vibrator: Use interpolation method for non-motion voltage

Bug: 156428459
Test: manual check the ol_clamp
Signed-off-by: chasewu <>
Change-Id: I3ef918098391a08d4ed36e057f6ce093a702d924
This commit is contained in:
chasewu 2020-05-19 17:26:22 +08:00 committed by Cyan_Hsieh
parent abe7c51aec
commit 0808fdb6df
1 changed files with 43 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ static std::vector<float> sYAxleData;
static uint64_t sEndTime = 0;
static struct timespec sGetTime;
#define MAX_VOLTAGE 3.2
#define FLOAT_EPS 1e-7
#define SENSOR_DATA_NUM 20
// Set sensing period to 2s
@ -158,10 +159,10 @@ static float targetGToVlevelsUnderLinearEquation(std::array<float, 4> inputCoeff
// 0 to 3.2 is our valid output
float outPutVal = 0.0f;
outPutVal = (targetG - inputCoeffs[1]) / inputCoeffs[0];
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= 3.2)) {
return outPutVal;
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= MAX_VOLTAGE)) {
return outPutVal;
} else {
return 0.0f;
return 0.0f;
@ -185,8 +186,8 @@ static float targetGToVlevelsUnderCubicEquation(std::array<float, 4> inputCoeffs
if ((fabs(AA) <= FLOAT_EPS) && (fabs(BB) <= FLOAT_EPS)) {
// Case 1: A = B = 0
outPutVal = -inputCoeffs[1] / (3 * inputCoeffs[0]);
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= 3.2)) {
return outPutVal;
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= MAX_VOLTAGE)) {
return outPutVal;
return 0.0f;
} else if (Delta > FLOAT_EPS) {
@ -217,28 +218,28 @@ static float targetGToVlevelsUnderCubicEquation(std::array<float, 4> inputCoeffs
sqrtA = sqrt(AA);
outPutVal = (-inputCoeffs[1] - 2 * sqrtA * cosSita) / (3 * inputCoeffs[0]);
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= 3.2)) {
return outPutVal;
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= MAX_VOLTAGE)) {
return outPutVal;
outPutVal = (-inputCoeffs[1] + sqrtA * (cosSita + sinSitaSqrt3)) / (3 * inputCoeffs[0]);
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= 3.2)) {
return outPutVal;
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= MAX_VOLTAGE)) {
return outPutVal;
outPutVal = (-inputCoeffs[1] + sqrtA * (cosSita - sinSitaSqrt3)) / (3 * inputCoeffs[0]);
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= 3.2)) {
return outPutVal;
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= MAX_VOLTAGE)) {
return outPutVal;
return 0.0f;
} else if (Delta <= FLOAT_EPS) {
// Case 4: Delta = 0
K = BB / AA;
outPutVal = (-inputCoeffs[1] / inputCoeffs[0] + K);
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= 3.2)) {
return outPutVal;
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= MAX_VOLTAGE)) {
return outPutVal;
outPutVal = (-K / 2);
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= 3.2)) {
return outPutVal;
if ((outPutVal > FLOAT_EPS) && (outPutVal <= MAX_VOLTAGE)) {
return outPutVal;
return 0.0f;
} else {
@ -247,6 +248,15 @@ static float targetGToVlevelsUnderCubicEquation(std::array<float, 4> inputCoeffs
static float vLevelsToTargetGUnderCubicEquation(
std::array<float, 4> inputCoeffs, float vLevel) {
float inputVoltage = 0.0f;
inputVoltage = vLevel * MAX_VOLTAGE;
return inputCoeffs[0] * pow(inputVoltage, 3) +
inputCoeffs[1] * pow(inputVoltage, 2) + inputCoeffs[2] * inputVoltage +
static bool motionAwareness() {
float avgX = 0.0, avgY = 0.0;
uint64_t current_time = 0;
@ -350,9 +360,24 @@ Vibrator::Vibrator(std::unique_ptr<HwApi> hwapi, std::unique_ptr<HwCal> hwcal)
if (hasExternalSteadyG) {
STEADY_TARGET_G[i] = externalSteadyTargetG[i];
// Use cubic approach to get the target voltage levels
tempVolLevel = targetGToVlevelsUnderCubicEquation(
steadyCoeffs, STEADY_TARGET_G[i]);
// Use cubic approach to get the steady target voltage levels
// For steady level 3 voltage which is used for non-motion
// voltage, we use interpolation method to calculate the voltage
// via 20% of MAX voltage, 60% of MAX voltage and steady level 3
// target G
if (i == 2) {
tempVolLevel =
vLevelsToTargetGUnderCubicEquation(steadyCoeffs, 0.2)) *
0.4 * MAX_VOLTAGE) /
(vLevelsToTargetGUnderCubicEquation(steadyCoeffs, 0.6) -
0.2)) +
} else {
tempVolLevel = targetGToVlevelsUnderCubicEquation(
steadyCoeffs, STEADY_TARGET_G[i]);
mSteadyTargetOdClamp[i] =
convertLevelsToOdClamp(tempVolLevel, lraPeriod);
if ((mSteadyTargetOdClamp[i] <= 0) ||