var _component = __webpack_require__(3);
var _component2 = _interopRequireDefault(_component);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
_omi2['default'].template = _mustache2['default'].render;
_omi2['default'].Component = _component2['default'];
if (window.Omi) {
module.exports = window.Omi;
} else {
window.Omi = _omi2['default'];
module.exports = _omi2['default'];
/***/ },
/* 1 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
"use strict";
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var Omi = {};
Omi.instances = {};
Omi._instanceId = 0;
Omi.getInstanceId = function () {
return Omi._instanceId++;
Omi.customTags = [];
Omi.mapping = {};
Omi.STYLEPREFIX = "omi_style_";
Omi.STYLESCOPEDPREFIX = "omi_scoped_";
//fix ie bug
if (typeof Object.assign != 'function') {
Object.assign = function (target) {
'use strict';
if (target == null) {
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
target = Object(target);
for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
var source = arguments[index];
if (source != null) {
for (var key in source) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
* Shim for "fixing" IE's lack of support (IE < 9) for applying slice
* on host objects like NamedNodeMap, NodeList, and HTMLCollection
* (technically, since host objects have been implementation-dependent,
* at least before ES6, IE hasn't needed to work this way).
* Also works on strings, fixes IE < 9 to allow an explicit undefined
* for the 2nd argument (as in Firefox), and prevents errors when
* called on other DOM objects.
(function () {
'use strict';
var _slice = Array.prototype.slice;
try {
// Can't be used with DOM elements in IE < 9
} catch (e) {
// Fails in IE < 9
// This will work for genuine arrays, array-like objects,
// NamedNodeMap (attributes, entities, notations),
// NodeList (e.g., getElementsByTagName), HTMLCollection (e.g., childNodes),
// and will not fail on other DOM objects (as do DOM elements in IE < 9)
Array.prototype.slice = function (begin, end) {
// IE < 9 gets unhappy with an undefined end argument
end = typeof end !== 'undefined' ? end : this.length;
// For native Array objects, we use the native slice function
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(this) === '[object Array]') {
return _slice.call(this, begin, end);
// For array like object we handle it ourselves.
var i,
cloned = [],
len = this.length;
// Handle negative value for "begin"
var start = begin || 0;
start = start >= 0 ? start : len + start;
// Handle negative value for "end"
var upTo = end ? end : len;
if (end < 0) {
upTo = len + end;
// Actual expected size of the slice
size = upTo - start;
if (size > 0) {
cloned = new Array(size);
if (this.charAt) {
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloned[i] = this.charAt(start + i);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloned[i] = this[start + i];
return cloned;
var _createClass = function () {
function defineProperties(target, props) {
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var descriptor = props[i];descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;descriptor.configurable = true;if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
}return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);return Constructor;
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) {
if (!self) {
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
}return call && ((typeof call === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(call)) === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self;
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + (typeof superClass === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(superClass)));
}subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } });if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
function toArr(obj) {
var arr = [];
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
arr.push({ key: key, value: obj[key] });
return arr;
Omi.create = function (tagName, parent, setting) {
var u_setting = parent,
u_parent = Omi.Component;
if (arguments.length > 2) {
u_setting = setting;
u_parent = parent;
Omi[tagName] = function (parent) {
_inherits(Obj, parent);
function Obj(data, server) {
_classCallCheck(this, Obj);
this.___omi_constructor_name = tagName;
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Obj.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Obj)).call(this, data, server));
_createClass(Obj, toArr(u_setting));
return Obj;
return Omi[tagName];
Omi.mixIndex = function (array, key) {
var len = array.length,
indexName = key || "index";
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var item = array[i];
if ((typeof item === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(item)) === "object") {
item[indexName] = i;
} else {
array[i] = { value: item };
array[i][indexName] = i;
return array;
Omi.$ = function (selector, context) {
if (context) {
return context.querySelector(selector);
} else {
return document.querySelector(selector);
Omi.$$ = function (selector, context) {
if (context) {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(context.querySelectorAll(selector));
} else {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
Omi.getClassFromString = function (str) {
if (str.indexOf('.') !== 0) {
var arr = str.split('.');
var len = arr.length;
var current = Omi[arr[0]];
for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
current = current[arr[i]];
return current;
} else {
return Omi[str];
//以前是Component的静态方法,移到omi下来,不然makehtml 在ie下child访问不到父亲的静态方法
Omi.makeHTML = function (name, ctor) {
Omi[name] = ctor;
Omi.render = function (component, renderTo, increment) {
component.renderTo = typeof renderTo === "string" ? document.querySelector(renderTo) : renderTo;
component._omi_increment = increment;
return component;
Omi.get = function (name) {
return Omi.mapping[name];
Omi.plugins = {};
Omi.extendPlugin = function (name, handler) {
Omi.plugins[name] = handler;
Omi.getParameters = function (dom, instance, types) {
var data = {};
var noop = function noop() {};
var methodMapping = {
stringType: function stringType(value) {
return value;
numberType: function numberType(value) {
return Number(value);
booleanType: function booleanType(value) {
if (value === 'true') {
return true;
} else if (value === 'false') {
return false;
} else {
return Boolean(value);
functionType: function functionType(value) {
if (value) {
var handler = instance[value.replace(/Omi.instances\[\d\]./, '')];
if (handler) {
return handler.bind(instance);
} else {
console.warn('You do not define [ ' + value + ' ] method in following component');
} else {
return noop;
Object.keys(types).forEach(function (type) {
types[type].forEach(function (name) {
var attr = dom.getAttribute(name);
if (attr !== null) {
data[name] = methodMapping[type](attr);
return data;
Omi.mixIndexToArray = function (arr, indexName) {
arr.forEach(function (item, index) {
item[indexName || 'index'] = index;
module.exports = Omi;
/***/ },
/* 2 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
* mustache.js - Logic-less {{mustache}} templates with JavaScript
* http://github.com/janl/mustache.js
/*global define: false Mustache: true*/
(function defineMustache(global, factory) {
if (( false ? 'undefined' : _typeof(exports)) === 'object' && exports && typeof exports.nodeName !== 'string') {
factory(exports); // CommonJS
} else if (true) {
} else {
global.Mustache = {};
factory(global.Mustache); // script, wsh, asp
})(undefined, function mustacheFactory(mustache) {
var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
var isArray = Array.isArray || function isArrayPolyfill(object) {
return objectToString.call(object) === '[object Array]';
function isFunction(object) {
return typeof object === 'function';
* More correct typeof string handling array
* which normally returns typeof 'object'
function typeStr(obj) {
return isArray(obj) ? 'array' : typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(obj);
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
* Null safe way of checking whether or not an object,
* including its prototype, has a given property
function hasProperty(obj, propName) {
return obj != null && (typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(obj)) === 'object' && propName in obj;
// Workaround for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-577
// See https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/issues/189
var regExpTest = RegExp.prototype.test;
function testRegExp(re, string) {
return regExpTest.call(re, string);
var nonSpaceRe = /\S/;
function isWhitespace(string) {
return !testRegExp(nonSpaceRe, string);
var entityMap = {
'&': '&',
'<': '<',
'>': '>',
'"': '"',
"'": ''',
'/': '/',
'`': '`',
'=': '='
function escapeHtml(string) {
return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g, function fromEntityMap(s) {
return entityMap[s];
var whiteRe = /\s*/;
var spaceRe = /\s+/;
var equalsRe = /\s*=/;
var curlyRe = /\s*\}/;
var tagRe = /#|\^|\/|>|\{|&|=|!/;
* Breaks up the given `template` string into a tree of tokens. If the `tags`
* argument is given here it must be an array with two string values: the
* opening and closing tags used in the template (e.g. [ "<%", "%>" ]). Of
* course, the default is to use mustaches (i.e. mustache.tags).
