2022-05-14 03:28:55 +08:00
Program: GDCM (Grassroots DICOM). A DICOM library
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Mathieu Malaterre
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://gdcm.sourceforge.net/Copyright.html for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#include "gdcmTesting.h"
#include "gdcmFilename.h"
#include "gdcmSystem.h"
#include "gdcmMD5.h"
#include <string.h> // strcmp
#include <stdlib.h> // malloc
namespace gdcm
#error how did that happen ?
#include "gdcmDataFileNames.cxx"
#include "gdcmMD5DataImages.cxx"
#include "gdcmMD5DataBrokenImages.cxx"
#include "gdcmMediaStorageDataFiles.cxx"
#include "gdcmStreamOffsetDataFiles.cxx"
// After gdcmStreamOffsetDataFiles:
#include "gdcmSelectedTagsOffsetDataFiles.cxx"
#include "gdcmSelectedPrivateGroupOffsetDataFiles.cxx"
bool Testing::ComputeMD5(const char *buffer, size_t buf_len,
char digest_str[33])
return MD5::Compute(buffer, buf_len, digest_str);
bool Testing::ComputeFileMD5(const char *filename, char *digest_str)
return MD5::ComputeFile(filename, digest_str);
const char * const *Testing::GetFileNames()
return gdcmDataFileNames;
unsigned int Testing::GetNumberOfFileNames()
// Do not count NULL value:
static const unsigned int size = sizeof(gdcmDataFileNames)/sizeof(*gdcmDataFileNames) - 1;
return size;
const char * Testing::GetFileName(unsigned int file)
if( file < Testing::GetNumberOfFileNames() ) return gdcmDataFileNames[file];
return nullptr;
Testing::MediaStorageDataFilesType Testing::GetMediaStorageDataFiles()
return gdcmMediaStorageDataFiles;
unsigned int Testing::GetNumberOfMediaStorageDataFiles()
// Do not count NULL value:
static const unsigned int size = sizeof(gdcmMediaStorageDataFiles)/sizeof(*gdcmMediaStorageDataFiles) - 1;
return size;
const char * const * Testing::GetMediaStorageDataFile(unsigned int file)
if( file < Testing::GetNumberOfMediaStorageDataFiles() ) return gdcmMediaStorageDataFiles[file];
// else return the {0x0, 0x0} sentinel:
2024-02-29 18:13:02 +08:00
assert( *gdcmMediaStorageDataFiles[ Testing::GetNumberOfMediaStorageDataFiles() ] == nullptr );
2022-05-14 03:28:55 +08:00
return gdcmMediaStorageDataFiles[ Testing::GetNumberOfMediaStorageDataFiles() ];
const char * Testing::GetMediaStorageFromFile(const char *filepath)
unsigned int i = 0;
MediaStorageDataFilesType mediastorages = GetMediaStorageDataFiles();
const char *p = mediastorages[i][0];
Filename comp(filepath);
const char *filename = comp.GetName();
while( p != nullptr )
if( strcmp( filename, p ) == 0 )
p = mediastorages[i][0];
// \postcondition always valid (before sentinel)
assert( i <= GetNumberOfMediaStorageDataFiles() );
return mediastorages[i][1];
Testing::MD5DataImagesType Testing::GetMD5DataImages()
return gdcmMD5DataImages;
unsigned int Testing::GetNumberOfMD5DataImages()
// Do not count NULL value:
static const unsigned int size = sizeof(gdcmMD5DataImages)/sizeof(*gdcmMD5DataImages) - 1;
return size;
const char * const * Testing::GetMD5DataImage(unsigned int file)
if( file < Testing::GetNumberOfMD5DataImages() ) return gdcmMD5DataImages[file];
// else return the {0x0, 0x0} sentinel:
2024-02-29 18:13:02 +08:00
assert( *gdcmMD5DataImages[ Testing::GetNumberOfMD5DataImages() ] == nullptr );
2022-05-14 03:28:55 +08:00
return gdcmMD5DataImages[ Testing::GetNumberOfMD5DataImages() ];
const char * Testing::GetMD5FromFile(const char *filepath)
if(!filepath) return nullptr;
unsigned int i = 0;
MD5DataImagesType md5s = GetMD5DataImages();
const char *p = md5s[i][1];
Filename comp(filepath);
const char *filename = comp.GetName();
while( p != nullptr )
if( strcmp( filename, p ) == 0 )
p = md5s[i][1];
// \postcondition always valid (before sentinel)
assert( i <= GetNumberOfMD5DataImages() );
return md5s[i][0];
const char * Testing::GetMD5FromBrokenFile(const char *filepath)
int i = 0;
Testing::MD5DataImagesType md5s = gdcmMD5DataBrokenImages; //GetMD5DataImages();
