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# General Control Parameter #
// maxsimustep: the max simulation step, don't care simulation is restart or not.
// intervalStepFlow: the step intervals for flow variables file 'flow.dat' saved.
// intervalStepPlot: the step intervals for tecplot visual file 'tecflow.dat' saved.
// intervalStepForce: the step intervals for aerodynamics coefficients file 'aircoef.dat' saved.
// intervalStepRes: the step intervals for residual 'res.dat' saved.
int maxSimuStep = 30000;
int intervalStepFlow = 1000;
int intervalStepPlot = 1000;
int intervalStepForce = 100;
int intervalStepRes = 10;
# Inflow Parameter #
// refMachNumber: Mach number per meter.
// attackd: Angle of attack.
// angleSlide: Angle of sideslip.
// refReNumbe: Reynolds number, which is based unit length, unit of 1/m.
// refDimensionalTemperature: dimensional reference temperature, or the total temperature only for the experiment condition.
// refDimensionalPressure: dimensional reference pressure , or the total pressure only for the experiment condition.
// inflowParaType: the type of inflow parameters.
// 0 - the nondimensional conditions.
// 1 - the flight conditions.
// 2 - the experiment conditions.
// height: Fly height, unit of km.
// wallTemperature: Temprature of the solid wall, minus value is for adiabatic boundary condition.
// dump_Q: Dump out thermal flux Q of solid wall.
// 0 - no dump out.
// 1 - dump out wall Q only.
// 2 - dump out wall Q & the typical position Q of ball.
// 3 - dump out wall Q & the typical position Q of cone.
// 4 - dump out wall Q & the typical position Q of double sphere.
// gridScaleFactor: The customizable unit of the grid, default value 1.0 metre.
// forceRefenenceLength, forceRefenenceArea: Reference length and area, independent to grid scale.
// TorqueRefX, TorqueRefY, TorqueRefZ: Reference point, independent to grid scale.
double refMachNumber = 8.03;
double attackd = 0.00;
double angleSlide = 0.00;
double wallTemperature = 294.0 ;
int dump_Q = 0;
int inflowParaType = 0;
double refReNumber = 3.67e5;
double refDimensionalTemperature = 125.0;
//int inflowParaType = 1;
//double height = 0.001;
//int inflowParaType = 2;
//double refDimensionalTemperature = 6051.024; //the total temperature, T*(1+(gama0-1)*M*M/2).
//double refDimensionalPressure = 4.299696E09; //the total pressure, p*(T0/T)^(gama0/(gama0-1)).
double gridScaleFactor = 1.0;
double forceRefenenceLengthSpanWise = 1.0; // unit of meter.
double forceRefenenceLength = 1.0; // unit of meter.
double forceRefenenceArea = 1.0; // unit of meter^2
double TorqueRefX = 0.0; // unit of meter.
double TorqueRefY = 0.0; // unit of meter.
double TorqueRefZ = 0.0; // unit of meter.
# Physical models *
// iviscous: Viscous model
// 0 - Euler
// 1 - Lamilar
// 3 - 1eq turbulent
// 4 - 2eq turbulent
// viscousName : Laminar or tubulent model
// - "1eq-sa", when iviscous = 3
// - "2eq-kw-menter-sst", when iviscous = 4
// DESType : Type of DES
// 0 - RANS (default);
// 1 - DES;
// 2 - DDES;
// 3 - IDDES;
//int iviscous = 0;
//string viscousName = "Euler";
int viscousType = 1;
string viscousName = "laminar";
//int iviscous = 3;
//string viscousName = "1eq-sa";
//int iviscous = 4;
//string viscousName = "2eq-kw-menter-sst";
int DESType = 0;
int roeEntropyFixMethod = 2;
double roeEntropyScale = 0.0001;
# Spatial Discretisation #
# Struct Solver *
// inviscidSchemeName: Spatial discretisation scheme of struct grid
// Using this when solve structered grid or hybrid.
// - "vanleer", "steger", "ausmpw"
// str_limiter_name: Limiter of struct grid
// - "minmod", "3rd_minmod_smooth"
string inviscidSchemeName = "roe";
string str_limiter_name = "vanleer";
# UnStruct Solver *
// uns_scheme_name: Spatial discretisation scheme of Unstruct grid
// Using this when solve Unstructered grid or hybrid.
// - "vanleer", "roe", "steger", "kfvs", "lax_f", "hlle"
// - "ausm+", "ausmdv", "ausm+w", "ausmpw", "ausmpwplus"
// uns_limiter_name: Limiter of Unstruct grid
// - "vencat", "barth"
// - "1st", meaning accuracy of first-order.
// - "nolim", no limiter.
// venkatCoeff: Coefficient of vencat limiter, when uns_limiter_name = 'vencat'
// The smaller the value, the more robust it is.
string uns_scheme_name = "vanleer";
string uns_limiter_name = "vencat";
double venkatCoeff = 0.5;
# Temporal Discretisation #
// iunsteady: Steady or unsteady.
// 0 - steady
// 1 - unsteay
// CFLEnd: The CFL number, [0.1, 100]
// The bigger the value, the convergence faster but lower robustness.
// ktmax: The lower the value, the more robustness, 1.0e5 ~ 1.0e10.
int iunsteady = 0;
double CFLEnd = 3.0;
double ktmax = 1.0e10;
# File In or Out #
// gridfile: The partitioned Grid file path, using relative path,
// which is relative to the working directory.
// IMPORTANT WARNNING: the file index should be ignored,
// e.g. if the partitioned grid is rae2822_hybrid2d__4_0.fts,
// Please use 'rae2822_hybrid2d__4.fts' here!
// isPlotVolumeField: If dump out the whole field results to tecplot or not, 0/1.
string gridfile = "./grid/input.fts";
int isPlotVolumeField = 0;
// ---------------- advanced Parameters, DO NOT care it -----------
// nVisualVariables: number of variables want to be dumped for tecplot visualization.
// visualVariables : variable types dumped, listed as following:
// -- density(0), u(1), v(2), w(3), pressure(4), temperature(5), mach(6)
// -- viscosityLaminar(7), viscosityTurbulent(8)
// -- vorticity_x(9), vorticity_y(10), vorticity_z(11), vorticityMagnitude(12), strain_rate(13), Q_criteria(14)
// -- Cp(15), timeStep(16), volume(17)
// -- modeledTKE(18),modeleddissipationrate(19), SSTF1(20), SSTF2(21)
// Important Warning: Array size of visualVariables MUST be equal to nVisualVariables!!!.
// Arriables order must from small to larger.
int nVisualVariables = 8;
int visualVariables[] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15];
// limitVariables: limit model.
// 0 - limit only for pressure and denstiny, then get the min value
// 1 - limit for every variables, then get the min value
// limitVector:
// 0 - Each variable use the same limiter coefficient.
// 1 - Each variable use the respective limiter coefficients.
// reconmeth:
// 0 - When reconstruct face value, Q+, Q- use respective limiter coefficients.
// 1 - Q+, Q- use the min limiter coefficients of left and right cell.
int reconmeth = 0;
int limitVariables = 0;
int limitVector = 1;
double MUSCLCoefXk = 0.333333;