* A token is an array with at least 4 elements. The first element is the
* mustache symbol that was used inside the tag, e.g. "#" or "&". If the tag
* did not contain a symbol (i.e. {{myValue}}) this element is "name". For
* all text that appears outside a symbol this element is "text".
* The second element of a token is its "value". For mustache tags this is
* whatever else was inside the tag besides the opening symbol. For text tokens
* this is the text itself.
* The third and fourth elements of the token are the start and end indices,
* respectively, of the token in the original template.
* Tokens that are the root node of a subtree contain two more elements: 1) an
* array of tokens in the subtree and 2) the index in the original template at
* which the closing tag for that section begins.
function parseTemplate(template, tags) {
if (!template) return [];
var sections = []; // Stack to hold section tokens
var tokens = []; // Buffer to hold the tokens
var spaces = []; // Indices of whitespace tokens on the current line
var hasTag = false; // Is there a {{tag}} on the current line?
var nonSpace = false; // Is there a non-space char on the current line?
// Strips all whitespace tokens array for the current line
// if there was a {{#tag}} on it and otherwise only space.
function stripSpace() {
if (hasTag && !nonSpace) {
while (spaces.length) {
delete tokens[spaces.pop()];
} else {
spaces = [];
hasTag = false;
nonSpace = false;
var openingTagRe, closingTagRe, closingCurlyRe;
function compileTags(tagsToCompile) {
if (typeof tagsToCompile === 'string') tagsToCompile = tagsToCompile.split(spaceRe, 2);
if (!isArray(tagsToCompile) || tagsToCompile.length !== 2) throw new Error('Invalid tags: ' + tagsToCompile);
openingTagRe = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[0]) + '\\s*');
closingTagRe = new RegExp('\\s*' + escapeRegExp(tagsToCompile[1]));
closingCurlyRe = new RegExp('\\s*' + escapeRegExp('}' + tagsToCompile[1]));
compileTags(tags || mustache.tags);
var scanner = new Scanner(template);
var start, type, value, chr, token, openSection;
while (!scanner.eos()) {
start = scanner.pos;
// Match any text between tags.
value = scanner.scanUntil(openingTagRe);
if (value) {
for (var i = 0, valueLength = value.length; i < valueLength; ++i) {
chr = value.charAt(i);
if (isWhitespace(chr)) {
} else {
nonSpace = true;
tokens.push(['text', chr, start, start + 1]);
start += 1;
// Check for whitespace on the current line.
if (chr === '\n') stripSpace();
// Match the opening tag.
if (!scanner.scan(openingTagRe)) break;
hasTag = true;
// Get the tag type.
type = scanner.scan(tagRe) || 'name';
// Get the tag value.
if (type === '=') {
value = scanner.scanUntil(equalsRe);
} else if (type === '{') {
value = scanner.scanUntil(closingCurlyRe);
type = '&';
} else {
value = scanner.scanUntil(closingTagRe);
// Match the closing tag.
if (!scanner.scan(closingTagRe)) throw new Error('Unclosed tag at ' + scanner.pos);
token = [type, value, start, scanner.pos];
if (type === '#' || type === '^') {
} else if (type === '/') {
// Check section nesting.
openSection = sections.pop();
if (!openSection) throw new Error('Unopened section "' + value + '" at ' + start);
if (openSection[1] !== value) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + start);
} else if (type === 'name' || type === '{' || type === '&') {
nonSpace = true;
} else if (type === '=') {
// Set the tags for the next time around.
// Make sure there are no open sections when we're done.
openSection = sections.pop();
if (openSection) throw new Error('Unclosed section "' + openSection[1] + '" at ' + scanner.pos);
return nestTokens(squashTokens(tokens));
* Combines the values of consecutive text tokens in the given `tokens` array
* to a single token.
function squashTokens(tokens) {
var squashedTokens = [];
var token, lastToken;
for (var i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
token = tokens[i];
if (token) {
if (token[0] === 'text' && lastToken && lastToken[0] === 'text') {
lastToken[1] += token[1];
lastToken[3] = token[3];
} else {
lastToken = token;
return squashedTokens;
* Forms the given array of `tokens` into a nested tree structure where
* tokens that represent a section have two additional items: 1) an array of
* all tokens that appear in that section and 2) the index in the original
* template that represents the end of that section.
function nestTokens(tokens) {
var nestedTokens = [];
var collector = nestedTokens;
var sections = [];
var token, section;
for (var i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
token = tokens[i];
switch (token[0]) {
case '#':
case '^':
collector = token[4] = [];
case '/':
section = sections.pop();
section[5] = token[2];
collector = sections.length > 0 ? sections[sections.length - 1][4] : nestedTokens;
return nestedTokens;
* A simple string scanner that is used by the template parser to find
* tokens in template strings.
function Scanner(string) {
this.string = string;
this.tail = string;
this.pos = 0;
* Returns `true` if the tail is empty (end of string).
Scanner.prototype.eos = function eos() {
return this.tail === '';
* Tries to match the given regular expression at the current position.
* Returns the matched text if it can match, the empty string otherwise.
Scanner.prototype.scan = function scan(re) {
var match = this.tail.match(re);
if (!match || match.index !== 0) return '';
var string = match[0];
this.tail = this.tail.substring(string.length);
this.pos += string.length;
return string;
* Skips all text until the given regular expression can be matched. Returns
* the skipped string, which is the entire tail if no match can be made.
Scanner.prototype.scanUntil = function scanUntil(re) {
var index = this.tail.search(re),
switch (index) {
case -1:
match = this.tail;
this.tail = '';
case 0:
match = '';
match = this.tail.substring(0, index);
this.tail = this.tail.substring(index);
this.pos += match.length;
return match;
* Represents a rendering context by wrapping a view object and
* maintaining a reference to the parent context.
function Context(view, parentContext) {
this.view = view;
this.cache = { '.': this.view };
this.parent = parentContext;
* Creates a new context using the given view with this context
* as the parent.
Context.prototype.push = function push(view) {
return new Context(view, this);
* Returns the value of the given name in this context, traversing
* up the context hierarchy if the value is absent in this context's view.
Context.prototype.lookup = function lookup(name) {
var cache = this.cache;
var value;
if (cache.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
value = cache[name];
} else {
var context = this,
lookupHit = false;
while (context) {
if (name.indexOf('.') > 0) {
value = context.view;
names = name.split('.');
index = 0;
* Using the dot notion path in `name`, we descend through the
* nested objects.
* To be certain that the lookup has been successful, we have to
* check if the last object in the path actually has the property
* we are looking for. We store the result in `lookupHit`.
* This is specially necessary for when the value has been set to
* `undefined` and we want to avoid looking up parent contexts.
while (value != null && index < names.length) {
if (index === names.length - 1) lookupHit = hasProperty(value, names[index]);
value = value[names[index++]];
} else {
value = context.view[name];
lookupHit = hasProperty(context.view, name);
if (lookupHit) break;
context = context.parent;
cache[name] = value;
if (isFunction(value)) value = value.call(this.view);
return value;
* A Writer knows how to take a stream of tokens and render them to a
* string, given a context. It also maintains a cache of templates to
* avoid the need to parse the same template twice.
function Writer() {
this.cache = {};
* Clears all cached templates in this writer.