const char *p = md5s[i][1];
Filename comp(filepath);
const char *filename = comp.GetName();
while( p != nullptr )
if( strcmp( filename, p ) == 0 )
p = md5s[i][1];
return md5s[i][0];
std::streamoff Testing::GetStreamOffsetFromFile(const char *filepath)
if(!filepath) return 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
const StreamOffset* so = gdcmStreamOffsetDataFiles;
const char *p = so[i].filename;
Filename comp(filepath);
const char *filename = comp.GetName();
while( p != nullptr )
if( strcmp( filename, p ) == 0 )
p = so[i].filename;
return so[i].offset;
std::streamoff Testing::GetSelectedPrivateGroupOffsetFromFile(const char *filepath)
if(!filepath) return 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
const StreamOffset* so = gdcmSelectedPrivateGroupOffsetDataFiles;
const char *p = so[i].filename;
Filename comp(filepath);
const char *filename = comp.GetName();
while( p != nullptr )
if( strcmp( filename, p ) == 0 )
p = so[i].filename;
return so[i].offset;
std::streamoff Testing::GetSelectedTagsOffsetFromFile(const char *filepath)
if(!filepath) return 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
const StreamOffset* so = gdcmSelectedTagsOffsetDataFiles;
const char *p = so[i].filename;
Filename comp(filepath);
const char *filename = comp.GetName();
while( p != nullptr )
if( strcmp( filename, p ) == 0 )
p = so[i].filename;
return so[i].offset;
// See TestImageReader + lossydump = true to generate this list:
struct LossyFile
int lossyflag;
const char *filename;
static const LossyFile gdcmLossyFilenames[] = {
{ 0,"SIEMENS_SOMATOM-12-ACR_NEMA-ZeroLengthUs.acr" },
{ 0,"MR-MONO2-12-an2.acr" },
{ 0,"gdcm-ACR-LibIDO.acr" },
{ 0,"test.acr" },
{ 0,"MR-MONO2-12-angio-an1.acr" },
{ 0,"LIBIDO-8-ACR_NEMA-Lena_128_128.acr" },
{ 0,"libido1.0-vol.acr" },
{ 0,"gdcm-MR-SIEMENS-16-2.acr" },
{ 0,"CT-MONO2-12-lomb-an2.acr" },
{ 0,"LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-8-PAL-Uncompressed.dcm" },
{ 0,"00191113.dcm" },
{ 0,"SignedShortLosslessBug.dcm" },
{ 0,"gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-NonSquarePixels.dcm" },
{ 0,"MARCONI_MxTWin-12-MONO2-JpegLossless-ZeroLengthSQ.dcm" },
{ 0,"ACUSON-24-YBR_FULL-RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_VL2_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR_Philips_Intera_No_PrivateSequenceImplicitVR.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR_Philips-Intera_BreaksNOSHADOW.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_MR2_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_XA1_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 1,"JPEG_LossyYBR.dcm" },
{ 0,"ALOKA_SSD-8-MONO2-RLE-SQ.dcm" },
{ 0,"PHILIPS_Gyroscan-12-MONO2-Jpeg_Lossless.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR-MONO2-12-shoulder.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_RG3_JPLY.dcm" },
{ 1,"PHILIPS_Gyroscan-12-Jpeg_Extended_Process_2_4.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR-MONO2-8-16x-heart.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_ImageLocationUN.dcm" },
{ 0,"US-PAL-8-10x-echo.dcm" },
{ 0,"PHILIPS_Brilliance_ExtraBytesInOverlay.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_MAGNETOM-12-MONO2-Uncompressed.dcm" },
{ 0,"US-RGB-8-esopecho.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_RHAPSODE-16-MONO2-JPEG-Fragments.dcm" },
{ 0,"CT-SIEMENS-Icone-With-PaletteColor.dcm" },
{ 0,"LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-16-MONO2-Uncompressed.dcm" },
{ 0,"FUJI-10-MONO1-ACR_NEMA_2.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_CT1_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"undefined_length_un_vr.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_MR4_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 1,"DCMTK_JPEGExt_12Bits.dcm" },
{ 0,"CT_16b_signed-UsedBits13.dcm" },
{ 0,"DX_J2K_0Padding.dcm" },
