kylin-system-updater ( yangtze; urgency=medium
* BUG: #140507 : 【2203自适应升级2209】2107升级到2203,再由2203自适应升级至2209-RC6失败
#145229 : 【2203自适应升级2209】升级过程中出现弹窗认证
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #144937 : 【2203自适应升级2209】自动更新下载报错
#144756 : 【在线更新】开启自动更新,kylin-unattended-upgrades服务状态异常
#140277 : 【在线更新】更新失败后查看更新历史,显示包名
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #141330 【在线更新】0521系统在线升级到2203-update1时提示依赖冲突
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #141197 【在线更新】更新升级安装软件包过程中点击电源后还可以正常关机重启、
#141309 【在线更新】自动更新失败
#142560 【2203自适应升级2209】用命令升级完成后,控制面板-关于界面的版本号和系统补丁版本号均为2203
#143275 【2203自适应升级2209】使用自动更新下载安装命令升级成功后,控制面板-更新界面依然能检测出“系统更新”和“系统基础组件”
#143274 【2203自适应升级2209】使用自动更新下载安装命令升级成功后,开始菜单缺少部分软件
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #140451 【2203自适应升级2209】自动更新下载报错
#139133 【需求12242】【软件商店客户端】软件卸载后未自动清除卸载后的残留
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #138243 修复优先升级,安装的部分检查出计算依赖错误
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #138243 修复优先升级,安装的部分检查出计算依赖错误
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #135190【2203自适应升级2209】系统更新自动下载和安装,内核未更新
#136765 【离线更新】使用U盘源时,控制面板-更新中,“有更新应用时通知”打开无效果
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #126438 【reopen】【安装器】中文环境下,安装失败或者未授权的错误日志信息显示为英文
#134470 【设计】安装失败日志语言显示异常
#127975 【reopen】【云桌面】【在线更新】累计更新成功后,系统版本号以及补丁包版本号未发生变化
#135020 【在线更新】【PTOF】更新成功后,系统版本号以及补丁包版本号不会变化
#136748 【在线更新】从安装器安装和更新软件后,本地日志未记录数据,未进行上传。
* 需求号: # 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #135270【解决方案|更新升级V1.6】【系统更新客户端】客户端进行自动更新,更新失败后,查看更新历史,历史内容显示为空
#135227 【解决方案|更新升级V1.6】【更新升级】未连接网络时,更新界面显示“检查更新异常!”,悬浮提示为“无法访问源管理服务器,请稍后再试”
#136093 【解决方案|更新升级V1.6】【更新升级】使用安装器安装deb包,旧的服务没有收集到数据
#135372 【解决方案|更新升级V1.6】【系统更新客户端】客户端进行自动更新,更新后,查看更新历史分组名称显示了包名,应该显示软件名称
#120948 【在线更新】断网时检测更新失败的文案何设计图不符
* 需求号: # 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #120948 【在线更新】断网时检测更新失败的文案何设计图不符
# 134470 【设计】安装失败日志语言显示异常
* 需求号: # 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #134497 【在线更新】打开设置-更新,自动更新按钮默认是“打开”状态
#134493 【在线更新】【PTOF】更新完成后重启系统,打开设置-更新界面,提示“后台程序未启动”
#131509 【更新升级】环境破损修复之后,没有自动安装更新包
#125723 【x100】【系统更新】英文安装操作系统,修改系统语言为中文后,检测更新的提示语仍是英文的
#120948 【在线更新】断网时检测更新失败的文案何设计图不符
#134470 【设计】安装失败日志语言显示异常
#126438 【安装器】中文环境下,安装失败或者未授权的错误日志信息显示为英文
#122425 【在线更新】设置每隔1min38s弹出通知,在弹出的通知弹窗中点击推迟,1min38s后再次弹出更新通知
* 需求号: # 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: # 125182 【安装器】在安全中心将应用程序来源检查设置为阻止,双击安装未签名deb包,安装失败但是日志为空
# 122183 【在线更新】上午8-12点外仍会弹出更新通知
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #118026 【在线更新】英文环境下,安装和卸载应用时弹出授权界面,提示内容表述方式不一致
#125182 【安装器】在安全中心将应用程序来源检查设置为阻止,双击安装未签名deb包,安装失败但是日志为空
#126365 【安装器】英文状态下授权窗口未中文
#126787 【离线更新】光盘源/U盘源插入被测机器,控制面板-更新界面提示软件源更新失败
#124430 【在线更新】控制面板-更新中“自动下载和安装更新”按钮未与配置文件进行联动
#120948 【在线更新】断网时检测更新失败的文案何设计图不符
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: # 121890 【更新升级】部分应用更新完成后,在“查看历史更新”中查不到数据
# 123985 【在线更新】系统存在可选更新且在设置中开启了自动下载和安装更新,系统到达定时下载的时间未进行自动下载
# 110370 【更新升级】 【自动更新】出现一次,自动更新安装服务,将本地安装包地址检测成源地址导致安装报错
* 需求号: # 12722 【更新升级】系统更新全流程监控
# 12720 【更新升级】升级环境检测
# 12721 【更新升级】系统版本号体系
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: # 118021 【在线更新】中文环境下,安装和卸载应用时弹出授权界面,提示内容未汉化
# 118026 【在线更新】英文环境下,安装和卸载应用时弹出授权界面,提示内容表述方式不一致
# 122799 【在线更新】配置项中的源地址错误时,客户端重启后打开设置更新,提示后台程序未启动
# 119435 【更新升级】配置组包json格式错误时,system-updater、自动更新服务均不能启动,更新功能失效,需要增加异常处理机制
# 121781 【在线更新】中文环境下,静默更新完成后,右上角及侧边栏通知未汉化
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: # 118021 【在线更新】中文环境下,安装和卸载应用时弹出授权界面,提示内容未汉化
# 118026 【在线更新】英文环境下,安装和卸载应用时弹出授权界面,提示内容表述方式不一致
# 122799 【在线更新】配置项中的源地址错误时,客户端重启后打开设置更新,提示后台程序未启动
# 119435 【更新升级】配置组包json格式错误时,system-updater、自动更新服务均不能启动,更新功能失效,需要增加异常处理机制
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 增加系统版本号
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (2.0.2kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 113951 【电源管理】偶现机器无法通过关机选项或终端命令睡眠、关机或重启(7/10)
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 增加系统版本号
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (2.0.1kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 增加开机定时下载、关机安装功能,仅合入代码未启用功能
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (2.0.0kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: sp3前后端分离: 更新后端+自动更新
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.20kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 修复计算删除包异常
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.19kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.18kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: # 109487 【更新升级】【重启提示】【PTOF】全部更新-备份更新方式,备份完成不继续更新流程
# 109871 【自适应升级】【系统更新】单个更新回连后提示您的系统已是最新,实际存在未更新的包
# 108555 【自适应升级】【更新升级】升级系统更新进度在85%卡住,重启控制面板显示英文提示,不显示检测的更新内容,重启后恢复
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.17kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #109623 【自适应升级】 【系统更新】光盘源拔出后,还在尝试获取光盘源内容,未自动检测仓库源,可手动恢复
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.16kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #108277 【自适应升级】更新升级过程中提示“ukui-kwin-common”缺少依赖
#109095 【自适应升级】【更新升级】 0326arm版本安装system-updater 1.4.14升级后,系统自适应升级过程超时,控制面板中未结束更新一直停留在安装中的状态
#108665 【自适应升级】【更新升级】0326arm进行版本升级后提示升级成功,实际有部分包未安装成功
#109032 【自适应升级】【更新升级】公网不可访问时不能获取更新列表进行更新
#109036 【自适应升级】【更新升级】 自适应升级后,全部更新中包含缺依赖的包,更新完成后在历史记录中缺依赖的包也显示更新成
# 105722 【安装器】【龙芯3A5000】安装器安装用户手册deb时提示依赖错误,但是用dpkg命令可以安装
# 103939 【安装器】安装高版本用户手册后,安装低版本,提示安装失败,dpkg可以安装成功
# 100272 【安装器】双击deb包无法安装,日志中提示存在依赖,但通过dpkg可以安装
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.15kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #108555:【自适应升级】【更新升级】升级系统更新进度在85%卡住,重启控制面板显示英文提示,不显示检测的更新内容,重启后恢复
#102172:【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,更新设置会恢复默认
#102104:【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,上次更新时间与更新历史被清空
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #108555:【自适应升级】【更新升级】升级系统更新进度在85%卡住,重启控制面板显示英文提示,不显示检测的更新内容,重启后恢复
#102172:【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,更新设置会恢复默认
#102104:【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,上次更新时间与更新历史被清空
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #108277: 【自适应升级】更新升级过程中提示“ukui-kwin-common”缺少依赖
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.13kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.12kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #102172: 【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,更新设置会恢复默认
#102104: 【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,上次更新时间与更新历史被清空
#101852: 【用户手册】【更新升级】用户手册中设置下的更新升级内容与文档不一致
#104435: 【用例240562】设置-更新界面点击菜单栏-帮助,未直接定位到更新部分
#105336: 【更新升级】【重启提示】自动更新安装开始和结束的弹窗内容显示不明确
#105330 【更新升级】【重启提示】存在源中无所需依赖的包时,弹窗是否进行全盘更新,点击确认后控制面板闪退
# 105104 【更新升级】【重启提示】带按钮的强弹窗不应该出现在侧边栏,需修改弹窗类型
# 102465 【系统更新】缺依赖的包,单个更新提示缺依赖后点击全部更新提示更新成功
# 102175 【自适应更新】【系统更新】升级后,更新一个安装时间较长的包,重启控制面板,此时会一直等待收到安装完成的信号后,才能继续检测更新,影响用户体验
# 102015 【97888】【系统更新】使用光盘源更新缺依赖的包提示"没有找到需要升级和安装的包",未提示缺依赖
# 101864 【自适应更新】【自动更新】自动更新下载阶段或者备份前阶段打开控制面板,自动更新服务均不能自动退出
# 101852 【用户手册】【更新升级】用户手册中设置下的更新升级内容与文档不一致
# 101669 【自适应更新】【自动更新】自动更新过滤掉了非正式源,只能获取archive正式源的包,其余源的更新内容不能获取到
# 93555 【系统更新】【SP2 UI走查】更新-页面未按最新设计稿实现
# 90446 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】点击单个更新后,取消更新按钮未上下对齐
# 89824 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】单个待更新包选择全部更新,拒绝安装后不应该提示"部分更新失败"
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #102172: 【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,更新设置会恢复默认
#102104: 【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,上次更新时间与更新历史被清空
#101852: 【用户手册】【更新升级】用户手册中设置下的更新升级内容与文档不一致
#104435: 【用例240562】设置-更新界面点击菜单栏-帮助,未直接定位到更新部分
#105336: 【更新升级】【重启提示】自动更新安装开始和结束的弹窗内容显示不明确
#105330 【更新升级】【重启提示】存在源中无所需依赖的包时,弹窗是否进行全盘更新,点击确认后控制面板闪退
# 105104 【更新升级】【重启提示】带按钮的强弹窗不应该出现在侧边栏,需修改弹窗类型
# 102465 【系统更新】缺依赖的包,单个更新提示缺依赖后点击全部更新提示更新成功
# 102175 【自适应更新】【系统更新】升级后,更新一个安装时间较长的包,重启控制面板,此时会一直等待收到安装完成的信号后,才能继续检测更新,影响用户体验
# 102015 【97888】【系统更新】使用光盘源更新缺依赖的包提示"没有找到需要升级和安装的包",未提示缺依赖
# 101864 【自适应更新】【自动更新】自动更新下载阶段或者备份前阶段打开控制面板,自动更新服务均不能自动退出
# 101852 【用户手册】【更新升级】用户手册中设置下的更新升级内容与文档不一致
# 101669 【自适应更新】【自动更新】自动更新过滤掉了非正式源,只能获取archive正式源的包,其余源的更新内容不能获取到
# 93555 【系统更新】【SP2 UI走查】更新-页面未按最新设计稿实现
# 90446 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】点击单个更新后,取消更新按钮未上下对齐
# 89824 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】单个待更新包选择全部更新,拒绝安装后不应该提示"部分更新失败"
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.11kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #102172: 【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,更新设置会恢复默认
#102104: 【自适应更新】【系统更新】从sp1 0722自适应升级到sp2 1223版本后,上次更新时间与更新历史被清空
#101852: 【用户手册】【更新升级】用户手册中设置下的更新升级内容与文档不一致
#104435: 【用例240562】设置-更新界面点击菜单栏-帮助,未直接定位到更新部分
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.10kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #101864: 【自适应更新】【自动更新】自动更新下载阶段或者备份前阶段打开控制面板,自动更新服务均不能自动退出
#104699: 【自适应更新】【自动更新】自动更新过滤掉了非正式源,只能获取archive正式源的包,其余源的更新内容不能获取到
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.9kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #105336: 【更新升级】【重启提示】自动更新安装开始和结束的弹窗内容显示不明确
#104275: 【系统更新】自动更新和下载无法使用
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.8kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #100272: 【安装器】双击deb包无法安装,日志中提示存在依赖,但通过dpkg可以安装
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.7kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #89964: 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】当前源锁定方案对于私有化部署用户,获取更新包时,不易自由从私有源、公网源之间切换
#89921: 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】sources.list中sp1源与私有源共存,私有源中包版本高,实际更新获取的是私有源的包,锁定源未生效
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 增加重启弹窗
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.6kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #102463: 【自动更新】自动更新时源优先级策略未生效,实际获取所有源中最高版本而非按照设置的优先级顺序获取包,导致包版本下载错误
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.5kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #102442 【系统更新】【PTOF】系统更新过程重启控制面板,页面展示内容为上次更新时间并持续停留在此页面,此时不能获取更新列表进行更新操作
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.4kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 增加自适应更新的安装重启提示
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.4.3kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #94805 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】更新页面上方文字与图标未对齐
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #94805 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】更新页面上方文字与图标未对齐
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #101309【控制面板】【更新】更新页面图标和检查更新时的动画丢失
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新插件
kylin-system-updater (1.4.0kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #99496【系统更新】【英文】【UI布局】更新界面提示信息较长时,页面格式变成左右拖动框与其他界面格式不符
#93555【系统更新】【SP2 UI走查】更新-页面未按最新设计稿实现
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 修改frame边际,保证在显示器不同缩放情况下仍然能够正常显示
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新插件
kylin-system-updater (1.3.5kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #100356【试用模式】点击设置的更新,控制面板闪退(安装完系统后打开不会闪退)
#93390 【控制面板|更新】打开控制面板切换深色主题,不关闭控制面板的前提下更新部分文字未反白
#91169 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】开启通知可更新应用后不弹窗通知可更新
#99894 【安装器】安装失败-不满足依赖的提示未汉化
#97120 【控制面板|更新】软件源更新失败提示语未汉化
#99500 【系统更新】【英文】【UI布局】更新界面,update settings与下方标题未对齐
#99498 【系统更新】【英文】【UI布局】更新界面,自动更新的第二行介绍显示不全
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 修改部分英文表述和中文翻译
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新插件
kylin-system-updater (1.3.4kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #100356【试用模式】点击设置的更新,控制面板闪退(安装完系统后打开不会闪退)
#93390 【控制面板|更新】打开控制面板切换深色主题,不关闭控制面板的前提下更新部分文字未反白
#91169 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】开启通知可更新应用后不弹窗通知可更新
#99894 【安装器】安装失败-不满足依赖的提示未汉化
#97120 【控制面板|更新】软件源更新失败提示语未汉化
#99500 【系统更新】【英文】【UI布局】更新界面,update settings与下方标题未对齐
#99498 【系统更新】【英文】【UI布局】更新界面,自动更新的第二行介绍显示不全
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新插件
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 增加运行依赖python3-distro-info
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新插件
kylin-system-updater (1.3.2kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 修改与旧版本控制面板的冲突
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新插件
kylin-system-updater (1.3.1kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 修复点击全部升级后执行更新检测的问题
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新全部升级
kylin-system-updater (1.3.0kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #97525: 【安装器】安装器无法安装降级的deb包,终端dpkg可以安装
#85685: 【更新升级】中断自动备份更新过程后,无法再进行自动备份更新
#97859: 【安装器】安装软件包失败的输出日志不够详细
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #97525: 【安装器】安装器无法安装降级的deb包,终端dpkg可以安装
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 更改logrotate.d/unattended-upgrades
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #97525: 【安装器】安装器无法安装降级的deb包,终端dpkg可以安装
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #97525: 【安装器】安装器无法安装降级的deb包,终端dpkg可以安装
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 合并plugin_dev改动,测试
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG:
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 合并plugin_dev改动,测试
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG:
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.2.18kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #95760: 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】控制面板更新提示更新失败-软件包错误,实际已经安装成功
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 修改大数据采集后端dbus接口
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新多维数据采集
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #95760: 【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】控制面板更新提示更新失败-软件包错误,实际已经安装成功
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 修改大数据采集后端dbus接口
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新多维数据采集
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 更改过滤属性获取不正确;新增大数据采集后端dbus接口
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新过滤与多维数据采集
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.2.17kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #89964: 【系统更新】当前源锁定方案对于私有化部署用户,获取更新包时,不易自由从私有源、公网源之间切换
#89921: 【系统更新】sources.list中sp1源与私有源共存,私有源中包版本高,实际更新获取的是私有源的包,锁定源未生效
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #89964: 【系统更新】当前源锁定方案对于私有化部署用户,获取更新包时,不易自由从私有源、公网源之间切换
#89921: 【系统更新】sources.list中sp1源与私有源共存,私有源中包版本高,实际更新获取的是私有源的包,锁定源未生效
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #93483: 【在线更新】控制面板识别不出ftp源中的包
#93484: 【用例104578】单个更新提示不能关机,全部更新能关机
#93312: 【系统升级】详情中的下载大小与实际不符
#89819: 【系统更新】全部更新和单个更新开始过程几秒钟,网速固定是100B/S未显示实际网速;下载完成包后更新,显示0B/0B,建议改为下载完成
#89544: 【系统更新】大包(4g)更新包,在控制面板显示下载大小为0KB,单个更新后不显示下载中而是安装中
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #90667: 【系统更新】系统更新-单个更新,下载过程中取消按钮不应该被屏蔽
#90446: 【系统更新】点击单个更新后,取消更新按钮未上下对齐
#89817: 【系统更新】控制面板-更新界面未进行英化
#89530: 【系统更新】取消单个更新后还会弹出是否安装的窗口
#85487: 【更新升级】系统语言为英文时,Check Update和back显示不全
#85180: 【更新升级】提示网络异常后仍显示正在下载并安装更新,且全部更新按钮可点击
#69831: 【系统升级】点击全部更新后,软件包更新失败,控制面板中仍显示正在下载和更新
#85315: 【更新升级】更新成功后仍显示正在更新
#90077: 【系统更新】全部更新过程中,更新软件源进度是11% 91% 92%,不是线性增长
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.2.15kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #90667: 【系统更新】系统更新-单个更新,下载过程中取消按钮不应该被屏蔽
#90446: 【系统更新】点击单个更新后,取消更新按钮未上下对齐
#89817: 【系统更新】控制面板-更新界面未进行英化
#89530: 【系统更新】取消单个更新后还会弹出是否安装的窗口
#85487: 【更新升级】系统语言为英文时,Check Update和back显示不全
#85180: 【更新升级】提示网络异常后仍显示正在下载并安装更新,且全部更新按钮可点击
#69831: 【系统升级】点击全部更新后,软件包更新失败,控制面板中仍显示正在下载和更新
#85315: 【更新升级】更新成功后仍显示正在更新
#90077: 【系统更新】全部更新过程中,更新软件源进度是11% 91% 92%,不是线性增长
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #90667: 【系统更新】系统更新-单个更新,下载过程中取消按钮不应该被屏蔽
#90446: 【系统更新】点击单个更新后,取消更新按钮未上下对齐
#89817: 【系统更新】控制面板-更新界面未进行英化
#89530: 【系统更新】取消单个更新后还会弹出是否安装的窗口
#85487: 【更新升级】系统语言为英文时,Check Update和back显示不全
#85180: 【更新升级】提示网络异常后仍显示正在下载并安装更新,且全部更新按钮可点击
#69831: 【系统升级】点击全部更新后,软件包更新失败,控制面板中仍显示正在下载和更新
#85315: 【更新升级】更新成功后仍显示正在更新
#90077: 【系统更新】全部更新过程中,更新软件源进度是11% 91% 92%,不是线性增长
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #93675: 【系统更新】点击单个更新,准备更新过程中点击取消,仍然可以更新应用
#93668: 【系统更新】点击单个更新,下载过程中点击取消,出现安装中字样再提示本次更新已取消
#93320: 【系统升级】更新过程中退出控制面板,再打开进入升级无法看到正在更新的应用
#93309: 【系统升级】更新过程中,取消按钮置灰无法点击
#90660: 【系统更新】第一次装机,打开控制面板进行系统更新,备份完成后提示备份完成不继续更新流程
#90455: 【系统更新】更新前的备份过程中退出控制面板,再次打开控制面板选择备份更新界面卡在开始备份,正在获取进度,等待上次备份完成才能恢复
#89819: 【系统更新】全部更新和单个更新开始过程几秒钟,网速固定是100B/S未显示实际网速;下载完成包后更新,显示0B/0B,建议改为下载完成
#89527: 【系统更新】单个更新失败后,点击全部更新后取消,失败的单个更新后方出现取消更新的按键
#89517: 【系统更新】备份还原工具运行过程中,进行"备份及更新"提示备份还原工具正在进行其他操作,此时点击单个更新实际开始全部更新
#89449: 【系统更新】全部更新过程中,关闭控制面板后再次打开,一直卡在更新源界面不能检测出待更新的包
#93680: 【系统更新】点击全部更新,有安装弹窗的应用点击拒绝后,操作记录显示应用都安装失败,实际无安装弹窗的应用安装成功
#93671: 【系统更新】系统字号为15时,安装详情应用名称显示不全
#92987: 【控制面板】英文状态下,控制面板中更新未英化
#91435: 【用例87055】设置系统语言为英文,部分显示仍为中文
#91305: 【控制面板|更新】英文模式更新界面英化未完全
#94029: 【控制面板】通知界面缺少"电源管理器、系统更新"设置项
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:更新源过滤机制,取消服务器下发允许的源列表
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新源过滤
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #89461:【系统更新】全部更新过程中,点击详情无更新进度;安装过程中点击详情不会显示安装进度
* #93309:【系统升级】更新过程中,取消按钮置灰无法点击
* #89535:【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】全部更新-备份及更新过程中需屏蔽单个更新按键
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:增加获取破损包的依赖错误描述,状态保留增加取消功能
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1.2.13kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #89461:【系统更新】全部更新过程中,点击详情无更新进度;安装过程中点击详情不会显示安装进度
* #93309:【系统升级】更新过程中,取消按钮置灰无法点击
* #89535:【更新升级-需求-9002】【系统更新】全部更新-备份及更新过程中需屏蔽单个更新按键
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:增加获取破损包的依赖错误描述,状态保留增加取消功能
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:增加获取破损包的依赖错误描述,状态保留增加取消功能,优化静态变量
* 其他改动影响域:
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:增加获取破损包的依赖错误描述,状态保留增加取消功能,优化静态变量
* 其他改动影响域:
kylin-system-updater (1.2.12kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: #89818:【系统更新】将系统字体调整为最大,控制面板-更新界面"您的系统已是最新未跟随改变";且界面显示不全
* #89554:【系统更新】控制面板-更新界面没有兼容ukui3.1
* #89817:【系统更新】控制面板-更新界面未进行汉化
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:增加自主升级功能
* 其他改动影响域: 影响更新检测功能,在更新检测时将更新系统升级包本身
unknown (unknown1) unknown; urgency=unknown
* #89810:【系统更新】全部更新缺少错误原因提示,且取消全部下载建议提示下载取消。将依赖冲突的包以虚包形式进行全部更新,提示部分更新失败;空间少于备份空间或者安装包的空间,全部更新后提示部分更新失败。都未展示实际原因
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明:增加自主升级功能,优化进度显示保持功能
* 其他改动影响域: 影响更新检测功能,在更新检测时将更新系统升级包本身
kylin-system-updater (1.2.9kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: bug#91191,bug#90533,bug#91103,bug#90454,bug#89871
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:system-updater.conf文件配置;fix升级版本号记录不正确;修复高优先级低版本包被过滤的问题;安装异常时开机进行修复;
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: bug#91191,bug#90533,bug#91103,bug#90454
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:system-updater.conf文件配置;fix升级版本号记录不正确;修复高优先级低版本包被过滤的问题;安装异常时开机进行修复;
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: bug#91191,bug#90533
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:system-updater.conf文件配置;fix升级版本号记录不正确;修复高优先级低版本包被过滤的问题;下载包时可以点击取消按钮;
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: bug#91191
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:system-updater.conf文件配置;fix升级版本号记录不正确;
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG:
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:升级插件UI修复;添加修复功能;修复安装时preinst报错的问题
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG:
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:升级插件UI修复;
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater (1.2.7kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG:
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:解决so包含导致的升级问题;增加源优先级的判断,优化优先级问题;规范文件安装路径;
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG:
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:解决so包含导致的升级问题;增加源优先级的判断;规范文件安装路径;
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG:
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:解决so包含导致的升级问题
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater (1.2.6kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: bug#90102,bug#89338,bug#89792,bug#85318,bug#85325,bug#89813
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:增加调整候选版本的选项,限速功能调整,分组包记录失败修复,修复全盘修复逻辑错误问题,优化逻辑
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: bug#90102,bug#89338,bug#89792,bug#85318,bug#85325,bug#89813
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:增加调整候选版本的选项,限速功能调整,分组包记录失败修复,修复全盘修复逻辑错误问题,
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: bug#90102,bug#89338,bug#89792,bug#85318,bug#85325
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:增加调整候选版本的选项,限速功能调整,分组包记录失败修复.