Writer.prototype.clearCache = function clearCache() {
this.cache = {};
* Parses and caches the given `template` and returns the array of tokens
* that is generated from the parse.
Writer.prototype.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
var cache = this.cache;
var tokens = cache[template];
if (tokens == null) tokens = cache[template] = parseTemplate(template, tags);
return tokens;
* High-level method that is used to render the given `template` with
* the given `view`.
* The optional `partials` argument may be an object that contains the
* names and templates of partials that are used in the template. It may
* also be a function that is used to load partial templates on the fly
* that takes a single argument: the name of the partial.
Writer.prototype.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
var tokens = this.parse(template);
var context = view instanceof Context ? view : new Context(view);
return this.renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, template);
* Low-level method that renders the given array of `tokens` using
* the given `context` and `partials`.
* Note: The `originalTemplate` is only ever used to extract the portion
* of the original template that was contained in a higher-order section.
* If the template doesn't use higher-order sections, this argument may
* be omitted.
Writer.prototype.renderTokens = function renderTokens(tokens, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
var buffer = '';
var token, symbol, value;
for (var i = 0, numTokens = tokens.length; i < numTokens; ++i) {
value = undefined;
token = tokens[i];
symbol = token[0];
if (symbol === '#') value = this.renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);else if (symbol === '^') value = this.renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);else if (symbol === '>') value = this.renderPartial(token, context, partials, originalTemplate);else if (symbol === '&') value = this.unescapedValue(token, context);else if (symbol === 'name') value = this.escapedValue(token, context);else if (symbol === 'text') value = this.rawValue(token);
if (value !== undefined) buffer += value;
return buffer;
Writer.prototype.renderSection = function renderSection(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
var self = this;
var buffer = '';
var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
// This function is used to render an arbitrary template
// in the current context by higher-order sections.
function subRender(template) {
return self.render(template, context, partials);
if (!value) return;
if (isArray(value)) {
for (var j = 0, valueLength = value.length; j < valueLength; ++j) {
buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value[j]), partials, originalTemplate);
} else if ((typeof value === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(value)) === 'object' || typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') {
buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context.push(value), partials, originalTemplate);
} else if (isFunction(value)) {
if (typeof originalTemplate !== 'string') throw new Error('Cannot use higher-order sections without the original template');
// Extract the portion of the original template that the section contains.
value = value.call(context.view, originalTemplate.slice(token[3], token[5]), subRender);
if (value != null) buffer += value;
} else {
buffer += this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
return buffer;
Writer.prototype.renderInverted = function renderInverted(token, context, partials, originalTemplate) {
var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
// Use JavaScript's definition of falsy. Include empty arrays.
// See https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/issues/186
if (!value || isArray(value) && value.length === 0) return this.renderTokens(token[4], context, partials, originalTemplate);
Writer.prototype.renderPartial = function renderPartial(token, context, partials) {
if (!partials) return;
var value = isFunction(partials) ? partials(token[1]) : partials[token[1]];
if (value != null) return this.renderTokens(this.parse(value), context, partials, value);
Writer.prototype.unescapedValue = function unescapedValue(token, context) {
var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
if (value != null) return value;
Writer.prototype.escapedValue = function escapedValue(token, context) {
var value = context.lookup(token[1]);
if (value != null) return mustache.escape(value);
Writer.prototype.rawValue = function rawValue(token) {
return token[1];
mustache.name = 'mustache.js';
mustache.version = '2.3.0';
mustache.tags = ['{{', '}}'];
// All high-level mustache.* functions use this writer.
var defaultWriter = new Writer();
* Clears all cached templates in the default writer.
mustache.clearCache = function clearCache() {
return defaultWriter.clearCache();
* Parses and caches the given template in the default writer and returns the
* array of tokens it contains. Doing this ahead of time avoids the need to
* parse templates on the fly as they are rendered.
mustache.parse = function parse(template, tags) {
return defaultWriter.parse(template, tags);
* Renders the `template` with the given `view` and `partials` using the
* default writer.
mustache.render = function render(template, view, partials) {
if (typeof template !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Invalid template! Template should be a "string" ' + 'but "' + typeStr(template) + '" was given as the first ' + 'argument for mustache#render(template, view, partials)');
return defaultWriter.render(template, view, partials);
// This is here for backwards compatibility with 0.4.x.,
/*eslint-disable */ // eslint wants camel cased function name
mustache.to_html = function to_html(template, view, partials, send) {
var result = mustache.render(template, view, partials);
if (isFunction(send)) {
} else {
return result;
// Export the escaping function so that the user may override it.
// See https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/issues/244
mustache.escape = escapeHtml;
// Export these mainly for testing, but also for advanced usage.
mustache.Scanner = Scanner;
mustache.Context = Context;
mustache.Writer = Writer;
return mustache;
/***/ },
/* 3 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
var _omi = __webpack_require__(1);
var _omi2 = _interopRequireDefault(_omi);
var _style = __webpack_require__(4);
var _style2 = _interopRequireDefault(_style);
var _event = __webpack_require__(5);
var _event2 = _interopRequireDefault(_event);
var _morphdom = __webpack_require__(6);
var _morphdom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_morphdom);
var _html2json = __webpack_require__(7);
var _html2json2 = _interopRequireDefault(_html2json);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
var Component = function () {
function Component(data, server) {
_classCallCheck(this, Component);
//re render the server-side rendering html on the client-side
var type = Object.prototype.toString.call(data);
var isReRendering = type !== '[object Object]' && type !== '[object Undefined]';
if (isReRendering) {
this.renderTo = typeof data === "string" ? document.querySelector(data) : data;
this._hidden = this.renderTo.querySelector('.omi_scoped__hidden_data');
this.id = this._hidden.dataset.omiId;
this.data = JSON.parse(this._hidden.value);
} else {
this.data = data || {};
this._omi_server_rendering = server;
this.id = this._omi_server_rendering ? 1000000 + _omi2['default'].getInstanceId() : _omi2['default'].getInstanceId();
this.refs = {};
this.children = [];
this.childrenData = [];
this.HTML = null;
