Removed unused sqlite "provider" storage

This commit is contained in:
Matt Joiner 2021-08-25 12:35:07 +10:00
parent 8df24008ea
commit 19d5905b6c
3 changed files with 14 additions and 662 deletions

View File

@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ func rowidForBlob(c conn, name string, length int64, create bool) (rowid int64,
func (t torrent) Piece(p metainfo.Piece) storage.PieceImpl {
ret := piece{sb: SquirrelBlob{
ret := piece{
sb: SquirrelBlob{

View File

@ -4,28 +4,13 @@
package sqliteStorage
import (
_ "embed"
type conn = *sqlite.Conn
@ -160,19 +145,6 @@ func InitSchema(conn conn, pageSize int, triggers bool) error {
return nil
type NewPiecesStorageOpts struct {
ProvOpts func(*ProviderOpts)
StorageOpts func(*storage.ResourcePiecesOpts)
type NewPoolOpts struct {
NumConns int
type InitDbOpts struct {
DontInitSchema bool
PageSize int
@ -181,21 +153,13 @@ type InitDbOpts struct {
NoTriggers bool
// There's some overlap here with NewPoolOpts, and I haven't decided what needs to be done. For now,
// the fact that the pool opts are a superset, means our helper NewPiecesStorage can just take the
// top-level option type.
type PoolConf struct {
NumConns int
JournalMode string
// Remove any capacity limits.
func UnlimitCapacity(conn conn) error {
func unlimitCapacity(conn conn) error {
return sqlitex.Exec(conn, "delete from setting where key='capacity'", nil)
// Set the capacity limit to exactly this value.
func SetCapacity(conn conn, cap int64) error {
func setCapacity(conn conn, cap int64) error {
return sqlitex.Exec(conn, "insert into setting values ('capacity', ?)", nil, cap)
@ -229,19 +193,11 @@ func initDatabase(conn conn, opts InitDbOpts) (err error) {
if opts.Capacity != 0 {
err = SetCapacity(conn, opts.Capacity)
if err != nil {
if opts.Capacity < 0 {
err = unlimitCapacity(conn)
} else if opts.Capacity > 0 {
err = setCapacity(conn, opts.Capacity)
func initPoolDatabase(pool ConnPool, opts InitDbOpts) (err error) {
withPoolConn(pool, func(c conn) {
err = initDatabase(c, opts)
@ -255,545 +211,3 @@ const openConnFlags = 0 |
func newConn(opts NewConnOpts) (conn, error) {
return sqlite.OpenConn(newOpenUri(opts), openConnFlags)
type poolWithNumConns struct {
numConns int
func (me poolWithNumConns) NumConns() int {
return me.numConns
func NewPool(opts NewPoolOpts) (_ ConnPool, err error) {
if opts.NumConns == 0 {
opts.NumConns = runtime.NumCPU()
switch opts.NumConns {
case 1:
conn, err := newConn(opts.NewConnOpts)
return &poolFromConn{conn: conn}, err
_pool, err := sqlitex.Open(newOpenUri(opts.NewConnOpts), openConnFlags, opts.NumConns)
return poolWithNumConns{_pool, opts.NumConns}, err
// Emulates a ConnPool from a single Conn. Might be faster than using a sqlitex.Pool.
type poolFromConn struct {
mu sync.Mutex
conn conn
func (me *poolFromConn) Get(ctx context.Context) conn {
return me.conn
func (me *poolFromConn) Put(conn conn) {
if conn != me.conn {
panic("expected to same conn")
func (me *poolFromConn) Close() error {
return me.conn.Close()
func (me *poolFromConn) NumConns() int { return 1 }
type ProviderOpts struct {
BatchWrites bool
// Needs the ConnPool size so it can initialize all the connections with pragmas. Takes ownership of
// the ConnPool (since it has to initialize all the connections anyway).
func NewProvider(pool ConnPool, opts ProviderOpts) (_ *provider, err error) {
prov := &provider{pool: pool, opts: opts}
if opts.BatchWrites {
writes := make(chan writeRequest)
prov.writes = writes
// This is retained for backwards compatibility. It may not be necessary.
runtime.SetFinalizer(prov, func(p *provider) {
go providerWriter(writes, prov.pool)
return prov, nil
type InitPoolOpts struct {
NumConns int
func initPoolConns(ctx context.Context, pool ConnPool, opts InitConnOpts) (err error) {
var conns []conn
defer func() {
for _, c := range conns {
for range iter.N(pool.NumConns()) {
conn := pool.Get(ctx)
if conn == nil {
conns = append(conns, conn)
err = initConn(conn, opts)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("initing conn %v: %w", len(conns), err)
type ConnPool interface {
Get(context.Context) conn
Close() error
NumConns() int
func withPoolConn(pool ConnPool, with func(conn)) {
c := pool.Get(context.TODO())
defer pool.Put(c)
type provider struct {
pool ConnPool
writes chan<- writeRequest
opts ProviderOpts
closeMu sync.RWMutex
closed bool
closeErr error
var _ storage.ConsecutiveChunkReader = (*provider)(nil)
