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2023-11-16 15:38:14 +08:00
import numpy as np
import itertools
from mbi import Dataset, GraphicalModel, FactoredInference, Domain
from mechanism import Mechanism
from collections import defaultdict
from hdmm.matrix import Identity
from scipy.optimize import bisect
import pandas as pd
from mbi import Factor
import argparse
import time
This file contains a IncreSyn construction example in the update phase.
For more details of Private-PGM and its implemention, please visit
Before using this or any other mechanisms in IncreSyn, make sure you have
already prepared source code of hdmm and mbi for dependences and put the "src"
folder's path to PYTHONPATH.
def powerset(iterable): # Calculting for powerset
"powerset([1,2,3]) --> (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
s = list(iterable)
return itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(1,len(s)+1))
def downward_closure(Ws):
ans = set()
for proj in Ws:
return list(sorted(ans, key=len))
def hypothetical_model_size(domain, cliques):
model = GraphicalModel(domain, cliques)
return model.size * 8 / 2**20
def compile_workload(workload):
def score(cl):
return sum(len(set(cl)&set(ax)) for ax in workload)
return { cl : score(cl) for cl in downward_closure(workload) }
class AIM(Mechanism):
def __init__(self,epsilon,delta,lastsyn_load,prng=None,rounds=None,max_model_size=80,structural_zeros={},cliques_in = "./data/cliques.csv"):
super(AIM, self).__init__(epsilon, delta, prng)
self.rounds = rounds
self.max_model_size = max_model_size
self.structural_zeros = structural_zeros
self.cliques_in = cliques_in
self.lastsyn = lastsyn
def worst_approximated(self, candidates, answers, model, eps, sigma):
errors = {}
sensitivity = {}
for cl in candidates:
wgt = candidates[cl]
x = answers[cl]
bias = np.sqrt(2/np.pi)*sigma*model.domain.size(cl)
xest = model.project(cl).datavector()
errors[cl] = wgt * (np.linalg.norm(x - xest, 1) - bias)
sensitivity[cl] = abs(wgt)
def run(self, data, W):
rounds = self.rounds or 16*len(data.domain) #IncreSyn: Here we using the original rounds limit, to achieve same 1-way calc budget
cliques = []
cliquepd = pd.read_csv(self.cliques_in).values.tolist() #IncreSyn: Get selected cliques
for line in cliquepd:
if line[1] is np.nan:
#IncreSyn:Load prefer cliques from file
prefer_pd = pd.read_csv("./data/prefer.csv").values.tolist()
for line in prefer_pd:
if line[1] is np.nan:
workload = [cl for cl, _ in W]
candidates = compile_workload(workload)
answers = { cl : data.project(cl).datavector() for cl in candidates }
oneway = [cl for cl in candidates if len(cl) == 1]
rho_used = 0
sigma = np.sqrt(rounds / (2*0.9*self.rho))
time_start = time.time()
#IncreSyn: When the last synthetic data is given, run the select step once
if self.lastsyn_load is not None:
print('Last synthetic data detected, adding selection')
epsilon = np.sqrt(8*0.1*self.rho/rounds)
rho_used += epsilon
cl = self.worst_approximated(workload, answers, lastsyn_load, epsilon, sigma)
measurements = []
print('Initial Sigma', sigma)
rho_used += len(oneway)*0.5/sigma**2
for cl in oneway:
x = data.project(cl).datavector()
y = x + self.gaussian_noise(sigma,x.size)
I = Identity(y.size)
measurements.append((I, y, sigma, cl))
zeros = self.structural_zeros
engine = FactoredInference(data.domain,iters=1000,warm_start=True,structural_zeros=zeros)
model = engine.estimate(measurements)
t = 0
terminate = False
remaining = self.rho - rho_used
# IncreSyn: After the completion of a 1-way measurements, we reset the maximum number of rounds to be equal to the total length of cliques (with prefer attributes), in order to avoid allocating too much budget for 1-way measurements.