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater (1.2.5kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: bug#89045,bug#89464,bug#89530,bug#89471,bug#89575
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:修复升级记录不全;取消启动自动update;修改接口文档;解决出现升级准备失败的问题;为自动更新提供白名单,插件bug修复
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: bug#89045,bug#89464
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明:修复升级记录不全;取消启动自动update;修改接口文档;解决出现升级准备失败的问题;为自动更新提供白名单.
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater (1.2.4kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明: 修复安装更新包kylin-update-desktop-config时报错的问题,优化修复冲突更新时未收起部分更新列表,源过滤速度优化
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明: 修复安装更新包kylin-update-desktop-config时报错的问题
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater (1.2.2kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 9002
* 需求:1.升级依赖修复机制,减小第三方软件对系统更新的影响;2.更新源锁定功能,屏蔽第三方软件源对系统更新的影响
* 其他改动说明: 完善升级功能,调整超时时间为20min
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 完善升级功能,源过滤优化,合并系统升级控制面板插件
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater (1.1.9kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 修改词条、国际化、修改编译生成的文件的追踪、增加log日志并修改颜色、取消安装刷新数据库
* 影响域: 系统升级
kylin-system-updater (1.1.7kord) v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: 无
* 需求号: 无
* 其他改动说明: 更改数据库插入格式,判断升级方式,增加刷新更新时间的信号,+ ws的修改
* 影响域: 重构系统更新器中数据库部分
kylin-system-updater (1.1.6kord) v101; urgency=medium
* 升级禁止关机
kylin-system-updater (1.1.4kord) v101; urgency=medium
* 代码优化,新增接口.
* 修改数据库结构.
kylin-system-updater (1.1.2kord) v101; urgency=medium
* 增加数据库接口 .
kylin-system-updater (1.1.1kord) v101; urgency=medium
* add database .
kylin-system-updater (1.0.4kord) v101; urgency=medium
* 重新编包,修复依赖,去除无用文件, 修改版本号
kylin-system-updater ( v101; urgency=medium
* BUG: # 无
* 需求号: #15034 【更新升级】更新历史中新增自动更新结果显示
* 其他改动说明: 无
* 其他改动影响域:系统更新
kylin-system-updater (1:20.04.9) v101; urgency=medium
* for v10sp1
kylin-system-updater (1:20.04.9) focal; urgency=medium
* Remove ubuntu-support-status as the term support can be confusing and the
Supported field has been removed from Launchpad packages. (LP: #1873362)
* Add ubuntu-security-status - a tool for displaying information about
packages installed and the kind of updates which they may or may not
receive. (LP: #1873362)
update-manager (1:20.04.9) focal; urgency=medium
* Remove ubuntu-support-status as the term support can be confusing and the
Supported field has been removed from Launchpad packages. (LP: #1873362)
* Add ubuntu-security-status - a tool for displaying information about
packages installed and the kind of updates which they may or may not
receive. (LP: #1873362)
update-manager (1:20.04.7) focal; urgency=medium
[ Marcus Tomlinson ]
* Show progress of snap updates (LP: #1871099).
* Display an error message when snap updates fail (LP: #1871100).
[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* Adjust dates in hwe-support-status for focal.
update-manager (1:20.04.6) focal; urgency=medium
* deb2snap: Don't replace debs that were manually installed via
another package (LP: #1872958).
update-manager (1:20.04.5) focal; urgency=medium
* Fix TypeError crash in update() (LP: #1871490).
update-manager (1:20.04.4) focal; urgency=medium
* Fix pycodestyle and pyflakes autopkgtests.
update-manager (1:20.04.3) focal; urgency=medium
[ Gunnar Hjalmarsson ]
* po/
Add UpdateManager/backend/, so the new translatable
strings get included in the translation template (LP: #1868409).
[ Brian Murray ]
* UpdateManager/ Do not offer to upgrade systems running on
an i386 host architecture to another release. (LP: #1845690)
update-manager (1:20.04.2) focal; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/backend/ once apt upgrade completes, use the
deb2snap.json file from ubuntu-release-upgrader to perform snap updates.
(LP: #1868409)
update-manager (1:20.04.1) focal; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/Core/ remove unused import of subprocess.
* janitor/plugincore/ replace basestring abstract type.
update-manager (1:19.04.10) focal; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/Core/ Use utils.get_dist() instead of
platform.dist() to find codename, the latter was removed in Python 3.8
update-manager (1:19.04.9) focal; urgency=medium
* tests: Handle the rename of the pep8 tool to pycodestyle.
update-manager (1:19.04.8) eoan; urgency=medium
* data/gtkbuilder/UpdateManager.ui: enforce icon size for download size icon
so it's consistent with the other status icons. (LP: #1790134)
update-manager (1:19.04.7) eoan; urgency=medium
* Fix E117 over idented code
update-manager (1:19.04.5) disco; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/Core/ when testing to see if a url is downloadable
support https in addition to http and ftp. (LP: #1823410)
* debian/tests/control: really use pyflakes3 instead of pyflakes,
additionally resolve pyflakes3 errors.
update-manager (1:19.04.4) disco; urgency=medium
[ Colin Watson ]
* Use the source version to generate changelog URIs, not the binary
version (LP: #655917).
update-manager (1:19.04.3) disco; urgency=medium
* Add gnome-shell as the first alternate for the polkit-1-auth-agent
dependency to allow policykit-1-gnome to be demoted to universe
update-manager (1:19.04.2) disco; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/Core/ set prompt in MetaReleaseCore so that
do-release-upgrade can provide more informative error messages.
(LP: #1798618, LP: #1795024)
update-manager (1:19.04.1) disco; urgency=medium
* Do not show the livepatch reminder if update-manager is running
on a distribution without software-properties-gtk. (LP: #1805118)
update-manager (1:18.10.10) cosmic; urgency=medium
* Stop lazy import of InstallBackends.
Lazy imports made update-manager crash when an update-manager
update changed the backend API and an updated incompatible backend
was loaded to the not updated running update-manager process. (LP: #1795898)
* Cancel transaction on exit only when Cancel button is active.
Also ignore exception when cancellation fails. (LP: #1790670)
update-manager (1:18.10.9) cosmic; urgency=medium
* Allow unselecting updates and performing only removals (LP: #1792320)
* Stop trying apt_pkg.pkgsystem_(un)lock(), as a normal user it always fails
(LP: #1795387)
* Keep or delete packages after looping over all of them.
This prevents the resolver from changing the packages in the loop resulting
in not keeping some phased packages back from being upgraded. (LP: #1072136)
* Fix PEP 8 warnings (LP: #1795384)
Also ignore "W503 line break before binary operator" because it will
become the best practice
update-manager (1:18.10.8) cosmic; urgency=medium
* Print transaction error and let the user try again applying updates
(LP: #1317164)
* Don't ask backend to do package operations aready done.
Aptdaemon cancels the transaction when asked to remove packages already
removed which results the failure being shown to the user. This
is unnecessary as update-manager can just filter the package operations to
be done using a fresh cache and decrease the likelyhood of hitting
a race condition where packages to be removed are already removed.
(LP: #1791931)
update-manager (1:18.10.7) cosmic; urgency=medium
* Fix PEP8 regression from 18.10.4 to allow autopkgtest to pass
* Fix unused import of subprocess in
update-manager (1:18.10.6) cosmic; urgency=medium
* debian/control:
- Build-Depends on python3-distro-info
update-manager (1:18.10.5) cosmic; urgency=medium
* Add a reminder to enable Livepatch (LP: #1787553).
update-manager (1:18.10.4) cosmic; urgency=medium
[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* Ignore Prompt=lts for non-LTS series. This way if a user is on a non-LTS
and has Prompt=lts, he/she will be upgraded to the next supported series
until finally reaching an LTS. (LP: #1783328)
update-manager (1:18.10.3) cosmic; urgency=medium
* Add support for HTTPS proxies; this breaks UpdateManager.Core.utils.init_proxy()
API - the return value is now a dict, rather than a string (LP: #1771914).
update-manager (1:18.10.2) cosmic; urgency=medium
* Fix my spelling mistake in the previous upload. Oops.
update-manager (1:18.10.1) cosmic; urgency=medium
* Block style context changed signal while enforcing the main window's
constant size. Thanks to Thomas Waldmann and Sebastien Bacher for the
initial analysis of this bug. (LP: #1637180)
update-manager (1:18.04.11) bionic; urgency=medium
* Add Appstream metadata with compulsory_for_desktop fields to prevent
the accidental uninstallation of ubuntu-desktop in GNOME Software.
ubuntu-desktop depends on update-manager.
* Build-Depend on dh-python
* Update translation template
update-manager (1:18.04.10) bionic; urgency=medium
* Support package removals in install backends and really remove packages
(LP: #1624644, #1675079)
update-manager (1:18.04.9) bionic; urgency=medium
* Keep PEP 8 checks happy
update-manager (1:18.04.8) bionic; urgency=medium
* Offer removal of unused autoremovable kernel packages
(LP: #1624644, #1675079)
update-manager (1:18.04.7) bionic; urgency=medium
* Comment out the KDE frontend in debian/control so we can remove pykde4
from the archive (LP: #1745741).
update-manager (1:18.04.6) bionic; urgency=medium
* Use HTTPS for (LP: #1744318)
update-manager (1:18.04.5) bionic; urgency=medium
* Drop the update-manager-text package and code as it has been broken for a
long time and it wasn't used by many people. (LP: #1385524)
update-manager (1:18.04.4) bionic; urgency=medium
[ Balint Reczey ]
* Place .keep files in empty directories to keep them when converting the
repo to git
* Call do-release-upgrade without pkexec and depend on a version which
raises privileges itself (LP: #1748509)
[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* update-manager: Depend on libgtk3-perl for debconf's GNOME backend.
Drop previous Recommends on libgtk2-perl. (LP: #1607929)
update-manager (1:18.04.3) bionic; urgency=medium
* ubuntu-support-status: use component to differentiate packages
supported by the community and packages supported by Canonical.
(LP: #1574670)
update-manager (1:18.04.2) bionic; urgency=medium
* Build from bazaar repository to keep empty dirs in the source package
* Break long comment to keep PEP 8 test happy
update-manager (1:18.04.1) bionic; urgency=medium
[ Jean-Baptiste Lallement ]
* UpdateManager/ Workaround restricted access to GUI applications
by user root under wayland to start do-release-upgrade in graphical mode
(LP: #1732185)
update-manager (1:17.10.11) artful; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/ Also mention using COMPRESS=xz in
intramfs.conf to free more space in /boot.
update-manager (1:17.10.10) artful; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/ Provide instructions when mount points
have insufficient free space for the upgrade to complete. (LP: #1477455)
update-manager (1:17.10.9) artful; urgency=medium
[ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
* fix the extended origin matcher test as it was
making wrong assumptions, not checking if packages actually had ANY package
in -security. This should fix the current autopkgtest failures.
[ Brian Murray ]
* fix some typos.
update-manager (1:17.10.8) artful; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/ use a variable instead of hard coding 1 to
allow the translation of the message, thanks to Andrea Azzarone.
(LP: #1714489)
update-manager (1:17.10.7) artful; urgency=medium
* Show status of Canonical's Livepatch service in update-manager dialog
window, thanks to Andrea Azzarone. (LP: #1712591)
update-manager (1:17.10.6) artful; urgency=medium
* Workaround a crash when calling software-properties-gtk
by not using --toplevel under wayland (LP: #1703365)
update-manager (1:17.10.5) artful; urgency=medium
* This does not need to be architecture specific so
just set the arch to amd64 like
* mock /proc/net/tcp and processes in proc so that we are
testing the code and not the system under test.
update-manager (1:17.10.4) artful; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/Core/ Instead of trying to print an error
when trying to find the desktop file log it. (LP: #1428297)
update-manager (1:17.10.3) artful; urgency=medium
* Resolve a multitude of test failures, pep8 and pyflakes issues.
update-manager (1:17.10.2) artful; urgency=medium
* Recommend libgtk2-perl be installed so we have a working debconf frontend.
(LP: #1607929)
update-manager (1:17.10.1) artful; urgency=medium
[ Steve Langasek ]
* ubuntu-support-status: instead of checking the Release timestamp in
the releases file for every single package on the system, get the
release date from distro-info-data because it will always be the same.
This speeds up the script by > 50% in testing.
[ Brian Murray ]
* update-manager: Clarify that the "-d" switch is only for upgrading from
the latest supported release to the development release, not any release.
(LP: #1700829)
* Remove --sandbox (aufs support) as it has been broken for some time and
was rather unused. (LP: #1605259)
update-manager (1:17.04.3) zesty; urgency=medium
* Use a 64 bit integer for launch-time instead of a 32 bit one which won't
work someday. (LP: #1654008)
update-manager (1:17.04.2) zesty; urgency=medium
[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* Update alternate dependencies for policykit-1-gnome:
- Add virtual polkit-1-auth-agent
- Replace non-existant policykit-1-kde with polkit-kde-agent-1
- Replace razorqt-policykit-agent with lxqt-policykit
(since lxqt is the replacement for razorqt)
[ Manzur Mukhitdinov ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- Add a clearer error message when a network failure occurs
[ Brian Murray ]
* UpdateManager/
- Remove misleading ellipsis in “Restart Now” action button. Thanks to
Adolfo Jayme for the change. (LP: #1568368)
[ Steve Langasek ]
* Drop estimate_kernel_size_in_boot() from UpdateManager/Core/; this
was only used in ubuntu-release-upgrader so the code has now moved there
(with code fixes). Ensure upgrade ordering with Breaks: on older
python3-distupgrade. LP: #1646222.
update-manager (1:17.04.1) zesty; urgency=medium
* tests/ Resolve issues with the test.
* data/gtkbuilder/UpdateManager.ui: Set a minimum content height of 80px for
the technical description scrolled window. This was the default height
gtk3widgets used in GTK versions prior to 3.20. Thanks to Martin Wimpress
for the fix. (LP: #1623856)
update-manager (1:16.10.7) yakkety; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/Core/ Gracefully handle absence of Launchpadlib
* Lower python3-launchpadlib Depends: to a Suggests:, to avoid pulling it
into "standard" priority. Retrieving PPA changelogs is more of a niche
feature which is relevant for desktops, but shoud not drag the entire
python3-launchpadlib stack into small installations. Add it as Recommends
to the GUI frontends instead, to retain current behaviour on desktops.
update-manager (1:16.10.6) yakkety; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/ Handle ValueError traceback when checking
for Unity and Dbusmenu support. Thanks to Launchpad user flocculant for
the patch. (LP: #1629900)
update-manager (1:16.10.5) yakkety; urgency=medium
[ Brian Murray ]
* UpdateManager/ when marking HWE packages for install pass
on a SystemError and let the problem resolver sort it out.
* HweSupportStatus/ Improve wording of the messages.
* hwe-support-status:
- decode output when checking for foreign architectures so that the result
is unicode not bytes.
- add libwayland-egl1-mesa to the list of metapackages.
- utilize a virtualbox metapackage set.
- Do not show replacements that are already installed on
the system. (LP: #1607983)
* collect information about the state of HWE
support on the system. (LP: #1617080)
* only collect HWE information if it exists.
[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* Add gi.require_version in a few more places to reduce the annoying
warnings. (LP: #1573177)
update-manager (1:16.10.4) yakkety; urgency=medium
* ChangelogViewer: Fix an API call to work with GTK < and ≥ 3.20. Upstream
gave gtk_text_view_get_iter_at_location a gboolean return type, which
makes gobject-introspection return (return value, out parameter). (LP:
* ChangelogViewer: Set vexpand so that the changelog TextView takes up all
the remaining vertical space.
update-manager (1:16.10.3) yakkety; urgency=medium
[Nicolas Delvaux]
* Attempt to retrieve Changelogs from PPA sources (LP: #253119)
* Correctly detect the usage of a username in changelog URIs
update-manager (1:16.10.2) yakkety; urgency=medium
* Include HWE support tools and information. (LP: #1498059)
update-manager (1:16.10.1) yakkety; urgency=medium
* Correctly calculate the end of support, and return correctly when support
has ended. Patch from Andrew Gaul, with thanks.
update-manager (1:16.04.3) xenial; urgency=medium
* Quote URL parameters for the Release Announcement. (LP: #1561215)
update-manager (1:16.04.2) xenial; urgency=medium
[ Tim Lunn ]
* UpdateManage/Core/ Update to use logind inhibitors (LP: #1566141)
update-manager (1:16.04.1) xenial; urgency=medium
* Update Build-Depends to resolve ftbfs in xenial.
update-manager (1:15.10.3) wily; urgency=medium
* Pass a '#auto' suffix to aptdaemon for packages that are autoinstalled,
so that we have enough information to autoremove them later. Thanks to
Michael Vogt <> for the patch. LP: #1439769.
* Add versioned dependency on aptdaemon (>= 1.1.1+bzr982-0ubuntu13) for the
update-manager (1:15.10.2) wily; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/Core/ update the binary packages made by the
linux-meta source package. (LP: #1215114)
update-manager (1:15.10.1) wily; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/Core/ When not running in development mode,
if the next release is unsupported do not offer to upgrade to that, but
the release after it. When running in development mode continue to offer
upgrading to unsupported release. (LP: #1497024)
update-manager (1:15.04.7) vivid; urgency=medium
* debian/tests/control: pyflakes3 is provided by pyflakes
update-manager (1:15.04.6) vivid; urgency=medium
* debian/tests/control: switch to using pyflakes3 instead of pyflakes.
update-manager (1:15.04.5) vivid; urgency=medium
* tests/ switch to using pyflakes3 instead of pyflakes.
update-manager (1:15.04.4) vivid; urgency=medium
* Properly check for FileNotFoundError when looking for /etc/machine-id.
(LP: #1443929)
update-manager (1:15.04.3) vivid; urgency=medium
* Allow being a child of 'systemd' as well as 'init' .If we're booted with
e.g. init=/lib/systemd/systemd then the parent will be systemd.
* Use the systemd /etc/machine-id file if available for our unique ID.
update-manager (1:15.04.2) vivid; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/Core/ use rpartition in case the process name
contains the right parenthesis character. Thanks to Roman Odaisky for the
patch. (LP: #1399916)
* UpdateManager/ set the focus to "Restart Later" instead of
"Restart Now", so people don't accidentally reboot. (LP: #1421044)
update-manager (1:15.04.1) vivid; urgency=medium
* debian/control: Don't depend on gir1.2-vte-2.90, we don't use it
(directly) any more.
update-manager (1:14.10.6) utopic; urgency=medium
* UpdateManager/ update URL for CVEs (LP: #1374715)
update-manager (1:14.10.5) utopic; urgency=medium
[ Yu-Cheng Chou ]
* UpdateManager/ _on_close() should return the value to make
close button work properly (LP: #1363580)
update-manager (1:14.10.4) utopic; urgency=medium
* Fix test_url_downloadable() with proxis: ensure that $no_proxy doesn't
prevent us from accessing localhost through proxy.
update-manager (1:14.10.3) utopic; urgency=low
[ Mitsuya Shibata ]
* lp:~cosmos-door/ubuntu/trusty/update-manager/fix1358229:
- ensure all scripts are treated as python by gettext
LP: #1358229
update-manager (1:14.10.2) utopic; urgency=low
* pep8 fixes to fix autopkgtest failure with the latest pep8
update-manager (1:14.10.1) utopic; urgency=low
* fix ADT failure
update-manager (1:14.10.0) utopic; urgency=low
* make meta-release parser stricter to avoid storing the data
that e.g. intercepting proxies send (LP: #1310891)
update-manager (1:0.196.12) trusty-proposed; urgency=low
* use Gtk.init() to ensure update-manager fails with a
runtime error message instead of crashing if the display
can not be opened (LP: #1269397)
update-manager (1:0.196.11) trusty; urgency=low
* lp:~mvo/update-manager/lp1202754:
- do nt crash if the user clicks "cancel" in the polkit dialog
(LP: #1202754)
update-manager (1:0.196.10) trusty; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- add dependencies to the various policykit agents to ensure
that update-manager is not run without policykit agent support
in the session (LP: #1164558)
* tests/
- test improvements from Barry Warsaw (many thanks!)
update-manager (1:0.196.9) trusty; urgency=medium
[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* UpdateManager/
- use the correct icon theme (lp: #1283554)
[ Marc Deslauriers ]
* UpdateManager/ close window after requesting reboot.
(LP: #1297361)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* tests/aptroot-update-list-test:
- fix test failure caused by not-installable depends (lp: #1295392)
update-manager (1:0.196.8) trusty; urgency=medium
* set response to None if the problem type is not
a bug
* UpdateManager/Core/ do not perform DNS lookups with iptables,
thanks to John Edwards for the patch. (LP: #1290825)
update-manager (1:0.196.7) trusty; urgency=medium
* Fix PEP-8 style error to fix tests.
update-manager (1:0.196.6) trusty; urgency=low
* Allow user to close the restart required dialog (LP: #1033226)
- Add a settings button
- Add a "Restart Later" button
- Rename existing button to "Restart Now..."
- Add secondary text to updates dialog when a restart is still pending
from last updates
update-manager (1:0.196.5) trusty; urgency=medium
* Stop using deprecated GObject constructors with positional arguments
update-manager (1:0.196.4) trusty; urgency=low
* lp:~mterry/update-manager/requires-restart:
- warn if a update requires a reboot (LP: #255443)
This requires that the packages that need a reboot set
"XB-Restart-Required: system" in the package record
update-manager (1:0.196.3) trusty; urgency=low
[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* lp:~seb128/update-manager/check-none-controller
- Check for controller being None before using it (this was
accidentally dropped in a previous refactoring).
- LP: #1203919
update-manager (1:0.196.2) trusty; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray ]
* UpdateManager/Core/ speed up the check for a new release of
Ubuntu. Thanks to Anders Kaseorg for the patch.
[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* lp:~seb128/update-manager/box-use-vertical-space:
- Use the vertical space, GTK 3.10 displays the box shrinked otherwise
update-manager (1:0.196.1) trusty; urgency=low
* debian/ Fix too long line (pep8 error).
update-manager (1:0.196) trusty; urgency=low
* In the apport hook ask if the bug is about upgrading from one release to
another and send bug to ubuntu-release-upgrader. (LP: #1071057)
update-manager (1:0.195) trusty; urgency=low
* Add support for logind to the restart dialog. Thanks to Thaddaus
Tintenfisch for the patch. (LP: #1232363)
update-manager (1:0.194) saucy; urgency=low
* Fix a bug introduced in the dialog refactor from version 1:0.189 that
causes update-manager to crash instead of showing a dialog when there are
no updates to apply but the system needs rebooted. LP: #1219414.
update-manager (1:0.193) saucy; urgency=low
* Fix PEP-8 errors.
update-manager (1:0.192) saucy; urgency=low
* Core/ if a package is an ignored phased update mark it for
keeping (LP: #1211511)
update-manager (1:0.191) saucy; urgency=low
* Fix update-manager crashing when trying to raise
window. on_button_install_clicked takes only one positional argument,
not two. (LP: #1202959)
update-manager (1:0.190) saucy; urgency=low
* Update for python-distutils-extra 2.38 (yelp-tools style help)
update-manager (1:0.189) saucy; urgency=low
[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* Drop unused system-software-update icons since it is a
standard theme icon
[ Robert Roth ]
* Remove dist-upgrade option description from manpage (LP: #1079136)
[ Dylan McCall ]
* Refactor dialogs to have a common base.
* tests/ Fix test regression from the above.
[ Martin Pitt ]
* Drop obsolete GObject.threads_init() calls to avoid warnings at startup.
Bump python-gi dependency accordingly.
* Drop unused imports and assignments to fix pyflakes errors.
* Fix PEP-8 errors.
* tests/ Adjust test_error_no_updates() to current
update-manager (1:0.188) saucy; urgency=low
* Core/ Drop unused "src_name" variable (pyflakes error).
* tests/ Fix too long line (pep8 error).
update-manager (1:0.187) saucy; urgency=low
[ Sami Jaktholm ]
* Greatly speed up update calculation (LP: #1167277)
[ Martin Pitt ]
* Drop unnecessary ubuntu-drivers-common build dependency, to ease
[ Brian Murray ]
* Modify phased update percentage to use source packages and not binary
packages, additionally add a test for this.
* Remove check for update-notifier auto-launch gsettings key
update-manager (1:0.186) raring; urgency=low
[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* Use correct variable in error message, fixing a crash (LP: #1142151)
update-manager (1:0.185) raring; urgency=low
[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* Specify a background color for the unity launcher icon (lp: #1081691)
[ Michael Terry ]
* Look for to-be-updated application icons in app-install-data
(LP: #1145157)
update-manager (1:0.184) raring; urgency=low
[ Michael Terry ]
* Don't temporarily freeze when calculating which updates are available.
LP: #1137996
[ Colin Watson ]
* Allow removals with only Conflicts+Replaces; while policy 7.6.2 quotes
Provides in an example, it's clear that Conflicts+Replaces alone should
be sufficient to indicate that the target package may be removed.
update-manager (1:0.183) raring; urgency=low
[ Mike Terry ]
* Fix toggling items after doing a deselect-all. (LP: #1129191)
[ Colin Watson ]
* Fix PEP-8 failures.