func (p *provider) ReadConsecutiveChunks(prefix string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
runner, err := p.getReadWithConnRunner()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r, w := io.Pipe()
go func() {
defer p.closeMu.RUnlock()
err = runner(func(_ context.Context, conn conn) error {
var written int64
err = sqlitex.Exec(conn, `
cast(substr(name, ?+1) as integer) as offset
from blob
where name like ?||'%'
order by offset`,
func(stmt *sqlite.Stmt) error {
offset := stmt.ColumnInt64(1)
if offset != written {
return fmt.Errorf("got chunk at offset %v, expected offset %v", offset, written)
// TODO: Avoid intermediate buffers here
r := stmt.ColumnReader(0)
w1, err := io.Copy(w, r)
written += w1
return err
return err
return r, nil
func (me *provider) Close() error {
defer me.closeMu.Unlock()
if me.closed {
return me.closeErr
if me.writes != nil {
me.closeErr = me.pool.Close()
me.closed = true
return me.closeErr
type writeRequest struct {
query withConn
done chan<- error
labels pprof.LabelSet
var expvars = expvar.NewMap("sqliteStorage")
func runQueryWithLabels(query withConn, labels pprof.LabelSet, conn conn) (err error) {
pprof.Do(context.Background(), labels, func(ctx context.Context) {
// We pass in the context in the hope that the CPU profiler might incorporate sqlite
// activity the action that triggered it. It doesn't seem that way, since those calls don't
// take a context.Context themselves. It may come in useful in the goroutine profiles
// though, and doesn't hurt to expose it here for other purposes should things change.
err = query(ctx, conn)
// Intentionally avoids holding a reference to *provider to allow it to use a finalizer, and to have
// stronger typing on the writes channel.
func providerWriter(writes <-chan writeRequest, pool ConnPool) {
conn := pool.Get(context.TODO())
if conn == nil {
defer pool.Put(conn)
for {
first, ok := <-writes
if !ok {
var buf []func()
var cantFail error
func() {
defer sqlitex.Save(conn)(&cantFail)
firstErr := runQueryWithLabels(first.query, first.labels, conn)
buf = append(buf, func() { first.done <- firstErr })
for {
select {
case wr, ok := <-writes:
if ok {
err := runQueryWithLabels(wr.query, wr.labels, conn)
buf = append(buf, func() { wr.done <- err })
// Not sure what to do if this failed.
if cantFail != nil {
expvars.Add("batchTransactionErrors", 1)
// Signal done after we know the transaction succeeded.
for _, done := range buf {
expvars.Add("batchTransactions", 1)
expvars.Add("batchedQueries", int64(len(buf)))
//log.Printf("batched %v write queries", len(buf))
func (p *provider) NewInstance(s string) (resource.Instance, error) {
return instance{s, p}, nil
type instance struct {
location string
p *provider
func getLabels(skip int) pprof.LabelSet {
return pprof.Labels("sqlite-storage-action", func() string {
var pcs [8]uintptr
runtime.Callers(skip+3, pcs[:])
fs := runtime.CallersFrames(pcs[:])
f, _ := fs.Next()
funcName := f.Func.Name()
funcName = funcName[strings.LastIndexByte(funcName, '.')+1:]
//log.Printf("func name: %q", funcName)
return funcName
func (p *provider) withConn(with withConn, write bool, skip int) error {
// I think we need to check this here because it may not be valid to send to the writes channel
// if we're already closed. So don't try to move this check into getReadWithConnRunner.
if p.closed {
return errors.New("closed")
if write && p.opts.BatchWrites {
done := make(chan error)
p.writes <- writeRequest{
query: with,
done: done,
labels: getLabels(skip + 1),
return <-done
} else {
defer p.closeMu.RUnlock()
runner, err := p.getReadWithConnRunner()
if err != nil {
return err
return runner(with)
// Obtains a DB conn and returns a withConn for executing with it. If no error is returned from this
// function, the runner *must* be used or the conn is leaked. You should check the provider isn't
// closed before using this.
func (p *provider) getReadWithConnRunner() (with func(withConn) error, err error) {
conn := p.pool.Get(context.TODO())
if conn == nil {
err = errors.New("couldn't get pool conn")
with = func(with withConn) error {
defer p.pool.Put(conn)
return runQueryWithLabels(with, getLabels(1), conn)
type withConn func(context.Context, conn) error
func (i instance) withConn(with withConn, write bool) error {
return i.p.withConn(with, write, 1)
func (i instance) getConn() *sqlite.Conn {
return i.p.pool.Get(context.TODO())
