249 lines
12 KiB
249 lines
12 KiB
#include "ReplicationWriteCacheClient.h"
#include "GlobalDataAdaptor.h"
folly::Future<PutResult> ReplicationWriteCacheClient::Put(const std::string &key,
size_t size,
const ByteBuffer &buffer,
const std::map <std::string, std::string> &headers,
size_t off) {
std::vector <folly::Future<PutOutput>> future_list;
Json::Value root, dummy_root;
Json::Value json_replica(Json::arrayValue), json_path(Json::arrayValue), json_headers;
butil::Timer *t = new butil::Timer();
const std::vector<int> replicas = GetReplica(key);
for (auto server_id: replicas) {
auto rpc_client = parent_->GetRpcClient();
auto write_chunk_size = GetGlobalConfig().write_chunk_size;
for (auto iter = headers.begin(); iter != headers.end(); ++iter) {
json_headers[iter->first] = iter->second;
size_t aggregated_size = 0;
for (uint64_t offset = 0; offset < size; offset += write_chunk_size) {
for (auto server_id: replicas) {
auto region_size = std::min(size - offset, write_chunk_size);
ByteBuffer region_buffer(buffer.data + offset, region_size);
std::string partial_key = key
+ "-" + std::to_string((off + offset) / write_chunk_size)
+ "-" + std::to_string(write_chunk_size);
auto PutRPC = folly::via(parent_->executor_.get(), [this, server_id, partial_key, region_buffer, region_size]() -> PutOutput {
return parent_->GetRpcClient()->PutEntryFromWriteCache(server_id, partial_key, region_buffer, region_size).get();
LOG(INFO) << "Phase 1: " << t->u_elapsed();
root["type"] = "replication";
root["size"] = size;
root["replica"] = json_replica;
root["headers"] = json_headers;
return folly::collectAll(future_list).via(parent_->executor_.get()).thenValue([root, t](std::vector<folly::Try<PutOutput>> &&output) -> folly::Future<PutResult> {
Json::Value dummy_root;
Json::Value json_path(Json::arrayValue);
for (auto &entry: output) {
if (!entry.hasValue())
return PutResult { FOLLY_ERROR, dummy_root };
if (entry.value().status != OK) {
LOG(INFO) << "Found error";
return PutResult { entry.value().status, dummy_root };
Json::Value new_root = root;
new_root["path"] = json_path;
LOG(INFO) << "Duration: " << t->u_elapsed();
delete t;
return PutResult { OK, new_root };
folly::Future<int> ReplicationWriteCacheClient::Get(const std::string &key,
size_t start,
size_t size,
ByteBuffer &buffer,
Json::Value &root) {
std::vector<int> replicas;
for (auto &entry : root["replica"]) {
std::vector<std::string> internal_keys;
for (auto &entry : root["path"]) {
std::vector <folly::Future<int>> future_list;
std::vector<GetChunkRequestV2> requests;
auto write_chunk_size = GetGlobalConfig().write_chunk_size;
GenerateGetChunkRequestsV2(key, start, size, buffer, requests, write_chunk_size);
if (requests.empty())
return folly::makeFuture(OK);
size_t aggregated_size = 0;
for (auto &entry: requests) {
int primary_replica_id = lrand48() % replicas.size();
int primary_server_id = replicas[primary_replica_id];
std::string internal_key = internal_keys[entry.chunk_id * replicas.size() + primary_replica_id];
future_list.emplace_back(GetChunkAsync(primary_server_id, entry, internal_key)
.thenValue([this, replicas, entry, primary_server_id, internal_keys](int res) -> int {
if (res != RPC_FAILED) {
return res;
LOG_EVERY_SECOND(WARNING) << "Unable to connect primary replicas. server_id " << primary_server_id
<< ", hostname: " << parent_->GetServerHostname(primary_server_id);
for (auto &server_id : replicas) {
if (server_id == primary_server_id) {
auto internal_key = internal_keys[entry.chunk_id * replicas.size() + server_id];
res = GetChunkAsync(server_id, entry, internal_key).get();
if (res != RPC_FAILED) {
return res;
LOG_EVERY_SECOND(WARNING) << "Unable to connect secondary replicas. server_id " << server_id
<< ", hostname: " << parent_->GetServerHostname(server_id);
LOG_EVERY_SECOND(ERROR) << "Unable to connect all target replicas";
return RPC_FAILED;
aggregated_size += entry.chunk_len;
if (aggregated_size >= GetGlobalConfig().max_inflight_payload_size) {
auto output = folly::collectAll(future_list).get();
for (auto &entry: output)
if (entry.value_or(FOLLY_ERROR) != OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get data from write cache, key: " << key