{ 0,"KODAK_CompressedIcon.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_CT2_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 0,"DermaColorLossLess.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_GENESIS-16-MONO2-Uncompressed-UnusualVR.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_NM1_JPLY.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR_Philips_Intera_SwitchIndianess_noLgtSQItem_in_trueLgtSeq.dcm" },
{ 1,"LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-24-RGB-JpegLossy.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_CT1_J2KR.dcm" },
{ 0,"US-RGB-8-epicard.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_MR3_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-8-MONO2-Uncompressed.dcm" },
{ 0,"US-IRAD-NoPreambleStartWith0005.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_RG2_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 0,"DMCPACS_ExplicitImplicit_BogusIOP.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR_ELSCINT1_00e1_1042_SQ_feff_00e0_Item.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR-SIEMENS-DICOM-WithOverlays.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_MOSAIC_12BitsStored-16BitsJPEG.dcm" },
{ 0,"JDDICOM_Sample2-dcmdjpeg.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_MAGNETOM-12-MONO2-FileSeq2.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_MR3_JPLY.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR_Philips_Intera_PrivateSequenceExplicitVR_in_SQ_2001_e05f_item_wrong_lgt_use_NOSHADOWSEQ.dcm" },
{ 0,"TheralysGDCM120Bug.dcm" },
{ 0,"PrivateGEImplicitVRBigEndianTransferSyntax16Bits.dcm" },
{ 1,"US-GE-4AICL142.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR16BitsAllocated_8BitsStored.dcm" },
{ 0,"3E768EB7.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_Sonata-16-MONO2-Value_Multiplicity.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_MR_0025xx1bProtocolDataBlock.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR_GE_with_Private_Compressed_Icon_0009_1110.dcm" },
{ 0,"ExplicitVRforPublicElementsImplicitVRforShadowElements.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_SC1_JPLY.dcm" },
{ 0,"CT-MONO2-16-chest.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_MR4_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_MAGNETOM-12-MONO2-FileSeq1.dcm" },
{ 1,"ELSCINT1_JP2vsJ2K.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_CT2_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_MR2_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"OT-MONO2-8-a7.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR-MONO2-16-head.dcm" },
{ 0,"PICKER-16-MONO2-No_DicomV3_Preamble.dcm" },
{ 1,"gdcm-JPEG-Extended.dcm" },
{ 0,"BugGDCM2_UndefItemWrongVL.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_MR1_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"PICKER-16-MONO2-Nested_icon.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_VL4_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_RG1_RLE.dcm" },
{ 1,"JDDICOM_Sample2.dcm" },
{ 0,"AMIInvalidPrivateDefinedLengthSQasUN.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_MAGNETOM-12-MONO2-FileSeq3.dcm" },
{ 0,"CT-MONO2-8-abdo.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_SC1_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-24-RGB-JpegLossless.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_RG3_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_CSA2.dcm" },
{ 0,"LJPEG_BuginGDCM12.dcm" },
{ 0,"CT-SIEMENS-MissingPixelDataInIconSQ.dcm" },
{ 0,"05115014-mr-siemens-avanto-syngo-with-palette-icone.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_CT_With_Private_compressed-icon.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_XA1_JPLY.dcm" },
{ 0,"012345.002.050.dcm" },
{ 0,"TOSHIBA_MRT150-16-MONO2-ACR_NEMA_2.dcm" },
{ 1,"LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-8-MONO2-JpegLossy.dcm" },
{ 0,"gdcm-US-ALOKA-16.dcm" },
