# All lines beginning with `# DP:' are a description of the patch.
# DP: Description: Add several locales to localedata.SUPPORTED
# DP: - ru_RU.CP1251 was requested in #225516
# DP: - uz_UZ.UTF-8 was clearly missing, uz_UZ had no UTF-8 variant
# DP: - da_DK.ISO-8859-15, en_GB.ISO-8859-15, en_US.ISO-8859-15, no_NO.UTF-8,
# DP: no_NO and sv_SE.ISO-8859-15 are found in fedora-branch CVS branch.
# DP: Related bugs: #225516 (ru_RU.CP1251)
# DP: Dpatch author: Denis Barbier
# DP: Upstream status: not submitted
# DP: Date: 2006-01-10
# All lines beginning with `# DP:' are a description of the patch.
# DP: Description: Add several locales to localedata.SUPPORTED
# DP: - ru_RU.CP1251 was requested in #225516
# DP: - uz_UZ.UTF-8 was clearly missing, uz_UZ had no UTF-8 variant
# DP: - da_DK.ISO-8859-15, en_GB.ISO-8859-15, en_US.ISO-8859-15, no_NO.UTF-8,
# DP: no_NO and sv_SE.ISO-8859-15 are found in fedora-branch CVS branch.
# DP: Related bugs: #225516 (ru_RU.CP1251)
# DP: Dpatch author: Denis Barbier
# DP: Upstream status: not submitted
# DP: Date: 2006-01-10
Gbp-Pq: Topic localedata
Gbp-Pq: Name supported.diff
In LC_IDENTIFICATION, audience, application and abbreviation keywords
are optional, thus do not report an error if they are not defined.
# DP: Dpatch author: Denis Barbier
# DP: Patch author: Denis Barbier
# DP: Upstream status: not submitted
# DP: Date: 2006-01-08
Gbp-Pq: Topic locale
Gbp-Pq: Name LC_IDENTIFICATION-optional-fields.diff
Comments tell that LANG has to be the first value, and LC_ALL the last
one. Thus LANGUAGE is printed between them.
# DP: Dpatch author: Denis Barbier
# DP: Patch author: Denis Barbier
# DP: Upstream status: not submitted
# DP: Date: 2006-01-08
Gbp-Pq: Topic locale
Gbp-Pq: Name locale-print-LANGUAGE.diff
Check for unknown symbols in collation rules. This is useful to detect
broken locales since unknown symbols are always wrong.
This request has not been submitted upstream yet.
# DP: Dpatch author: Denis Barbier
# DP: Patch author: Denis Barbier
# DP: Upstream status: not submitted
# DP: Date: 2006-01-08
Gbp-Pq: Topic locale
Gbp-Pq: Name check-unknown-symbols.diff