this._addedItems = [];
_omi2['default'].instances[this.id] = this;
this.dataFirst = true;
this._omi_scoped_attr = _omi2['default'].STYLESCOPEDPREFIX + this.id;
//this.BODY_ELEMENT = document.createElement('body');
this._preCSS = null;
this._omiGroupDataCounter = {};
if (this._omi_server_rendering || isReRendering) {
_createClass(Component, [{
key: 'install',
value: function install() {}
}, {
key: 'installed',
value: function installed() {}
}, {
key: 'uninstall',
value: function uninstall() {}
}, {
key: 'afterUpdate',
value: function afterUpdate() {}
}, {
key: 'beforeUpdate',
value: function beforeUpdate() {}
}, {
key: 'render',
value: function render() {}
}, {
key: 'style',
value: function style() {}
}, {
key: 'update',
value: function update() {
if (this.renderTo) {
} else {
// update child node
if (this._omi_removed) {
var hdNode = this._createHiddenNode();
this.node.parentNode.replaceChild(hdNode, this.node);
this.node = hdNode;
} else {
(0, _morphdom2['default'])(this.node, (0, _event2['default'])(this._childRender(this._omiChildStr), this.id));
this.node = document.querySelector("[" + this._omi_scoped_attr + "]");
//update added components
}, {
key: '_childrenBeforeUpdate',
value: function _childrenBeforeUpdate(root) {
var _this = this;
root.children.forEach(function (child) {
}, {
key: '_childrenAfterUpdate',
value: function _childrenAfterUpdate(root) {
var _this2 = this;
root.children.forEach(function (child) {
}, {
key: 'setData',
value: function setData(data, update) {
this.data = data;
if (update) {
}, {
key: 'removeChild',
value: function removeChild(indexOrChild) {
var child = indexOrChild;
if (typeof indexOrChild === 'number') {
child = this.children[indexOrChild];
}, {
key: 'restoreChild',
value: function restoreChild(indexOrChild) {
var child = indexOrChild;
if (typeof indexOrChild === 'number') {
child = this.children[indexOrChild];
}, {
key: 'addComponent',
value: function addComponent(position, el, component) {
this._addedItems.push({ position: position, el: el, component: component });
}, {
key: 'removeComponent',
value: function removeComponent(component) {
for (var i = 0, len = this._addedItems.length; i < len; i++) {
if (component.id === this._addedItems[i].component.id) {
this._addedItems.splice(i, 1);
}, {
key: 'remove',
value: function remove() {
this._omi_removed = true;
}, {
key: 'restore',
value: function restore() {
this._omi_removed = false;
}, {
key: '_renderAddedChildren',
value: function _renderAddedChildren() {
var _this3 = this;
this._addedItems.forEach(function (item) {
var target = typeof item.el === "string" ? _this3.node.querySelector(item.el) : item.el;
target.insertAdjacentHTML(item.position, item.component.HTML);
this.children.forEach(function (child) {
}, {
key: '_render',
value: function _render(isFirst) {
var _this4 = this;
if (this._omi_removed) {
var node = this._createHiddenNode();
if (!isFirst) {
this.node.parentNode.replaceChild(node, this.node);
this.node = node;
} else if (this.renderTo) {
this.children.forEach(function (item, index) {
_this4.HTML = _this4.HTML.replace(item._omiChildStr, _this4.children[index].HTML);
this.HTML = (0, _event2['default'])(this.HTML, this.id);
if (isFirst) {
if (this.renderTo) {
if (this._omi_increment) {
this.renderTo.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', this.HTML);
} else {
this.renderTo.innerHTML = this.HTML;
} else {
if (this.HTML !== "") {
(0, _morphdom2['default'])(this.node, this.HTML);
} else {
(0, _morphdom2['default'])(this.node, this._createHiddenNode());
//get node prop from parent node
if (this.renderTo) {
this.node = document.querySelector("[" + this._omi_scoped_attr + "]");
}, {
key: '_childRender',
value: function _childRender(childStr, isFirst) {
var _this5 = this;
if (this._omi_removed) {
this.HTML = '<input type="hidden" omi_scoped_' + this.id + ' >';
return this.HTML;
//childStr = childStr.replace("<child", "<div").replace("/>", "></div>");
this.children.forEach(function (item, index) {
_this5.HTML = _this5.HTML.replace(item._omiChildStr, _this5.children[index].HTML);
this.HTML = (0, _event2['default'])(this.HTML, this.id);
return this.HTML;
}, {
key: '_queryElements',
value: function _queryElements(current) {
current.children.forEach(function (item) {
item.node = current.node.querySelector("[" + _omi2['default'].STYLESCOPEDPREFIX + item.id + "]");
//recursion get node prop from parent node
item.node && current._queryElements(item);
}, {
key: '_mixRefs',
value: function _mixRefs() {
var _this6 = this;
var nodes = _omi2['default'].$$('*[ref]', this.node);
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
if (node.hasAttribute(_this6._omi_scoped_attr)) {
_this6.refs[node.getAttribute('ref')] = node;
var attr = this.node.getAttribute('ref');
if (attr) {
this.refs[attr] = this.node;
}, {
key: '_execPlugins',
value: function _execPlugins() {
var _this7 = this;
Object.keys(_omi2['default'].plugins).forEach(function (item) {
var nodes = _omi2['default'].$$('*[' + item + ']', _this7.node);
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
if (node.hasAttribute(_this7._omi_scoped_attr)) {
_omi2['default'].plugins[item](node, _this7);
if (_this7.node.hasAttribute(item)) {
_omi2['default'].plugins[item](_this7.node, _this7);
}, {
key: '_childrenInstalled',
value: function _childrenInstalled(root) {
var _this8 = this;
root.children.forEach(function (child) {
}, {
key: '_fixForm',
value: function _fixForm() {
_omi2['default'].$$('input', this.node).forEach(function (element) {
var type = element.type.toLowerCase();
if (element.getAttribute('value') === '') {
element.value = '';
if (type === 'checked' || type === 'radio') {
if (element.hasAttribute('checked')) {
element.checked = 'checked';
} else {
element.checked = false;
_omi2['default'].$$('textarea', this.node).forEach(function (textarea) {
textarea.value = textarea.getAttribute('value');
_omi2['default'].$$('select', this.node).forEach(function (select) {
var value = select.getAttribute('value');
if (value) {
_omi2['default'].$$('option', select).forEach(function (option) {
if (value === option.getAttribute('value')) {
option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
} else {
var firstOption = _omi2['default'].$$('option', select)[0];
firstOption && firstOption.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
}, {
key: '_replaceTags',
value: function _replaceTags(array, html) {
var str = array.join("|");
var reg = new RegExp('<(' + str + '+)((?:\\s+[a-zA-Z_:][-a-zA-Z0-9_:.]*(?:\\s*=\\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:\'[^\']*\')|[^>\\s]+))?)*)\\s*(\\/?)>', 'g');
return html.replace(reg, function (m, a) {
var d = m.length - 2;
if (d >= 0 && m.lastIndexOf('/>') === m.length - 2) {
return m.replace('<' + a, '<child tag="' + a + '"').substr(0, m.length + 10) + '></child>';
} else if (m.lastIndexOf('>') === m.length - 1) {
return m.replace('<' + a, '<child tag="' + a + '"') + '</child>';
}, {
key: '_createHiddenNode',
value: function _createHiddenNode() {
var hdNode = document.createElement("input");
hdNode.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
hdNode.setAttribute(this._omi_scoped_attr, '');
return hdNode;
}, {
key: '_mergeData',
value: function _mergeData(childStr) {
if (this.dataFirst) {
this.data = Object.assign({}, this._getDataset(childStr), this.data);
} else {
this.data = Object.assign({}, this.data, this._getDataset(childStr));
}, {
key: '_generateHTMLCSS',
value: function _generateHTMLCSS() {
this.CSS = (this.style() || '').replace(/<\/?style>/g, '');
if (this.CSS) {
this.CSS = _style2['default'].scoper(this.CSS, "[" + this._omi_scoped_attr + "]");
if (this.CSS !== this._preCSS && !this._omi_server_rendering) {