* Fix pyflakes failures.
* Depend on pep8 and pyflakes for the autopkgtest suite.
* Use logging.warning rather than deprecated logging.warn.
* Fix test_meta_release_core.SillyProxyRequestHandler to write bytes
rather than text to its output file object.
* Make test_meta_release_core pick a new proxy port for each test.
* Use EnvironmentVarGuard in test_meta_release_core to reduce the risk of
test isolation bugs.
* MetaReleaseCore: Plug some open file object leaks.
* Make test_meta_release_core call install_opener(None) every time it
changes proxy settings, to avoid stale ones being left around from
previous tests.
* Reopen cache in GroupingTestCase.setUp, TestCache.setUp, and
TestChangelogs.setUp to avoid test isolation bugs.
* Remove unnecessary cache update in PhasedTestCase.setUp; reopening the
cache is sufficient.
* Allow saveDistUpgrade to remove packages provided that upgrade
candidates declare Conflicts+Replaces+Provides on them (LP: #1038113).
[ Steve Langasek ]
* Build-depend on python3-all (>= 3.3.0-2) for pybuild support and drop
the now-extraneous overrides from debian/rules; this incidentally works
around an issue I don't understand where the package was now failing to
build locally from trying to invoke python instead of python3.
update-manager (1:0.182) raring; urgency=low
* MetaReleaseCore: Create ~/.cache if it does not exist.
update-manager (1:0.181) raring; urgency=low
* Use the gnome debconf frontend, accidentally dropped in update-manager
1:0.165 (LP: #1110585).
update-manager (1:0.180) raring; urgency=low
[ Dylan McCall ]
* Make sure text in Install column properly uses ellipses. (LP: #1105363)
* Refactor CellAreaPackage class for ease of future changes.
update-manager (1:0.179) raring; urgency=low
* Properly xml-escape application names too, not just package labels
* Make sure dialog buttons are actually at the bottom of the dialog
update-manager (1:0.178) raring; urgency=low
* Implement the "available updates" details pane from the SoftwareUpdates
spec. Specifically, this adds grouping of related updates, adds an
"Ubuntu base" group for core packages, and shows only the description
summary in the main view.
* Show a restart icon next to packages that declare they will need a
system restart via XB-Restart-Required: system
update-manager (1:0.177) raring; urgency=low
* Fix missing import in tests/
* Make tests/ more robust against other tests being run
before it.
* Depend on aptdaemon for DEP-8 tests.
* Fix typo in test dpkg status file for test_update_list.
* Add Update-Manager::Never-Include-Phased-Updates, the converse of
Update-Manager::Always-Include-Phased-Updates; this opts out of
upgrading to any package with a Phased-Update-Percentage set.
update-manager (1:0.176) raring; urgency=low
* Use GLib.timeout_add_seconds instead of deprecated GObject.timeout_add
* Keep dialogs 33em wide
* Pass update-manager arguments on to do-release-upgrade (LP: #1097907)
update-manager (1:0.175) raring; urgency=low
[ Eric Williams ]
* German translation fix (LP: #1070289)
[ Stephen Kraemer ]
* UpdateManager/ made Settings... button open software-properties
non-modally. (LP: #1058070)
[ Robert Roth ]
* Remove package count badge from the unity launcher (LP: #1036891)
* Added 6px border to the button box to align the buttons with the contents
above (LP: #1081099)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* debian/rules:
- do not call dh_auto_build as as it call py2 even when its not
supposed to (LP: #1089808), thanks to Jean-Baptiste Lallement
* fix missing "Architecture" when writing out the fake dpkg-status
file in the tests (LP: #1089793)
update-manager (1:0.174.3) quantal; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- never pass "None" to xml.sax.saxutils.escape (LP: #1044080)
update-manager (1:0.174.2) quantal; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* fix crash in UpdateManager.Core.utils.error(), thanks to
Christian Parrino (LP: #964674)
[ Michael Terry ]
* Stop showing Install All Available Updates quicklist item when it isn't
appropriate (LP: #1031307).
update-manager (1:0.174.1) quantal; urgency=low
* po/
- add missing, thanks to Igor Zubarev
(LP: #1055594)
update-manager (1:0.174) quantal; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/ improve url parsing of changelog files
so that more links are created. Thanks to sampo555 for the patch
(LP: #1011093).
* Add a dependency to update-manager on update-notifier (LP: #1043725)
update-manager (1:0.173) quantal; urgency=low
* Make update-manager-core depend on ubuntu-release-upgrader-core and
update-manager-kde depend on ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt, so that
functionality isn't lost on upgrade (LP: #1049062).
update-manager (1:0.172) quantal; urgency=low
* Remove dependency on update-notifier as it added many dependencies to
update-manager (1:0.171) quantal; urgency=low
[ Michael Terry ]
* Fix test suite to pass when run on non-amd64 machine
[ Brian Murray ]
* Add a dependency on update-notifier (LP: #1043725)
update-manager (1:0.170) quantal; urgency=low
* When user cancels/stops the apt cache update, still let them
view available updates from a previous cache update. LP: #1024909
update-manager (1:0.169) quantal; urgency=low
[ Michael Terry ]
* Drop Unity-support gir Recommends down to Suggests. LP: #1029764
[ sampo555 ]
* lp:~sampo555/update-manager/fix-for-1031280:
- Convert SystemError into string in order to avoid TypeError in
UpdateManager.refresh_cache SystemError handles. Fixes LP: #1031280
[ Robert Park ]
* Allow test suite to not need to be run as root
[ Michael Vogt ]
* lp:~mvo/update-manager/phased-updates:
- Implement the client part of the "foundations-q-phased-updates".
This allows to deploy updates in phases where only a subset of
the users will get a update, controlled via the
Phased-Updates-Percentage tag in the Packages file.
update-manager (1:0.168) quantal; urgency=low
* Run tests under xvfb and don't try to use non-existant python3-coverage
* Don't throw exception on socket timeout when downloading metarelease
file. LP: #818760
update-manager (1:0.167) quantal; urgency=low
* Rebuild to get python3 wrapper script (LP: #1023474)
update-manager (1:0.166) quantal; urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* Write metarelease file as UTF-8 (LP: #1020526)
[ Michael Terry ]
* Use a wrapper script of /bin/sh when calling pkexec, to workaround its
requirement that the ppid not be 1. (LP: #1020115)
* Update Unity badge count before showing "please restart" dialog
* Don't allow closing the "please restart" dialog via window manager
* Show "please restart" dialog on startup if needed, instead of only
after installing some updates
update-manager (1:0.165) quantal-proposed; urgency=low
* Implementation of "update on start" feature from spec
* Use a single main window that changes instead of having modal dialogs
* Implement several special-purpose dialogs like "No updates" or
"Dist upgrade needed" accordingn to the above spec
* Split out release upgrader code and DistUpgrade module into a separate
source package
* Drop python-update-manager, as it is unused
* debian/tests:
- Add dep8 tests
update-manager (1:0.164) quantal; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade/ ensure package install failures are
tagged dist-upgrade
[ Robert Roth ]
* UpdateManager/ check for None type from
get_last_update_minutes (LP: #1013325)
[ Colin Watson ]
* DistUpgrade/NvidiaDetector, debian/control: Update symlink to Python 3
version, available as of ubuntu-drivers-common 1:0.2.55.
* debian/rules: Make sure to run with the default python3 last,
so that scripts get correct #! lines.
[ Barry Warsaw ]
- Add python-gi as an explicit dependency.
- python3-mock is required.
- Fix the installation of the janitor.plugincore package for Python 3.
(LP: #1013490)
- Calculate the setup() version number from debian/changelog.
- Remove package_dir since it's not actually needed.
- Whitespace normalization.
* tests/Makefile
- Add sleep between Python 2 and Python 3 invocation of tests under
xvfb-run, otherwise I get crashes where xvfb doesn't come up.
update-manager (1:0.163) quantal; urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* Isolate tests from local configuration in
* Use Python attributes rather than GObject.get_data and GObject.set_data,
which have been removed upstream (LP: #1009859).
* Switch default view class to Gtk3 and replace python-gobject dependency
with python-gi.
* Port away from old-style apt.Package candidateFoo and installedFoo
properties, preferring and In a number of
cases we have to check whether candidate/installed is non-None first.
* Use apt_pkg.version_compare rather than apt_pkg.VersionCompare.
* Use apt_pkg.uri_to_filename rather than apt_pkg.URItoFileName.
* Use apt_pkg.TagFile (and related new-style API) rather than
* Use apt_pkg.PackageManager rather than apt_pkg.GetPackageManager.
* Use apt_pkg.Acquire rather than apt_pkg.GetAcquire.
* Use mark_foo/marked_foo rather than markFoo/markedFoo.
* Use apt_pkg.ActionGroup rather than apt_pkg.GetPkgActionGroup.
* Use apt_pkg.ProblemResolver rather than apt_pkg.GetPkgProblemResolver.
* Use apt_pkg.read_config_file rather than apt_pkg.ReadConfigFile.
* Use new spelling of apt_pkg.DepCache methods.
* Rename several local cache methods to PEP-8 style to avoid showing up in
the output of /usr/share/python-apt/
* Use apt_pkg.size_to_str rather than apt_pkg.SizeToStr.
* Use apt_pkg.PackageManager.get_archives rather than
* Use apt_pkg.Acquire.fetch_needed rather than
* Use new spelling of apt_pkg.Package/Version/Dependency methods.
* Use apt_pkg.pkgsystem_lock rather than apt_pkg.PkgSystemLock.
* Use new spelling of apt_pkg dependency parsing methods.
* Use new spelling of apt_pkg.SourceList methods.
* Bump python-apt (build-)dependency to >= 0.8.0.
* Add a scheme for excluding false positives from the pyflakes test, and
enable it by default.
* Rearrange the OptionParser workaround from 1:0.154.5 to work with Python
3, using gettext or ugettext as appropriate.
* Always pass bytes to hashlib.md5.update.
* Fix DistUpgradeAptCdrom to account for gzip files being opened in binary
* Convert the last use of os.popen to subprocess.check_output, which makes
it easier to read str rather than bytes. (This requires Python 2.7.)
* Decode bytes read from urlopened file objects.
* UpdateManager/backend/
- Keep a reference to the data tuple passed to GObject.child_watch_add
to avoid attempts to destroy it without a thread context
(LP: #724687).
- Open temporary synaptic selections file in text mode.
* Define __bool__ rather than __nonzero__ method in Python 3.
* sort(cmp=) and sorted(cmp=) no longer work in Python 3. Use appropriate
key= arguments instead.
* Fix ResourceWarning while reading /proc/mounts.
* Make update-manager-kde depend on psmisc, for killall.
* DistUpgrade/
- Use floor division in FuzzyTimeToStr.
* DistUpgrade/
- Flush stdout after printing confirmation message, since it doesn't
have a trailing newline.
* Use the appropriate Unicode gettext methods in both Python 2 and 3, and
drop lots of Python-3-unfriendly Unicode mangling as a result.
* DistUpgrade/
- Open the terminal log in binary mode.
* data/do-release-upgrade.8:
- Provide a more useful NAME section.
* DistUpgrade/
- Tolerate SyntaxError from attempting to import NvidiaDetector, until
such time as a complete ubuntu-drivers-common Python 3 port is in the
* Switch #! lines over to python3, apart from dist-upgrader which needs to
stay as Python 2 for a while longer (and have some special arrangement
for running with Python 3 for upgrades from >= quantal).
* Run tests under both Python 2 and 3.
[ Adam Conrad ]
* Merge branch from Michael Terry to drop auto-upgrade-tester
from update-manager and move it into its own source package
[ Barry Warsaw ]
* Begin refactoring of Computer Janitor code by renaming and
re-situating all of it to janitor/plugincore. This will eventually be
removed from here into its own separate branch.
* Merge the temporary Python 3 sprint branch back into trunk, and close
the py3 sprint branch.
* Moved UpdateManager/backend and UpdateManager/ to the
python*-update-manager packages for apturl.
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- fix python-apt 0.8 API crash
[ Stéphane Graber ]
* Drop fdsend as it's not used and doesn't build with python3.
* Make update-manager-core a binary all packages (everything is python).
* Split update-manager-core into python-update-manager,
python3-update-manager and update-manager-core.
* Build-depend and depend on python-apt >= 0.8.5~ as we need proper
python3 support.
[ Steve Langasek ]
* tests/ the test suite shouldn't fail if $LANG
isn't set in the environment.
* update-manager is now using python3 as an interpreter, so fix these up
to actually be python3 packages.
update-manager (1:0.162) quantal; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- include "DistUpgrade" symlink in tarball to ensure relative
imports keep working
update-manager (1:0.161) quantal; urgency=low
* /usr/share/nvidia-common/obsolete was renamed to
/usr/share/ubuntu-drivers-common/obsolete and moved packages. Cope with
update-manager (1:0.160) quantal; urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* Use Python 3-style print functions.
* Use "except Exception as e" syntax rather than the old-style "except
Exception, e".
* Fix a few assorted pyflakes warnings.
* Use string methods rather than functions from the string module.
* Replace most uses of filter and map with list comprehensions or for
* Use open() rather than file().
* Use Python 3 renaming of ConfigParser if available.
* Use "raise Exception(value)" syntax rather than the old-style "raise
Exception, value".
* Remove duplicate imports of os.path; 'import os' is enough.
* Use Python 3 renamings of urllib, urllib2, and urlparse if available.
* Remove all hard tabs from Python code. Python 3 no longer tolerates
mixing tabs and spaces for indentation.
* Use Python 3 renaming of httplib if available.
* Use email.utils.parsedate (with a DST handling correction) rather than
the long-deprecated rfc822.parsedate.
* Use the threading module instead of thread (renamed to _thread in Python
* Tell Python to use absolute imports by default, and annotate cases where
we need relative imports.
* Update test_proxy to use gsettings and the python-apt 0.8 API.
* Use new-style octal literals.
* Drop use of deprecated statvfs module.
* Use Python 3 renamings of BaseHTTPServer and SocketServer if available.
* Modernise use of unittest methods.
* Use python-apt 0.8 API spellings of apt_pkg.config methods.
* Fix several ResourceWarnings with Python 3.
* Port to python-apt 0.8 progress classes.
* Since python-gnupginterface is not likely to be ported to Python 3, and
since it's almost just as easy to call gpg directly via subprocess, do
* Use gettext if ugettext does not exist (as in Python 3).
* Ignore __pycache__ directories, and exclude them from dist-upgrader
* Fix up module path when running AutoUpgradeTester/
from the build tree.
* Add a DistUpgrade -> . symlink in DistUpgrade/, to make it possible to
have compatible imports both in update-manager proper and in
dist-upgrader tarballs.
* Use only absolute imports in AutoUpgradeTester/
and DistUpgrade/; these have no __package__ and so cannot
use relative imports.
* Open subprocesses with universal_newlines=True when expecting to read
text from them. On Python 2, this only enables \r\n conversion and the
like, but on Python 3 this also causes subprocess-related file objects
to read str rather than bytes.
* Use "key in dict" rather than "dict.has_key(key)".
* Pass globals() to __import__ so that relative imports work.
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/*.py:
- update for the 12.04 -> 12.10 upgrade
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/defaults.cfg.d/defaults.cfg:
- update for precise->quantal
* fix some remaining python-apt 0.8+ API issues
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade/
- check errormsg for the English version of the dependency problems error
first (LP: #999890)
[ Michael Terry ]
* Rename to Software Updater and fix some other strings to match mpt's
* lp:~mterry/update-manager/move-changelogs:
- implement new app layout
update-manager (1: UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* lp:~ember/update-manager/ubuntu.bug1002956:
- fix missing support, thanks to
Pedro Fragoso (LP: #1002956)
update-manager (1: precise-security; urgency=low
* SECURITY UPDATE: Incorrect permissions on system_state archive may
expose repo passwords (LP: #954483)
- DistUpgrade/ create file with proper permissions.
- debian/update-manager-core.postinst: clean up permissions on existing
- CVE-2012-0948
* SECURITY UPDATE: Apport hook may upload system_state archive containing
repo passwords (LP: #954483)
- debian/ don't upload system_state archives.
- CVE-2012-0949
* This package does _not_ contain the changes from (1: in
update-manager (1: precise-proposed; urgency=low
* fix automatic expand of the terminal if no activity happend
for >300s (LP: #979661)
update-manager (1: precise-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- add "LTS" to the version
update-manager (1:0.156.14) precise; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- fix description for update-manager-kde (LP: #984906),
thanks to Scott Kitterman
* DistUpgrade/
- do not set PYCENTRAL_NO_DPKG_QUERY (LP: #986233)
update-manager (1:0.156.13) precise; urgency=low
* Improve the error message used when a package cannot be located after
updating, probably caused by an overloaded mirror. (LP: #873468)
update-manager (1:0.156.12) precise; urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* data/gtkbuilder/UpgradePromptDialog.ui:
- Remove has_separator property from dialog_really_do_not_upgrade
(deprecated in GTK+ 2.22, removed in 3.0).
* debian/control:
- Restore gksu dependency, needed by e.g. check-new-release-gtk
(LP: #980637).
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- disconnect model and clear store before rebuilding the cache,
thanks to Colin Watson
* po/*.po:
- updated to the latest launchpad (LP: #628157)
* DistUpgrade/
- remove backports sources.list.d file again after its no
longer needed (LP: #973717)
* DistUpgrade/
- when checking for the backports, its enough to check is the
set of the needed ones is a subset of the found ones (LP: #969182)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.lucid:
- release-upgrader-libapt-pkg-dev is not needed for the upgrade
* remove skype from the removal blacklist
update-manager (1:0.156.11) precise; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.lucid:
- add in a missing backported package (LP: #969182)
* DistUpgrade/
- workaround issue regarding removing selections, thanks to sampo555 for
the patch (LP: #945536)
* Automatic update of mirrors, demoted packages and of included source
packages: base-installer
update-manager (1:0.156.10) precise; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- do not attempt to download changelogs from https locations if
the uri requires credentials, thanks to Pat McGowan
[ Colin Watson ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- Check that pkg.candidate.uri is not None when looking for changelogs
(LP: #839986).
update-manager (1:0.156.9) precise; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- support cdrom-only upgrades properly by using the backported
libapt-{pkg,inst} and release-upgrader-python-apt from the CD
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- update KernelRemoval/Version to match oneirics kernel
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.lucid:
- update KernelRemoval/Version to match lucids kernel
* data/release-upgrades:
- set releae upgrades default to "lts"
* DistUpgrade/
- when selecting a new default kernel from base-installer, ensure
to install the matching kernel headers too if previously kernel
headers were installed (LP: #959307)
[ Brian Murray ]
* debian/ pass if attach_gsettings fails like on a
[ Gabor Kelemen ]
* lp:~kelemeng/update-manager/bug957552:
- Mark two accessible descriptions for translation. LP: #957552
update-manager (1:0.156.8) precise; urgency=low
[ Robert Roth ]
* Update icon name to use FD.o standard (LP: #921310)
[ Julien Lavergne ]
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg, DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg,
- Add Lubuntu support, and don't upgrade gnome-components which have been
removed from Lubuntu installation (LP: #945215)
[ Barry Warsaw ]
* Improve the warning issued when i8xx graphics hardware is
detected. (LP: #941172)
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- blacklist gnome-session so that users can always login after a failed
partial upgrade (LP: #946539)
[ James Hunt ]
* Only attempt to stop screensaver if DISPLAY set, and throw away
xdg-screensaver output. (LP: #883618)
[ Colin Watson ]
* Use 'from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop;
DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)' to set up the main loop, rather than
importing the deprecated dbus.glib.
[ Gabor Kelemen ]
* Fix misplaced parentheses. LP: #952959
update-manager (1:0.156.7) precise; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- fix nvidia detection, thanks to Brian Murray
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash when apt_pkg is not initialized (LP: #942106)
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
- support upgrades with commercial-ppas in the sources.list
(LP: #939461) and add tests
* UpdateManager/
- fix inaccurate string, thanks to JohnNapster (LP: #942590)
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- Only blacklist unity-2d, not all packages whose names start with
unity-2d. (LP: #940196)
update-manager (1:0.156.6) precise; urgency=low
[ Robert Roth ]
* lp:~evfool/update-manager/lp930177:
- Add missing space (LP: #930177)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- change label from alpha to beta release
update-manager (1:0.156.5) precise; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray ]
* do-release-upgrade: capitalize U in ubuntu
* debian/ add screenlog.0 from
/var/log/dist-upgrade to apport bug reports
[ Marc Deslauriers ]
* DistUpgrade/ fix regression caused by improper
return value handling. (LP: #933225)
update-manager (1:0.156.4) precise; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.lucid:
- Update libapt-pkg and libapt-inst versions.
update-manager (1:0.156.3) precise; urgency=low
[ Jean-Baptiste Lallement ]
* lp:~jibel/update-manager/AutoUpgradeTester-desktoptests:
New tests for Ubuntu Desktop LTS upgrade:
* autologin check
* user settings check: wallpaper, theme, keyboard layout, custom
launchers (desktop and panel)
* lp:~jibel/update-manager/AutoUpgradeTester-portlocking:
- automatically allocate free ssh/vnc ports
[ Colin Watson ]
* Clean up a few pyflakes warnings.
* DistUpgrade/
- Make sure main.log is actually created.
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- Only blacklist unity, not all packages whose names start with unity.
[ Robert Roth ]
* lp:~evfool/update-manager/lp351665:
- Use ngettext to humanize size (LP: #351665)
* lp:~evfool/update-manager/distupgradefixes:
- DistUpgrade changes dialog text fixes
(LP: #348517, LP: #513908)
- Fix resize on changes dialog to stretch the details
(LP: #294293)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* add humanize_size() test
* pyflakes fixes
* tests/
- always pyflakes as part of the pre-build process to ensure
we are clean
* disable apply_dselect_upgrades()
update-manager (1:0.156.2) precise; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- add unity, unity-2d
[ Brian Murray ]
* debian/ use attach_file for dist-upgrade log
files rather than attach_root_command_outputs resolving the double gzipped
apt clone attachment issue
[ Matthew Linscott ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fixed typos in docstring for ExecutionTime
[ Daniel Polehn ]
* DistUpgrade/
- Made usage of 'canceled' v. 'cancelled' consistent. LP: #918302
update-manager (1:0.156.1) precise; urgency=low
* debian/ include AptDaemon messages from syslog to
help identify failures
update-manager (1:0.156) precise; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* pyflake fixes, remove some dead code
* update unity dependency
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade/
- call apport-cli directly for bug reporting of errors
* check-new-release-gtk
- ensure to write a integer when calculating the next time that
the release available window will be presented (LP: #873424)
- hide redundant release-notes button (LP: #873432)
update-manager (1:0.155.3) precise; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- add screen as the server upgrade runs inside it, thanks to
Steve Langasek
* DistUpgrade/,
- use the release-upgrader-python-apt from lucid-updates instead
of lucid-proposed
[ Brian Murray ]
* UpdateManager/
- add periods to sentences in refresh_updates_count
update-manager (1:0.155.2) precise; urgency=low
[ Robert Roth ]
* DistUpgrade/
- Avoid using systemdir abbreviation (LP: #903939)
[ Brian Murray ]
* debian/
- Use attach_gesttings_package instead of attach_gconf
[ Jean-Baptiste Lallement ]
* lp:~jibel/update-manager/AutoUpgradeTester-aptclone:
- support building a profile from a apt-clone file and testing
- add amd64 test profiles
update-manager (1:0.155.1) precise; urgency=low
* fix crash in backports fetching code
update-manager (1:0.155) precise; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* lp:~mvo/update-manager/lucid-precise-upgrades:
- support upgrades with multiarch-support (for e.g. flash)
from lucid to precise by using the release-upgrader-python-apt
from lucid-proposed during the upgrade
[ Gabor Kelemen ]
* Mark a few strings for translation, make variables reorderable
update-manager (1:0.154.6) precise; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.ui:
- remove <child internal-child="selection"> as this is not
supported by the gtkbuilder in lucid and makes the release
upgrader crash (LP: #898482)
update-manager (1:0.154.5) precise; urgency=low
[ Nicholas Skaggs ]
* lp:~nskaggs/update-manager/fix-for-702418:
- Removed gnome-power-manager dbus interface completely and
only use freedesktop interface.
Thanks to Nicholas Skaggs (LP: #702418)
[ Gabor Kelemen ]
* Replace gettext.install() with bindtextdomain() calls.
Work around crash in OptionParser when displaying
localized --help text, to not regress on bug LP: #557804
* Extract strings for translation from u-m-t and u-s-s executables
[ Marc Deslauriers ]
* SECURITY UPDATE: arbitrary code execution via directory traversal
(LP: #881548)
- UpdateManager/Core/ verify signature before
unpacking the tarball.
- CVE-2011-3152
* SECURITY UPDATE: information leak via insecure temp file (LP: #881541)
- DistUpgrade/ use mkstemp instead of mktemp.
- CVE-2011-3154
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- ensure that the origin headers state of "select all/dselect all"
is consistent
update-manager (1:0.154.3) precise; urgency=low
[ Alexey Feldgendler ]
* lp:~feldgendler/update-manager/574436:
Introduced the [ThirdPartyMirrors] configuration section for the
distribution upgrader. All keys in it must have distinct names, but
only values matter. Each value is a third-party source URI. Such
whitelisted sources don't get disabled on upgrade; however, if they
use "from" release name, it's replaced with the "to" release name.
