43 lines
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43 lines
1.9 KiB
// ----------------- overlap configuration ------------------------------
// numberOfGridGroups: The number of grid groups.
// codeOfOversetGrid: Overlapping(overset) grid or not.
// 0 -- NON-overlapping grid.
// 1 -- Overlapping grid.
// readOversetFileOrNo: Whether to read overset-file(.ovs) that has been generated.
// 0 -- no.
// 1 -- yes.
// symetryOrNot: If there exist symetryplanes(XY plane, the coordinate of Z direction is 0) in
the current overset grid(only for three dimension).
// 0 -- no.
// 1 -- yes.
// readInAuxiliaryInnerGrid: Whether to read auxiliary inner grid
// 0 -- no.
// 1 -- yes.
// twoOrderInterpolationOrNot: The number of interpolated cell layers in the overlapping boundary.
// 0 -- one layer.
// 1 -- two layers.
// keyEnlargeOfActiveNodes: The number of enlarged overset-boundary layers in the buffer region.
// outTecplotOverset: Whether to dump out the flowfield data after the progress of overset configure.
// 0 -- no.
// 1 -- yes.
int numberOfGridGroups = 3;
string gridfile = "./grid/background__4.fts";
string gridfile1 = "./grid/upperwing__4.fts";
string gridfile2 = "./grid/lowerwing__4.fts";
int codeOfOversetGrid = 1;
int readOversetFileOrNot = 0;
int symetryOrNot = 0;
int readInAuxiliaryInnerGrid = 1;
string auxiliaryInnerGrid0 = "./grid/aux-upper.fts";
string auxiliaryInnerGrid1 = "./grid/aux-lower.fts";
string oversetGridFileName = "./grid/overlap.ovs";
double walldistMainZone = 1.0
double toleranceForOversetSearch = 1e-3;
double toleranceForOversetBox = 1e-3;
int twoOrderInterpolationOrNot = 1;
int keyEnlargeOfActiveNodes = 1;
int outTecplotOverset = 1;