{ 0,"THERALYS-12-MONO2-Uncompressed-Even_Length_Tag.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_CT1_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 0,"rle16loo.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_US1_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"RadBWLossLess.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_MR1_JPLY.dcm" },
{ 0,"JPEGDefinedLengthSequenceOfFragments.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_DLX-8-MONO2-PrivateSyntax.dcm" },
{ 0,"gdcm-JPEG-LossLess3a.dcm" },
{ 0,"TG18-CH-2k-01.dcm" },
{ 0,"OT-PAL-8-face.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_NM1_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"rle16sti.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_GENESIS-16-MONO2-WrongLengthItem.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_CT1_J2KI.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_MAGNETOM-12-MONO2-FileSeq0.dcm" },
{ 0,"LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-24-RGB-Uncompressed.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_MR4_JPLY.dcm" },
{ 0,"OsirixFake16BitsStoredFakeSpacing.dcm" },
{ 0,"PHILIPS_Gyroscan-8-MONO2-Odd_Sequence.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR-SIEMENS-DICOM-WithOverlays-extracted-overlays.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_CT1_JLSL.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_CT1_JLSN.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_RG3_RLE.dcm" },
{ 1,"SIEMENS-12-Jpeg_Process_2_4-Lossy-a.dcm" },
{ 0,"CT-MONO2-16-brain.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_RG2_JPLY.dcm" },
{ 1,"MAROTECH_CT_JP2Lossy.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_MR1_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 0,"ITK_GDCM124_MultiframeSecondaryCaptureInvalid.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_MAGNETOM-12-ACR_NEMA_2-Modern.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR_SIEMENS_forceLoad29-1010_29-1020.dcm" },
{ 0,"simpleImageWithIcon.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_MR3_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_RG1_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 0,"US-MONO2-8-8x-execho.dcm" },
{ 0,"XA-MONO2-8-12x-catheter.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_LOGIQBook-8-RGB-HugePreview.dcm" },
{ 0,"gdcm-MR-PHILIPS-16-Multi-Seq.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_XA1_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"NM-MONO2-16-13x-heart.dcm" },
{ 0,"gdcm-JPEG-LossLessThoravision.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_DLX-8-MONO2-Multiframe.dcm" },
{ 0,"PHILIPS_Intera-16-MONO2-Uncompress.dcm" },
{ 1,"D_CLUNIE_MR2_JPLY.dcm" },
{ 0,"05148044-mr-siemens-avanto-syngo.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_VL3_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_RG2_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"KODAK-12-MONO1-Odd_Terminated_Sequence.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS-MR-RGB-16Bits.dcm" },
{ 0,"CR-MONO1-10-chest.dcm" },
{ 0,"US-IRAD-NoPreambleStartWith0003.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR-Brucker-CineTagging-NonSquarePixels.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_VL6_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"MR_Philips_Intera_PrivateSequenceImplicitVR.dcm" },
{ 0,"fffc0000UN.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_Sonata-12-MONO2-SQ.dcm" },
{ 0,"ACUSON-24-YBR_FULL-RLE-b.dcm" },
{ 0,"CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_DLX-8-MONO2-Multiframe-Jpeg_Lossless.dcm" },
{ 0,"CT-MONO2-16-ort.dcm" },
{ 0,"LEADTOOLS_FLOWERS-16-MONO2-JpegLossless.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_NM1_JPLL.dcm" },
{ 0,"D_CLUNIE_VL1_RLE.dcm" },
{ 0,"00191113.dcm" },
{ 0,"TestVRSQUN2.dcm" },
{ 0,"PHILIPS_GDCM12xBug.dcm"},
{ 0,"PHILIPS_GDCM12xBug2.dcm"},