# Once this is set, the subsequent process can be considered as allocating a fixed budget per round.
rounds = len(cliques)
sigma = np.sqrt(rounds / (2 * remaining)) #IncreSyn: Re-design sigma
print("!!!Re-design sigma after one-way!")
print("New sigma:",sigma)
while t < rounds and not terminate:
t += 1
cl = None
if (self.rho - rho_used <0.5/sigma**2): #IncreSyn: Change the limitation
# Just use up whatever remaining budget there is for one last round
remaining = self.rho - rho_used
sigma = np.sqrt(1 / (2*0.9*remaining))
# We do not needs epsilon here
# epsilon = np.sqrt(8*0.1*remaining)
terminate = True
rho_used += 0.5/sigma**2 #IncreSyn: Remove epsilon here
cl = cliques[t-1] #IncreSyn: Switch the original select method to reading selected cliques line by line.
n = data.domain.size(cl)
Q = Identity(n)
x = data.project(cl).datavector()
y = x + self.gaussian_noise(sigma, n)
measurements.append((Q, y, sigma, cl))
print('Selected',cl,'Size',n,'Budget Used',rho_used/self.rho)
print("Total rounds:",t)
engine.iters = 2500
model = engine.estimate(measurements) #IncreSyn: Move the estimation outside of the iteration.
time_end = time.time()
time_consume=int(round((time_end-time_start) * 1000))
print('Time cost:'+str(time_consume)+' ms.Saving model, cliques and measurements...')
print('Generating Data...')
synth = model.synthetic_data()
return synth
def default_params():
Return default parameters to run this program
:returns: a dictionary of default parameter settings for each command line argument
params = {}
params['dataset'] = '../data/colorado.csv'
params['domain'] = '../data/colorado-domain.json'
params['epsilon'] = 1.0
params['delta'] = 1e-9
params['noise'] = 'laplace'
params['max_model_size'] = 80
params['degree'] = 2
params['num_marginals'] = None
params['max_cells'] = 10000
params['cliques'] = '../data/cliques.csv'
params['lastsyn'] = None
return params
if __name__ == "__main__":
description = ''
formatter = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=formatter)
parser.add_argument('--dataset', help='dataset to use')
parser.add_argument('--domain', help='domain to use')
parser.add_argument('--epsilon', type=float, help='privacy parameter')
parser.add_argument('--delta', type=float, help='privacy parameter')
parser.add_argument('--max_model_size', type=float, help='maximum size (in megabytes) of model')
parser.add_argument('--degree', type=int, help='degree of marginals in workload')
parser.add_argument('--num_marginals', type=int, help='number of marginals in workload')
parser.add_argument('--max_cells', type=int, help='maximum number of cells for marginals in workload')
parser.add_argument('--save', type=str, help='path to save synthetic data')
parser.add_argument('--cliques', help='cliques that used')
parser.add_argument('--lastsyn', help = 'last synthetic data')
args = parser.parse_args()
data = Dataset.load(args.dataset, args.domain)
workload = list(itertools.combinations(data.domain,
workload = [cl for cl in workload if data.domain.size(cl) <= args.max_cells]
if args.num_marginals is not None:
workload = [workload[i] for i in prng.choice(len(workload), args.num_marginals, replace=False)]
if args.lastsyn is not None:
lastsyn_load = Dataset.load(args.lastsyn, args.domain)
lastsyn_load = None
workload = [(cl, 1.0) for cl in workload]
mech = AIM(args.epsilon,, lastsyn_load, max_model_size=args.max_model_size,cliques_in = args.cliques)
synth =, workload)
if is not None: # Synthetic save process
synth.df.to_csv(, index=False)
errors = []
for proj, wgt in workload:
X = data.project(proj).datavector()
Y = synth.project(proj).datavector()
e = 0.5*wgt*np.linalg.norm(X/X.sum() - Y/Y.sum(), 1)
print('Average Error: ', np.mean(errors))
#IncreSyn: Calc prefer error
prefer_cliques = []
prefer_pd = pd.read_csv("./data/prefer.csv").values.tolist()
for line in prefer_pd:
errors_p = []
for proj in prefer_cliques:
X = data.project(proj).datavector()
Y = synth.project(proj).datavector()
e = 0.5*np.linalg.norm(X/X.sum() - Y/Y.sum(), 1)
print('Average Error in preferred Cliques: ',np.mean(errors_p))