_style2['default'].addStyle(this.CSS, this.id);
this._preCSS = this.CSS;
var tpl = this.render();
this.HTML = this._scopedAttr(_omi2['default'].template(tpl ? tpl : "", this.data), this._omi_scoped_attr).trim();
if (this._omi_server_rendering) {
this.HTML = '\r\n<style id="' + _omi2['default'].STYLEPREFIX + this.id + '">\r\n' + this.CSS + '\r\n</style>\r\n' + this.HTML;
this.HTML += '\r\n<input type="hidden" data-omi-id="' + this.id + '" class="' + _omi2['default'].STYLESCOPEDPREFIX + '_hidden_data" value=\'' + JSON.stringify(this.data) + '\' />\r\n';
}, {
key: '_scopedAttr',
value: function _scopedAttr(html, id) {
return html.replace(/<[^/]([A-Za-z]*)[^>]*>/g, function (m) {
var str = m.split(" ")[0].replace(">", "");
return m.replace(str, str + " " + id);
}, {
key: '_getDataset',
value: function _getDataset(childStr) {
var _this9 = this;
var json = (0, _html2json2['default'])(childStr);
var attr = json.child[0].attr;
Object.keys(attr).forEach(function (key) {
if (key.indexOf('data-') === 0) {
_this9._dataset[_this9._capitalize(key.replace('data-', ''))] = attr[key];
return this._dataset;
}, {
key: '_capitalize',
value: function _capitalize(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
str = str.replace(/\b\w+\b/g, function (word) {
return word.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1);
}).replace(/-/g, '');
return str.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.substring(1);
}, {
key: '_extractPropertyFromString',
value: function _extractPropertyFromString(str, instance) {
var arr = str.replace(/['|"|\]]/g, '').replace(/\[/g, '.').split('.');
var current = instance;
arr.forEach(function (prop) {
current = current[prop];
arr = null;
return current;
}, {
key: '_extractChildren',
value: function _extractChildren(child) {
var _this10 = this;
if (_omi2['default'].customTags.length > 0) {
child.HTML = this._replaceTags(_omi2['default'].customTags, child.HTML);
var arr = child.HTML.match(/<child[^>][\s\S]*?tag=['|"](\S*)['|"][\s\S]*?><\/child>/g);
if (arr) {
arr.forEach(function (childStr, i) {
var json = (0, _html2json2['default'])(childStr);
var attr = json.child[0].attr;
var name = attr.tag;
delete attr.tag;
var cmi = _this10.children[i];
//if not first time to invoke _extractChildren method
if (cmi && cmi.___omi_constructor_name === name) {
} else {
(function () {
var baseData = {};
var dataset = {};
var dataFromParent = {};
var groupData = {};
var omiID = null;
var instanceName = null;
Object.keys(attr).forEach(function (key) {
var value = attr[key];
if (key.indexOf('on') === 0) {
var handler = child[value];
if (handler) {
baseData[key] = handler.bind(child);
} else if (key === 'omi-id') {
omiID = value;
} else if (key === 'name') {
instanceName = value;
} else if (key === 'group-data') {
if (child._omiGroupDataCounter.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
} else {
child._omiGroupDataCounter[value] = 0;
groupData = _this10._extractPropertyFromString(value, child)[child._omiGroupDataCounter[value]];
} else if (key.indexOf('data-') === 0) {
dataset[_this10._capitalize(key.replace('data-', ''))] = value;
} else if (key === 'data') {
dataFromParent = _this10._extractPropertyFromString(value, child);
var ChildClass = _omi2['default'].getClassFromString(name);
if (!ChildClass) throw "Can't find Class called [" + name + "]";
var sub_child = new ChildClass(Object.assign(baseData, child.childrenData[i], dataset, dataFromParent, groupData), false);
sub_child._omiChildStr = childStr;
sub_child.parent = child;
sub_child.___omi_constructor_name = name;
sub_child._dataset = {};
omiID && (_omi2['default'].mapping[omiID] = sub_child);
instanceName && (child[instanceName] = sub_child);
if (!cmi) {
} else {
child.children[i] = sub_child;
sub_child._childRender(childStr, true);
return Component;
exports['default'] = Component;
/***/ },
/* 4 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _omi = __webpack_require__(1);
var _omi2 = _interopRequireDefault(_omi);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; }
//many thanks to https://github.com/thomaspark/scoper/
function scoper(css, prefix) {
var re = new RegExp("([^\r\n,{}]+)(,(?=[^}]*{)|\s*{)", "g");
css = css.replace(re, function (g0, g1, g2) {
if (g1.match(/^\s*(@media|@keyframes|to|from|@font-face)/)) {
return g1 + g2;
if (g1.match(/:scope/)) {
g1 = g1.replace(/([^\s]*):scope/, function (h0, h1) {
if (h1 === "") {
return "> *";
} else {
return "> " + h1;
g1 = g1.replace(/^(\s*)/, g1.trim() + prefix + "," + "$1" + prefix + " ").replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
return g1 + g2;
return css;
function addStyle(cssText, id) {
var ele = document.getElementById(_omi2["default"].STYLEPREFIX + id),
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (ele && ele.parentNode === head) {
var someThingStyles = document.createElement('style');
someThingStyles.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
someThingStyles.setAttribute('id', _omi2["default"].STYLEPREFIX + id);
if (!!window.ActiveXObject) {
someThingStyles.styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
} else {
someThingStyles.textContent = cssText;
exports["default"] = {
scoper: scoper,
addStyle: addStyle
/***/ },
/* 5 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
function scopedEvent(tpl, id) {
return tpl.replace(/<[\s\S]*?>/g, function (item) {
return item.replace(/on(abort|blur|cancel|canplay|canplaythrough|change|click|close|contextmenu|cuechange|dblclick|drag|dragend|dragenter|dragleave|dragover|dragstart|drop|durationchange|emptied|ended|error|focus|input|invalid|keydown|keypress|keyup|load|loadeddata|loadedmetadata|loadstart|mousedown|mouseenter|mouseleave|mousemove|mouseout|mouseover|mouseup|mousewheel|pause|play|playing|progress|ratechange|reset|resize|scroll|seeked|seeking|select|show|stalled|submit|suspend|timeupdate|toggle|volumechange|waiting|autocomplete|autocompleteerror|beforecopy|beforecut|beforepaste|copy|cut|paste|search|selectstart|wheel|webkitfullscreenchange|webkitfullscreenerror|touchstart|touchmove|touchend|touchcancel|pointerdown|pointerup|pointercancel|pointermove|pointerover|pointerout|pointerenter|pointerleave|Abort|Blur|Cancel|CanPlay|CanPlayThrough|Change|Click|Close|ContextMenu|CueChange|DblClick|Drag|DragEnd|DragEnter|DragLeave|DragOver|DragStart|Drop|DurationChange|Emptied|Ended|Error|Focus|Input|Invalid|KeyDown|KeyPress|KeyUp|Load|LoadedData|LoadedMetadata|LoadStart|MouseDown|MouseEnter|MouseLeave|MouseMove|MouseOut|MouseOver|MouseUp|MouseWheel|Pause|Play|Playing|Progress|RateChange|Reset|Resize|Scroll|Seeked|Seeking|Select|Show|Stalled|Submit|Suspend|TimeUpdate|Toggle|VolumeChange|Waiting|AutoComplete|AutoCompleteError|BeforeCopy|BeforeCut|BeforePaste|Copy|Cut|Paste|Search|SelectStart|Wheel|WebkitFullScreenChange|WebkitFullScreenError|TouchStart|TouchMove|TouchEnd|TouchCancel|PointerDown|PointerUp|PointerCancel|PointerMove|PointerOver|PointerOut|PointerEnter|PointerLeave)=('|")([\s\S]*?)\([\s\S]*?\)/g, function (eventStr, b, c, d) {
if (d.indexOf('Omi.instances[') === 0) {
return eventStr;
} else {
return eventStr.replace(/=(['|"])/, '=$1Omi.instances[' + id + '].');
exports['default'] = scopedEvent;
/***/ },
/* 6 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
(function (global, factory) {
( false ? 'undefined' : _typeof(exports)) === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : true ? !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ? (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)) : global.morphdom = factory();
})(undefined, function () {
'use strict';
var range; // Create a range object for efficently rendering strings to elements.