func (i instance) putConn(conn *sqlite.Conn) {
func (i instance) Readdirnames() (names []string, err error) {
prefix := i.location + "/"
err = i.withConn(func(_ context.Context, conn conn) error {
return sqlitex.Exec(conn, "select name from blob where name like ?", func(stmt *sqlite.Stmt) error {
names = append(names, stmt.ColumnText(0)[len(prefix):])
return nil
}, prefix+"%")
}, false)
//log.Printf("readdir %q gave %q", i.location, names)
func (i instance) getBlobRowid(conn conn) (rowid int64, err error) {
rows := 0
err = sqlitex.Exec(conn, "select rowid from blob where name=?", func(stmt *sqlite.Stmt) error {
rowid = stmt.ColumnInt64(0)
return nil
}, i.location)
if err != nil {
if rows == 1 {
if rows == 0 {
err = errors.New("blob not found")
type connBlob struct {
onClose func()
func (me connBlob) Close() error {
err := me.Blob.Close()
return err
func (i instance) Get() (ret io.ReadCloser, err error) {
conn := i.getConn()
if conn == nil {
panic("nil sqlite conn")
blob, err := i.openBlob(conn, false, true)
if err != nil {
var once sync.Once
return connBlob{blob, func() {
once.Do(func() { i.putConn(conn) })
}}, nil
func (i instance) openBlob(conn conn, write, updateAccess bool) (*sqlite.Blob, error) {
rowid, err := i.getBlobRowid(conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This seems to cause locking issues with in-memory databases. Is it something to do with not
// having WAL?
if updateAccess {
err = sqlitex.Exec(conn, "update blob set last_used=datetime('now') where rowid=?", nil, rowid)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("updating last_used: %w", err)
return nil, err
if conn.Changes() != 1 {
return conn.OpenBlob("main", "blob", "data", rowid, write)
func (i instance) PutSized(reader io.Reader, size int64) (err error) {
err = i.withConn(func(_ context.Context, conn conn) error {
err := sqlitex.Exec(conn, "insert or replace into blob(name, data) values(?, zeroblob(?))",
i.location, size)
if err != nil {
return err
blob, err := i.openBlob(conn, true, false)
if err != nil {
return err
defer blob.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(blob, reader)
return err
}, true)
func (i instance) Put(reader io.Reader) (err error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
_, err = io.Copy(&buf, reader)
if err != nil {
return err
if false {
return i.PutSized(&buf, int64(buf.Len()))
} else {
return i.withConn(func(_ context.Context, conn conn) error {
for range iter.N(10) {
err = sqlitex.Exec(conn,
"insert or replace into blob(name, data) values(?, cast(? as blob))",
i.location, buf.Bytes())
if err, ok := err.(sqlite.Error); ok && err.Code == sqlite.SQLITE_BUSY {
log.Print("sqlite busy")
return err
}, true)
type fileInfo struct {
size int64
func (f fileInfo) Name() string {
panic("implement me")
func (f fileInfo) Size() int64 {
return f.size
func (f fileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode {
panic("implement me")
func (f fileInfo) ModTime() time.Time {
panic("implement me")
func (f fileInfo) IsDir() bool {
panic("implement me")
func (f fileInfo) Sys() interface{} {
panic("implement me")
func (i instance) Stat() (ret os.FileInfo, err error) {
err = i.withConn(func(_ context.Context, conn conn) error {
var blob *sqlite.Blob
blob, err = i.openBlob(conn, false, false)
if err != nil {
return err
defer blob.Close()
ret = fileInfo{blob.Size()}
return nil
}, false)
func (i instance) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {
err = i.withConn(func(_ context.Context, conn conn) error {
if false {
var blob *sqlite.Blob
blob, err = i.openBlob(conn, false, true)
if err != nil {
return err
defer blob.Close()
if off >= blob.Size() {
err = io.EOF
return err
if off+int64(len(p)) > blob.Size() {
p = p[:blob.Size()-off]
n, err = blob.ReadAt(p, off)
} else {
gotRow := false
err = sqlitex.Exec(
"select substr(data, ?, ?) from blob where name=?",
func(stmt *sqlite.Stmt) error {
if gotRow {
panic("found multiple matching blobs")
} else {
gotRow = true
n = stmt.ColumnBytes(0, p)
return nil
off+1, len(p), i.location,
if err != nil {
return err
if !gotRow {
err = errors.New("blob not found")
return err
if n < len(p) {
err = io.EOF
return nil
}, false)
func (i instance) WriteAt(bytes []byte, i2 int64) (int, error) {
panic("implement me")
func (i instance) Delete() error {
return i.withConn(func(_ context.Context, conn conn) error {
return sqlitex.Exec(conn, "delete from blob where name=?", nil, i.location)
}, true)

