@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from log import logger
import env
import proxytool
import requests
import traceback
userpoint = "http://" + env.getenv('USER_IP') + ":" + str(env.getenv('USER_PORT'))
def post_to_user(url = '/', data={}):
@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
hostpath = self.fspath+"/global/users/"+username+"/hosts/"+str(clusterid)+".hosts"
hosts = "\tlocalhost\n"
proxy_server_ip = ""
proxy_public_ip = ""
containers = []
for i in range(0, clustersize):
workerip = workers[random.randint(0, len(workers)-1)]
@ -135,10 +137,14 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
if i == 0:
proxy_server_ip = self.networkmgr.usrgws[username]
[status, proxy_public_ip] = self.etcd.getkey("machines/publicIP/"+proxy_server_ip)
if not status:
logger.error("Fail to get proxy_public_ip %s."%(proxy_server_ip))
return [False, "Fail to get proxy server public IP."]
lxc_name = username + "-" + str(clusterid) + "-" + str(i)
hostname = "host-"+str(i)
logger.info ("create container with : name-%s, username-%s, clustername-%s, clusterid-%s, hostname-%s, ip-%s, gateway-%s, image-%s" % (lxc_name, username, clustername, str(clusterid), hostname, ips[i], gateway, image_json))
[success,message] = oneworker.create_container(lxc_name, proxy_server_ip, username, uid, json.dumps(setting) , clustername, str(clusterid), str(i), hostname, ips[i], gateway, image_json)
[success,message] = oneworker.create_container(lxc_name, proxy_public_ip, username, uid, json.dumps(setting) , clustername, str(clusterid), str(i), hostname, ips[i], gateway, image_json)
if success is False:
logger.info("container create failed, so vcluster create failed")
return [False, message]
@ -149,8 +155,11 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
clusterfile = open(clusterpath, 'w')
proxy_url = env.getenv("PORTAL_URL") +"/"+ proxy_server_ip +"/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername
info = {'clusterid':clusterid, 'status':'stopped', 'size':clustersize, 'containers':containers, 'nextcid': clustersize, 'create_time':datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'start_time':"------" , 'proxy_url':proxy_url, 'proxy_server_ip':proxy_server_ip}
proxy_url = env.getenv("PORTAL_URL") +"/"+ proxy_public_ip +"/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername
info = {'clusterid':clusterid, 'status':'stopped', 'size':clustersize, 'containers':containers, 'nextcid': clustersize, 'create_time':datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'start_time':"------"}
info['proxy_url'] = proxy_url
info['proxy_server_ip'] = proxy_server_ip
info['proxy_public_ip'] = proxy_public_ip
return [True, info]
@ -180,8 +189,9 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
lxc_name = username + "-" + str(clusterid) + "-" + str(cid)
hostname = "host-" + str(cid)
proxy_server_ip = clusterinfo['proxy_server_ip']
proxy_public_ip = clusterinfo['proxy_public_ip']
uid = json.loads(user_info)["data"]["id"]
[success, message] = oneworker.create_container(lxc_name, proxy_server_ip, username, uid, json.dumps(setting), clustername, clusterid, str(cid), hostname, ip, gateway, image_json)
[success, message] = oneworker.create_container(lxc_name, proxy_public_ip, username, uid, json.dumps(setting), clustername, clusterid, str(cid), hostname, ip, gateway, image_json)
if success is False:
logger.info("create container failed, so scale out failed")
return [False, message]
@ -212,9 +222,9 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
clusterinfo['proxy_ip'] = ip + ":" + port
if self.distributedgw == 'True':
worker = self.nodemgr.ip_to_rpc(clusterinfo['proxy_server_ip'])
worker.set_route("/"+ clusterinfo['proxy_server_ip'] + "/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername, target)
worker.set_route("/"+ clusterinfo['proxy_public_ip'] + "/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername, target)
proxytool.set_route("/" + clusterinfo['proxy_server_ip'] + "/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername, target)
proxytool.set_route("/" + clusterinfo['proxy_public_ip'] + "/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername, target)
clusterfile = open(self.fspath + "/global/users/" + username + "/clusters/" + clustername, 'w')
@ -227,9 +237,9 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
if self.distributedgw == 'True':
worker = self.nodemgr.ip_to_rpc(clusterinfo['proxy_server_ip'])
worker.delete_route("/" + clusterinfo['proxy_server_ip'] + "/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername)
worker.delete_route("/" + clusterinfo['proxy_public_ip'] + "/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername)
proxytool.delete_route("/" + clusterinfo['proxy_server_ip'] + "/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername)
proxytool.delete_route("/" + clusterinfo['proxy_public_ip'] + "/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername)
clusterfile = open(self.fspath + "/global/users/" + username + "/clusters/" + clustername, 'w')
@ -399,6 +409,29 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
disk += int(container['setting']['disk'])
return [True, {'cpu':cpu, 'memory':memory, 'disk':disk}]
def update_cluster_baseurl(self, clustername, username, oldip, newip):
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
if not status:
return [False, "cluster not found"]
logger.info("%s %s:base_url need to be modified(%s %s)."%(username,clustername,oldip,newip))
for container in info['containers']:
worker = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://%s:%s" % (container['host'], env.getenv("WORKER_PORT")))
if worker is None:
return [False, "The worker can't be found or has been stopped."]
