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* Copyright (C) 2020 Tianjin KYLIN Information Technology Co., Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <;.
#include "ksimplenm.h"
#include "loadingdiv.h"
#include "confform.h"
#include "kylin-dbus-interface.h"
#include "kylin-network-interface.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "switchbutton.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QSystemTrayIcon>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QScrollArea>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QScreen>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QAction>
#include <QAction>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QString>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QtDBus/QDBusConnection>
#include <QtDBus/QDBusMessage>
#include <QtDBus/QDBusInterface>
#include <QtDBus/QDBusObjectPath>
#include <QDBusObjectPath>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QToolTip>
#include <QSvgRenderer>
//#include <kysec/libkysec.h>
//#include <kysec/status.h>
//#include <QMessageBox>
#define W_LEFT_AREA 41
#define W_VERTICAL_LINE 1 //左边竖线宽度
#define W_RIGHT_AREA 438 //41 + 1 + 438 = 480
#define L_VERTICAL_LINE_TO_ITEM 4 //竖线到item左侧的距离
#define X_LEFT_WIFI_BALL 416 //白色小球在左边
#define X_RIGHT_WIFI_BALL 440 //白色小球在右边
#define Y_WIFI_BALL 23 //白色小球y坐标
#define X_ITEM 46 //item到窗口左侧的距离 41 + 1 + 4 = 46
#define W_ITEM 424
#define Y_TOP_ITEM 57 //顶部item、topLanListWidget、topWifiListWidget的y坐标
#define H_NORMAL_ITEM 60 //一个没有扩展的普通item的高度
#define H_GAP_UP 10 //H_NORMAL_ITEM 与 H_MIDDLE_WORD之间的间距
#define H_MIDDLE_WORD 46 //"显示可用网络列表的label"
#define H_GAP_DOWN 5 //57 + 60 + 10 + 46 + 5 = 178
#define X_MIDDLE_WORD 19
#define W_MIDDLE_WORD 260
#define H_LAN_ITEM_EXTEND 102 //162 - 60
#define H_WIFI_ITEM_BIG_EXTEND 78 //138 - 60
#define H_WIFI_ITEM_SMALL_EXTEND 46 //106 - 60
#define Y_SCROLL_AREA 178
#define W_SCROLL_AREA 450
#define H_SCROLL_AREA 360
#define W_TOP_LIST_WIDGET 435
#define W_LIST_WIDGET 440
#define W_BTN_FUN 59
#define H_BTN_FUN 14
#define X_BTN_FUN 360
#define Y_BTN_FUN 87 //新建网络加入网络按钮的宽高、x坐标、y坐标
#define W_NO_ITEM_TIP 240
#define H_NO_ITEM_TIP 24
#define DBUS_NAME "org.ukui.SettingsDaemon"
#define DBUS_PATH "/org/ukui/SettingsDaemon/wayland"
#define DBUS_INTERFACE "org.ukui.SettingsDaemon.wayland"
#define LOAD_WIFI_LIST 0
#define REFRESH_WIFI 3
class OneConnForm;
class ConfForm;
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
void justShowTrayIcon();
void editQssString();
void createTopLanUI();
void createTopWifiUI();
void createOtherUI();
void createListAreaUI();
void createLeftAreaUI();
void startLoading();
void stopLoading();
void setTrayIcon(QIcon icon);
void setTrayIconOfWifi(int);
void setTrayLoading(bool isLoading);
void getActiveInfoAndSetTrayIcon();
void initTimer();
void checkIsWirelessDevicePluggedIn();
void initActNetDNS();
void PrimaryManager();
void toStart();
int getScreenGeometry(QString methodName);
void showPb(QString type, QString name);
QIcon iconLanOnline, iconLanOffline;
QIcon iconWifiFull, iconWifiHigh, iconWifiMedium, iconWifiLow;
