MIME media types specified by the \fImime/type\fR field are case-insensitive and are sorted in ascending alphanumeric order for the purposes of matching.
See the "TYPE MATCHING AND PRIORITY" section for more information.
The rules may be grouped using parenthesis, joined using "+" for a logical AND, joined using "," or whitespace for a logical OR, and negated using "!".
True if the bytes starting at \fIoffset\fR for \fIrange\fR bytes contains \fIstring\fR.
String constants can be specified inside quotes ("") for strings containing whitespace and angle brackets (<>) for hexadecimal strings.
When CUPS needs to determine the MIME media type of a given file, it checks every MIME media type defined in the \fI.types\fR files.
When two or more types match a given file, the type chosen will depend on the type name and priority, with higher-priority types being used over lower-priority ones.
If the types have the same priority, the type names are sorted alphanumerically in ascending order and the first type is chosen.
For example, if two types "text/bar" and "text/foo" are defined as matching the
extension "doc", normally the type "text/bar" will be chosen since its name is
alphanumerically smaller than "text/foo".
However, if "text/foo" also defines a higher priority than "text/bar", "text/foo" will be chosen instead.