Make ParsePatch more performant

This commit is contained in:
Kim "BKC" Carlbäcker 2017-12-11 23:58:53 +01:00
parent d644e88107
commit 5b17f054c5
1 changed files with 35 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -247,31 +247,55 @@ func ParsePatch(maxLines, maxLineCharacters, maxFiles int, reader io.Reader) (*D
lineCount int
curFileLinesCount int
curFileLFSPrefix bool
input = bufio.NewReader(reader)
isEOF = false
input := bufio.NewReader(reader)
isEOF := false
for !isEOF {
var linebuf bytes.Buffer
for {
b, err := input.ReadByte()
peek, err := input.Peek(maxLineCharacters)
if err != bufio.ErrBufferFull {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("PeekByte: %v", err)
newLine := bytes.Index(peek, []byte("\n"));
if newLine == -1 {
// Instead of reading things, and copying memory around,
// we simply discard them (which doesn't allocate memory)
curFile.IsIncomplete = true
// We already know that we can read `len(peek)` amount of bytes,
// hence no error-checking
if curFile.IsIncomplete {
// Since we get here without hiting the above case, we've found a newline
// and only discard that part.
buff := make([]byte, newLine)
n, err := input.Read(buff)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
isEOF = true
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ReadByte: %v", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read: %v", err)
if n != newLine {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Read: could not read enough bytes %d != %d", n, newLine)
n, err := linebuf.Write(buff)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Write: %v", err)
if n != newLine {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Write: could not write enough bytes %d != %d", n, newLine)
if b == '\n' {
if linebuf.Len() < maxLineCharacters {
} else if linebuf.Len() == maxLineCharacters {
curFile.IsIncomplete = true
line := linebuf.String()
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "+++ ") || strings.HasPrefix(line, "--- ") || len(line) == 0 {