QIcon iconConnecting;
QList<QIcon> loadIcons;
QString mwBandWidth;
KylinDBus *objKyDBus = nullptr;
NetworkSpeed *objNetSpeed = nullptr;
SwitchButton *btnWireless = nullptr;
SwitchButton *btnWired = nullptr;
int current_wifi_list_state = LOAD_WIFI_LIST;
int is_init_wifi_list = 0; //是否在启动软件时正在获取wifi的列表
int is_btnLanList_clicked = 1; //是否处于有线网界面
int is_btnWifiList_clicked = 0; //是否处于无线网界面
int is_wireless_adapter_ready = 1; //主机是否插入无线网卡
int is_keep_wifi_turn_on_state = 1; //是否要执行wifi开关变为打开样式
int is_stop_check_net_state = 0; //是否要在进行其他操作时停止检查网络状态
int is_connect_net_failed = 0; //刚才是否连接网络失败
int is_wifi_reconnected = 0;//刚才是否主动重连wifi导致wifi断开
int is_fly_mode_on = 0; //是否已经打开飞行模式
int is_hot_sopt_on = 0; //是否已经打开热点
int is_connect_hide_wifi = 0; //是否正在连接隐藏wifi
int currSelNetNum = 0; //当前选中的item序号
bool isLanBeConnUp = false; //lan是否连接上
bool isWifiBeConnUp = false; //wifi是否是连接上
bool isToSetLanValue = true; //本次执行是否进行赋值
bool isToSetWifiValue = true; //本次执行是否进行赋值
bool isReconnectingWifi = false; //是否正在执行wifi的回连
bool isReconnectingLan = false; //是否正在执行lan的回连
int addNumberForWifi = 0; //短时间内收到关于wifi连接信号的次数
bool isHuaWeiPC;
bool isHuaWei9006C;
bool isHandlingWiredCableOn = false;
bool ifCanReconnectWifiNow = true;
bool isReConnAfterTurnOnWifi = false;//是否是在打开wifi的开关后回连wifi
bool isRadioWifiTurningOn = false; //是否正在打开wifi开关
bool bShowPb = false; //是否可以showPb
bool canExecHandleWifiSwitchChange = true;
QVector<QStringList> dbus_wifiList; //其他组件通过dbus接口获取到的wifi列表,第一个元素一定为已连接wifi若没有已连接wifi则显示为--
void requestRefreshWifiList(); //申请刷新wifi列表
QString currSelNetName = ""; //当前ScrollArea中选中的网络名称
QStringList canReconnectWifiList; //当前可以回连的wifi列表
QString currConnIfname = ""; //当前连接的有线网对应网卡名称,只有一个有线网连接的情况
QString oldWifiIpv4Method = ""; //原来的wifi的ipv4地址获取方式,自动还是手动
int numberForWifiScan; //该值控制wifi的扫描
int m_priX;
int m_priY;
int m_priWid;
int m_priHei;
QStringList m_wifi_list_pwd_changed; //WiFi密码以改变的WiFi列表990/9a0自动回连失败
public slots:
void onPhysicalCarrierChanged(bool flag);
void onCarrierUpHandle();
void onCarrierDownHandle();
void onDeleteLan();
void onNetworkDeviceAdded(QDBusObjectPath objPath);
void onNetworkDeviceRemoved(QDBusObjectPath objPath);
void getLanBandWidth();
void checkIfWiredNetExist();
void onExternalConnectionChange(QString type, bool isConnUp);
void onExternalLanChange();
void onExternalWifiChange();
void onToSetTrayIcon();
void onToResetValue();
void onWifiSwitchChange();
void onExternalWifiSwitchChange(bool wifiEnabled);
void oneLanFormSelected(QString lanName, QString uniqueName);
void oneTopLanFormSelected(QString lanName, QString uniqueName);
void oneWifiFormSelected(QString wifibssid, int extendLength);
void oneTopWifiFormSelected(QString wifibssid, int extendLength);
void on_btnHotspot_clicked();
void on_btnHotspotState();
void on_btnWifiList_clicked();
void on_wifi_changed();
void connWifiDone(int connFlag);
void onRequestRefreshWifiList();
void onRefreshWifiListAfterScan();
void onLoadWifiListAfterScan();
void onRequestReconnecWifi();
//flag =0或1为普通点击、2为收到打开信息、3为收到关闭信息、4为无线网卡插入、5为无线网卡拔出