var NS_XHTML = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
var doc = typeof document === 'undefined' ? undefined : document;
var testEl = doc ? doc.body || doc.createElement('div') : {};
// Fixes <https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom/issues/32>
// (IE7+ support) <=IE7 does not support el.hasAttribute(name)
var actualHasAttributeNS;
if (testEl.hasAttributeNS) {
actualHasAttributeNS = function actualHasAttributeNS(el, namespaceURI, name) {
return el.hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, name);
} else if (testEl.hasAttribute) {
actualHasAttributeNS = function actualHasAttributeNS(el, namespaceURI, name) {
return el.hasAttribute(name);
} else {
actualHasAttributeNS = function actualHasAttributeNS(el, namespaceURI, name) {
return el.getAttributeNode(namespaceURI, name) != null;
var hasAttributeNS = actualHasAttributeNS;
function toElement(str) {
if (!range && doc.createRange) {
range = doc.createRange();
var fragment;
if (range && range.createContextualFragment) {
fragment = range.createContextualFragment(str);
} else {
fragment = doc.createElement('body');
fragment.innerHTML = str;
return fragment.childNodes[0];
* Returns true if two node's names are the same.
* NOTE: We don't bother checking `namespaceURI` because you will never find two HTML elements with the same
* nodeName and different namespace URIs.
* @param {Element} a
* @param {Element} b The target element
* @return {boolean}
function compareNodeNames(fromEl, toEl) {
var fromNodeName = fromEl.nodeName;
var toNodeName = toEl.nodeName;
if (fromNodeName === toNodeName) {
return true;
if (toEl.actualize && fromNodeName.charCodeAt(0) < 91 && /* from tag name is upper case */
toNodeName.charCodeAt(0) > 90 /* target tag name is lower case */) {
// If the target element is a virtual DOM node then we may need to normalize the tag name
// before comparing. Normal HTML elements that are in the "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
// are converted to upper case
return fromNodeName === toNodeName.toUpperCase();
} else {
return false;
* Create an element, optionally with a known namespace URI.
* @param {string} name the element name, e.g. 'div' or 'svg'
* @param {string} [namespaceURI] the element's namespace URI, i.e. the value of
* its `xmlns` attribute or its inferred namespace.
* @return {Element}
function createElementNS(name, namespaceURI) {
return !namespaceURI || namespaceURI === NS_XHTML ? doc.createElement(name) : doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, name);
* Copies the children of one DOM element to another DOM element
function moveChildren(fromEl, toEl) {
var curChild = fromEl.firstChild;
while (curChild) {
var nextChild = curChild.nextSibling;
curChild = nextChild;
return toEl;
function morphAttrs(fromNode, toNode) {
var attrs = toNode.attributes;
var i;
var attr;
var attrName;
var attrNamespaceURI;
var attrValue;
var fromValue;
for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
attr = attrs[i];
attrName = attr.name;
attrNamespaceURI = attr.namespaceURI;
attrValue = attr.value;
if (attrNamespaceURI) {
attrName = attr.localName || attrName;
fromValue = fromNode.getAttributeNS(attrNamespaceURI, attrName);
if (fromValue !== attrValue) {
fromNode.setAttributeNS(attrNamespaceURI, attrName, attrValue);
} else {
fromValue = fromNode.getAttribute(attrName);
if (fromValue !== attrValue) {
fromNode.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue);
// Remove any extra attributes found on the original DOM element that
// weren't found on the target element.
attrs = fromNode.attributes;
for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
attr = attrs[i];
if (attr.specified !== false) {
attrName = attr.name;
attrNamespaceURI = attr.namespaceURI;
if (attrNamespaceURI) {
attrName = attr.localName || attrName;
if (!hasAttributeNS(toNode, attrNamespaceURI, attrName)) {
fromNode.removeAttributeNS(attrNamespaceURI, attrName);
} else {
if (!hasAttributeNS(toNode, null, attrName)) {
function syncBooleanAttrProp(fromEl, toEl, name) {
if (fromEl[name] !== toEl[name]) {
fromEl[name] = toEl[name];
if (fromEl[name]) {
fromEl.setAttribute(name, '');
} else {
fromEl.removeAttribute(name, '');
var specialElHandlers = {
* Needed for IE. Apparently IE doesn't think that "selected" is an
* attribute when reading over the attributes using selectEl.attributes
OPTION: function OPTION(fromEl, toEl) {
syncBooleanAttrProp(fromEl, toEl, 'selected');
* The "value" attribute is special for the <input> element since it sets
* the initial value. Changing the "value" attribute without changing the
* "value" property will have no effect since it is only used to the set the
* initial value. Similar for the "checked" attribute, and "disabled".
INPUT: function INPUT(fromEl, toEl) {
syncBooleanAttrProp(fromEl, toEl, 'checked');
syncBooleanAttrProp(fromEl, toEl, 'disabled');
if (fromEl.value !== toEl.value) {
fromEl.value = toEl.value;
if (!hasAttributeNS(toEl, null, 'value')) {
TEXTAREA: function TEXTAREA(fromEl, toEl) {
var newValue = toEl.value;
if (fromEl.value !== newValue) {
fromEl.value = newValue;
if (fromEl.firstChild) {
// Needed for IE. Apparently IE sets the placeholder as the
// node value and vise versa. This ignores an empty update.
if (newValue === '' && fromEl.firstChild.nodeValue === fromEl.placeholder) {
fromEl.firstChild.nodeValue = newValue;
SELECT: function SELECT(fromEl, toEl) {
if (!hasAttributeNS(toEl, null, 'multiple')) {
var selectedIndex = -1;
var i = 0;
var curChild = toEl.firstChild;
while (curChild) {
var nodeName = curChild.nodeName;
if (nodeName && nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'OPTION') {
if (hasAttributeNS(curChild, null, 'selected')) {
selectedIndex = i;
curChild = curChild.nextSibling;
fromEl.selectedIndex = i;
var TEXT_NODE = 3;
function noop() {}
function defaultGetNodeKey(node) {
return node.id;
function morphdomFactory(morphAttrs) {
return function morphdom(fromNode, toNode, options) {
if (!options) {
options = {};
if (typeof toNode === 'string') {
if (fromNode.nodeName === '#document' || fromNode.nodeName === 'HTML') {
var toNodeHtml = toNode;
toNode = doc.createElement('html');
toNode.innerHTML = toNodeHtml;
} else {
toNode = toElement(toNode);
var getNodeKey = options.getNodeKey || defaultGetNodeKey;
var onBeforeNodeAdded = options.onBeforeNodeAdded || noop;
var onNodeAdded = options.onNodeAdded || noop;
var onBeforeElUpdated = options.onBeforeElUpdated || noop;
var onElUpdated = options.onElUpdated || noop;
var onBeforeNodeDiscarded = options.onBeforeNodeDiscarded || noop;
var onNodeDiscarded = options.onNodeDiscarded || noop;
var onBeforeElChildrenUpdated = options.onBeforeElChildrenUpdated || noop;
var childrenOnly = options.childrenOnly === true;
// This object is used as a lookup to quickly find all keyed elements in the original DOM tree.
var fromNodesLookup = {};
var keyedRemovalList;
function addKeyedRemoval(key) {
if (keyedRemovalList) {
} else {
keyedRemovalList = [key];
function walkDiscardedChildNodes(node, skipKeyedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
var curChild = node.firstChild;
while (curChild) {
var key = undefined;
if (skipKeyedNodes && (key = getNodeKey(curChild))) {
// If we are skipping keyed nodes then we add the key
// to a list so that it can be handled at the very end.