{ 0,"TestVRSQUN1.dcm"} ,
{ 1,"multiframegrayscalebytescis.dcm" },
{ 1,"multiframegrayscalewordscis.dcm" },
{ 1,"multiframesinglebitscis.dcm" },
{ 1,"multiframetruecolorscis.dcm" },
{ 1,"SinglePrecisionSC.dcm" },
{ 0,"signedtruecoloroldsc.dcm" },
{ 0,"o.dcm" },
{ 0,"UnexpectedSequenceDelimiterInFixedLengthSequence.dcm" },
{ 0,"IM-0001-0066.CommandTag00.dcm" },
{ 0,"NM_Kakadu44_SOTmarkerincons.dcm" },
{ 0,"GDCMJ2K_TextGBR.dcm" },
{ 0,"PhilipsInteraSeqTermInvLen.dcm" },
{ 0,"LIBIDO-24-ACR_NEMA-Rectangle.dcm" },
{ 0,"TOSHIBA_J2K_SIZ1_PixRep0.dcm" },
{ 0,"TOSHIBA_J2K_SIZ0_PixRep1.dcm" },
{ 0,"TOSHIBA_J2K_OpenJPEGv2Regression.dcm" },
{ 0,"NM-PAL-16-PixRep1.dcm" },
{ 0,"MEDILABInvalidCP246_EVRLESQasUN.dcm" },
{ 0,"JPEGInvalidSecondFrag.dcm" },
{ 0,"SC16BitsAllocated_8BitsStoredJ2K.dcm" },
{ 0,"SC16BitsAllocated_8BitsStoredJPEG.dcm" },
{ 0,"SIEMENS_SYNGO-12-MONO2-LUTWrongLength512.dcm" },
{ 0,"JPEGLS_CharLS_10742.dcm" },
{ 1,"JPEGLosslessYBR_FULL_422.dcm" },
{ 1,"JPEGNote_empty.dcm" },
{ 1,"JPEGNote_missing.dcm" },
{ 1,"JPEGNote_bogus.dcm" },
{ 0,"RLEDebianBug816607Orig.dcm" },
{ 0,"IllegalGroup2ImplicitTS.dcm" },
{ 0,"GE_MR_0025xx1bProtocolDataBlockXML.dcm" },
{ 0,"EmptyIcon_Bug417.dcm" },
{ 0,"EnhancedWithIPPPerFrameIOPShared.dcm" },
{ 0,"FUJI-ffff-MONO1-J2K.dcm" },
{ 0,"JPEGLosslessSeNonZero.dcm" },
{ 1,"US-YBR_FULL_422-EVRLE.dcm" },
2024-02-29 18:13:02 +08:00
{ 0,"Osirix10vs8BitsStored.dcm" },
{ 0,"Bug_Siemens_PrivateIconNoItem.dcm" },
{ 0,"HardcopyColor_YBR_RCT_J2K_PC1.dcm" },
{ 0,"PET-GE-dicomwrite-PixelDataSQUNv2.dcm" },
{ 0,"MEDILABValidCP246_EVRLESQasOB.dcm" },
2022-05-14 03:28:55 +08:00
{ 0, nullptr }
int Testing::GetLossyFlagFromFile(const char *filename)
if( !filename ) return 0;
gdcm::Filename fn = filename;
const char *file = fn.GetName();
const LossyFile *pfiles = gdcmLossyFilenames;
while( pfiles->filename && strcmp(pfiles->filename, file) != 0 )
if( !(pfiles->filename) )
std::cerr << "Error: No ref table for: " << filename << std::endl;
return -1;
assert( pfiles->filename ); // need to update ref table
return pfiles->lossyflag;
const char *Testing::GetDataRoot()
const char *Testing::GetDataExtraRoot()
const char *Testing::GetPixelSpacingDataRoot()
const char *Testing::GetTempDirectory(const char * subdir)
if( !subdir ) return GDCM_TEMP_DIRECTORY;
// else
static std::string buffer;
std::string tmpdir = GDCM_TEMP_DIRECTORY;
tmpdir += "/";
tmpdir += subdir;
buffer = tmpdir;
return buffer.c_str();
const wchar_t *Testing::GetTempDirectoryW(const wchar_t * subdir)
static std::wstring buffer;
wchar_t wname[4096]; // FIXME
size_t len = mbstowcs(wname,GDCM_TEMP_DIRECTORY,sizeof(wname)/sizeof(wchar_t));
if( !subdir )
buffer = wname;
return buffer.c_str();
// else
std::wstring tmpdir = wname;
tmpdir += L"/";
tmpdir += subdir;
buffer = tmpdir;
return buffer.c_str();
const char * Testing::GetTempFilename(const char *filename, const char * subdir)
if( !filename ) return nullptr;
static std::string buffer;
std::string outfilename = GetTempDirectory(subdir);
outfilename += "/";
gdcm::Filename out(filename);
outfilename += out.GetName();
buffer = outfilename;
return buffer.c_str();
void Testing::Print(std::ostream &os)
os << "DataFileNames:\n";
const char * const * filenames = gdcmDataFileNames;
while( *filenames )
os << *filenames << "\n";
os << "MD5DataImages:\n";
MD5DataImagesType md5s = gdcmMD5DataImages;
while( (*md5s)[0] )
os << (*md5s)[0] << " -> " << (*md5s)[1] << "\n";
const wchar_t* Testing::GetTempFilenameW(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t* subdir)
// mbsrtowcs
// mbstowcs
if( !filename ) return nullptr;
static std::wstring buffer;
std::wstring outfilename = GetTempDirectoryW(subdir);
outfilename += L"/";
//gdcm::Filename out(filename);
//outfilename += out.GetName();
buffer = outfilename;
buffer += filename;
return buffer.c_str();
const char *Testing::GetSourceDirectory()
} // end of namespace gdcm