(LP: #574436)
update-manager (1:0.154.2) precise; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/backend/
- fix crash when using synaptic (LP: #878719)
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- before doing the upgrade test if all systemdirs are actually
writable, thanks to Brian Murray (LP: #889921)
update-manager (1:0.154.1) precise; urgency=low
[ Robert Roth ]
* Change up-to-date text to up to date (LP: #864336)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- add precise as a LTS release
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/*/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- updated to test oneiric->precise and lucid->precise
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- add support for different architectures
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/server-amd64/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add amd64 server upgrade test profile
* DistUpgrade/
- add new "defaults_dir" argument to allow simplifying the
auto-upgrade-tester config
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.lucid:
- add lucid->precise upgrade config
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- dynamically allocate ssh/vnc ports when multiple testers are run
update-manager (1:0.154) precise; urgency=low
* lp:~barcc/update-manager/all_changes-wrong-use:
- Fixed wrong use of self.cache.all_changes[name] in
* data/gtkbuilder/UpdateManager.ui:
- set default height to 500 (thanks to Sebastien Bacher)
* DistUpgrade/
- do not crash if apt-btrfs-snapshot fails to run (LP: #873411)
* UpdateManager/Core/, DistUpgrade/
- honor dselect request install state when calcuating the upgrade
thanks to Evan for suggesting this
* merge fixes from oneiric-proposed
* DistUpgrade/*
- update for oneiric->precise upgrades
update-manager (1: oneiric-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- ensure that postgresql does not get removed (LP: #871893)
update-manager (1: oneiric-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash when packages needs downgrading
* UpdateManager/Core/
- do not crash if iptables does not exist, thanks to Daniel
Holbach for reporting the issue (LP: #877514)
* DistUpgrade/
- keep poking the screensaver to ensure that it really won't
activate during the upgrade (thanks to Jonathan Davies for
the report)
* tests/
- fix test ( no longer listens to ftp)
* po/*:
- refresh again to fix regression (LP: #877461)
update-manager (1: oneiric-proposed; urgency=low
* refresh translation for the release-upgrader (LP: #873905)
update-manager (1: oneiric-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- do not crash if apt-btrfs-snapshot fails to run (LP: #873411)
update-manager (1:0.152.25) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- add workaround for a python-apt bug that causes the release
upgrade to import the old version of "DistInfo" intead of the
one that is bundled with the release-upgrader (LP: #871007)
update-manager (1:0.152.24) oneiric; urgency=low
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/eduubuntu/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- Fix typo, renaming to edubuntu instead
update-manager (1:0.152.23) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- ensure that edubuntu-desktop really gets upgraded
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/eduubuntu/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- update profile for edubuntu
update-manager (1:0.152.22) oneiric; urgency=low
* tests/, Janitor/computerjanitor/
- fix tests
* .bzr-builddeb/default.conf:
- re-enable pre-build script to ensure we get a updated
base-installer, demotions and html Announcements
update-manager (1:0.152.21) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- increase the amd64 cache size to 48mb to workaround bug
LP: #854090 during the natty -> oneiric upgrade
update-manager (1:0.152.20) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- increase the default cache size on a multiarch system to
avoid potential crash in natty apt (LP: #854090)
* DistUpgrade/, UpdateManager/Core/
- do not leak password from sources.list entries into the logfile
(LP: #839094)
* UpdateManager/
- do not crash if a package can not be put into "install" state,
instead, just keep the old (unmarked) state (LP: #850482)
* UpdateManager/
- fix crash for changed gtk2 -> gtk3 API (LP: #859862)
* UpdateManager/backend/
- remove debug output (LP: #855495)
update-manager (1:0.152.19) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- do not use O_SYNC for the apt.log, its not important enough
to justify the slowdown (LP: #852128)
update-manager (1:0.152.18) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* debian/pycompat:
- removed, no longer needed
* debian/rules:
- fix incorrect invocation of --with=python2
[ Robert Roth ]
* lp:~evfool/update-manager/handlewarning:
- Only disconnect handler if it's still connected (LP: #133139)
* lp:~evfool/update-manager/glibchangefix:
- Call glib.markup_escape_text() correctly as per current
gir (don't pass in string length; LP: #832745)
* lp:~evfool/update-manager/fixcopylink:
- Fix the "Copy web link" context menu item of the ChangeLog viewer.
It did not work before of some Gtk changes, now it does work.
Fixes LP: #831944.
[ Stefano Rivera ]
* extras is another special case where validTo=False (LP: #775694)
update-manager (1:0.152.17) oneiric; urgency=low
* debian/ ask the reporter if their issue is
regarding a distribution upgrade if so include log files (LP: #836846)
update-manager (1:0.152.16) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- prepare text for the beta release
update-manager (1:0.152.15) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade/
- properly add the tag 'dist-upgrade' to the bug report
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/backend/
- fix incorrect initialization
* fix GLib.timeout_add_seconds() with the new GIR (LP: #829186)
* call software-properties-gtk without gksu, that is no longer
update-manager (1:0.152.14) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- enable multiarch on amd64 during the upgrade
- add new "PreCacheOpen" hook and use it for the multiarch
* DistUpgrade/
- when checking for missing "priority: required" packages
ignore the foreign architecture ones
update-manager (1:0.152.13) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Robert Roth ]
* Fix link context menu in changelog viewer (LP: #824957)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* debian/control:
- bump unity dependency to gir1.2-unity-4.0
update-manager (1:0.152.12) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- add NonInterative/AddRepoUpgradeImmediately option that allows
installing test package *before* the test upgrade runs (useful
for e.g. testing a new apt or dpkg)
[ Robert Roth ]
* Added default value to be able to start UpdateManager without
having gir-unity installed (LP: #823935)
* Fixed changelog test with the new wording
* Specify default -1 length for terminal response (LP: #817785)
update-manager (1:0.152.11) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- use vte.for_command_full() instead of fork_command() as
fork_command is no longer available in the gir-2.90
(LP: #808738)
update-manager (1:0.152.10) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/pkgsections, many thanks
* debian/control:
- fix dependency on python-aptdaemon.gtk3widgets
* DistUpgrade/
- only ask for a reboot if the upgrade is not running inside a
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade/
- when upgrading do not disable deb-src entries in /etc/apt/sources.list
* DistUpgrade/
- string fix thanks to David Stansby for the fix (LP: #510681)
[ Robert Roth ]
* Give clear instructions when the last update timestamp is
not found (LP: #821345)
* Fix operation between NoneType and int (LP: #820126)
update-manager (1:0.152.9) oneiric; urgency=low
* remove old file
* rename data/glade to data/gtkbuilder
* merged lp:~rodrigo-moya/update-manager/use-new-power-interface,
thanks to Rodrigo Moya
* DistUpgrade/
- when upgrading, ensure that zz-update-grub is early in
/etc/kernel/postinst.d to ensure we always have a good grub
config and not depend on the package upgrade ordering for that
update-manager (1:0.152.8) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Robert Roth ]
* Ordered the packages alphabetically on the dist-upgrade
confirmation dialog. (LP: #764831)
* Update last updated text every 15 minutes in the first hour
after update (LP: #747336). Thanks to Fredrik Ekelund.
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/, data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- remove old manual text wrap code that is now superseeded by
gtk3 (LP: #812949)
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- fix the xalign and expand properties of the various alert
update-manager (1:0.152.7) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* merged lp:~mterry/update-manager/813778 to fix crash in
initCache() LP: #813778. Many thanks to Michael Terry
* add jenkins slave setup (config, upstart job), similar to the
server-isotesting (disabled by default)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.ui:
- add minimal size for the details expander (and let glade
reindent/reformat the entire file along the way)
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/stringfixes
[ Robert Roth ]
* Updated translator comment to follow the Ubuntu Units policy
* Display sizes according to the Ubuntu Units Policy (LP: #410310)
* Fix ambiguous text explaining updates to running release (LP: #461780)
* Added label to distinguish candidate version from installed version
(LP: #537942)
* Rename Check all/Uncheck all to Select/Deselect all
update-manager (1:0.152.6) oneiric; urgency=low
* Only build dist-upgrader tarball in the binary-indep target,
fixing both the non-x86 build failures, and Soyuz having a
hissy fit over multiple identically-named files (LP: #813867)
update-manager (1:0.152.5) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade{Cache,Controller}.py:
- if btrfs snapshots are used, add the additional required
diskspace requierd into the free space calculation
* debian/{rules,control}:
- move to debhelper 7
update-manager (1:0.152.4) oneiric; urgency=low
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/fix622489, many thanks
to "FooBar" and Robert Roth (evfool)
* when downloading the html release notes, ensure to send a
query string similar to ubiquity to allow more specific
release notes
update-manager (1:0.152.3) oneiric; urgency=low
* remove unneeded GConf imports (we are using gsettings now)
LP: #807715
* a good bunch of pyflakes fixes
update-manager (1:0.152.2) oneiric; urgency=low
* data/update-manager.convert:
- ship gconf->gsettings convert script
update-manager (1:0.152.1) oneiric; urgency=low
* fix release upgrade view dialog in gtk3
* UpdateManager/, check-new-release-gtk:
- use GLib.timeout_add(priority, timeout, func, data) instead
of the old glib.timeout_add()
thanks to Michael Terry (lp:~mterry/update-manager/pygi-cleanups)
* check-new-release-gtk, tests/
- fix test failures
update-manager (1:0.152) oneiric; urgency=low
* ported to gtk3/GI
* port from gconf to gsettings
* debian/control:
- depend on python-gobject with overwrite bugfixes needed
for update-manager
update-manager (1:0.151.10) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray ]
* In apport hook, collect non-default gconf values.
update-manager (1:0.151.9) oneiric; urgency=low
* do not crash if lspci is not installed
* merged lp:~brian-murray/update-manager/apport-hook-changes,
* merged lp:~eapache/update-manager/unity-urgency-hint, many
thanks to Evan Huus (LP: #799173)
update-manager (1:0.151.8) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- set DPKG_UNTRANSLATED_MESSAGES to force untranslated dpkg
terminal messages for easier package failure duplication
* DistUpgrade/
- when calculating the size of the space required in /boot use
the size of the currently running kernel as the base and add
a small safety margin (LP: #798462).
* import new apt-btrfs-snapshot to fix crash for certain fstab
entries (LP: #806065)
update-manager (1:0.151.7) oneiric; urgency=low
* fix apt-btfs-snapshot releated crash
update-manager (1:0.151.6) oneiric; urgency=low
- automatically include in the release
uprader tarball
update-manager (1:0.151.5) oneiric; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- warn intel i8xx user that the upgrade to oneiric may cause
issues with their particular graphics hardware (LP: #774999)
* merge patch from "eapache" to fix the unity progress bars
(LP: #796311)
update-manager (1:0.151.4) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Robert Roth ]
* Fix problem of showing only integer MB count and causing
size inconsistencies
[ Brendan Donegan ]
* Updated NetworkManagerHelper with new NM 0.9 states as well as
updating the UpdateManager itself to handle codes more robustly
[ Michael Vogt ]
* merged lp:~brendan-donegan/update-manager/bug791548_networkmanager0.9,
many thanks
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/fixmbcount, many thanks
* show progress inside unity, thanks to Bilal Akhtar for the initial
version of the patch!
update-manager (1:0.151.3) oneiric; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* merged
thanks to Brendan Donegan
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/*:
- updated for natty->oneiric
* DistUpgrade/
- use VteTerminal "child-exit" signal instead of the Reaper object
* optionally use webkit for the release notes viewer
[ Brian Murray ]
* do-release-upgrade: display version of the new release available not the
code name
* add an apport hook for update-manager and modify bug reporting
instructions to recommend using apport (LP: #721382)
update-manager (1:0.151.2) oneiric; urgency=low
* fix UnitySupport import
update-manager (1:0.151.1) oneiric; urgency=low
* merged lp:~bilalakhtar/update-manager/unity-quicklist, many
thanks to Bilal Akhtar for adding quickly support
* merged lp:~mvo/update-manager/for-unity to make the support
optional and to add updates count into the update-manager
icon in unity
update-manager (1:0.151) oneiric; urgency=low
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/sectionchecks, many thanks
to Robert Roth
* DistUpgrade/*:
- updated for oneiric
* fix arguments from "autInst" to "auto_inst" and
"autoFix" -> "auto_fix"
update-manager (1:0.150.2) natty-proposed; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- point to "natty" branch
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- remove "kde-plasmoid-cwp" early as it will break upgrades
later (LP: #773022)
* DistUpgrade/
- do not fail if not all meta-package can not be upgraded, packages
like ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop have implicit conflicts
LP: #775411
update-manager (1:0.150.1) natty-proposed; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade/
- do not report zero size attachments (LP: #772052)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- enable apport for distribution upgrades (LP: #772913)
* DistUpgrade/
- use service to start apport
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- Remove 'dontzap' from kubuntu-desktops rules (LP: #769680).
This fixes a upgrade issue when a old package is leftover
update-manager (1:0.150) natty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/, tests/
- don't print a error for already patched files, this removes
a misleading error from the upgrade logs
- update tests
update-manager (1:0.147.6) natty; urgency=low
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/{euca-cloud,euca-nc,xubuntu}/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- updated for maverick->natty now that the auto-upgrade-test server
has more diskspace
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- make running-under-ssh check more robust by looking for sshd parent
* DistUpgrade/
- make user confirm information() messages before continuing
(important for e.g. the "sshd has started" message)
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- ensure that new recommends are installed on a desktop mode upgrade
even if that got disabled e.g. via synaptic (LP: #759262)
- add test for this feature
update-manager (1:0.147.5) natty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- fix ssh detection (LP: #744995)
update-manager (1:0.147.4) natty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- Allow to view differences in conf file changes LP: #746431
update-manager (1:0.147.3) natty; urgency=low
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/fix665173 (LP: #665173),
many thanks to Robert Roth (update the test a bit)
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/fix150677 (LP: #150677),
many thanks to Robert Roth
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/fix727069 (LP: #727069),
many thanks to Robert Roth
update-manager (1:0.147.2) natty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/backend/
- no not trigger a apport exception on user auth issues and if
the user does not type the password in time (LP: #626798)
update-manager (1:0.147.1) natty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/backend/
- use pkgsystem_unlock, improve exception handling, add test
* DistUpgrade/
- add quirks handler for maverick->natty upgrade for the
kdegames-card-data case (LP: #745396)
* tests/
- add test for LP: #745396
* UpdateManager/, do-release-upgrade:
- point to when the release
is end-of-life message is displayed (LP: #671016)
* DistUpgrade/EOLReleaseAnnouncement:
- improve wording, this is displayed if the user is trying to upgrade
from a unsupported version of Ubuntu to a already unsupported
version. This now links to
(LP: #671016)
update-manager (1:0.147) natty; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray]
* UpdateManager/ fix the path for gnome-open
and default to xdg-open (LP: #693131)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- use from the apt-clone package
* debian/control:
- add apt-clone to the build-depends
* DistUpgrade/
- add native ed-style patch implementation as e.g. chroots
may not have ed installed and its critical to be able to
ensure that pycompile is correct before the upgrade starts
* do-release-upgrade:
- use apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress to fix deprecation warning
* DistUpgrade/
- fix deprecation warning (LP: #744990)
* fix deprecation warnings in auxiliary scripts
* DistUpgrade/
- fixes with the python-apt 0.8 API
update-manager (1:0.146.6) natty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- fix description to say "BETA"
- cleanup cruft test leftover output
update-manager (1:0.146.5) natty; urgency=low
* fix FTBFS by including a copy until apt-clone
makes it through NEW
update-manager (1:0.146.4) natty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
Use apt-clone to create system-state instead of custom one
This makes reproducing problems a lot easier as apt-clone restore
<statefile> can be used. It also means that ubiquity can pick up
failed upgrades from the state file and finish them.
update-manager (1:0.146.3) natty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- comment out cdrom source after alternative CD based upgrade
* DistUpgrade/
- show error message when cdrom fails to add
* tests/
- add test for cdrom commenting
update-manager (1:0.146.2) natty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui, UpdateManager/
- improve wording of roaming warning, thanks to Alex Chiang
- make the roaming warning label wrap
* UpdateManager/
- fix crash in _get_last_apt_get_update_text (LP: #712346)
- do not try to download changelogs if NM reports we are
disconnected (LP: #19372)
[ Julian Taylor ]
* use dh_installman to install manpages
* move do-release-upgrade manpage to update-manager-core (LP: #695186)
[ Martin Pitt ]
* debian/control: Update Breaks:/Conflicts: for the moved manpage.
update-manager (1:0.146.1) natty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* merged lp:~evfool/update-manager/fix689034:
- Some basic string fixes (lp:#689034), thanks to Robert Roth
* UpdateManager/Core/
- add backend for roaming detection, thanks to Alex Chiang
- display warning when on 3g and when roaming (fixes half of
LP: 323108)
* merged lp:~thibault-lemaitre/ubuntu/natty/update-manager/from_pkg.isInstalled_to_pkg.is_installed
that fixes a bunch of deprecated python-apt issues (many thanks!)
[ Lionel Le Folgoc ]
* UpdateManager/ try to reboot using consolekit if
gnome-session isn't present (fixes rebooting on Xfce and LXDE, lp: #530161).
update-manager (1:0.146) natty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeView*.py:
- pass apt.Package object to the view instead of strings, this
allows to show additional info on the packages (like summary
or size)
* DistUpgrade/
- check for libgtk2-perl for debconf support
* AutoUpgradeTester/install_blacklist.cfg:
- update blacklist for creating main-all images
* UpdateManager/
- use monospace font (LP: #153228)
* DistUpgrade/
- perform btrfs snapshot on upgrade if apt-btrfs-snapshot is
update-manager (1:0.145.13) natty; urgency=low
* fix ReleaseAnnoucement.html auto generation
update-manager (1:0.145.12) natty; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- drop build-depend on fglrx-modalias
* DistUpgrade/
- port fglrx-modalias checking code to new modaliases support from
the pkgrecords
* tests/
- update tests
update-manager (1:0.145.11) natty; urgency=low
* debian/91-release-upgrade:
- test if the script exists before running it (thanks to
Kees Cook)
- auto generate html files from the *ReleaseAnnoucement
* merged
(many thanks)
update-manager (1:0.145.10) natty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fixup internal (ed) based patching tool
* DistUpgrade/patches/
- add pycompile patch to ensure clean upgrade even when maverick-updates
is not available (LP: #689615)
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/server/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- updated for maverick
* DistUpgrade/
- minor python-apt 0.8 API update
* tests/patchdir/_patchdir_foo.f41121a903eafadf258962abc57c8644:
- update test for latest internal patching tool
update-manager (1:0.145.9) natty; urgency=low
* fix FTBFS
* improve install-backend error checking
update-manager (1:0.145.8) natty; urgency=low
* remove update-manager-hildon
update-manager (1:0.145.7) natty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/backend/
- updated for aptdaemon 0.40
* merged lp:~alexlauni/update-manager/dbus, many thanks
update-manager (1:0.145.6) natty; urgency=low
* debian/rules:
- build with --skip-private, otherwise dh_python2 will generate
a incorrect maintainer script for the auto-upgrade-tester package
that contains a invalid version range string
update-manager (1:0.145.5) natty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- start with gnu screen integration
* DistUpgrade/
- when starting a additional sshd detect if there is a firewall
running and if so print information that the additional sshd
may need to be added to the firewall rules
* UpdateManager/Core/
- add iptables_active() helper
* merged lp:~brian-murray/update-manager/has-completed, many thanks
This fixes issues with the English past tense
* merged lp:~mvo/update-manager/use-screen-in-text-frontend, this
will use screen in the text version of the release upgrader
* Janitor/plugins/, DistUpgrade/
- fix python-apt 0.8 API
* merged lp:~kelemeng/update-manager/bug633036 (LP: #633036), many
thanks to Gabor Kelemen
* debian/rules, debian/control:
- use dh_python2 instead of python-central and drop it from the
[ Colin Watson ]
* DistUpgrade/*ReleaseAnnouncement:
- Fix "Narwahl" typo (LP: #684050).
update-manager (1:0.145.4) natty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/*.ui:
- updated window main heading for 11.04
* merged lp:~brian-murray/update-manager/upgrade-canceled-wording
with wording and style fixes, many thanks!
* DistUpgrade/, UpdateManager/Core/
- check if running inside a chroot and if so, skip kernel
* UpdateManager/Core/
- improve error checking and only present upgrade button if there
is a working network
- cleanup hardy code
update-manager (1:0.145.3) natty; urgency=low
* do-release-upgrade:
- output if the current release is no longer supported
(part of other-ps-n-testing-upgrades-for-preinstall-hw)
* check-new-release-gtk:
- show "dist-no-longer-supported" dialog if the current
release is no longer supported
- automatically "unignore" a previously ignored upgrade if
the current release becomes EOL
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/*/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- update to auto test maverick to natty
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- update kernel removal for natty too
update-manager (1:0.145.2) natty; urgency=low
[ Barry Warsaw ]
* Add required details to .emit() call. (LP: #631328)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* debian/control:
- add or-dependency for python-aptdaemon-gtk and drop gksu
dependency (its either brought in via synaptic or not needed)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- add get_arch() call
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- use new utils.get_arch() call
* merged fixes from lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/maverick
* debian/rules:
- push EOLReleaseAnnouncement to the server too
update-manager (1:0.145.1) natty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/EOLReleaseAnnouncement:
- add information for the time when the release is EOL
(part of the fix for #671016)
* UpdateManager/
- fix typo in EOL text
* DistUpgrade/
- properly log excepition in the child to the main.log, thanks
to Jonathan Davies
[ Barry Warsaw ]
* In Python 2.7, locale.format() input test has gotten more strict. It
does not allow trailing text after the format string. Change this to
locale.format_string(). See Python issue 10379. (LP: #673297)
update-manager (1:0.145) natty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/*:
- updated for natty
* tests/
- fix jaunty test now that this is moved to
- run testsuite on bzr-buildpackage
* tests/
- fix test failures and ensure its python-apt 0.8 clean
* po/update-manager.pot:
- updated
* DistUpgrade/
- do not crash if no acquire progress is given
* DistUpgrade/,
- fixes in the python-apt 0.8 API
* tests/*.py:
- fix natty test failures
[ Bilal Akhtar ]
* UpdateManager/
- add more meaningful text if info is out-of-date (LP: #35009)
update-manager (1:0.142.22) maverick-proposed; urgency=low
[ Barry Warsaw ]
* Add required details to .emit() call when running with
synaptic as the backend (LP: #631328)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- fixes in the cmov quirks handler (LP: #587186)
(thanks to Jean-Baptiste Lallement)
update-manager (1:0.142.21) maverick-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- abort the upgrade if the user runs on a i586 or a i686
with no "cmov" support (LP: #587186)
update-manager (1:0.142.20) maverick-proposed; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- do not crash if the free space check fails (LP: #656881)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add blcr-dkms to the "BadVersions" variable. The current blcr-dkms
source will not build with 2.6.35. Adding it here will cause the
upgrade to abort with a message if it is installed.
It also means that if support for 2.6.35 is added to blcr-dkms via
a SRU that will automatically unblock the upgrade (LP: #555729)
* DistUpgrade/,
- workaround dpkg not sending the correct filename on conffile
prompts over the status-fd (LP: #656912)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- disable confDialogue.show_difference_button, workaround for
"distupgrade crashed during conf file change review" (LP: #656876)
requires release note that user needs to view changes manually on command line
update-manager (1:0.142.19) maverick; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- only add for systems that have the matching
keyring (LP: #653200). This ensures its not added on a server
update-manager (1:0.142.18) maverick; urgency=low
[ Alessandro Ghersi ]
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- make sure that kbluetooth gets removed on upgrade (LP: #653838)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* Add kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade to
update-manager (1:0.142.17) maverick; urgency=low
[ Jonathan Riddell]
* Add kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade script to run the upgrade
command for Kubuntu
[ Michael Vogt ]
* if foomatic-db-gutenprint needs to be removed during the upgrade
because its not compatible with foomatic-db-compressed-ppds,
try replacing it with ijsgutenprint-ppds which is the same content,
just compressed in the same way like foomatic-db-compressed-ppds
(LP: #647460)
update-manager (1:0.142.16) maverick; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- add link to to tell
users about the new features in this release
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- help the upgrade by removing printconf, foomatic-db-gutenprint
and ebox-printers as they are not compatible with
foomatic-db-compressed-ppds (LP: #647460)
update-manager (1:0.142.15) maverick; urgency=low
* po/*.po:
- updated from launchpad translations for the RC candidate
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- updated for RC
update-manager (1:0.142.14) maverick; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
- add to known mirrors
* DistUpgrade/
- add on upgrade
* AutoUpgradeTester/jeos/
- add workaround for issue with python-vm-builder that generates
random filenames in maverick
[ Gabor Kelemen ]
* Fix invocation of gksu, use the correct .desktop file.
