# Docklet http://docklet.unias.org ## Intro Docklet is a cloud operating system for mini-datacener. Its goal is to help multi-user share cluster resources effectively. In Docklet, every user has their own private **virtual cluster (vcluster)**, which consists of a number of virtual Linux container nodes distributed over the physical cluster. Each vcluster is separated from others and can be operated like a real physical cluster. Therefore, most applications, especially those requiring a cluster environment, can run in vcluster seamlessly. Users manage and use their vcluster all through web. The only client tool needed is a modern web browser supporting HTML5, like Safari, Firefox, or Chrome. The integrated *jupyter notebook* provides a web **Workspace**. In the Workspace, users can code, debug, test, and runn their programs, even visualize the outputs online. Therefore, it is ideal for data analysis and processing. Docklet creates virtual nodes from a base image. Admins can pre-install development tools and frameworks according to their interests. The users are also free to install their specific software in their vcluster. Docklet only need **one** public IP address. The vclusters are configured to use private IP address range, e.g.,,, A proxy is setup to help users visit their vclusters behind the firewall/gateway. The Docklet system runtime consists of four components: - distributed file system server - etcd server - docklet master - docklet worker ## Install Currently the Docklet system is recommend to run in Unbuntu 15.10+. Ensure that python3.5 is the default python3 version. Clone Docklet from github ``` git clone https://github.com/unias/docklet.git ``` Run **prepare.sh** from console to install depended packages and generate necessary configurations. A *root* users will be created for managing the Docklet system. The password is recorded in `FS_PREFIX/local/generated_password.txt` . ## Config ## The main configuration file of docklet is conf/docklet.conf. Most default setting works for a single host environment. First copy docklet.conf.template to get docklet.conf. Pay attention to the following settings: - NETWORK_DEVICE : the network interface to use. - ETCD : the etcd server address. For distributed muli hosts environment, it should be one of the ETCD public server address. For single host environment, the default value should be OK. - STORAGE : using disk or file to storage persistent data, for single host, file is convenient. - FS_PREFIX: the working dir of docklet runtime. default is /opt/docklet. - CLUSTER_NET: the vcluster network ip address range, default is This network range should all be allocated to and managed by docklet. - PROXY_PORT : the public port of docklet. Users use this port to visit the docklet system. - PORTAL_URL : the portal of the system. Users access the system by visiting this address. If the system is behind a firewall, then a reverse proxy should be setup. ## Start ## ### distributed file system ### For multi hosts distributed environment, a distributed file system is needed to store global data. Currently, glusterfs has been tested. Lets presume the file system server export filesystem as nfs **fileserver:/pub** : In each physical host to run docklet, mount **fileserver:/pub** to **FS_PEFIX/global** . For single host environment, nothing to do. ### etcd ### For single host environment, start **tools/etcd-one-node.sh** . Some recent Ubuntu releases have included **etcd** in the repository, just `apt-get install etcd`, and it need not to start etcd manually. For others, you should install etcd manually. For multi hosts distributed environment, **must** start **dep/etcd-multi-nodes.sh** in each etcd server hosts. This scripts requires users providing the etcd server address as parameters. ### master ### First, select a server with 2 network interface card, one having a public IP address/url, e.g., docklet.info; the other having a private IP address, e.g., This server will be the master. If it is the first time you start docklet, run `bin/docklet-master init` to init and start docklet master. Otherwise, run `bin/docklet-master start`, which will start master in recovery mode in background using conf/docklet.conf. You can check the daemon status by running `bin/docklet-master status` The master logs are in **FS_PREFIX/local/log/docklet-master.log** and **docklet-web.log**. ### worker ### Worker needs a basefs image to create containers. You can create such an image with `lxc-create -n test -t download`, then copy the rootfs to **FS_PREFIX/local**, and renamed `rootfs` to `basefs`. Note the `jupyerhub` package must be installed for this image. And the start script `tools/start_jupyter.sh` should be placed at `basefs/home/jupyter`. You can check and run `tools/update-basefs.sh` to update basefs. Run `bin/docklet-worker start`, will start worker in background. You can check the daemon status by running `bin/docklet-worker status` The log is in **FS_PREFIX/local/log/docklet-worker.log** Currently, the worker must be run after the master has been started. ## Usage ## Open a browser, visiting the address specified by PORTAL_URL , e.g., ` http://docklet.info/ ` That is it. # Contribute # Contributions are welcome. Please check [devguide](doc/devguide/devguide.md)