View File

@ -4,82 +4,19 @@
package sqliteStorage
import (
_ ""
qt ""
test_storage ""
qt ""
func newConnsAndProv(t *testing.T, opts NewPoolOpts) (ConnPool, *provider) {
opts.Path = filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), "sqlite3.db")
pool, err := NewPool(opts)
qt.Assert(t, err, qt.IsNil)
// sqlitex.Pool.Close doesn't like being called more than once. Let it slide for now.
//t.Cleanup(func() { pool.Close() })
qt.Assert(t, initPoolDatabase(pool, InitDbOpts{}), qt.IsNil)
if !opts.Memory && opts.SetJournalMode == "" {
opts.SetJournalMode = "wal"
qt.Assert(t, initPoolConns(context.TODO(), pool, opts.InitConnOpts), qt.IsNil)
prov, err := NewProvider(pool, ProviderOpts{BatchWrites: pool.NumConns() > 1})
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() { prov.Close() })
return pool, prov
func TestTextBlobSize(t *testing.T) {
_, prov := newConnsAndProv(t, NewPoolOpts{})
a, _ := prov.NewInstance("a")
err := a.Put(bytes.NewBufferString("\x00hello"))
qt.Assert(t, err, qt.IsNil)
fi, err := a.Stat()
qt.Assert(t, err, qt.IsNil)
assert.EqualValues(t, 6, fi.Size())
func TestSimultaneousIncrementalBlob(t *testing.T) {
_, p := newConnsAndProv(t, NewPoolOpts{
NumConns: 3,
a, err := p.NewInstance("a")
require.NoError(t, err)
const contents = "hello, world"
require.NoError(t, a.Put(bytes.NewReader([]byte("hello, world"))))
rc1, err := a.Get()
require.NoError(t, err)
rc2, err := a.Get()
require.NoError(t, err)
var b1, b2 []byte
var e1, e2 error
var wg sync.WaitGroup
doRead := func(b *[]byte, e *error, rc io.ReadCloser, n int) {
defer wg.Done()
defer rc.Close()
*b, *e = ioutil.ReadAll(rc)
require.NoError(t, *e, n)
assert.EqualValues(t, contents, *b)
go doRead(&b2, &e2, rc2, 2)
go doRead(&b1, &e1, rc1, 1)
func BenchmarkMarkComplete(b *testing.B) {
const pieceSize = test_storage.DefaultPieceSize
const noTriggers = false