Fixes LP: #640906
* Correct misplaced parentheses, so that l10n of strings will
work. Fixes LP: #640972
update-manager (1:0.142.13) maverick; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- only show demotions if we have at least one
update-manager (1:0.142.12) maverick; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- updated for beta
update-manager (1:0.142.11) maverick; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix incorrect paramter passed to confirmChanges in doPostUpgrade
(thanks to Jonathan Riddel, LP: #624599)
update-manager (1:0.142.10) maverick; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- when NM thinks we have no network, do not disable the
install button because for dialup users NM is frequently wrong
and does not get that there is a network-connection (LP: #624894)
(thanks to Mohamed Amine IL Idrissi)
update-manager (1:0.142.9) maverick; urgency=low
[ Mohamed Amine IL Idrissi ]
* UpdateManager/ Changed the whitespace place to not
confuse translators, many thanks Milo Casagrande (LP: #621373)
* DistUpgrade/ There won't be two spaces in
FuzzyTimeToStr when days or hours are > 0 and hours or minutes are
equal to 0 (LP: #288912)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* remove the seperate demotions dialog and move it into the
"Confirm changes" step
* use a treeview instead of a list to show the details of the
changes in the gtk frontend
* UpdateManager/, data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- fix label wraping for label_downsize
update-manager (1:0.142.8) maverick; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix typo (LP: #615923)
* UpdateManager/
- when NM thinks we have no network, do not disable the buttons
because for dialup users NM is frequently wrong and does not
get that there is a network-connection (thanks to "gambs")
update-manager (1:0.142.7) maverick; urgency=low
[ Mohamed Amine IL Idrissi ]
* Cache is no
longer initialized when an operation is not authorized.
LP: #394608
* List of updates is active when there are only kept packages.
LP: #601127 (thanks, Nicolò Chieffo)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* merged lp:~simono/update-manager/fixes-bug-563640, many thanks
(LP: #563640)
* merged lp:~yofel/update-manager/lp601127 (LP: #601127)
[ Jean-Baptiste Lallement ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- catch network error when fetching 3rd party changelogs
(LP: #565896)
[ Brian Murray ]
* UpdateManager/ grammar fix
update-manager (1:0.142.6) maverick; urgency=low
[ Mohamed Amine IL Idrissi ]
* Implemented battery and network alerts directly in the main window.
LP: #484249, #426708, #426710, #494772
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- support looking for the changelog by source version
(and add tests)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix crash when reading the synaptic config (LP: #614170)
update-manager (1:0.142.5) maverick; urgency=low
* more python-apt 0.8 porting
* less updates to the progressbar
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in non-interactive upgrader when a conffile prompt
is detected
update-manager (1:0.142.4) maverick; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix missing initializer (python0.8 api releated)
LP: #604250
update-manager (1:0.142.3) maverick; urgency=low
* merged lp:~and471/update-manager/fix-bug-386196, many thanks
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeView*.py:
- port progress to new python-apt 0.8 API
* merged lp:~mdz/update-manager/small-fixes-20100707, many thanks
* DistUpgrade/
- call progressbar.set_fraction() less often to avoid too much
CPU consumption on certain graphic drivers
* UpdateManager/
- limit the amount of set_fraction() here too (LP: #595845)
* UpdateManager/
- disconnect the model before adding lots of new items, this
speeds up the building of the view massively
update-manager (1:0.142.2) maverick; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- use privileged port 1022 instead of 9004 when (optinally)
starting a additional sshd
* UpdateManager/
- fix crash with --no-focus-on-map
* data/release-upgrades:
- set release upgrade policy to "normal" for maverick (instead
of lts)
update-manager (1:0.142.1) maverick; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- Show reboot required dialog inline instead of doing a popup
dialog. When morphing windows land into maverick they can
be used to make the inline information more pretty. But
it should be better than the previous popup dialog
update-manager (1:0.142) maverick; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* check-new-release-gtk:
- fix "ask me later" button time
* DistUpgrade/,
- update for python-apt 0.8 API, add tests (LP: #591236)
* check-new-release-gtk:
- remove no longer needed warnings filter
[ Brian Murray ]
* string fix for 'is aborted now' to 'has aborted'
* fix in debian/control
update-manager (1:0.141) maverick; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/backend/
- switch to aptdaemon as install backend by default (unless
- merged lp:~glatzor/update-manager/ubuntu-glatzor (many thanks!)
* DistUpgrade/
- use pockets from DistUpgrade.cfg instead of hard-coding them
* tests/
- update tests
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix url_downloadable and add tests, based on the patch from
Paulo Albuquerque, many thanks (LP: #396187)
* UpdateManager/
- fix typo (thanks to seb128)
* DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
- support upgrades when sources.list uses the new
* UpdateManager/
- do not open a cache open progress window, instead show the
progress inline in the window
update-manager (1:0.140) maverick; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- remove gobuntu-desktop from the removal blacklist
* DistUpgrade/
- start apport only, do not modify any conffile (all versions
of apport we upgrade from support this now)
* UpdateManager/
- fix crash when format string has the wrong number of arguments
(LP: #569469)
- fix minor UI resize issue (LP: #572228)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add ubuntu-netbook (LP: #574279)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- add looking for a "UpgradeBroken" tag that contains a reason string
if the user should not be allowed to perform a release upgrade
* UpdateManager/, do-release-upgrade:
- honor "UpgradeBroken" flag and error in this case
* updated to support lucid to maverick upgrades
update-manager (1:0.134.6) lucid; urgency=low
* fix FTBFS caused by /usr/bin/check-new-release being a symlink
instead of a real file
update-manager (1:0.134.5) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in aufs (--sandbox mode)
update-manager (1:0.134.4) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg, DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- do not enable apport anymore
* DistUpgrade/
- set empty dialog titles for error/information dialogs (it looks
like glade removed those for some reason from the .ui file)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash if aufs (--sandbox mode) is used (LP: #562394)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix generation of system state file for non-existing dirs/files
(LP: #561872)
* UpdateManager/
- provide a LIST_TOGGLE_CHECKED column as a workaround for orca
that does not work with values updated via
column_install.set_cell_data_func (LP: #561563)
* update-manager:
- use gettext.install(unicode=True) to avoid breaking with
optparse and ja.po (LP: #557804)
update-manager (1:0.134.3) lucid; urgency=low
* do-release-upgrade:
- print when a new release is available in "-q" so that the motd
is correct (thanks to Dustin Kirkland)
* debian/release-upgrade-motd:
- add newline after release info (thanks to Dustin Kirkland)
update-manager (1:0.134.2) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- ignore lspci errors
* UpdateManager/Core/
- simplify url schema for third party changelogs (LP: #45129)
* DistUpgrade/
- check if the kernel returned from base-installer is downloadable
(needed on hardy cdrom only upgrades)
* debian/91-release-upgrade:
- use a small script instead of a symlink to ensure that dpkg
treats them as conffiles (LP: #559194)
update-manager (1:0.134.1) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- honor "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" on pkg failure (LP: #538206)
* DistUpgrade/
- stop apparmor before dpkg starts on hardy -> lucid upgrades to
avoid potentially confusing error messages during the upgrade
(LP: #559433)
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- include obselte nvidia pkgnames to properly transition old
to new drivers (LP: #553369)
* DistUpgrade/
- show packages that will be removed (because they were auto installed)
as well (LP: #558438)
- fix i18n bug in details output
* UpdateManager/Core/
- support third party changelogs by using ArchiveURI() and
append a similar structure as uses
(LP: #45129)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- do not crash if meta-release file can not be parsed, just remove
the broken file instead (LP: #558396)
update-manager (1:0.134) lucid; urgency=low
[ Barry Warsaw ]
* Bump up the amount of /boot space calculated per kernel. The current
value appears to undercount by about 260K/kernel. (LP: #132311)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* refresh translations from launchpad
* update "10.04" strings to "10.04 LTS" and unfuzzy translations
* when requesting the release announcement, append ?lang=current_lang
to the request URI
* update quirks for updates from hardy
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg, DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- add extra protection against video driver removal (LP: #556629)
* DistUpgrade/
- improve logging and save system state before performing the
upgrade. Suggested by Matt Zimmerman (LP: #551646)
update-manager (1:0.133.11) lucid; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- remove window title on cache progress (LP: #549936)
* check-new-release-gtk:
- if no ReleaseNotesHtml key is found, do nothing (it means the
meta-release file does not support this client)
* check-new-release-gtk, UpdateManager/Core/
- improve debugging
* UpdateManager/Core/
- add META_RELEASE_FAKE_CODENAME environment that can be used to
test/force release upgrades
* check-new-release-gtk:
- append language parameter to uri
- support --debug
update-manager (1:0.133.10) lucid; urgency=low
* help upgrade by hinting usplash gets removed in favor of
update-manager (1:0.133.9) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- do not warn about demoted packages that get removed later anyway
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg, DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- remove deskbar-applet, and nautilus-cd-burner on ubuntu-desktop
upgrade (as discussed with the desktop team)
- remove notification-daemon in favor of notify-osd in
xubuntu-desktop (LP: #546857)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- remove tracker on hardy ubuntu-desktop upgrade
update-manager (1:0.133.8) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/,,
- temporarily stop embedding from the python-apt build host
because of the python-apt api changes, use version
* debian/control:
- point to lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/lucid
update-manager (1:0.133.7) lucid; urgency=low
[ Nathan Stratton Treadway ]
* data/release-upgrades
- Provide better explanation of what how the various options in the
configuration file control which upgrades are presented to the user.
(LP: #522910)
[ Barry Warsaw ]
- Minor clean up.
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- check if the kernel returned from base-installer is upgradable
(needed on hardy cdrom only upgrades)
* check-new-release-gtk:
- fix "ask me later" button time
* DistUpgrade/
- fix 386 kernel check/transition on upgrades from hardy
- move kubuntu-kde4-desktop transition into its own function
* check-new-release-gtk:
- use GtkProgress when downloading the release upgrader
[ Dustin Kirkland ]
* debian/91-release-upgrade: do the release upgrade check with the
quiet option to avoid putting debug messages in the MOTD, LP: #548376
update-manager (1:0.133.6) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- display the right number of packages that are going to be
* DistUpgrade/cdromupgrade:
- fix cddirname detection when called without a directory prefix
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in webkit progress
update-manager (1:0.133.5) lucid; urgency=low
[ Markus Korn ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- Modified UpdateManager.Core.utils.on_battery() to use UPower per default
(and DeviceKit.Power as fallback) to check if a system is running
on battery (LP: #539211)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- hint that libparted1.8-12 can be removed to help the upgrader
* DistUpgrade/
- only run JS progress if there is actually a webkit view
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- fix text to say that its a BETA release (LP: #544544)
* DistUpgrade/
- only run JS updateProgress script if we have a valid slideshow
update-manager (1:0.133.4) lucid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- detect pre-depends cycle and cleanly revert (LP: #516727)
to the old system state
* DistUpgrade/
- only ensure translations are kept if they are still downloadable,
there is a lot of churn in the translations area so its not
feasible to keep them all
- when checking the kernel list from base-installer, also consider
kernels that are marked install (LP: #540114)
- check rdepends of all packages (including auto-removal ones)
again ensure the removal blacklist is honored in all cases
(LP: #540823)
* DistUpgrade/
- show progress information when searching for obsolete software
(this can take a bit on a big install)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in non-interactive mode (thanks to Andreas Hasenack)
[ Colin Watson ]
* Ship /var/lib/update-notifier directory in update-manager-core, so that
it's always there for 91-release-upgrade (LP: #540159).
update-manager (1:0.133.3) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg, DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- do not allow upgrades to that
causes pre-depends loop (LP: #516727)
update-manager (1:0.133.2) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix regression in conffile prompt handling (LP: #538206)
- add default to the "NonInteractive", "DebugBrokenScripts"
config option
* DistUpgrade/
- honor "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" in recovery mode as
well (LP: #538206)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- ensure that gtk-qt-engine is removed on upgrade (LP: #532968)
update-manager (1:0.133.1) lucid; urgency=low
[ Barry Warsaw ]
* Fix obvious NameError by adding a missing import. (LP: #537250)
[ David Planella ]
* Made some strings translatable and extractable as a fix for
LP: #537277
[ Michael Vogt ]
* po/*.po:
- updated from rosetta
* DistUpgrade/
- do not try to add directories under /var/log/dist-upgrade
to a apport report (LP: #369951)
[ Shlomi Loubaton ]
* Set text direction for update treeview to be always LTR regardless
of current language settings (LP: #316171)
update-manager (1:0.133) lucid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- allow upgrade from unsupported version to unsupported version
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- allow removal of update-manager-kde
* check-new-release-gtk:
- fixes in the gtk release upgrade check
* DistUpgrade/
- if /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 is found on upgrade, rename it to
- write log to "/var/log/dist-upgrade/xorg_fixup.log"
* do-release-upgrade, check-new-release:
- implemented "check-releae-upgrade" as symlink to do-release-upgrade
and automatically run with "--check-dist-upgrade-only" when called
as c-r-u
- add --quiet option to do-release-upgrade
* debian/update-manager-core.links:
- install /usr/lib/update-manager/check-new-release as symlink to
do-release-upgrade -c
[ Wesley Schwengle ]
* Check for release upgrade is now also possible with do-release-upgrade
command: do-release-upgrade -c. (LP: #415026)
* Added --version/-V to do-release-upgrade (similar to update-manager)
[ Dustin Kirkland ]
* debian/91-release-upgrade, debian/update-manager-core.install,
- some users are complaining of long login times due to the release
check requiring network connectivity; this information clearly doesn't
change as frequently as the user logging in, so maintain a cache file
in /var/lib, display it if it's populated, but otherwise, update it in
the background if its either missing or the file is older than a day
old, LP: #522452
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* Do not allow for the removal of update-manager-kde, we do want it after all
update-manager (1:0.132.1) lucid; urgency=low
* rename update-manager-support-status to ubuntu-support-status
* check-new-release-gtk:
- add gtk tool for release notification that is designed to be
run from update-notifier (desktop-lucid-update-upgrade-requirements)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in cleanup code
- fix crash when /home is missing (LP: #463506)
- fix component inconsitency detection debug output
* DistUpgrade/
- remove old code that moved to python-apt
* DistUpgrade/
- if universe is not enabled, explain that the demoted packages
will be suggested for removal in the cleanup stage
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix urlopen() crash on hardy->lucid cdrom upgrades
update-manager (1:0.132) lucid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- add timeout to meta-release download
* UpdateManager/
- make sure threading is enabled
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add kubuntu-netbook to known metapackages
- remove usplash artwork from KeyDependencies
* DistUpgrade/
- test for server mode again after the sources.list rewrite,
to capture the case when the initial sources.list is empty
* DistUpgrade/
- when showing the demoted packages, skip packages that
are automatic installed
- improve performance on the removal checks by making use of
the auto removable information more agressively
- increase space required by the kernel (it grew)
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeView{Gtk,KDE}.py:
- show only non auto-installed removals bold
* update-manager-support-status:
- add --show-supported, --show-unsupported and --show-all for summary
- add --list option for full details
[ Colin Watson ]
* update-manager-support-status:
- fix typo in get_maintenance_status (LP: #513303)
- add support statistics to the output
update-manager (1:0.131.4) lucid; urgency=low
* update-manager-support-status:
- text mode tool that gives a overview on the support
status of the packages
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.ui, DistUpgrade/window_main.ui:
- fix version number (thanks to davmor2)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- fix upgrade target to lucid (LP: #512608)
update-manager (1:0.131.3) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- add missing check for ubuntu-security when testing for
mirrors (thanks to Stuart Langridge)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add example SlideshowUrl
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/,
- add slideshow support based on webkit
- call percent() JS method on the webkit view
* check-new-release:
- use exit codes if run with --quiet otherwise only print
(LP: #494499)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in _interpolate (LP: #500705)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- do not crash on stat failure (LP: #496144)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- do not crash if the lock can not be released (LP: #410574)
* UpdateManager/
- implement gconfclient that does not crash if gconf is not
working (LP: #261471)
update-manager (1:0.131.2) lucid; urgency=low
* data/release-upgrades:
- default to lts->lts upgrade prompts for lucid
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- allow virtio for block devices when the virtio option
is given in the config
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg, DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- cleanup PostUpgradePurge and add "linux-restricted-modules-common"
- cleanup ForcedObsoletes rules
- update kernel removal rules and BaseNames
- fix belocs-locales-bin upgrade issue (LP: #474543)
* DistUpgrade/
- check forh reboot-required files in partial upgrade mode,
update-notifier is no longer doing that by default
(foundations-lucid-restart-required-dialog spec)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.ui:
- add a bunch of missing "<property name="orientation">"
- improve restart-required dialog
update-manager (1:0.131.1) lucid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- use getWithDefault() for "NonInteractive","ForceOverwrite"
(thanks to Free Ekanayaka)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- detect dirty dpkg journal and enter recovery mode in this
case (thanks to Maco for reporting)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- remove kvm-source on upgrade
* debian/update-manager-core.links:
- use "91-release-upgrade" instead of "91-release_upgrade" to
make run-parts happy
* fix FTBFS
update-manager (1:0.131) lucid; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- do not crash if setlocale() fails (LP: #471378)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- add missing "logging" import (LP: #475941)
* DistUpgrade/
- better message for upgrades over ssh (LP: #463257)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- improve proxy check and show error if proxy settings
look invalid (LP: #472168)
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/*/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- updated to test karimic -> lucid and hardy -> lucid
* Janitor/plugins/
- use apt.progress.InstallProgress() to keep the computer-janitor
UI responsive
* AutoUpgradeTester/install_blacklist.cfg:
- add ec2 to the blacklist for the kvm based testing
* UpdateManager/
- show selected and download size in two rows (LP: #434062)
* data/do-release-upgrade.8:
- man page added, thanks to Willem Bogaerts
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add laptop-mode-tools to the forced obsoletes on upgrade (thanks to
Steve Langasek)
* UpdateManager/
- show restart required dialog in u-m when the upgrade is finished
with proper parent
* AutoUpgradeTester/post_upgrade_tests:
- add python import, xorg and kernel tests
* UpdateManager/dialog_release_notes.ui:
- merged lp:~freinhard/update-manager/ui-fix (many thanks)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- merge lp:~cristiklein/update-manager/use-xdg (many thanks)
update-manager (1:0.130) lucid; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- set heading for the release-upgrader download window
* DistUpgrade/
- force lts for lucid cdrom upgrades
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/:
- fix missing BaseMetaPackages
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- fix AddRepo code
* DistUpgrade/
- fix getWithDefault() to use the correct get{int,float,boolean}
function based on the type of the default (LP: #465619)
Thanks to Brian Murray for spotting this bug
* DistUpgrade/
- fix typo (LP: #470011)
* updated for karmic->lucid upgrades and hardy->lucid upgrades
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix url_downloadable() when a proxy needs to be used
(LP: #446552)
update-manager (1:0.126.9) karmic-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- really stop enabling apport during the upgrade (LP: #465619)
update-manager (1:0.126.8) karmic-proposed; urgency=low
* when the server is overloaded and no Release file information
can be obtained, show a better error message instead of the
bogus "ubuntu-minimal" is missing (LP: #446956)
update-manager (1:0.126.7) karmic-proposed; urgency=low
* po/*.po:
- update translations from LP (LP: #460547)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- check if running on a system with noexec /tmp and give a propper
error message (LP: #461744)
* DistUpgrade/
- add missing locale.bindtextdomain() (LP: #460547)
update-manager (1:0.126.6) karmic; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- updated to point the karmic branch
* UpdateManager/
- fix small cosmetic problem with the release-upgrader
download window size
* DistUpgrade/
- if xorg.conf is zero size, remove it (LP: # 439551)
* change unicode "◦" to "*" to make translations
work (LP: #344693) and unfuzzy translations
update-manager (1:0.126.5) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- generate note if language-support is incomplete
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- stop enabled apport during the upgrade
* DistUpgrade/
- add waitChild implementation from python-apt to ensure
its working for buggy hardy python-apt
* DistUpgrade/
- mark mysql-{client,server}-5.0 manual installed in the
cluster check (LP: #453513)
- check if running under a vserver setup and error if this
is the case. upstart does not support this kind of setup
(LP: #452011)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- do not show error if DeviceKit.Power is not available
(LP: #452004)
update-manager (1:0.126.4) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix running under ssh detection
* DistUpgrade/
- add check if NBD clustering is in use in mysql server
and do not upgrade to 5.1 is it is (LP: #450837)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- remove mysql-server rule, this is now done in the above
quirks handler
* DistUpgrade/
- do not do list cleanup so that cancel restores all of the
previous state. the cleanup will be done later by the apt
cron job
update-manager (1:0.126.3) karmic; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- refresh "last updated" text periodically to ensure its
not stale (LP: #450286)
* DistUpgrade/
- deal with io errors when writing the log (LP: #447693)
* debian/control:
- add or-dependency to qemu-kvm
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add policykit-gnome and gnome-mount to the forced obsoleted
packages (thanks to seb128)
* merge translations from rosetta
* DistUpgrade/
- stop docvert-converter when the upgrade starts, otherwise
OOo will not upgrade at all (LP: #450569)
- fix bug in the demoted.cfg generation
- fixes in cleanup handling
* UpdateManager/backend/
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- updated to include demoted.cfg.hardy
update-manager (1:0.126.2) karmic; urgency=low
- fix FTBFS - the python from two days ago became
stricter than it used to be (thanks to james_w)
update-manager (1:0.126.1) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- log exceptions from pm.DoInstall() into main.log.
this helps identifiying Dpkg::Pre-Invoke problems
* DistUpgrade/
- fix sandbox upgrade mode
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- hint for mysql-server upgrade (LP: #413789)
* UpdateManager/backend/
- change order of backends to: synaptic, aptdaemon
update-manager (1:0.126) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add gnome-app-install to the ForcedObsoletes
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- add ability to upgrade from hardy to karmic (as asked for
by Jonathan Riddell)
* DistUpgrade/
- add quirk handler to mark the dependencies of
language-support-translations-* as manual on upgrade
The language-support-translations- packages are removed in
karmic and would otherwise be marked as auto-removable.
(LP: #439296)
- convert PASS value from 1 to 0 for ntfs entries in
/etc/fstab (LP: #441242) and add tests for it
- put 386 to generic transition code here and decouple from
the kernel selection
- inhibit gnome-screensaver once the upgrade started
to avoid X crash (LP: #439594)
* DistUpgrade/
- workaround issues with kdesu when it drop the permission bits
in a tmpdir (thanks to Jonathan Riddell)
- fix base-installer kernel selection (LP: #441629)
- fix log dir does not exist, create it (LP: #441959)
* UpdateManager/backend/
- give up lock before running aptdaemon (LP: #445920)
* po/
- updated from launchpad (required as during a release upgrade
we can't use langpacks)
update-manager (1:0.125.6) karmic; urgency=low
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- use ssh batch mode
* AutoUpgradeTester/auto-upgrade-tester:
- show log files
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- update for BETA
* DistUpgrade/
- add new rule to ensure that base meta packages are always
kept installed. this helps the server upgrade with the syslogd
to rsyslog transition
update-manager (1:0.125.5) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix kbluetooth name to kbluetooth4
update-manager (1:0.125.4) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix brown paperbag bug in quirks hanlding (LP: #436302)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in gettext initialization (LP: #436438)
update-manager (1:0.125.3) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- fix upgrades from hardy by allowing the removal of sysvutils
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- remove dialog title for cache open progress (LP: #435653)
* DistUpgrade/
- add translators hints for some strings (LP: #433116)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fixed typo (thanks to Henrique P. Machado)
* UpdateManager/
- fix i18n issues with gtkbuilder
* DistUpgrade/
- stop kblueplugd kbluetooth when the upgrade starts to
avoid them crashing during the upgrade
(thanks to Jonathan Riddell)
* UpdateManager/backend/
- setup correct window icon
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- switch from unicode … to "..." until the issues with
gettext is resolved (LP: #434107)
update-manager (1:0.125.2) karmic; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- add check for 5Mb safety buffer in /tmp, this ensures that
dkms can run and ensure we do not run when /tmp is mounted
in overflow mode (LP: #427035)
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- remove dialog title for the battery warning and fix button
order (thanks to Matthew Paul Thomas)
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- fix duplicated accelerator keys (LP: #425817)
* UpdateManager/
- close app when ESC is pressed in the battery warning
* UpdateManager/
- ensure that the changelog always matches the currently selected
pkg by fixing race during download (LP: #424918)
* UpdateManager/backend/
- do not hang when cancel is clicked (LP: #426718)
* add sed patch facility and patch the gnome debconf frontend
before the upgrade starts so that it can not crash when
perl moves from 5.8.0 to 5.10.0 (LP: #387112)
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- use bigger default width (LP: #418201)
[ Brian Murray ]
* typo fixes (thanks to Brian Murray, LP: #423409)
update-manager (1:0.125.1) karmic; urgency=low
[ Josh Holland ]
* Fixed several typos (LP: #93804, LP: #277731, LP: #404435)
[ Rugby471 ]
* Center window on the screen (LP: #423355)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.ui:
- remove unused "destroy_event" handler (LP: #428842)
- remove unused handlers to avoid RunTime warning
* DistUpgrade/
- make ARMv6 error message clearer (LP: #409523)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- more robustness for invalid configuration of the meta-release
file (LP: #428558)
- more robustness if the server sends invalid meta-release data
* UpdateManager/
- make button_cancel click event work
- add sensible default width
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in partial upgrade (LP: #428203)
update-manager (1:0.125) karmic; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* integrate base-installer as a sub-component into the
release upgrader and use the base-installer/kernel/*.sh
functionality to ensure we select the most appropriate
kernel on upgrade (LP: #353534)
* integrate automatic updates to base-installer into the bzr hook
* UpdateManager/Core/, UpdateManager/
- filter warnings
* UpdateManager/
- use logging instead of sys.stderr
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- set explicit translation domain
* integrate base-installer component into auto-upgrade-tester
[ Steve Langasek ]
* Refresh .pot file (and .po files) so that new UI strings are available
for translation in LP. LP: #425014.