} else {
// Only report the node as discarded if it is not keyed. We do this because
// at the end we loop through all keyed elements that were unmatched
// and then discard them in one final pass.
if (curChild.firstChild) {
walkDiscardedChildNodes(curChild, skipKeyedNodes);
curChild = curChild.nextSibling;
* Removes a DOM node out of the original DOM
* @param {Node} node The node to remove
* @param {Node} parentNode The nodes parent
* @param {Boolean} skipKeyedNodes If true then elements with keys will be skipped and not discarded.
* @return {undefined}
function removeNode(node, parentNode, skipKeyedNodes) {
if (onBeforeNodeDiscarded(node) === false) {
if (parentNode) {
walkDiscardedChildNodes(node, skipKeyedNodes);
// // TreeWalker implementation is no faster, but keeping this around in case this changes in the future
// function indexTree(root) {
// var treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(
// root,
// NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
// var el;
// while((el = treeWalker.nextNode())) {
// var key = getNodeKey(el);
// if (key) {
// fromNodesLookup[key] = el;
// }
// }
// }
// // NodeIterator implementation is no faster, but keeping this around in case this changes in the future
// function indexTree(node) {
// var nodeIterator = document.createNodeIterator(node, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
// var el;
// while((el = nodeIterator.nextNode())) {
// var key = getNodeKey(el);
// if (key) {
// fromNodesLookup[key] = el;
// }
// }
// }
function indexTree(node) {
if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
var curChild = node.firstChild;
while (curChild) {
var key = getNodeKey(curChild);
if (key) {
fromNodesLookup[key] = curChild;
// Walk recursively
curChild = curChild.nextSibling;
function handleNodeAdded(el) {
var curChild = el.firstChild;
while (curChild) {
var nextSibling = curChild.nextSibling;
var key = getNodeKey(curChild);
if (key) {
var unmatchedFromEl = fromNodesLookup[key];
if (unmatchedFromEl && compareNodeNames(curChild, unmatchedFromEl)) {
curChild.parentNode.replaceChild(unmatchedFromEl, curChild);
morphEl(unmatchedFromEl, curChild);
curChild = nextSibling;
function morphEl(fromEl, toEl, childrenOnly) {
var toElKey = getNodeKey(toEl);
var curFromNodeKey;
if (toElKey) {
// If an element with an ID is being morphed then it is will be in the final
// DOM so clear it out of the saved elements collection
delete fromNodesLookup[toElKey];
if (toNode.isSameNode && toNode.isSameNode(fromNode)) {
if (!childrenOnly) {
if (onBeforeElUpdated(fromEl, toEl) === false) {
morphAttrs(fromEl, toEl);
if (onBeforeElChildrenUpdated(fromEl, toEl) === false) {
if (fromEl.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA') {
var curToNodeChild = toEl.firstChild;
var curFromNodeChild = fromEl.firstChild;
var curToNodeKey;
var fromNextSibling;
var toNextSibling;
var matchingFromEl;
outer: while (curToNodeChild) {
toNextSibling = curToNodeChild.nextSibling;
curToNodeKey = getNodeKey(curToNodeChild);
while (curFromNodeChild) {
fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling;
if (curToNodeChild.isSameNode && curToNodeChild.isSameNode(curFromNodeChild)) {
curToNodeChild = toNextSibling;
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
continue outer;
curFromNodeKey = getNodeKey(curFromNodeChild);
var curFromNodeType = curFromNodeChild.nodeType;
var isCompatible = undefined;
if (curFromNodeType === curToNodeChild.nodeType) {
if (curFromNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
// Both nodes being compared are Element nodes
if (curToNodeKey) {
// The target node has a key so we want to match it up with the correct element
// in the original DOM tree
if (curToNodeKey !== curFromNodeKey) {
// The current element in the original DOM tree does not have a matching key so
// let's check our lookup to see if there is a matching element in the original
// DOM tree
if (matchingFromEl = fromNodesLookup[curToNodeKey]) {
if (curFromNodeChild.nextSibling === matchingFromEl) {
// Special case for single element removals. To avoid removing the original
// DOM node out of the tree (since that can break CSS transitions, etc.),
// we will instead discard the current node and wait until the next
// iteration to properly match up the keyed target element with its matching
// element in the original tree
isCompatible = false;
} else {
// We found a matching keyed element somewhere in the original DOM tree.
// Let's moving the original DOM node into the current position and morph
// it.
// NOTE: We use insertBefore instead of replaceChild because we want to go through
// the `removeNode()` function for the node that is being discarded so that
// all lifecycle hooks are correctly invoked
fromEl.insertBefore(matchingFromEl, curFromNodeChild);
fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling;
if (curFromNodeKey) {
// Since the node is keyed it might be matched up later so we defer
// the actual removal to later
} else {
// NOTE: we skip nested keyed nodes from being removed since there is
// still a chance they will be matched up later
removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromEl, true /* skip keyed nodes */);
curFromNodeChild = matchingFromEl;
} else {
// The nodes are not compatible since the "to" node has a key and there
// is no matching keyed node in the source tree
isCompatible = false;
} else if (curFromNodeKey) {
// The original has a key
isCompatible = false;
isCompatible = isCompatible !== false && compareNodeNames(curFromNodeChild, curToNodeChild);
if (isCompatible) {
// We found compatible DOM elements so transform
// the current "from" node to match the current
// target DOM node.
morphEl(curFromNodeChild, curToNodeChild);
} else if (curFromNodeType === TEXT_NODE || curFromNodeType == COMMENT_NODE) {
// Both nodes being compared are Text or Comment nodes
isCompatible = true;
// Simply update nodeValue on the original node to
// change the text value
curFromNodeChild.nodeValue = curToNodeChild.nodeValue;
if (isCompatible) {
// Advance both the "to" child and the "from" child since we found a match
curToNodeChild = toNextSibling;
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
continue outer;
// No compatible match so remove the old node from the DOM and continue trying to find a
// match in the original DOM. However, we only do this if the from node is not keyed
// since it is possible that a keyed node might match up with a node somewhere else in the
// target tree and we don't want to discard it just yet since it still might find a
// home in the final DOM tree. After everything is done we will remove any keyed nodes
// that didn't find a home
if (curFromNodeKey) {
// Since the node is keyed it might be matched up later so we defer
// the actual removal to later
} else {
// NOTE: we skip nested keyed nodes from being removed since there is
// still a chance they will be matched up later
removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromEl, true /* skip keyed nodes */);
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
// If we got this far then we did not find a candidate match for
// our "to node" and we exhausted all of the children "from"
// nodes. Therefore, we will just append the current "to" node
// to the end
if (curToNodeKey && (matchingFromEl = fromNodesLookup[curToNodeKey]) && compareNodeNames(matchingFromEl, curToNodeChild)) {
morphEl(matchingFromEl, curToNodeChild);
} else {
var onBeforeNodeAddedResult = onBeforeNodeAdded(curToNodeChild);
if (onBeforeNodeAddedResult !== false) {
if (onBeforeNodeAddedResult) {
curToNodeChild = onBeforeNodeAddedResult;
if (curToNodeChild.actualize) {
curToNodeChild = curToNodeChild.actualize(fromEl.ownerDocument || doc);
curToNodeChild = toNextSibling;
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
// We have processed all of the "to nodes". If curFromNodeChild is
// non-null then we still have some from nodes left over that need
// to be removed
while (curFromNodeChild) {
fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling;
if (curFromNodeKey = getNodeKey(curFromNodeChild)) {
// Since the node is keyed it might be matched up later so we defer
// the actual removal to later
} else {
// NOTE: we skip nested keyed nodes from being removed since there is
// still a chance they will be matched up later
removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromEl, true /* skip keyed nodes */);
curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
var specialElHandler = specialElHandlers[fromEl.nodeName];
if (specialElHandler) {
specialElHandler(fromEl, toEl);
} // END: morphEl(...)
