IMAGE_NAME=docker/swarmkit GOPATH=/go DOCKER_IMAGE_DIR=${GOPATH}/src/${PROJECT_ROOT} DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DELVE_PORT ?= 2345 # don't bother writing every single make target. just pass the call through to # docker and make # we prefer `%:` to `.DEFAULT` as the latter doesn't run phony deps # (see %:: @ echo "Running target $@ inside a container" @ DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DOCKER_RUN_CMD="make $*" $(MAKE) run shell: @ DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DOCKER_RUN_CMD='bash' DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DOCKER_RUN_FLAGS='-i' $(MAKE) run .PHONY: image image: docker build -t ${IMAGE_NAME} . # internal target, only builds the image if it doesn't exist .PHONY: ensure_image_exists ensure_image_exists: @ if [ ! $$(docker images -q ${IMAGE_NAME}) ]; then $(MAKE) image; fi # internal target, starts the sync if needed # uses # which is not great, but that's all they expose so far to do this... # checks if the daemon pid in the .docker-sync directory maps to a running # process owned by the current user, and otherwise assumes the sync is not # running, and starts it .PHONY: ensure_sync_started ensure_sync_started: @ kill -0 $$(cat .docker-sync/ 2&> /dev/null || docker-sync start # internal target, actually runs a command inside a container # we don't use the `-i` flag for `docker run` by default as that makes it a pain # to kill running containers (can't kill with ctrl-c) .PHONY: run run: ensure_image_exists @ [ "$$DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DOCKER_RUN_CMD" ] || exit 1 @ DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND="docker run -t -v swarmkit-cache:${GOPATH}" \ && if [ "$$DOCKER_SWARMKIT_USE_DOCKER_SYNC" ]; then \ $(MAKE) ensure_sync_started && DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND+=" -v swarmkit-sync:${DOCKER_IMAGE_DIR}"; \ else \ DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND+=" -v ${ROOTDIR}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_DIR}"; \ fi \ && if [ "$$DOCKER_SWARMKIT_USE_DELVE" ]; then \ DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND="DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DELVE_PORT=${DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DELVE_PORT} $$DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND" ; \ DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND+=" -p ${DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DELVE_PORT}:${DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DELVE_PORT} -e DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DELVE_PORT"; \ `# see'` ; \ DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND+=" --security-opt=seccomp:unconfined"; \ fi \ && DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND+=" $$DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DOCKER_RUN_FLAGS $$DOCKER_SWARMKIT_EXTRA_RUN_FLAGS ${IMAGE_NAME} $$DOCKER_SWARMKIT_DOCKER_RUN_CMD" \ && echo $$DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND \ && eval $$DOCKER_RUN_COMMAND