update-manager (1:0.124.11) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- capture exceptions from pm.DoInstall() properly (fixes a
hang when a package fails to install)
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- return the full status of the exited child, not only the
return code
update-manager (1:0.124.10) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- add update-manager so that it does not
* typo fixes (thanks to Brian Murray, LP: #418127)
* merge the changes of seb128 into bzr
* po/
- fix ui file detection (thanks to Gabor Kelemen) LP: #420209
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.ui:
- fix duplicated id (LP: #422665)
* fix crash when lsmod is not installed
update-manager (1:0.124.9ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* Clean build directory
update-manager (1:0.124.9) karmic; urgency=low
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- don't use some duplicated ids to fix update-manager not starting
due to the new gtk version
update-manager (1:0.124.8) karmic; urgency=low
* make the release-upgrader auto selection for the frontend
more robust when no DISPLAY is avaiable
* Janitor/computerjanitor/
- use unicode string here (thanks to liw)
* data/glade/UpdateManager.ui:
- fix duplicated symbol (LP: #417301)
* UpdateManager/
- show the on-battery warning on first map only (LP: #416067)
* DistUpgrade/
- do not how a error when the upgrade is canceled by the user
during download
update-manager (1:0.124.7) karmic; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- recalulcate the heading label size dynamically
to work around bugzilla #101968 (thanks to
Juergen Kazmirzak for the patch)
* UpdateManager/backend/
- fix incomplete check for aptdaemon
* UpdateManager/backend/
- update for latest aptdaemon
* DistUpgrade/
- merge fixes from Brian Murray (thanks!), LP: #404274
update-manager (1:0.124.6) karmic; urgency=low
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* DistUpgrade/ add check for ARMv6 or
greater to prevent jaunty->karmic upgrades on unsupported
armel CPU arches
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- updated to deal with widgets that overwrite get_name
* update-manager:
- add "--data-dir" switch
* use aptdaemon as the install backend (if avaialble)
update-manager (1:0.124.5) karmic; urgency=low
* debian/update-manager-core.links: change the update-motd link for
release_upgrade to match other links (- instead of _), and move it
to 91 (just after updates-available at 90), such that it's printed
toward the end of the MOTD, rather than at 10, which is the beginning.
update-manager (1:0.124.4) karmic; urgency=low
* debian/control: recommend libpam-modules, rather than update-motd
update-manager (1:0.124.3) karmic; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- fix description display (LP: #379945), thanks
to Richard Thomas
- fix crash in refresh_updates_count()
* DistUpgrade/
- deal with errors from apport better (LP: #357339),
thanks to Patrick Horn)
* UpdateManager/
- fix problem for http://host/document.html. style
entries (LP: #396393)
[ Dustin Kirkland ]
* debian/update-manager-core.links: install 10_release_upgrade
into /etc/update-motd.d, rather than the daily; update-motd-3.0
will now run these scripts on login, rather than at specified
update-manager (1:0.124.2) karmic; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- make it clearer if a package is a new install
(as opposed to a upgrade) - thanks to Cody Sommerville
- show amount of selected updates in the UI (LP: #330439)
update-manager (1:0.124.1) karmic; urgency=low
* fix ftbfs
update-manager (1:0.124) karmic; urgency=low
* AutoUpgradeTester:
- add kubuntu, main-all, lts-server, lts-ubuntu profiles
* ported to gtkbuilder
* UpdateManager/
- warn if running on battery (LP: #377697)
- make it less stealty by setting the stick() property if
run in auto-open mode (LP: #369820)
update-manager (1:0.123) karmic; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- build auto-upgrade-tester package to allow easy upgrade
testing with a set of default profiles
* UpdateManager/Core/
- wording fix (thanks to Ng)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix bug in dpkg_progress_log filea
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- import the http_proxy from the environment
- make the resultdir configrable and default to
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- make the path for the kvm working images configurable
and default to /var/cache/auto-upgrade-tester
* AutoUpgradeTester/auto-upgrade-tester:
- move login() into the backends
* AutoUpgradeTester/auto-upgrade-tester:
- allow shorthand profile names like "ubuntu" instead of
full pathes
update-manager (1:0.122) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- add handler to check for wl module and transition
to bcmwl-kernel-source (LP: #381684)
* DistUpgrade/
- add bool option "NonInteractive/DpkgProgressLog" to write
a timing log of the upgrade (for the foundations-karmic-pre-unpacking
- add "NonInteractive/DebugBrokenScripts" option that will re-run
failed maintainer scripts with debug options
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add defaults for the NonInteractive section that match the
interactive upgrades (for better landscape support)
- enable apport again
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- add simple tool that can read the dpkg progress information
update-manager (1:0.121) karmic; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- remove obsolete kubuntu-kde4-desktop meta package
* DistUpgrade/
- when guessing missing meta-packages stop after
the first one was found
- use internal _lookupPkgRecord() instead of
* DistUpgrade/
- move the kubuntu-kde4-desktop key dependency transition
detection to the from_hardy quirks handler (LP: #368459)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- always disable version number range of the changes in the
details (LP: #251349)
- make the distro supporting the changelogs easier to customize
* DistUpgrade/
- better comment when explaining why stuff got commented out
(LP: #300504)
* DistUpgrade/
- after updating the sources.list, check for both existance
and downloadability of the BaseMetaPkgs and abort if that
is not the case (thanks to Ulrich Kalkkuhl) LP: #370062
* UpdateManager/
- show origin field for other updates (like PPAs) to make it
easier to see what comes from where (part of the
foundations-karmic-apturl-policy spec)
update-manager (1:0.120) karmic; urgency=low
* The 'Ready for karmic' version
* DistUpgrade/
- do not fail in partial upgrades if apport must be
enabled (LP: #357755)
- when rewriting sources.list, check for cdrom entries
that do not have associated list files and disable
them (LP: #366459)
- when rewriting sources.list, deal better with apt-cacher
apt-torrent style uris (LP: #365537)
* DistUpgrade/
- instead of replacing fglrx->ati and nvidia->nv just
comment out the driver and let xorg figure it out
with its own magic (LP: #351394)
- update tests/ for the change
* UpdateManager/
- use a gtk link button to point the user to further
upgrade information
* DistUpgrade/
- ensure ./imported/invoke-rc.d is executable (LP: #147742)
* refactor the quirks handlers and not run them in partial
upgrade mode
* tests/
- update tests for apt-torrent style uris (LP: #365537)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- remove edubuntu-desktop from the flavour metapackages, its
not its own flavour anymore
* help/C/update-manager-C.omf:
- point to file:/usr/share/gnome/help/update-manager/C/update-manager.xml
(LP: #368140)
update-manager (1:0.111.9) jaunty-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- increase the size that the kernel requires in /boot
(LP: #365623)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix apport hook integration (LP: #366048)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in partial upgrade (LP: #366048)
* DistUpgrade/
- make the gwenview upgrade transition more robust
(LP: #365840)
update-manager (1:0.111.8) jaunty-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add "grub" to the list of packages to keep installed
(LP: #363465)
- ensure brasero is upgraded (thanks to Chris Jones for
the report) (LP: #364136)
- ensure guidance-power-manager is removed on upgrade
(LP: #364620)
* DistUpgrade/
- support DistUpgradeCache.markUpgrade()
* DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
- add "" (thanks to wgrant)
* debian/control:
- build-depend on latest nvidia-common (LP: #363500) to ensure
the nvidia-common if is included in the internal copy of
* DistUpgrade/
- when the upgrade starts, remove old hal.postinst to prevent
the trigger from running that causes network-manager to shutdown
all connections (LP: #327053)
* UpdateManager/Core/, UpdateManager/
- fix "no longer supported" message (LP: #364583)
update-manager (1:0.111.7) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- updated for the final release
* DistUpgrade/
- ensure qwenview is upgraded (LP: #360222)
update-manager (1:0.111.6) jaunty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- fix crash in free space check (LP: #362066)
update-manager (1:0.111.5) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- do not crash when patch is not installed (LP: #361194)
* DistUpgrade/
- more debug output
update-manager (1:0.111.4) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- make the pyqt4 logger less verbose
* DistUpgrade/
- deal with pre-configure errors more cleanly (LP: #356781)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix error when the backup log dir already exists
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- stop enabling apport
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- update text for the release candidate
* po/*.po:
- translation updates from rosetta
update-manager (1:0.111.3) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- cleanup the quirks handling for the StartUgrade
phase and move the code in here
- apply patch for install-docs if the user can not install
the fix from {hardy,intrepid}-proposed
update-manager (1:0.111.2) jaunty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- when calculating what category a update should be put in,
make sure that candidate versions for "other updates" always
end up there
- do not try to get changelogs for packages that do not have
a ubuntu origin (LP: #354740)
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- add skype to the removal blacklist (thanks to Nick Lally)
update-manager (1:0.111.1) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- ensure that dontzap is installed on kubuntu (LP: #349263)
- ensure to not upgrade to a known broken python2.6 (e.g.
if the mirrors do not catch up)
* DistUpgrade/
- avoid conffile prompt because we enabled apport (LP: #348301)
- deal better with apt ordering bugs and restore the system
cleanly in this case
- when commenting out third party sources, leave a space
between previous comments (thanks to Sidnei da Silva)
* DistUpgrade/
- add "BadVersions" config option
* UpdateManager/Core/
- ignore bad header line errors (LP: #353335)
* UpdateManager/
- start minimized when run with --no-focus-on-map (LP: #353195)
- set urgency hint when in the background (LP: #353195)
* po/*.po:
- updated translations from rosetta
update-manager (1:0.111.0) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix pre r6xx/7xx fglrx->ati transition
* DistUpgrade/
- fix incorrect variable name
* DistUpgrade/
- remove old crash files on upgrade (thanks to
Martin Pitt)
update-manager (1:0.110.1) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.hardy:
- support hardy->jaunty upgrade for kubuntu
* po/POTFILES.{in,missing}:
- add missing files (thanks to Gabor Kelemen)
LP: #347040
* po/*.po:
- updated translations from launchpad
update-manager (1:0.110.0) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- take changes in update-initramfs into account when
calculating the space requirements in /boot (LP: #287826)
- when doing the space calculation, show the required space
for each directory (if multiple need more space) LP: #219416
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- updated for beta
* UpdateManager/
- set 5s timeout for the ReleaseNotes fetching (LP: #109397)
* UpdateManager/
- pass the correct FetchProgress to the release-upgrade fetching
code instead of the incorrect OpProgress
update-manager (1:0.101.1) jaunty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- catch cache.update() errors that do not raise exceptions
* DistUpgrade/
- when calculating the obsolete packages, add extra paranoia
for odd network failures (LP: #335154)
* DistUpgrade/
- do not overlay /var/cache/apt/archives so that the user
does not have to download the packages twice
- honor the TMPDIR environment (by using tempfile)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add powernowd to the forced obsoleted packages (the kernel
does handle that with the builin ondemand governor now)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- remove gtk-qt-engine in Kubuntu upgrades
update-manager (1:0.101.0) jaunty; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray ]
* UpdateManagerHildon/
- wording fix "will be" to "are being" (LP: #338943)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- fix crash in changelog display (LP: #341577)
(thanks to Steve Beattie)
- support NEWS.Debian from the server as well
* DistUpgrade/
- fix in is_submount detection (thanks to liw for reporting)
[ Gabor Kelemen ]
* data/glade/
- fix missing "translatable" property (LP: #342011)
update-manager (1:0.100.1) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash (LP: #340828) when config is undefinied
* UpdateManager/
- explicitely cast time.time() to int (LP: #340755)
update-manager (1:0.100) jaunty; urgency=low
[ Andy Whitcroft ]
* DistUpgrade/cdromupgrade:
- if cdromupgrade is run with a relative path we will fail to find the
installer components and error out. Ensure that the path is absolute.
(LP: #335360)
[ Michael Vogt ]
* fix crash when help is not avaialble (LP: #338098)
* data/glade/
- remove the "Keep your system up-to-date" text (design team,
LP: #336800)
* fix crash when no network is avaialble for changelog fetching
(LP: #334002)
* debian/control:
- add conflict against update-manager-kde to update-manager-hildon
(LP: #333464)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- show proper urls for sources with epochs (LP: #328164), thanks
to Richie
* UpdateManager/
- support copy to clipboard for URLs (LP: #85644), thanks to
* UpdateManager/
- disable fixed-hight mode, it can cause incorrect height
calculation (thanks to Richie), LP: #273184
* DistUpgrade/
- do not allow gtk/kde upgrades over ssh session (LP: #322482)
* merged aufs branch (disabled by default but useful for testing)
update-manager (1:0.99) jaunty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- enable apport crash capturing during upgrades
* DistUpgrade/
- create /var/lib/pycentral/pkgremove before the upgrade to
help pycentral transition to the new python policy (thanks
to doko)
* ensure pidgin-libnotify is upgraded (LP: #332328)
* better wording for aborts (thanks to Gabor Kelemen and
Jean-Baptiste Lallement), LP: #289303
* wording fixes, thanks to Brian Murray and Gabor Kelemen
LP: #269583
* i18n fix, thanks to Gabor Kelemen, LP: #331821
* support /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d/ directory
for local overrides of the upgrade process. Useful to force
certain site-specific options (like third party repository
* allow "[FreeSpace]\nSkipCheck=yes" override to skip free
space checks (useful for testing)
* support "[Sources"]\nAllowThirdParty=yes" override to skip
commenting out of unknown repositories (LP: #147080)
* debian/*.install:
- updated for the new python layout (/u/l/p/dist-packages instead of
* debian/rules:
- use DH_PYCENTRAL=include-links instead of "nomove"
- use "--install-layout=deb" in distutils
* debian/control:
- use "XS-Python-Version: all" instead of current
* DistUpgrade/
- fix modalias path in NvidiaDetector
* data/glade/
- add "settings" button
* UpdateManager/
- open software-properties when settings button
is clicked (LP: #334959)
- keep track of launch times via gconf
* debian/control:
- recommend software-properties-gtk
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade/multiple files:
- fixed typographical error
* DistUpgrade/
- change "Restart required" default to N (LP: #328452)
update-manager (1:0.98.1) jaunty; urgency=low
* reenable the demotions.cfg generation and mirror updates
* cleanup (thanks to liw)
update-manager (1:0.98) jaunty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- fixes in the error string (thanks to Jean-Baptiste
Lallement, LP: #298296)
* support getting NEWS.Debian information in addition
to the changelog
* debian/update-manager-core.links:
- fix typo (thanks to tjaalton)
* merge the 'computer-janitor' core and quirks code into
update-manager-core (part of the jaunty-cruftremover-improvements
* conflicts with the current version of computer-janitor
[ Brian Murray ]
* DistUpgrade - Release Announcements:
- Modified reporting bugs sections to recommend using ubuntu-bug instead
of filing bugs directly in Launchpad. (LP: #327800)
update-manager (1:0.97.1) jaunty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- make the gconf handling more robust (LP: #320586)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix crash when no changelog can be found (LP: #320894)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- do not crash on disk full (LP: #321872)
* DistUpgrade/
- when commenting out third party repositories add a comment
why they were disabled and update them to the current dist
to make re-enabling easier
* DistUpgrade/
- run dpkg --forget-old-unvail after the upgrade finished
- add "PostCleanup" hook
* DistUpgrade/cdromupgrade:
- fixed typo (LP: #312184)
* add "--no-focus-on-map option to bring update-manager up
in the background (UX team)
* change default text and add /apps/update-manager/first_run
gconf key for the first run welcome message (UX team)
* UpdateManager/
- support "LP: #nr:" linking in changelog entries (LP: #274737)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg
- remove guidance-power-manager on kubuntu-desktop upgrade
[ Andy Whitcroft ]
* DistUpgrade/cdromupgrade
- move to using dists/$CODENAME to locate the installer eliminating
any dependance on symlinks in the image. This allows usb-creator based
images to be used unmodified. (LP: #326856)
update-manager (1:0.97) jaunty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- remove debug message (LP: #310046)
* UpdateManager/Common/
- when initializing the proxy configuration, do in this
* check apt setting
* check synaptic setting
* check users gconf
* check http_proxy environment
(LP: #24250)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- ensure correct error message if downloading failed
(LP: #113658)
- when fetching from mirrors, add fallback if the mirror
is too loaded to cope
- improve logic that detects what mirror is in use by
sources.list inspection (LP: #107983)
* DistUpgrade/,
- re-factor and make code more modular
- do not overwrite existing log files on upgrade
(LP: #111819)
* reorganize the imports and get rid of "Common" submodule
and merge that all into "Core"
* improve the debug output via the "DEBUG_UPDATE_MANAGER"
update-manager (1:0.96.4) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- do not generate apport report against update-manager if
cache.commit() failed. the report is generated against
the failing package instead (LP: #311220)
- honor RELEASE_UPRADER_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY environment and do
not comment out third party repositories in this case
(useful internal repositories, make sure that sudo does
not clean this env when you make use of it)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- remove powermanagement-interface on upgrades for ubuntu
and kubuntu (no longer needed by them)
* DistUpgrade/DevelReleaseAnnouncement:
- include a different release announcement for the
development releases
- fix version parsing
update-manager (1:0.96.3) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- when syncing inconsitent components, only sync those
we know about (LP: #312092)
* tests/
- add regression test for #312092
update-manager (1:0.96.2) jaunty; urgency=low
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- add "NonInteractive","NoVirtio" switch
- enable virtio in the kvm backend by default
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/server/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- updated for intrepid->jaunty
- add missing kernel removal section
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- update KernelRemoval section for intrepid->jaunty
* DistUpgrade/, README:
- add new RELEASE_UPRADER_NO_APPORT environement that can
be used to force the upgrader to not run apport on pkg failures
* DistUpgrade/
- use RELEASE_UPRADER_NO_APPORT in the non-interactive upgrade tests
* AutoUpgradeTester/profile/ubuntu/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- updated for intrepid->jaunty
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- enable DistUpgrade/ to transition users
from proprietary drivers to free drivers if the proprietary
driver is no longer available after the upgrade
update-manager (1:0.96.1) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- deal better with upgrades from EOL releases by
testing if the new release is on the country mirror
or or still on
(LP: #264181)
* debian/control:
- disable the auto-upgrader-tester package, its not quite
ready yet
update-manager (1:0.96) jaunty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- deal with full disks better when downloading
the meta-release information (LP: #98666)
* DistUpgrade/
- make the FuzzyTimeToStr() function not display
minutes when the total time is > 3h (LP: #144455)
* build update-manager-text package with text/newt based
update-manager frontend (update-manager-text)
* DistUpgrade/
- check if both grub and lilo are installed and remove
the one that is not used (LP: #314004)
* po/, po/POTFILES.skip:
- updated
* po/update-manager.pot:
- refreshed
update-manager (1:0.95.2) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- check the support of fglrx against the current
PCI card (LP: #284408)
* DistUpgrade/
- do not rewrite multiseat configs (LP: #292774)
* UpdateManager/Common/,
- move the cache,updatelist implementation out into
its own file
* fix free space check on regular update-manager
invocations (LP: #105113)
* debian/rules
- remove the arch-build target
* DistUpgrade/
- improvements to the sources.list rewriting, better tests
- when rewriting sources.list check for inconsistencies between what
components are enabled in intrepid vs intrepid-updates and
intrepid-security and automatically enable missing ones for
intrepid-updates and intrepid-security
- new test if the upgrade is run from a remote
login (LP: #301787)
update-manager (1:0.95.1) jaunty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/window_main.ui:
- show 9.04 upgrade target
* debian/rules:
- calculate demotions based on intrepid->jaunty
* DistUpgrade/
- when the dist-upgrade calculation fails, show the reason
why in the error dialog (LP: #281286)
- when a meta package can not be upgraded, show a proper
error message with the package in question
* DistUpgrade/
- abort upgrade from hardy if evms is used in /proc/mounts
evms got removed from the archive in intrepid (LP: #292179)
- do not add "relatime" if "noatime" is already given (thanks
to Ken Geis)
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- remove overly broad postgresql regexp
* DistUpgrade/
- do not limit the removal blacklist to downloadable packages,
this limits it too much
* check-new-release:
- install check for new releases into update-motd.d/daily
update-manager (1:0.95) jaunty; urgency=low
* updated for jaunty
update-manager (1:0.93.34) intrepid-proposed; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- simply the changelog download logic and make changelog
fetching work properly again (now that the server side
got improved as well) LP: #40058
update-manager (1:0.93.33) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- add detection for cards no longer supported via fglrx
and ensure transition to "ati" (LP: #284408)
* DistUpgrade/
- check if the package is actually downloadable in the
removal blacklist checking (LP: #293486)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- handle translations of non-ascii string on Cancel button
correctly (LP: #291115)
update-manager (1:0.93.32) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- when transitioning from kubuntu-kde4-desktop to kubuntu-desktop
consider key dependencies as well even if kubuntu-kde4-desktop
is no longer installed (LP: #277285)
update-manager (1:0.93.31) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- remove goubuntu-desktop from metapackages, we do no
longer build it (LP: #283712)
* DistUpgrade/
- never remove packages in the "KeepInstalled" section
- keep the GUI alive when calculating the packages
to cleanup
* DistUpgrade/
- mark "language-pack-$lang" as manual installed to
workaround changes in "language-support-$lang"
(LP: #287551)
* po/:
- updated to the latest
update-manager (1:0.93.30) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- ignore "default" argument handling in askYesNoQuestion
to fix incorrect prompt for cdrom question
* DistUpgrade/
- ensure "landscape-common" is not marked auto-install
(LP: #288051)
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- updated for final release
* DistUpgrade/
- ignore "dist-upgrader" dirs when scanning for
packages (LP: #288169)
update-manager (1:0.93.29) intrepid; urgency=low
* fix incorrect case and typo in cpuHasSSESupport(), thanks
to Steve Langasek
update-manager (1:0.93.28) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- do not install nvidia-glx-{173,177} on systems without
the "sse" cpu extension (LP: #272498)
- fix case-sensitive parsing when checking for the xorg
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- make sure that libflashsupport gets removed on upgrade
(LP: #285657)
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- updated for the release candidate
update-manager (1:0.93.27) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- only update the InputDevices if xserver-xorg-core
actually is version 2:1.5.0 or higher
- make section checks case-insensitive (thanks to
Alberto Milone)
* DistUpgrade/
- remove has_focus default in the conffiel dialog
update-manager (1:0.93.26) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- workaround kde tmpfile permissions (LP: #277431)
* UpdateManager/Common/
- do not crash if gconfd is not availabe/unusable
(LP: #281248)
* DistUpgrade/
- do not use "kde" frontend during the upgrade, it
crashes because of the kde3->kde4 transition
if run at the wrong time (LP: #283942)
* DistUpgrade/
- ignore SIGPIPE when forking the Dpkg::Pre-Install
scripts to fix error with etckeeper (LP: #283642)
* po/
- updated from rosetta
update-manager (1:0.93.25) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- Fix crash from not having gettext imported
[ Michael Vogt ]
* revert the fglrx->ati transition (LP: #247376)
update-manager (1:0.93.24) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- disable the apt.cron.daily script during the upgrade
(LP: #277079)
* DistUpgrade/
- work around the problem that the hardy "apt-cdrom add" will
fail when no uncompressed Packages files are on the CD
(LP: 276349)
update-manager (1:0.93.23) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- comment out input devices from xorg.conf (handled via
hal now). Thanks to Alberto Milone for his help,
LP: #247608
update-manager (1:0.93.22) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- add rule to force kdelibs5-dev upgrade (LP: #279621),
thanks to ScottK
* DistUpgrade/
- do not hang if a script fails to run (LP: #280236)
* DistUpgrade/
- do not run post-upgrade quirks handler in partial upgrade
mode because they only apply to real release upgrades
update-manager (1:0.93.21) intrepid; urgency=low
* Add useDevelopmentRelease and useProposed to
* Fix call to error() in
update-manager (1:0.93.20) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- translated the empty "" into "" (the qt frontend
may call this on empty strings in translate_widget)
* DistUpgrade/
- make sure to write a final newline in /etc/fstab
when adding the relatime option (LP: #279093)
update-manager (1:0.93.19) intrepid; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix crash in CDROM upgrade (LP: #276363)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in nvidia handling (thanks to
Spencer Janssen)
update-manager (1:0.93.18) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add KeepInstalled rule for adept to help
the dependency resolver (thanks to MvG)
- add kubuntu-kde4-desktop metapackage so that
the meta package detection works for kde4 (LP: #274706)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix log for kept packages
- make the log of the obsolete removal less verbose
- fix kubuntu-kde4-desktop upgrades (LP: #274706)
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- udpated for BETA
* DistUpgrade/
- fix typo and unfuzzy translations. Thanks to Brian Murray
for the patch, LP: #272726)
* UpdateManager/
- add gconf key /apps/update-manager/show_versions to show
version information (disabled by default, LP: #189406)
* DistUpgrade/
- add intrepidPreUpgrade() handler that detects
fglrx in xorg.conf and warns about it before the upgrade
- consolidate the various quirks into this file
- add check for the nvidia-glx-71 and nvidia-glx-96 drivers
and warn if they will be required
* DistUpgrade/
- add script that is run after the upgrade that ensures that
the xorg.conf file gets transitioned to a free driver if
the proprietary one does not work for intrepid
- transition from fglrx and nvidia-glx-{71,96} to the free
driver (LP: #274303)
update-manager (1:0.93.17) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- fix typo (thanks to "Richie", LP: #271139)
* DistUpgrade/
- remove the landscape-client stub package on
desktop upgrades
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/ fix crash when translating dialogue
update-manager (1:0.93.16) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- automatically add "relatime" to the mount options
of ext2/ext3
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix typo (thanks to Daniel Garcia)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix the removal of obsolete kernel packages when the
old kernel abi package gets removed from -update and/or
* UpdateManager/
- be more robust against server errors when fetching the
changelogs (LP: #262982)
* debian/control:
- update the version dependency for python-apt, we need
stuff from 0.7.5 (LP: #257781)
* DistUpgrade/
- make FuzzyTimeToStr() properly deal with plural forms
(LP: #267234)
[ Brian Murray ]
* UpdateManager/
- preserve epoch in package version for changelogs at (LP: #270527)
update-manager (1:0.93.15) intrepid; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix incorrect import
update-manager (1:0.93.14) intrepid; urgency=low
* po/*.po:
- updated to the latest launchpad translations
* DistUpgrade/
- add more robust version of gettext() that does not