void onBtnWifiClicked(int flag = 0);
//falg=0 UI点击1收到打开信息2收到关闭信息3有线设备插入4有线设备拔出
void onBtnLanClicked(int flag = 0);
void setLanSwitchStatus(bool is_opened);
void on_showWindowAction();
void checkIfConnectedWifiExist();
void toReconnectWifi();
void rfkillDisableWifiDone();
void rfkillEnableWifiDone();
bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
bool event(QEvent *event);
void firstlyStart(); //一级启动
void secondaryStart(); //二级启动
bool m_load_finished = false; //是否二级启动已执行完
QTimer * m_secondary_start_timer = nullptr; //执行二级启动的倒计时
void checkSingleAndShowTrayicon();
void initNetwork();
void createTrayIcon();
void handleIconClicked();
void showTrayIconMenu();
bool checkLanOn();
bool checkWlOn();
void getLanList();
void getWifiList();
void initLanSlistAndGetReconnectNetList();
QPixmap drawSymbolicColoredPixmap(const QPixmap &source);
QPixmap drawSymbolicBlackColoredPixmap(const QPixmap &source);
const QPixmap loadSvg(const QString &fileName, const int size);
void getSystemFontFamily();
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
LoadingDiv *loading = nullptr;
QDesktopWidget desktop;
KSimpleNM *ksnm = nullptr;
ConfForm *confForm = nullptr;
QWidget *topLanListWidget = nullptr;
QWidget *topWifiListWidget = nullptr;
QWidget *lanListWidget = nullptr;
QWidget *wifiListWidget = nullptr;
QWidget *optWifiWidget = nullptr;
QLabel *lbLoadDown = nullptr;
QLabel *lbLoadDownImg = nullptr;
QLabel *lbLoadUp = nullptr;
QLabel *lbLoadUpImg = nullptr;
QLabel *lbNoItemTip = nullptr;
bool ifLanConnected;
bool ifWLanConnected;
QScrollArea *scrollAreal = nullptr;
QScrollArea *scrollAreaw = nullptr;
QLabel *lbTopLanList = nullptr;
QLabel *lbTopWifiList = nullptr;
QLabel *lbLanList = nullptr;
QLabel *lbWifiList = nullptr;
QPushButton *btnAddNet = nullptr;
QPushButton *btnCreateNet = nullptr;
QSystemTrayIcon *trayIcon = nullptr;
QMenu *trayIconMenu = nullptr;
QAction *mShowWindow = nullptr;
QAction *mAdvConf = nullptr;
QWidget *widShowWindow = nullptr;
QWidget *widAdvConf = nullptr;
QString lcardname, wcardname; // 以太网卡和无线网卡名称
QString btnOffQss, btnOnQss, btnBgOffQss, btnBgOnQss, btnBgHoverQss, btnBgLeaveQss; // 主界面按钮底色
QString scrollBarQss, leftBtnQss, funcBtnQss;
QStringList oldLanSlist; //上一次获取Lan列表
QStringList oldWifiSlist; //上一次获取wifi列表
QStringList oldConnSlist; //上一次获取的以保存网络列表
bool isInitConnList = true;
bool isAddedWifi = false;
bool m_isWifiConnected = false; //专用于处理dbus获取的WiFi状态用于对比每次刷新后的WiFi连接状态变化
QString lastAddedConn = "";
QString oldActLanName = ""; //上一次获取的已连接有线网名称
QString actLanUuid = ""; //当前连接的有线网uuid
QString actLanIpv4Method = ""; //当前连接的有线网的ip获取方式
int oldDbusActLanDNS = 0; //上一次获取的已连接有线网的DNS代号
void wifiListOptimize(QStringList& slist); //只保留同名同频信号最优AP
QVector<QStringList> repetitionFilter(QVector<QStringList>);
QStringList priorityList(QStringList);
QStringList sortApByCategory(QStringList,int);
QStringList sortApByFreq(QStringList,int, int);
void getFinalWifiList(QStringList& slist); //获取应该显示在wifi列表中的最优列表参数
QVector<structWifiProperty> connectableWifiPriorityList(const QStringList slist); //可连接wifi优先级列表