def check_public_ip(self, clustername, username):
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
[status, proxy_public_ip] = self.etcd.getkey("machines/publicIP/"+info['proxy_server_ip'])
if not info['proxy_public_ip'] == proxy_public_ip:
logger.info("%s %s proxy_public_ip has been changed, base_url need to be modified."%(username,clustername))
oldpublicIP= info['proxy_public_ip']
return False
return True
def start_cluster(self, clustername, username, uid):
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
@ -406,34 +439,36 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
return [False, "cluster not found"]
if info['status'] == 'running':
return [False, "cluster is already running"]
# check gateway for user
# after reboot, user gateway goes down and lose its configuration
# so, check is necessary
self.networkmgr.check_usergw(username, uid, self.nodemgr,self.distributedgw=='True')
# set proxy
if not "proxy_server_ip" in info.keys():
info['proxy_server_ip'] = self.addr
target = 'http://'+info['containers'][0]['ip'].split('/')[0]+":10000"
if self.distributedgw == 'True':
worker = self.nodemgr.ip_to_rpc(info['proxy_server_ip'])
worker.set_route("/" + info['proxy_server_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername, target)
# check public ip
if not self.check_public_ip(clustername,username):
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
worker.set_route("/" + info['proxy_public_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername, target)
if not info['proxy_server_ip'] == self.addr:
logger.info("%s %s proxy_server_ip has been changed, base_url need to be modified."%(username,clustername))
for container in info['containers']:
worker = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://%s:%s" % (container['host'], env.getenv("WORKER_PORT")))
if worker is None:
return [False, "The worker can't be found or has been stopped."]
info['proxy_server_ip'] = self.addr
proxy_url = env.getenv("PORTAL_URL") +"/"+ self.addr +"/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername
info['proxy_url'] = proxy_url
proxytool.set_route("/" + info['proxy_server_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername, target)
oldpublicIP= info['proxy_public_ip']
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
# check public ip
if not self.check_public_ip(clustername,username):
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
proxytool.set_route("/" + info['proxy_public_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername, target)
return [False, "start cluster failed with setting proxy failed"]
# check gateway for user
# after reboot, user gateway goes down and lose its configuration
# so, check is necessary
self.networkmgr.check_usergw(username, uid, self.nodemgr,self.distributedgw=='True')
# start containers
for container in info['containers']:
# set up gre from user's gateway host to container's host.
self.networkmgr.check_usergre(username, uid, container['host'], self.nodemgr, self.distributedgw=='True')
@ -465,35 +500,40 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
if not status:
return [False, "cluster not found"]
# need to check and recover gateway of this user
self.networkmgr.check_usergw(username, uid, self.nodemgr,self.distributedgw=='True')
# recover proxy of cluster
if not "proxy_server_ip" in info.keys():
info['proxy_server_ip'] = self.addr
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
if not "proxy_public_ip" in info.keys():
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
if info['status'] == 'stopped':
return [True, "cluster no need to start"]
# recover proxy of cluster
target = 'http://'+info['containers'][0]['ip'].split('/')[0]+":10000"
if self.distributedgw == 'True':
worker = self.nodemgr.ip_to_rpc(info['proxy_server_ip'])
worker.set_route("/" + info['proxy_server_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername, target)
# check public ip
if not self.check_public_ip(clustername,username):
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
worker.set_route("/" + info['proxy_public_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername, target)
if not info['proxy_server_ip'] == self.addr:
logger.info("%s %s proxy_server_ip has been changed, base_url need to be modified."%(username,clustername))
for container in info['containers']:
worker = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://%s:%s" % (container['host'], env.getenv("WORKER_PORT")))
if worker is None:
return [False, "The worker can't be found or has been stopped."]
info['proxy_server_ip'] = self.addr
proxy_url = env.getenv("PORTAL_URL") +"/"+ self.addr +"/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername
info['proxy_url'] = proxy_url
proxytool.set_route("/" + info['proxy_server_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername, target)
oldpublicIP= info['proxy_public_ip']
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
# check public ip
if not self.check_public_ip(clustername,username):
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
proxytool.set_route("/" + info['proxy_public_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername, target)
return [False, "start cluster failed with setting proxy failed"]
# need to check and recover gateway of this user
self.networkmgr.check_usergw(username, uid, self.nodemgr,self.distributedgw=='True')
# recover containers of this cluster
for container in info['containers']:
# set up gre from user's gateway host to container's host.
@ -516,9 +556,9 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
return [False, 'cluster is already stopped']
if self.distributedgw == 'True':
worker = self.nodemgr.ip_to_rpc(info['proxy_server_ip'])
worker.delete_route("/" + info['proxy_server_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername)
worker.delete_route("/" + info['proxy_public_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername)
proxytool.delete_route("/" + info['proxy_server_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername)
proxytool.delete_route("/" + info['proxy_public_ip'] + '/go/'+username+'/'+clustername)
for container in info['containers']:
worker = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://%s:%s" % (container['host'], env.getenv("WORKER_PORT")))
if worker is None:
@ -577,6 +617,21 @@ class VclusterMgr(object):
logger.error ("internal error: cluster:%s info file has no clusterid " % clustername)
return -1
def update_proxy_ipAndurl(self, clustername, username, proxy_server_ip):
[status, info] = self.get_clusterinfo(clustername, username)
if not status:
return [False, "cluster not found"]
info['proxy_server_ip'] = proxy_server_ip
[status, proxy_public_ip] = self.etcd.getkey("machines/publicIP/"+proxy_server_ip)
if not status:
logger.error("Fail to get proxy_public_ip %s."%(proxy_server_ip))
proxy_public_ip = proxy_server_ip
info['proxy_public_ip'] = proxy_public_ip
proxy_url = env.getenv("PORTAL_URL") +"/"+ proxy_public_ip +"/_web/" + username + "/" + clustername
info['proxy_url'] = proxy_url
return proxy_public_ip
def get_clusterinfo(self, clustername, username):
clusterpath = self.fspath + "/global/users/" + username + "/clusters/" + clustername
if not os.path.isfile(clusterpath):