crash if incorrect number arguments is passed (LP: #269379)
update-manager (1:0.93.13) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- better KeyDependencies for ubuntu-desktop to make the
detection more robust
update-manager (1:0.93.12) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade: load DistUpgradeViewKDE not KDE4
* DistUpgradeViewKDE: Fix various translations
* DistUpgradeViewKDE: Add window icon
update-manager (1:0.93.11) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgradeViewKDE: don't use setHeaderHidden, doesn't exist in Qt 4.3
* DistUpgradeViewKDE: Disable terminal button until terminal exists
[ Michael Vogt ]
* rename to
because adept runs this frontend explicitely (instead
of letting decide)
update-manager (1:0.93.10) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* Add missing debian/update-manager-kde.install
[ Michael Vogt ]
* transition to the main repository
(LP: #268551)
update-manager (1:0.93.9) intrepid; urgency=low
* do not build depend on nvidia-common for lpia
update-manager (1:0.93.8) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- transition "kubuntu-desktop-kde4" to "kubuntu-desktop"
(thanks to Jonathan Riddell)
* DistUpgrade/,
- fixes in the "AllowUnauthenticated" code (thanks to Adam
* debian/update-manager-hildon.install:
- install only selected bits from Comon/
[ Emmet Hikory ]
* Removed check to set automatic notifications in update-manager-hildon
update-manager (1:0.93.7) intrepid; urgency=low
* Move Common/ to update-manager-core
* Fix build when rebuilding with -nc
* UpdateManager/ shouldn't import ReleaseNotesViewer
* DistUpgrade/cdromupgrade should be intrepid
update-manager (1:0.93.6) intrepid; urgency=low
* Make work as a module not just a standalone script
update-manager (1:0.93.5) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- install new recommends on the hardy->intrepid upgrade
(unless overwriten with the RELEASE_UPGRADE_NO_RECOMMENDS
* AutoUpgradeTester/
- run ssh in the auto tester with "-t"
* UpdateManager/
- fix plural forms (thanks to Bruce Cowan, LP: #189921)
* DistUpgrade/
- show kB/sec (LP: #257778)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* Add KDE upgrade checking tools for use by Adept
update-manager (1:0.93.4) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- add openssh-blacklist-extra and openssh-extra
* UpdateManager/
- do not crash if lsb_release can not be run (LP: #255319)
* DistUpgrade/
- do not generate apport reports against a package if
the error indicates that its a full disk, this is a bug
in update-manager than (failed to do the full disk checking)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- force obsoletion of cups-pdf on ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop
and xubuntu-desktop
* DistUpgrade/
- increase KERNEL_INITRD_SIZE a bit
update-manager (1:0.93.3) intrepid; urgency=low
* fix ftbfs on powerpc
update-manager (1:0.93.2) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- work around problem with packages with no priority
(LP: #253255)
* DistUpgrade/
- detect ctrl-c presses in the terminal and warn the
user that it will kill the upgrade (LP: #90866)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- when being run by the sandbox-upgrader, do not
reboot automatically after the upgrade finished
* DistUpgrade/
- when a upgrade is cancelt due to network errors,
inform that the downloaded files will be kept
(LP: #242111)
update-manager (1:0.93.1) intrepid; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- make the init_proxy stuff look for the apt.conf proxy
as well (thanks to vega--)
* do-release-upgrade:
- unify proxy configuration between gtk and cli UI
* fix FBTFS by removing the kdepyuic calls during build
(no longer needed in qt4)
update-manager (1:0.93) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- fix typo (LP: #252195)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in cleanup code
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* port the kde frontend to qt4
update-manager (1:0.92) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- use nvidia-common to detect what driver package is needed
and install it if the user had a previous nvidia driver
(thanks to Alberto Milone)
* improvements to the NonInteractive frontend
update-manager (1:0.91.10) intrepid; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- improved error handling for people who run
/tmp with noexec (LP: #219518)
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- fixes in the announcement text (thanks to
Brian Murray, LP: #250693)
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- remove nvidia-glx from the removal blacklist,
the naming schema changed in intrepid and the
old packages need to go way (LP: #249329)
update-manager (1:0.91.9) intrepid; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- make the default meta-release location easily
changable via /etc/update-manager/meta-release
* data/meta-release:
- make the default configuration easier configurable
* data/release-upgrades:
- default to "normal" upgrades for intrepid
update-manager (1:0.91.8) intrepid; urgency=low
* data/glade/
- make the shortcut key in the auto-updates dialog
consistent with the main one (LP: 246321)
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- updated for intrepid (LP: #246538)
update-manager (1:0.91.7) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- add logging for kept packages
- make the "use-network" question on cdrom upgrades
more clear (LP: #229508)
- do not just exit on upgrades with errors but show
a proper finished message
* DistUpgrade/
- only run apport-{gtk,qt} if DISPLAY is set
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeView{Gtk,KDE}.py:
- do not show a error dialog for folloup errors from
earlier errors (thanks to Alexander Sack for the report)
update-manager (1:0.91.6) intrepid; urgency=low
* Make "--mode={server,desktop}" obsolete by adding automatic
detection for this. This eliminates the bugreports where
people run the text do-release-upgrade client that defaults
to server mode
* UpdateManager/
- improve the changelog version number scanner
- if no information is available yet, display a launchpad link
for interested people (not fetching from there automatically to
not hammer LP too much)
update-manager (1:0.91.5) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- support "" as a valid mirror and
auto transition from that to the regular archive
(LP: #235527)
- add extra paraonoia when adding a missing admin group
(thanks to LaMont Jones) LP: #241723
* UpdateManager/
- support "exo-open" (xfce) too (LP: #240473)
* DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
- remove (LP: #231966)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix typo and unfuzzy translations (LP: #220505)
* UpdateManager/, data/
- provide a gconf key /apps/update-manager/autoclose_install_window
to make it possible to prevent automatic closing of the installation
window (LP: #183209)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.dapper:
- remove from powerpc, it is not available on but on (LP: #241729)
update-manager (1:0.91.4) intrepid; urgency=low
* update-manager:
- string fixes (LP: #230865)
* UpdateManager/
- support selecting/dselecting entire update
categories by double clicking on the list header
update-manager (1:0.91.3) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
- remove (LP: #231966)
* UpdateManager/, data/
- provide a gconf key /apps/update-manager/autoclose_install_window
to make it possible to prevent automatic closing of the installation
window (LP: #183209)
update-manager (1:0.91.2) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Brian Murray ]
* String fix for "a unresolvable problem" (LP: #196269)
* String fix for "A upgrade to" (LP: #196229)
* String fix for "is in a inconsistent state" (LP: #197015)
update-manager (1:0.91.1) intrepid; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- add missing python-vte dependency to update-manager-hildon
update-manager (1:0.91) intrepid; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix bug in withNetwork value propergation (LP: #227197)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix bug with sources.list rewriting when mixed
deb http://unknown-miror\ndeb-srchttp://known-mirror
entries are used (#221730)
* UpdateManager/Common/
- fix inhibit path (LP: #140754), thanks to
Andreas Dalsgaard
* DistUpgrade/
- use sensible-pager first and fallback to "more" if
that is not available (thanks to Mithrandir)
* DistUpgradeView{Gtk,KDE,Text}.py:
- only overwrite the DEBIAN_FRONTEND if it is not set
already (thanks to Guy Sheffer)
* UpdateManagerHildon/
- add hildon support (thanks to Tollef Fog Heen and
Emmet Hikory)
update-manager (1:0.90.0) intrepid; urgency=low
* merged branches:
- ~alefteris/update-manager/alefteris (thanks!)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- do not crash if the tarfile can not be read (LP: #203504)
* fix a bunch of spelling mistakes (LP: #213040), thanks
to Peter Cordes
* AutoUpgradeTester/automatic-upgrade-testing:
- add "--additional-pkgs" argument that can be used to install
the given packages (seperated with ",") into the VM before
the upgrade is performed
* DistUpgrade/
- write error to log in getListFromFile() if file is not
* DistUpgrade/
- fix plural form text (LP: #226695)
* update-manager-core.install, update-manager.install:
- move the DistUpgrade part into update-manager-core
* DistUpgrade/, update-manager,
- move partialUpgrade() functionality into the controller and
expose it with --partial in
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- prepare for hardy->intrepid upgrades
update-manager (1:0.87.27) hardy-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- make networkless upgrades more robust (LP: #227197)
* po/ko.po:
- fix translation for y/n prompt so that korean users
can actually continue (LP: #223419)
* DistUpgrade/
- work around hang in svg loader (LP: #186465)
update-manager (1:0.87.26) hardy-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- run in server mode on a server CD (LP: #222895)
- deal with the repository
(LP: #224308)
* DistUpgrade/
- make the code more robust against unavailable
package records (LP: #223619)
* DistUpgrade/cdromupgrade:
- allow passing of arguments (like --mode=server)
to better support server upgrades with the dvd
(LP: #222895)
* po/uk.po:
- fix translation so that it gets the expected
number of arguments (LP: #224294)
update-manager (1:0.87.25) hardy-proposed; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix typo in log dir (LP: #223743)
* DistUpgrade/
- if the "Crux" theme is used on dapper during the upgrade,
switch to "Human" because Crux is known to crash
(LP: #69124)
* DistUpgrade/
- do not crash if a meta package is not available in
the cache (e.g. xubuntu-desktop that moved from main
to universe)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.dapper:
- fix incorrect xubuntu-desktop detection
* DistUpgrade/
- make sure that self.confirmChangesMessage is always
initialized (LP: #221023)
* DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
- added missing russion mirror (LP: #221730)
- fixed incorrect mirror lines
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- better detection to missing dependencies to fix
ubuntustudio-desktop upgrade problem (LP: #219659)
* util/
- do not consider powerpc anymore, its not available on anymore
* debian/rules:
- do not run tests in arch-build target (only useful
when there is a development release available to upgrade to)
update-manager (1:0.87.24) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- modified https url to http so it is clickable (LP: #220386)
* po/en_GB.po:
- unfuzzy typo correction
update-manager (1:0.87.23) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.dapper:
- Add 'bash' to BaseMetaPkgs. This is needed because ubuntu-meta
was uploaded into dapper-updates and that means that we the
detection of a missing main archive in sources.list will not
work correctly (LP: #220078)
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- updated in preparation for the final release
update-manager (1:0.87.22) hardy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- only set http proxy if hostname/port is valid (LP: #219227)
* DistUpgrade/
- some more debug logging
- fix missing cache open
- smaller default network time out
- run the initial cache.update() on the unmodified sources.list
with only a single retry because it may contain sources that
do not respond
update-manager (1:0.87.21) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- transition sparc users to on upgrade
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.dapper:
- point to when fetching
release-upgrader-{apt,dpkg} on dapper->hardy upgrades
update-manager (1:0.87.20) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix incorrect _() call (thanks to Timo Jyrinki)
* DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
- fix mirror URI (LP: #215346)
* run dpkg with --force-overwrite by default on the server
too to make the upgrade more robust. this can be overwriten
update-manager (1:0.87.19) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- only try to upgrade held-back packages in the
edgyQuirks handler if they are actually upgradable
(thanks to Lamont Jones and James Troup)
* po/fi.po
- unfuzzy string (thanks to Timo Jyrinki)
update-manager (1:0.87.18) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- remove mail-notificaton, gnome-translate from hardy
quirks list (LP: #215690)
* UpdateManager/
- use sensible gksu prompt when asking for release
upgrade (LP: #161888)
update-manager (1:0.87.17) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- when run from a CDROM upgrade on dapper, ensure to
fetch the right files on tryUpdateSelf() (#215673)
- ensure that language-support-$lang packages get
upgraded if they are installed
* UpdateManager/Core/
- support forceLTS option (#215673)
* DistUpgrade/
- work around gutsy->hardy nvidia-glx uprade problem
when libqt-perl is used (#205079)
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- updated for RC
update-manager (1:0.87.16) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- show prompt again after showing details
- use pager for long change entries
(thanks to James Troup)
- fix text wrap to not break lines on "-" (e.g. in package
- do not leave files around
- make the code that asks about starting a new ssh daemon
(if run under ssh) more robust
- set status to "Calculating changes" again after displaying
demoted packages
- improve logging if prerequisites download fails
* DistUpgrade/
- improve the evms detection/removal (thanks to Lamont Jones)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.dapper:
- add "lvm2" to the KeepInstalledPkgs (LP: #211488)
- sync RemoveObsoletes, ForcedObsoletes, KeepInstalledSections
with DistUpgrade.cfg
- text wrap questions too
* po/*.po:
- updated translations (LP: #210699)
update-manager (1:0.87.15) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix fd leak
* DistUpgrade/
- abort when debsig-verify is installed, it makes any
upgrade fail (LP: #208957)
- run as PostInstallScript (LP: #209347)
- set RELEASE_UPGRADE_MODE={server,desktop} environment
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash/race in terminal key press handler (LP: #205445)
- fix encoding issue (LP: #208390)
- call it 8.04 LTS (LP: #204659)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix incorrect pango attribute assignment (LP: #207742)
- call it 8.04 LTS (LP: #204659)
* UpdateManager/
- do not crash if gconf database is not writable (LP: #208687)
- do not crash on BadStatusLine exceptions (LP: #204075)
* po/*.po:
- make update-po
update-manager (1:0.87.14) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- Fix typo
* DistUpgrade/
- Add show/hide to upgrade package list
* DistUpgrade/window_main.ui:
- Sync strings with GTK frontend to pick up translations
- Update icon to Oxygen
update-manager (1:0.87.13) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- only ask once about the sshd (LP: #156625)
* DistUpgrade/
- add hardyQuirks handler to deal with a
gnome-translate upgrade issues (thanks to Daniel Holbach)
- fix naming of the quirksHandlers
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add "ksplash-engine-moodin" to ForcedObsoletes
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg:
- add "^postgresql-.*"to the removal blacklist
* DistUpgrade/
- flush() output in updateStatus()
- show the demoted packages in a more readable
- use textwrap when displaying text
* DistUpgrade/
- fix bug that prevented proper error message on
upgrade calculation error in the text frontend
- fix text download progress
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement
- updated for BETA
update-manager (1:0.87.12) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix display of non-ascii chars
- improve editing capabilities of the terminal (should be
fine with the readline fontend now)
update-manager (1:0.87.11) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- when upgrading without network and with a empty sources.list,
do not ask to add network sources
* DistUpgrade/
- do not crash if lookupRecords() failed (LP: #199482)
* UpdateManager/
- use absolute path when calling gksu (LP: #194166),
Thanks to Mihai Varzaru and James Westby
* data/
- improve consistency with the rest of gnome (LP: #150205)
* DistUpgrade/
- do no longer use konsole during upgrades but use a dumb
terminal instead that only supports basic editing
- log terminal activity to /var/log/dist-upgrade/term.log
update-manager (1:0.87.10) hardy; urgency=low
* remove code duplication in the confirmChanges() code and make the
warning more readable (LP: #188724)
* DistUpgrade/
- when adding prerequists, ensure that no duplicated lines are
added, plus add test for this (thanks to Kolbjørn Barmen)
- honor APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated (thanks to Kolbjørn
* DistUpgrade/cdromupgrade:
- updated to hardy
- fix bug in path handling (LP: #155833)
* DistUpgrade/prerequists-sources.list:
- remove cruft
update-manager (1:0.87.9) hardy; urgency=low
* rebuild due to python-central issues
update-manager (1:0.87.8) hardy; urgency=low
* deal with packages in broken reqreinst state by
offering to remove them (LP: #1922578)
* UpdateManager/
- display a meaningful message when no information
of the last update can be found (LP: 192328)
update-manager (1:0.87.7) hardy; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- honor DEBUG_UPDATE_MANAGER environment and give some
debug output on the meta-release fetching/parsing
* UpdateManager/
- cancel if the ReleaseNotes window is closed via the
window close control (thanks to Matthew Paul Thomas)
* DistUpgrade/
- show update details in smaller font instead of italic
* more UI improvements as suggested by Matthew Paul Thomas
* DistUpgrade/
- enforce KeepInstalledSection rule only when running on
a network, otherwise we run into CD upgrade issues
- when fetching the prerequists, be more robust in the
mirror selection (and add tests for this)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- add slocate to the force obsoletes, mlocate replaces it
[ Brian Murray ]
* Dialog enhancements and typo fixes (LP: 182055)
update-manager (1:0.87.6) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix removal of obsolete packages (regression from 0.87.5)
update-manager (1:0.87.5) hardy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- use /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp for the
calculation when the last update was performed (LP: #185894)
* DistUpgrade/
- if the upgrade can not be calculated in partial upgrade mode,
do not recommend reporting a bug (most likely transient anyway)
* DistUpgradeView/
- make the restart required question more clear (LP: #155554)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- tidy up output when show authentication message
* data/update-manager.8:
- man page fixes (LP: #185615)
* update-manager:
- run gtk.init_check() to catch errors when DISPLAY is not
set (pygtk does not do that automatically)
update-manager (1:0.87.4) hardy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- run the partial upgrader with error correction
if the dependencies on the system are not ok
(it will fix most problems)
* DistUpgrade/,
- if dpkg was interrupted, run "dpkg --configure -a"
- if the prerequists can not be authenticated,
* DistUpgradeView/
- when calculating the download time in estimatedDownloadTime,
use the average download speed so far (if available)
update-manager (1:0.87.3) hardy; urgency=low
* add to the valid mirrors (LP: #184663)
* add --proposed to the options for do-release-upgrade
(LP: #109290)
* fix crash in apport report duplicate checking
update-manager (1:0.87.2) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- better detection for followup errors when a package failed
* DistUpgrade/
- Be more tolerant against errors in the initial apt-get update
operation. We disable third party sources on the later
sources.list rewrite anyway
update-manager (1:0.87.1) hardy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- fix crash if /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-stamp does not exists
(LP: #181390)
- fix misleading string when cache is rebuild (LP: #179354)
* DistUpgrade/
- be more careful with the obsoletes checking and get not
confused if the hardy version is older than the gutsy one
(LP: #181201)
update-manager (1:0.87) hardy; urgency=low
* typo fixes (thanks to Brian Murray, LP: #99513, LP: #158175)
* fix incorrect textual description (thanks to Brian Murray,
LP: #145130)
* support release-upgrades from dapper for architectures on
* UpdateManager/
- remove the "from $version to $version" from the main
list as this is duplicated information from the details tab
- wording fixes (thanks to Matthew Paul Thomas)
- if the update was successful, automatically close the install
- when no updates are available, display the information when the
last apt-get update like operation was performed
- if there are broken dependencies on the system, try to fix
them on startup
* data/
- do not display what software updates are in startup progress
dialog, this is already displayed in the main UI
(thanks to Matthew Paul Thomas)
- align the ""Download size:" text so that it matches the text
inside the buttons
update-manager (1:0.86) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- merged fixes from Brian Murray (thanks!);
LP: #162978, LP: #64473
- fix getting prerequists for
(thanks to lamont)
* DistUpgrade/
- keep the lists dir locked all the time to avoid a
possible race
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- added gobuntu-desktop to the list of supported
* data/
- remove deprecated entries (thanks to Kmos)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- add support to prompt only for specifc release upgrades
(e.g. lts->lts)
* data/release-upgrades:
- set the default prompting for hardy to "Prompt only for
a new lts version"
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg.dapper,
- add support for dapper->hardy upgrades
* DistUpgrade/
- add overwrite support for the configuration to support
upgrades to multiple target releases with the same
* data/
- /apps/update-manager/check_dist_upgrades is deprecated
* utils/
- make it more flexible to support generating both
dapper and gutsy demotions
update-manager (1:0.85.4) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- do not use python2.5 try:/expect:/finally: - we need to run
on 2.4 as well for dapper->hardy (LP: #164947)
update-manager (1:0.85.3) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg,
- updated for hardy
* DistUpgrade/,:
- better description whats happening when calculating the
- keep the GUI responsive while calculating the upgrade
update-manager (1:0.85.2) hardy; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- added missing "XS-Vcs-Bzr" header (thanks to Brian
* debian/rules:
- dh_iconcache is obsolete, use dh_icons instead
update-manager (1:0.85.1) hardy; urgency=low
* fix FTBFS
update-manager (1:0.85) hardy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash when packages get downgraded (LP: #154257)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix typo in classname (thanks to Matt T. Proud)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- update for hardy
update-manager (1:0.81) gutsy; urgency=low
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- Add word wrap to quesiton dialogue
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- make the commercial archive transition more robust
- when forcing the evms removal, ensure that all
evms rdepends get obsoleted so that the safety checks
in the upgrader do not kick in and prevent the removal
- when calculating the size required in /boot take into account
that installed initramfs images create a .bak file
* updated list of demoted packages
* updated ReleaseAnnouncement to include final text
* updated demotions and mirrors to current gutsy
update-manager (1:0.80) gutsy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- enable transition to gutsy partner repository on
upgrade now that we have a archive
- workaround kde tempdir handling (LP: #149186)
update-manager (1:0.79) gutsy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- do not log apts debug output to the user in server
upgrade mode
- when running in partial upgrade mode, do not run apport,
this is handled by the libapt apport integration now,
* DistUpgrade/,
- detect and workaround upgrade issues with envy
* update-manager:
- show version with --version (LP: #137353)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash with invalid utf-8 in polish locale (LP: #145351)
* UpdateManager/
- remove debug output (LP: #145494)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix lock detection (LP: #145463)
* UpdateManager/Common/
- show "0 KB" download size if there is nothing to download
(LP: #145308)
* DistUpgrade/demoted.cfg, utils/
- do not display demotions if they are replaced by something that is
in main (e.g. gaim->pidgin, LP: #145767)
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- update for the beta release
* DistUpgrade/
- fix typo in pre-requists (thanks to Stuart Bishop)
* debian/control:
- tighten update-manager depend on update-manager-core
* UpdateManager/Core/
- move country_mirror code into Core (LP: #145116)
* UpdateManager/Core/,
- fix test failure
update-manager (1:0.78) gutsy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- Fix button in conffile dialogue
update-manager (1:0.77) gutsy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in conffile dialogue setup
update-manager (1:0.76) gutsy; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- ensure that the util-linux -> nfs-common transition
happens (LP: #141559)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- copy Xauthority file if necessary
update-manager (1:0.75) gutsy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- work around broken vte forkpty() env add
* DistUpgrade/
- fix type of installed_demotions from apt.Package to pkgname
(LP: #144417)
* po/*.po:
- updated from latest launchpad translations
* UpdateManager/
- fix missing command line propergation when run as non-root
(LP: #144451)
update-manager (1:0.74) gutsy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- ensure that users with the "lowlatency" kernel get
transitioned correctly to a new kernel (LP: #129458)
* DistUpgrade/
- work around kde being too clever in tempdirs (LP: #139319)
* po/
- add missing files (LP: #141033)
update-manager (1:0.73) gutsy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- display new installs in the list
* UpdateManager/Common/
- fix countrymirror to deal with non-utf8 locales (LP: #138299)
* tests/
- added test for this country_mirror()
* DistUpgrade/
- check trust of pre-requists files before downloading them
- support pre-requists on the CD as well
- preserve the logs on self update from the net
* DistUpgrade/
- fix auto-generation of target distro in cdromupgrade
script (LP:#138354)
* data/update-manager.8:
- new manpage (thanks to Bruno Mangin, LP: #107015)
update-manager (1:0.72) gutsy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix target filename for meta-release files so that
correct I-M-S information is used
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- use "release-upgrader-dpkg", "release-upgrader-apt" as
update-pre-requists to fully support dpkg triggers (LP: #134000)
- add mythubuntu-desktop to the valid metapackages
* DistUpgrade/
- fix pre-requists fetching, do not run the resolver as the udebss
are not installable on a regular system
- generate more log information to make diagnosing problems easier
- use custom invoke-rc.d during the upgrade so that failures to
restart a daemon are not fatal
* DistUpgrade/prerequists-sources.list:
- point to the archive for the pre-requists now
update-manager (1:0.71) gutsy; urgency=low
[ Michel Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in _terminal_log code
* DistUpgrade/
- disable for now until
a gutsy repository is created there
- fix size requirement reporting (LP: #137539)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- Implement show/hide button on conf file dialogue
* DistUpgrade/removal_blacklist.cfg
- Add xubuntu-desktop and gobuntu-desktop
update-manager (1:0.70) gutsy; urgency=low
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- Use apport for crashes
- Don't use dcop, it doesn't work with kdesudo
- Fix UI layout
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- show human readable size when displaying "not enough free space"
- when rewriting sources.list, transition the commercial
package archive to the new location and "partner" name
* DistUpgrade/
- fix bogus log messages about missing "required" priority packages
* DistUpgrade/
- remove debug messages
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- remove gnome-cups-manager on upgrade, system-config-printer
replaces it (LP: #107766)
- set cursor to the start of the details list (LP: #134873)
- added ubuntustudio-desktop, ichthux-desktop to valid metapackages
(LP: #131936)
* DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/,
DistUpgrade/, DistUpgrade/
- make logdir a config option too
* UpdateManager/, UpdateManager/Common/
- move inhibit_sleep(), allow_sleep() into common code and call
the freedesktop dbus interface instead of the deprecated gnome
interface (LP: #136617)
* tests/, tests/data-sources-list-test:
- added tests for sources.list rewriting
update-manager (1:0.69) gutsy; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/Core/
- remove zero size meta-release files (LP: #127263)
* utils/demoted.cfg:
- updated to current gutsy
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- added "esound", "esound-common" to forced obsoleted
packages (replaced by pulseaudio)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* Change version text from 7.04 to 7.10 in KDE frontend
update-manager (1:0.68) gutsy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- be extra paranoid when using ${countrymirror}
* DistUpgrade/
- support countrymirror in prerequists.sources.list file
* UpdateManager/Common/
- added country_mirror() function
update-manager (1:0.67) gutsy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/,
- when checking for update category (Security, Important, ...)