<< ", start: " << start
<< ", size: " << size
<< ", buf: " << (void *) buffer.data << " " << buffer.len
<< ", error code: " << entry.hasValue() << " " << entry.value_or(FOLLY_ERROR);
return entry.value_or(FOLLY_ERROR);
aggregated_size = 0;
return folly::collectAll(future_list).via(parent_->executor_.get()).thenValue(
[=](std::vector <folly::Try<int>> output) -> int {
for (auto &entry: output)
if (entry.value_or(FOLLY_ERROR) != OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get data from write cache, key: " << key
<< ", start: " << start
<< ", size: " << size
<< ", buf: " << (void *) buffer.data << " " << buffer.len
<< ", error code: " << entry.hasValue() << " " << entry.value_or(FOLLY_ERROR);
return entry.value_or(FOLLY_ERROR);
return OK;
// return parent_->GetRpcClient()->GetEntryFromWriteCache(replica[primary_index], internal_keys[primary_index], start, size).thenValue(
// [this, &buffer, start, size, replica, internal_keys, primary_index](GetOutput &&output) -> int {
// if (output.status == OK) {
// output.buf.copy_to(buffer.data, size);
// }
// if (output.status == RPC_FAILED) {
// for (int index = 0; index < replica.size(); ++index) {
// if (index == primary_index) {
// continue;
// }
// auto res = parent_->GetRpcClient()->GetEntryFromWriteCache(replica[index], internal_keys[index], start, size).get();
// if (res.status == OK) {
// output.buf.copy_to(buffer.data, size);
// }
// if (res.status != RPC_FAILED) {
// return res.status;
// }
// }
// LOG(ERROR) << "All target replicas are crashed";
// return RPC_FAILED;
// }
// return output.status;
// }
// );
folly::Future<int> ReplicationWriteCacheClient::GetChunkAsync(int server_id, GetChunkRequestV2 request, std::string &internal_key) {
LOG_IF(INFO, FLAGS_verbose) << "GetChunkAsync server_id=" << server_id
<< ", internal_key=" << internal_key
<< ", chunk_id=" << request.chunk_id
<< ", chunk_start=" << request.chunk_start
<< ", chunk_len=" << request.chunk_len
<< ", buffer=" << (void *) request.buffer.data;
auto f = parent_->GetRpcClient()->GetEntryFromWriteCache(server_id, internal_key, request.chunk_start, request.chunk_len)
.then([this, server_id, request](folly::Try<GetOutput> &&output) -> folly::Future<int> {
if (!output.hasValue()) {
return folly::makeFuture(FOLLY_ERROR);
auto &value = output.value();
if (value.status == OK) {
value.buf.copy_to(request.buffer.data, request.buffer.len);
return folly::makeFuture(OK);
} else {
return folly::makeFuture(value.status);
return f;
// memset(request.buffer.data, 'x', request.buffer.len);
// return folly::makeFuture(OK);
std::vector<int> ReplicationWriteCacheClient::GetReplica(const std::string &key) {
const int num_available = parent_->server_list_.size();
auto &policy = parent_->GetCachePolicy(key);
const int num_choose = policy.write_replication_factor;
uint64_t seed = std::hash < std::string > {}(key);
std::vector<int> output;
for (int i = 0; i < num_choose; ++i)
output.push_back((seed + i) % num_available);
return output;
void ReplicationWriteCacheClient::GenerateGetChunkRequestsV2(const std::string &key,
size_t start,
size_t size,
ByteBuffer &buffer,
std::vector<GetChunkRequestV2> &requests,
size_t chunk_size) {
const size_t end = start + size;
const size_t begin_chunk_id = start / chunk_size;
const size_t end_chunk_id = (end + chunk_size - 1) / chunk_size;
if (buffer.len < size) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Buffer capacity may be not enough, expect " << size << ", actual " << buffer.len;
size_t buffer_offset = 0;
for (size_t chunk_id = begin_chunk_id; chunk_id < end_chunk_id; ++chunk_id) {
size_t chunk_start = std::max(chunk_id * chunk_size, start);
size_t chunk_stop = std::min((chunk_id + 1) * chunk_size, end);
if (chunk_stop <= chunk_start)
GetChunkRequestV2 item;
item.user_key = key;
item.chunk_id = chunk_id;
item.chunk_start = chunk_start % chunk_size;
item.chunk_len = chunk_stop - chunk_start;
item.chunk_granularity = chunk_size;
item.buffer.data = buffer.data + buffer_offset;
item.buffer.len = item.chunk_len;
buffer_offset += item.chunk_len;
LOG_ASSERT(buffer_offset == size);