void devListSort(QVector<structWifiProperty> *list);
static bool subDevListSort(const structWifiProperty&info1,const structWifiProperty&info2);
QTimer *iconTimer = nullptr;
QTimer *wiredCableUpTimer = nullptr;
QTimer *wiredCableDownTimer = nullptr;
QTimer *deleteLanTimer = nullptr;
QTimer *checkWifiListChanged = nullptr;
QTimer *checkIfLanConnect = nullptr;
QTimer *checkIfWifiConnect = nullptr;
QTimer *checkIfNetworkOn = nullptr;
QTimer *setNetSpeed = nullptr;
int currentIconIndex;
int activeWifiSignalLv;
int disconnect_time = 0;
int currTopLanItem = 1; //当前连接的有线网个数
long int start_rcv_rates = 0; //保存开始时的流量计数
long int end_rcv_rates = 0; //保存结束时的流量计数
long int start_tx_rates = 0; //保存开始时的流量计数
long int end_tx_rates = 0; //保存结束时的流量计数
QString actWifiSsid = "--"; //当前连接wifi的ssid
QStringList actWifiBssidList; //当前连接wifi的bssid
QString actWifiUuid = "--"; //当前连接wifi的uuid
// QString hasStarWifiInfo; //nmcli命令获取的wifi列表中已经连接的wifi in-use熟悉会有一个*
// QString hasStarWifiName;
bool hasWifiConnected;//当前是否有wifi连接
bool m_connected_by_self = false; //是否在本进程执行的连接操作
QDBusInterface *mDbusXrandInter;
QDBusInterface *kdsDbus;
private slots:
void iconActivated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason);
void onBtnNetClicked();
// void on_btnWifiList_clicked();
void onBtnNetListClicked(int flag=0);
void onNewConnAdded(int type);
void onRequestRevalueUpdateWifi();
void getLanListDone(QStringList slist);
void getWifiListDone(QStringList slist);
void getConnListDone(QStringList slist);
void loadWifiListDone(QStringList slist);
void updateWifiListDone(QStringList slist);
QString TranslateLanName(QString lanName);
QString getMacByUuid(QString uuidName);
void on_btnAdvConf_clicked();
void handleLanDisconn();
void handleWifiDisconn();
void handleWifiDisconnLoading();
void onRequestScanAccesspoint();
void toScanWifi(bool isShow);
void on_setNetSpeed();
void on_checkOverTime();
// 后台回调
void enNetDone();
void disNetDone();
void enWifiDone();
void disWifiDone();
void disWifiStateKeep();
void disWifiDoneChangeUI();
void connLanDone(int connFlag);
// void connWifiDone(int connFlag);
void iconStep();
void on_btnFlyMode_clicked();
void onBtnAddNetClicked();
void onBtnCreateNetClicked();
void actionTriggerSlots();
void priScreenChanged(int x, int y, int width, int height);
void onRfkillStatusChanged();
void showPbSignal(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason act);
void disConnSparedNet(QString type);
void refreshWifiListAfterScan();
void loadWifiListAfterScan();
void carrierDownHandle();
void waitLanStop();
void configurationChanged(); //通知控制面板更新IP的信号
void reConnectWifi(const QString& uuid);
void actWifiSignalLvChanaged(const int& currentLevel);
void getWifiListFinished();
void startReconnectWifi(const QString& ssid);
void stopReconnectWifi(const QString& ssid, const int& result);
void wiredConnectionAdded();
void wiredConnectionRemoved();
void actWiredConnectionChanged();
void requestReconnecWifi();
void wifiClicked(QString);
void lanClicked(QString);
void onWiredDeviceChanged(const bool&);
#endif // MAINWINDOW_H