2022-12-16 13:24:03 +08:00
.PHONY : all all -local build build -local clean cross cross -local vet lint misspell check check -local check -code check -format unit -tests protobuf protobuf -local check -protobuf
SHELL = /bin/bash
dockerbuildargs ?= --target dev - < Dockerfile
dockerargs ?= --privileged -v $( shell pwd ) :/go/src/github.com/docker/libnetwork -w /go/src/github.com/docker/libnetwork
build_image = libnetworkbuild
container_env = -e "INSIDECONTAINER=-incontainer=true"
docker = docker run --rm -it --init ${ dockerargs } $$ EXTRA_ARGS ${ container_env } ${ build_image }
CROSS_PLATFORMS = linux/amd64 linux/386 linux/arm windows/amd64
PACKAGES = $( shell go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
PROTOC_FLAGS = -I= . -I= /go/src -I= /go/src/github.com/gogo/protobuf -I= /go/src/github.com/gogo/protobuf/protobuf
export PATH := $( CURDIR) /bin:$( PATH)
# Several targets in this Makefile expect to run within the
# libnetworkbuild container. In general, a target named '<target>-local'
# relies on utilities inside the build container. Usually there is also
# a wrapper called '<target>' which starts a container and runs
# 'make <target>-local' inside it.
# Top level targets
all : build check clean
all-local : build -local check -local clean
# Build targets
# builder builds the libnetworkbuild container. All wrapper targets
# must depend on this to ensure that the container exists.
builder :
DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1 docker build --progress= plain -t ${ build_image } --build-arg= GO_VERSION ${ dockerbuildargs }
build : builder
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
@${ docker } make build-local
build-local :
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
@mkdir -p "bin"
2024-04-24 10:03:53 +08:00
GO111MODULE = off go build -tags experimental -o "bin/dnet" ./cmd/dnet
GO111MODULE = off go build -o "bin/docker-proxy" ./cmd/proxy
2022-12-16 13:24:03 +08:00
CGO_ENABLED = 0 go build -o "bin/diagnosticClient" ./cmd/diagnostic
CGO_ENABLED = 0 go build -o "bin/testMain" ./cmd/networkdb-test/testMain.go
build-images :
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
cp cmd/diagnostic/daemon.json ./bin
DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1 docker build --progress= plain -f cmd/diagnostic/Dockerfile.client -t dockereng/network-diagnostic:onlyclient bin/
DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1 docker build --progress= plain -f cmd/diagnostic/Dockerfile.dind -t dockereng/network-diagnostic:17.12-dind bin/
DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1 docker build --progress= plain -f cmd/networkdb-test/Dockerfile -t dockereng/e2e-networkdb:master bin/
DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1 docker build --progress= plain -t dockereng/network-diagnostic:support.sh support/
push-images : build -images
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
docker push dockereng/network-diagnostic:onlyclient
docker push dockereng/network-diagnostic:17.12-dind
docker push dockereng/e2e-networkdb:master
docker push dockereng/network-diagnostic:support.sh
clean :
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
@if [ -d bin ] ; then \
echo "Removing binaries" ; \
rm -rf bin; \
cross : builder
@mkdir -p "bin"
@for platform in ${ CROSS_PLATFORMS } ; do \
EXTRA_ARGS = " -e GOOS= $$ {platform%/*} -e GOARCH= $$ {platform##*/} " ; \
echo " $$ {platform}... " ; \
${ docker } make cross-local ; \
cross-local :
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
2024-04-24 10:03:53 +08:00
GO111MODULE = off go build -o " bin/dnet- $$ GOOS- $$ GOARCH " ./cmd/dnet
GO111MODULE = off go build -o " bin/docker-proxy- $$ GOOS- $$ GOARCH " ./cmd/proxy
2022-12-16 13:24:03 +08:00
# Rebuild protocol buffers.
# These may need to be rebuilt after vendoring updates, so .proto files are declared .PHONY so they are always rebuilt.
PROTO_FILES = $( shell find . -path ./vendor -prune -o -name \* .proto -print)
PB_FILES = $( PROTO_FILES:.proto= .pb.go)
# Pattern rule for protoc. If PROTOC_CHECK is defined, it checks
# whether the generated files are up to date and fails if they are not
%.pb.go : %.proto
@if [ ${ PROTOC_CHECK } ] ; then \
protoc ${ PROTOC_FLAGS } --gogo_out= /tmp $< ; \
diff -q $@ /tmp/$@ >/dev/null || ( echo " 👹 $@ is out of date; please run 'make protobuf' and check in updates " && exit 1) ; \
else \
protoc ${ PROTOC_FLAGS } --gogo_out= ./ $< ; \
protobuf : builder
@${ docker } make protobuf-local
protobuf-local : $( PB_FILES )
# Test targets
check : builder
@${ docker } make check-local
check-local : check -code check -format
check-code : check -protobuf lint vet ineffassign
check-format : fmt misspell
unit-tests : builder
${ docker } make unit-tests-local
unit-tests-local :
@echo "🐳 Running tests... "
@echo "mode: count" > coverage.coverprofile
2024-04-24 10:03:53 +08:00
@GO111MODULE= off go build -o "bin/docker-proxy" ./cmd/proxy
2022-12-16 13:24:03 +08:00
@for dir in $$ ( find . -maxdepth 10 -not -path './.git*' -not -path '*/_*' -not -path './vendor/*' -type d) ; do \
if ls $$ dir/*.go & > /dev/null; then \
pushd . & > /dev/null ; \
cd $$ dir ; \
go test ${ INSIDECONTAINER } -test.parallel 5 -test.v -covermode= count -coverprofile= ./profile.tmp ; \
ret = $$ ? ; \
if [ $$ ret -ne 0 ] ; then exit $$ ret; fi ; \
popd & > /dev/null; \
if [ -f $$ dir/profile.tmp ] ; then \
cat $$ dir/profile.tmp | tail -n +2 >> coverage.coverprofile ; \
rm $$ dir/profile.tmp ; \
fi ; \
fi ; \
@echo "Done running tests"
# Depends on binaries because vet will silently fail if it can not load compiled imports
vet : ## run go vet
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
@test -z " $$ (go vet ${ PACKAGES } 2>&1 | grep -v 'constant [0-9]* not a string in call to Errorf' | egrep -v '(timestamp_test.go|duration_test.go|exit status 1)' | tee /dev/stderr) "
misspell :
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
@test -z " $$ (find . -type f | grep -v vendor/ | grep " \. go\| \. md" | xargs misspell -error | tee /dev/stderr)"
fmt : ## run go fmt
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
@test -z " $$ (gofmt -s -l . | grep -v vendor/ | grep -v " .pb.go$$ " | tee /dev/stderr)" || \
( echo "👹 please format Go code with 'gofmt -s -w'" && false )
lint : ## run go lint
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
@test -z " $$ (golint ./... | grep -v vendor/ | grep -v " .pb.go:" | grep -v " .mock.go" | tee /dev/stderr)"
ineffassign : ## run ineffassign
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
@test -z " $$ (ineffassign . | grep -v vendor/ | grep -v " .pb.go:" | grep -v " .mock.go" | tee /dev/stderr)"
# check-protobuf rebuilds .pb.go files and fails if they have changed
check-protobuf : PROTOC_CHECK =1
check-protobuf : $( PB_FILES )
@echo " 🐳 $@ "
# Utility targets
shell : builder
@${ docker } ${ SHELL }