var morphedNode = fromNode;
var morphedNodeType = morphedNode.nodeType;
var toNodeType = toNode.nodeType;
if (!childrenOnly) {
// Handle the case where we are given two DOM nodes that are not
// compatible (e.g. <div> --> <span> or <div> --> TEXT)
if (morphedNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (toNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (!compareNodeNames(fromNode, toNode)) {
morphedNode = moveChildren(fromNode, createElementNS(toNode.nodeName, toNode.namespaceURI));
} else {
// Going from an element node to a text node
morphedNode = toNode;
} else if (morphedNodeType === TEXT_NODE || morphedNodeType === COMMENT_NODE) {
// Text or comment node
if (toNodeType === morphedNodeType) {
morphedNode.nodeValue = toNode.nodeValue;
return morphedNode;
} else {
// Text node to something else
morphedNode = toNode;
if (morphedNode === toNode) {
// The "to node" was not compatible with the "from node" so we had to
// toss out the "from node" and use the "to node"
} else {
morphEl(morphedNode, toNode, childrenOnly);
// We now need to loop over any keyed nodes that might need to be
// removed. We only do the removal if we know that the keyed node
// never found a match. When a keyed node is matched up we remove
// it out of fromNodesLookup and we use fromNodesLookup to determine
// if a keyed node has been matched up or not
if (keyedRemovalList) {
for (var i = 0, len = keyedRemovalList.length; i < len; i++) {
var elToRemove = fromNodesLookup[keyedRemovalList[i]];
if (elToRemove) {
removeNode(elToRemove, elToRemove.parentNode, false);
if (!childrenOnly && morphedNode !== fromNode && fromNode.parentNode) {
if (morphedNode.actualize) {
morphedNode = morphedNode.actualize(fromNode.ownerDocument || doc);
// If we had to swap out the from node with a new node because the old
// node was not compatible with the target node then we need to
// replace the old DOM node in the original DOM tree. This is only
// possible if the original DOM node was part of a DOM tree which
// we know is the case if it has a parent node.
fromNode.parentNode.replaceChild(morphedNode, fromNode);
return morphedNode;
var morphdom = morphdomFactory(morphAttrs);
return morphdom;
/***/ },
/* 7 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
* html2json for omi
* https://github.com/AlloyTeam/omi
* Original code by John Resig (ejohn.org)
* http://ejohn.org/blog/pure-javascript-html-parser/
* Original code by Erik Arvidsson, Mozilla Public License
* http://erik.eae.net/simplehtmlparser/simplehtmlparser.js
* Original code by Jxck
* https://github.com/Jxck/html2json
// Regular Expressions for parsing tags and attributes
var startTag = /^<([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)((?:\s+[a-zA-Z_:][-a-zA-Z0-9_:.]*(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/,
endTag = /^<\/([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)[^>]*>/,
attr = /([a-zA-Z_:][-a-zA-Z0-9_:.]*)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"((?:\\.|[^"])*)")|(?:'((?:\\.|[^'])*)')|([^>\s]+)))?/g;
var HTMLParser = function HTMLParser(html, handler) {
var index,
stack = [],
last = html;
stack.last = function () {
return this[this.length - 1];
while (html) {
chars = true;
// Make sure we're not in a script or style element
if (!stack.last()) {
if (html.indexOf("</") == 0) {
match = html.match(endTag);
if (match) {
html = html.substring(match[0].length);
match[0].replace(endTag, parseEndTag);
chars = false;
// start tag
} else if (html.indexOf("<") == 0) {
match = html.match(startTag);
if (match) {
html = html.substring(match[0].length);
match[0].replace(startTag, parseStartTag);
chars = false;
if (chars) {
index = html.indexOf("<");
var text = index < 0 ? html : html.substring(0, index);
html = index < 0 ? "" : html.substring(index);
if (handler.chars) handler.chars(text);
} else {
html = html.replace(new RegExp("([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + stack.last() + "[^>]*>"), function (all, text) {
if (handler.chars) handler.chars(text);
return "";
parseEndTag("", stack.last());
if (html == last) throw "Parse Error: " + html;
last = html;
// Clean up any remaining tags
function parseStartTag(tag, tagName, rest, unary) {
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
unary = !!unary;
if (!unary) stack.push(tagName);
if (handler.start) {
var attrs = [];
rest.replace(attr, function (match, name) {
var value = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : "";
name: name,
value: value,
escaped: value.replace(/(^|[^\\])"/g, '$1\\\"') //"
if (handler.start) handler.start(tagName, attrs, unary);
function parseEndTag(tag, tagName) {
// If no tag name is provided, clean shop
if (!tagName) var pos = 0;
// Find the closest opened tag of the same type
else for (var pos = stack.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) {
if (stack[pos] == tagName) break;
}if (pos >= 0) {
// Close all the open elements, up the stack
for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--) {
if (handler.end) handler.end(stack[i]);
} // Remove the open elements from the stack
stack.length = pos;
var DEBUG = false;
var debug = DEBUG ? console.log.bind(console) : function () {};
// Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5,
// Reference: http://es5.github.io/#x15.4.4.21
if (!Array.prototype.reduce) {
Array.prototype.reduce = function (callback /*, initialValue*/) {
'use strict';
if (this == null) {
throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.reduce called on null or undefined');
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function');
var t = Object(this),
len = t.length >>> 0,
k = 0,
if (arguments.length == 2) {
value = arguments[1];
} else {
while (k < len && !(k in t)) {
if (k >= len) {
throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value');
value = t[k++];
for (; k < len; k++) {
if (k in t) {
value = callback(value, t[k], k, t);
return value;
var html2json = function html2json(html) {
var bufArray = [];
var results = {
node: 'root',
child: []
HTMLParser(html, {
start: function start(tag, attrs, unary) {
debug(tag, attrs, unary);
// node for this element
var node = {
node: 'element',
tag: tag
if (attrs.length !== 0) {
node.attr = attrs.reduce(function (pre, attr) {
var name = attr.name;
var value = attr.value;
pre[name] = value;
return pre;
}, {});
if (unary) {
// if this tag dosen't have end tag
// like <img src="hoge.png"/>
// add to parents
var parent = bufArray[0] || results;
if (parent.child === undefined) {
parent.child = [];
} else {
end: function end(tag) {
// merge into parent tag
var node = bufArray.shift();
if (node.tag !== tag) console.error('invalid state: mismatch end tag');
if (bufArray.length === 0) {
} else {
var parent = bufArray[0];
if (parent.child === undefined) {
parent.child = [];
chars: function chars(text) {
var node = {
node: 'text',
text: text
if (bufArray.length === 0) {
} else {
var parent = bufArray[0];
if (parent.child === undefined) {
parent.child = [];
return results;
exports["default"] = html2json;
/***/ }
/******/ ])
; |