not only check candidateVersion but all intermediate versions
- added test for the new matcher behaviour
* DistUpgrade/
- fix PreRequists fetching
- better error checking/logging
* DistUpgrade/,
- improve error message when a package fails to install
(thanks to Chris Jones)
* DistUpgrade/
- show "cancel" button while fetching stuff
* UpdateManager/,
- support ${countrymirror} in meta-release information
*, setup.cfg:
- updated for new python-distutils-extra
update-manager (1:0.66) gutsy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- support listing and fetching of upgrade PreRequists
- transition to new layout
- mark evms as obsolete if it is not in use
- transition powerpc users to
- implement Depends checking for the selected
(as speced in
* DistUpgrade/Core/
- added ignore-time-conflict when calling gpg (thanks to
* utils/demoted.cfg, DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg,
- updated for current gutsy
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- mark desktop-effects as obsolete on ubuntu-desktop upgrades
(the appearance capplet replaces it)
update-manager (1:0.65) gutsy; urgency=low
* debian/rules:
- add test for fetching the upgrader to release to
arch-build target
- fix breakage in "partial upgrade" mode
update-manager (1:0.64) gutsy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- add missing "import os"
- fix incorrect STEP_FETCH_INSTALL import (Fixes LP:#120484)
update-manager (1:0.63) gutsy; urgency=low
* fix i18n issue (Fixes LP:#114207)
* DistUpgrade/
- if "386" (UP) kernel is installed on SMP machine, automatically
switch to SMP kernel (Fixes LP: #106387)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- set python2.3 to remove list to ensure smooth upgrade
(Fixes LP: #108147)
* DistUpgrade/
- show total needed space in not-enough-free-space message
(Fixes LP: #46775)
- fix in snapshot feature (Fixes LP: #108413)
- deal better with very slow downloads (disable cache cleanup)
- improve free space calculation in /boot (Fixes LP: #116163, #104337)
- implement SystemCleanup spec kernel removal
- implement SystemCleanup spec unused dependencies removal
* Separate downloading and upgrading (Fixes LP: #91978)
* Show demotions before runing the upgrade (Fixes LP: #91998)
* UpdateManager/
- re-check for new releases too when the user clicks on
"Check" (Fixes LP: #107452)
update-manager (1:0.62) gutsy; urgency=low
* revert locking fix, it broke release upgrades
* fix upgrade string
update-manager (1:0.61) gutsy; urgency=low
* add missing dh_gconf (LP#114569)
* fix mispelled entry in removal_blacklist (LP#107558)
* fix locking problem (LP#108446)
* make the wording of the free space message more clear
update-manager (1:0.60) gutsy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix free space check when the dir checked is a symlink
- increase minAge for the apt cleanup cron job during the upgrade
to fix race for people with very slow network (LP#109548)
- deal with invalid lines in /proc/mounts when calculating
the free space (LP#108284)
* cdromupgrade:
- do not call any authentication mechanism, that is the
responsibility of the user (LP#107431)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix a bug in the cdrom progress (LP#107451)
* DistUpgrade/
- send correct package failure information to log (LP#109209)
* DistUpgrade/crashdialog.ui
- Fix bug report URL in crash dialogue (LP#108969)
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix in I-M-S 304 handling (LP#109216)
* DistUpgrade/
- check RemovalBlacklist early when removing a package to
work-around crash in problem resolver (LP#109014)
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- updated for gutsy
- add "ltsp-client", "ltspfsd" to the remove list to ensure that
it does not get installed on a regular system (LP#109638)
* DistUpgrade/
- protect against errors when launching apport (LP#108131)
update-manager (1:0.59.21) feisty-proposed; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/Core/
- send pragma: no-cache (LP#107716)
- fix bug in time representation for i-m-s (LP#107716)
update-manager (1:0.59.20) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- do not crash in utf8() if the str is already unicode
update-manager (1:0.59.19) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- disable apt-listchanges in the kde frontend too
- fix broken terminal interaction (LP#106367)
- ensure that there is only a single konsole widget
visible (LP#106541)
update-manager (1:0.59.18) feisty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- fix i18n initialization (LP#106221)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- fix encoding in dialog_error (LP#106221)
update-manager (1:0.59.17) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in on_window_main_delete_event() (LP#104701)
* DistUpgrade/
- set mdadm to manually installed (LP#105663)
* DistUpgrade/
- add python symlink sanity check (LP#75557)
* DistUpgrade/ReleaseAnnouncement:
- prepare for the final version
* po/
- updated to the latest translations from rosetta
update-manager (1:0.59.16) feisty; urgency=low
* set useDevelopmentRelease=False in the self updater on
the CD (LP#99171)
* fix another issue with a unresponsive GUI
* work around upgrade issue with pango-libthai (LP#104384)
update-manager (1:0.59.15) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- keep the GUI alive while calculating the obsolete
update-manager (1:0.59.14) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix sources.list rewriting for people with internal or
unofficial mirrors (LP#73463)
* DistUpgrade/
- workaround apache2/php5 upgrade failures (LP#95325)
update-manager (1:0.59.13) feisty; urgency=low
* po/
- reomove [type: ] this confused intltool
- work around problem with kde tempfile extraction
update-manager (1:0.59.12) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- set debian frontend to "kde"
* DistUpgrade/
- do not crash when uname -r can't be parsed (LP#97663)
- remove the nfs upgrade question again, the kernel team
fixed the regression
* DistUpgrade/
- do not crash if no apport gui is available (LP#97498)
* DistUpgrade/
- support details in text-mode (LP#94129)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix incorrect auto-installed information from meta-pkgs
- rewrite /etc/fstab cdrom entries (LP#86424,#79327)
- fix upgrade for people with no admin group (LP#93279)
- when encountering a error, first show the error dialog,
then run the recover (LP#92366)
- support fallback when a frontend view can not be imported
- log the version of the upgrader as well
* DistUpgrade/mirrors.cfg:
- updated with the current mirror RSS feed from LP
update-manager (1:0.59.11) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in mediaChange (LP#96849)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash on broken packages (LP#96444)
* DistUpgrade/
- ensure that the latest kernel is always selected (LP#96196)
- added nfs-common check in feistyQuirks and ask to install
it if it appears to be missing
* DistUpgrade/
- add any additional sanity check at the start of the upgrade
to check if the base distro is supported
update-manager (1:0.59.10) feisty; urgency=low
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- i18n KDE frontend fixes, LP#95638, LP#94927
- set text on confirm dialogue buttons
- (re)spawn embedded konsole for each fork,
fixes crash when removing packages
- Add on_window_main_delete_event, stops the user closing the window
update-manager (1:0.59.9) feisty; urgency=low
[Sebastian Heinlein]
* Hide help button - the outdated documentation is confusing (LP#44944)
[Michael Vogt]
* Use .update-manager-core dir
* Fix bug in writable check for /var/lib/update-manager (LP#95599)
* Ensure that /var/lib/update-manager is available
* inhibit sleep when runing the release upgrader(LP#70058)
* make sure that we do not run with a interactive debconf frontend
on server upgrade (for packages like quagga)
* fix race condition in free space checking (LP#96482), thanks
to Jane Silber for reporting
update-manager (1:0.59.8) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- fix crash in error dialog (LP#94229)
- i18n KDE frontend
* DistUpgrade/
- mention xubuntu-desktop too (LP#94443)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix in the logfile handling in server mode
* DistUpgrade/DistUpgrade.cfg:
- fix KeyDependency for xubuntu detection
* UpdateManager/
- do not crash if UnInhibit dbus signal can not be send
update-manager (1:0.59.7) feisty; urgency=low
* NEWS: removed empty file (LP#92250)
* DistUpgrade/
- fix wording of the "use network" question
- better apport integration
- fix in the progress reporting where the report was off-by-one
* DistUpgrade/
- fix run_options argument
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix race conditin in download thread (thanks to Matt
Zimmerman for reporting the issue)
* do-release-upgrade:
- added option --frontend, --mode
update-manager (1:0.59.6) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/,
- fixes in the apport integration
update-manager (1:0.59.5) feisty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- Fix missing {get,set}_string() in fakegconf
* DistUpgrade/dialog_changes.ui
- Fix alignment of image
* DistUpgrade/dialog_error.ui
- Fix caption
- Make text box read only
* DistUpgrade/
- remove unused argument to reportBug()
- fix caption of information box
- show close button on error box
update-manager (1:0.59.4) feisty; urgency=low
* data/glade/
- improve the wording of the dist-upgrade required dialog (LP#88706)
* update-manager:
- set better dialog caption (LP#88706)
* DistUpgrade/
- supress reboot notification when a upgrade is in progress (LP#91999)
update-manager (1:0.59.3) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- Fix incorrect variable name, LP No 91887
update-manager (1:0.59.2) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- Fix reference to konsole_frame (LP No 84717 comment 33)
update-manager (1:0.59.1) feisty; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* DistUpgrade/
- do not fail if loading the svg pixbuf loader fails (LP#91593)
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- import KRun, closes
- fix non-existant variable use, closes
- fix incorrect method name, closes
update-manager (1:0.59) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- quit any running instances of Adept
* DistUpgrade/
- improve error message when failing to load frontend
update-manager (1:0.58) feisty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- do not crash if download size can not be calculated (LP#90547)
* fix build for all python versions (thanks to doko for help!)
* strip changelog epoch too (LP#45566)
* fix spelling mistakes (thanks to Bruce Cowan, LP#90833)
* update download size if "check/uncheck" all was selected from
right-click menu
* correct download speed string (LP#73721)
* fix in the german translation (LP#68384)
update-manager (1:0.57.8) feisty; urgency=low
* debian/rules:
- moved dist-upgrade_$version generation to binary-indep
update-manager (1:0.57.7) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- revert earlier commit in FuzzyTimeToStr() to make it not crash
* debian/rules:
- strip the epoch before runing dpkg-addfiles
update-manager (1:0.57.6) feisty; urgency=low
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* DistUpgrade/
- Fix crash with incorrect connect() calls
[ Michael Vogt ]
* UpdateManager/
- fix some margins (thanks to Sebastian Heinlein)
update-manager (1:0.57.5) feisty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- check for None in toggled() (LP#88032)
update-manager (1:0.57.4) feisty; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- workaround problem in python-apt (no support for PyLong in SizeToStr)
* DistUpgrade/
- keep a reference of the svg pibbuf loader around (LP#86699)
* UpdateManager/
- fix crash on xubuntu when gconf is not available (LP#86673)
update-manager (0.57.3) feisty; urgency=low
* debian/rules:
- build a raw-dist-upgrader in additon to the debs
* data/glade/
- fix bad grammar (thanks to Matthew Thomas) LP#85258
- make Update Manager the consistent name (thanks to Matthew Thomas)
* merged ReleaseAnnouncement wording update from Brian Murray
* UpdateManager/Core/
- fix missing import (LP#85515)
update-manager (0.57.2) feisty; urgency=low
* fix crash in upgrade mode (LP#84915)
update-manager (0.57.1) feisty; urgency=low
* fix proxy authentication parser (lp: #83563)
* fix crash in check_all_updates_installable() (LP#84776)
* fix exception when strange permissions are set on meta-release
file (LP#84724)
* fix error dialog if cache init fails (LP#83185)
update-manager (0.57) feisty; urgency=low
* added clickable CVE and buglinks
update-manager (0.56.1) feisty; urgency=low
* fix FTBFS
* update po/
update-manager (0.56) feisty; urgency=low
* added --proposed switch to fetch a release-upgrader from a different
location (similar to the -proposed pocket in the archive)
* split into update-manager and update-manager-core and support
cli release upgrades with the later
* added fdsend module to support file descriptor passing over sockets
this will allow a better seperation between frontend and backend
in the future
update-manager (0.55.1) feisty; urgency=low
* fix FTBFS (missing cdbs b-d)
update-manager (0.55) feisty; urgency=low
* moved software-properties into its own source package to
support a kde frontend
update-manager (0.53.6) feisty; urgency=low
* properly extract the package name that fails before
calling out to apports package_hook
* fix crash on exit before the main loop is run (lp: #82744)
update-manager (0.53.5) feisty; urgency=low
* update to the new exceptions from python-dbus in
setupDBus (lp: #81802)
* fix FTFBS
update-manager (0.53.4) feisty; urgency=low
* fix python dependency (lp: #80976)
* add apport support to send in bugreports
update-manager (0.53.3) feisty; urgency=low
* fix python dependency (lp: #80976)
* fix the GenericName in update-manager and software-properties
(lp: #78932)
* workaround problem when a meta-release file is created by root
in the users homedir (lp: #80713)
update-manager (0.53.2) feisty; urgency=low
* fix the cdromupgrade script to use feisty
update-manager (0.53.1) feisty; urgency=low
* Build-depend on python-dev.
update-manager (0.52) feisty; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- more robust error reporting from libapt (lp: #74797)
* SoftwareProperties/
- do not crash if template is missing (lp: #70580)
* updated to latest python policy
update-manager (0.51) feisty; urgency=low
* data/channels/
- updated for feisty
update-manager (0.50) feisty; urgency=low
* support --disable-component (AlwaysEnableUniverseMultiverse spec)
* look for lsb_release in PATH instead of hardcoding it (lp: #73075)
update-manager (0.45.1) edgy-updates; urgency=low
* handle unexpected data from data more gracefuly (lp: #68553)
update-manager (0.45) edgy; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- added dependency on python-gconf
- removed recommends on python-gnome2
update-manager (0.44.17) edgy; urgency=low
* memory leak fixed (lp: #43096)
update-manager (0.44.16) edgy; urgency=low
* fix proxy usage when runing in non-root mode (lp: #40626)
update-manager (0.44.15) edgy; urgency=low
* added missing python-vte dependency (lp: #63609)
* added missing gksu dependency (lp: #63572)
* don't remove xchat automatically anymore on upgrade (leftover
from breezy->dapper) (lp: #63881)
* do not come up with bogus dist-upgrade suggestions
* fix bad english grammar (lp: #63761, #63474)
* fix in the edgyUpdates quirks handler (lp: #63723)
* catch error from _tryMarkObsoleteForRemoval() (lp: #63617)
* fix plural forms for ro, pl (lp: #46421)
* properly escape comments before displaying them (lp: #63475)
update-manager (0.44.14) edgy; urgency=low
* fix some incorrect i18n markings (lp: #62681)
update-manager (0.44.13) edgy; urgency=low
* fix missing i18n declarations (lp: #62519)
* data/glade/
- fix missing "translatable" property (lp: #62681)
* DistUpgrade:
- deal better with the python transition and the hpijs
upgrade (lp: #62948)
* UpdateManager/
- put the cancel button inside the text-area to avoid flickering
- make sure that src_ver is always initialized (thanks to
Simira for reporting)
- filter python-apt future warning (especially for seb128)
* DistUprade/
- check for self.sources, self.aptcdrom before using it (lp: #61852)
update-manager (0.44.12) edgy; urgency=low
* DistUpgrade/
- use '%d' instead of '%s' where appropriate (lp: #60239)
* fixed lots of typos (lp: #60633)
update-manager (0.44.11) edgy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- fix error in get_changelog (lp: #59940).
Thanks to Denis Washington
- bugfix in the ListStore
- use the update-manager desktop file when runing synaptic
as the backend to get a consistent UI
- UI improvements (thanks to Sebastian Heinlein!)
- remove branding
update-manager (0.44.10) edgy; urgency=low
- fix add_component() to avoid duplicated components
- added MirrorsFile key to DistInfo code to have a better idea
about the available mirrors
* debian/control:
- updated dbus dependencies (lp: #59862)
update-manager (0.44.9) edgy; urgency=low
* SoftwareProperties/
- bugfix in the popcon enable code (lp: #59540)
update-manager (0.44.8) edgy; urgency=low
* fix missing /var/log/dist-upgrade
update-manager (0.44.7) edgy; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- be more accurate about dependencies when the user selects only
a supset of the packages
update-manager (0.44.6) edgy; urgency=low
* SoftwareProperties/
- fix inconsistency in the new software-sources dialog
* integrate DistUpgrade code into UpdateManager to make sure
that after e.g. a CDROM upgrade the rest of the system can still
be fully upgraded over the net
update-manager (0.44.5) edgy; urgency=low
* install the DistUpgrade package too
* data/channels/
- warty is no longer officially supported
update-manager (0.44.4) edgy; urgency=low
* SoftwareProperties/
- don't bomb when searching for the mirror (lp: #57015)
* UpdateManager/
- added "%s-proposed" to the list of known origins
update-manager (0.44.3) edgy; urgency=low
* help/C/update-manager-C.omf:
- fix url (thanks to daniel holbach, lp: #45548)
* show the units better
* don't jump around on row activation
(thanks to Sebastian Heinlein)
* send "inhibit sleep" to power-manager while applying
updates (lp #40697)
update-manager (0.44.2) edgy; urgency=low
* added select all/unselect all (thanks to Sebastian Heinlein)
* wording fixes
* fix update counting bug
update-manager (0.44.1) edgy; urgency=low
* make UpdateManager check for new distribution releases by
default again
* fix dist-upgrade fetching when run as non-root.
* sort the package list by the origin (UpdateManagerEdgy spec)
update-manager (0.44) edgy; urgency=low
* new SoftwareProperties GUI (thanks to Sebastian Heinlein)
* support easy Popcon pariticipation
update-manager (0.43) edgy; urgency=low
* fixes in the changelog reading code
* speedup in the cache clear code
* runs as user by default now
* uses dbus to implement singleton behaviour
* updated the software-properties code to know about edgy
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu22) dapper; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- fix a 'brown paperback' bug when the Meta-Release file
checked (#46537)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu21) dapper; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- when a distribution release becomes available, display the
version, not the codename (as per
- fix a string that was not marked transltable
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu20) dapper; urgency=low
* SoftwareProperties/, channels/
- remove the codenames from the releases (as per
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu19) dapper; urgency=low
* help/C/figures:
- applied "pngcrush" on the figures in the manual,
this saves 4 MB uncompressed (ubuntu: #45901)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu18) dapper; urgency=low
* data/
- fix missing 'translatable="yes"' property (ubuntu: #44409)
- increase width to 620 (ubuntu: #40540)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu17) dapper; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- depend on later python-apt (#45325)
* SoftwareProperties/
- fix key updating after import (ubuntu #44927)
* UpdateManager/
- remove debug output
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu16) dapper; urgency=low
* use version and section of the source package (if this information is
available) when building the changelog URL (ubuntu #40058)
* SoftwareProperties/
- if no config is found create a new one (ubuntu: #37560)
* UpdateManager/
- fix problem in changelog reading code when matching against
installed versions with epochs (ubuntu: #40058)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu15) dapper; urgency=low
* disable the install button if there no updates (ubuntu: #42284)
(Thanks to Sebastian Heinlein)
* show main window *after* restoring the size (ubuntu: #42277)
(Thanks to Sebastian Heinlein)
* fix broken spelling, typos, wording (ubuntu: #42431, #28777,
#40425, #40727)
* help/C: merged from the docteam svn (ubuntu: 36092)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu14) dapper; urgency=low
* wording/glade file fixes (thanks to Sebastian Heinlein)
* many updates to the dist-upgrader code
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu13) dapper; urgency=low
* po/ add missing desktop file (ubuntu: #39410)
* UpdateManager/
- fix in the get_changelog logic (ubuntu: #40058)
- correct a error in the changelog parser (ubuntu: #40060)
- fix download size reporting (ubuntu: #39579)
* debian/rules: added dh_iconcache
* install the icons into the hicolor icon schema
(thanks to Sebastian Heinlein)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu12) dapper; urgency=low
* channels/*.in: typo fix
* po/ add missing files (ubuntu: #38738)
* fix the help string in update-manager (ubuntu: #23274)
* fix the bad grammar in "Cannot install all available updates"
(ubuntu: #32864)
* don't inform about new distro release on dapper by default (can be
changed via a gconf setting/commandline switch)
* fix UI issue of the edit dialog for given templates (thanks to
Chipzz for the patch)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu11) dapper; urgency=low
* debian/control:
- depend on unattended-upgrades
- move python-gnome2 to recommends (we only use gconf from it)
* UpdateManager/ update for xubuntu (thanks to Jani Monoses)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu10) dapper; urgency=low
* update-manger: fix a missing import (#36138)
* typo fix (#36123)
* correct dapper version number (#36136)
* keybindings fixed (#36116)
* calc the update before downloading the changelog (#36140)
* add a fake gconf interface for xubuntu (nop for normal ubuntu)
(Thanks to Jani Monoses for the patch)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu9) dapper; urgency=low
* Better English (tm) (fixes#35985)
* Use the the number of available and not selected updates to determinate
if the system is up-to-date (fixes#35300)
* fix ui problem with software preferences (fixes#35987)
* fix width problem in SoftwareProperties
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu8) dapper; urgency=low
* fix a FTBFS
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu7) dapper; urgency=low
* various spelling fixes and ui-glitches
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu6) dapper; urgency=low
* po/pt_BR.po: updated translation
(thanks to Carlos Eduardo Pedroza Santiviago)
* po/pt.po: updated Portugise translation (thanks to Rui Azevedo)
* debian/control: arch: all now
* debian/rules: undo the detection in favour of the simpler update of
the desktop files
* data/,
- added X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain
* help/*: updated to latest svn
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu5) dapper; urgency=low
* debian/rules: Add gettext domain to .server and .desktop files to get
language pack support for them. (Similarly to cdbs'
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu4) dapper; urgency=low
* removed some of the gnome dependencies (gconf still in)
* the ReleaseNotes dialog has clickable links now (thanks to Sebastian
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu3) dapper; urgency=low
* fixed description of the ubuntu repository (#30813)
* use the new synaptic --parent-window-id switch when runing the backend
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low
* SoftwareProperties/
- re-added the internet update options (#27932)
* data/gnome-software-properties.desktop:
- use gksu instead of gksudo (#30057)
* wording fixes (#30296)
update-manager (0.42.2ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low
* UpdateManager/
- never offer a upgrade to a unsupported (i.e. developer) dist
* data/ use X-KDE-SubstituteUID=true
* small UI layout changes (should fix the cancel/close button problem)
update-manager (0.42.1ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low
* UpdateManagert:
improved the HIG complicane more, removed some of the uglines
from the last version (Malone #22090)
* SoftwareProperties:
improved the HIG complicane (Malone #28530)
(thanks to Sebastian Heinlein)
update-manager (0.42ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low
* improved the HIG comlicane, thanks to Sebastian Heinlein:
- Rename the button "close" to "cancel"
- Move status bar to a separate dialog
- Wording
- Add a wider border around the changelog and
- Align and capitalize the button "Cancel downloading"
(ubuntu: #28453)
* bugfixes in the cache locking
update-manager (0.40.2) dapper; urgency=low
* SoftwareProperties/
- fix a problem with transient/parent window in custom apt line
dialog (ubuntu #21585)
- fix a problem in the conf file writer that can lead to absurdly
large files
update-manager (0.40.1) dapper; urgency=low
* SoftwareProperties/
- make it embedded friendlier
update-manager (0.40) dapper; urgency=low
* new upstream release:
- switched from autotools to distutils
- massive code cleanups
- use SimpleGladeApp now
- SoftwareProperties has a new GUI
- UpdateManager has support for upgrading from one dist to another
now (given that the required "recipe" for the upgrade is available)
See for details
- use python-apt for "reload" and "add cdrom" now
- improved the handling of sources.list a lot (including support for
* support for the AutomaticUpgrades spec added via the meta-release
* data/
- use X-KDE-SubstituteUID added and use gksu now
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.15) breezy; urgency=low
* added intltool to build-depends (for rosetta)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.14) breezy; urgency=low
* debian/rules:
- run intltool-update -p for rosetta
* src/
- release the lock before runing gnome-software-properties (ubuntu #17022)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.13) breezy; urgency=low
* src/
- use the right column for type-ahead searching (ubuntu #16853)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.12) breezy; urgency=low
* added locking support
* use explicit path to python2.4 (thanks anthony!) (Ubuntu #16087)
* CTRL-{w,q} close the update-manager window (Ubuntu #15729)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.11) breezy; urgency=low
* fix a typo in the reload tooltip (thanks to P Jones) (ubuntu #14699)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.10) breezy; urgency=low
* fix for a typo in the source of the last upload (*cough*)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.9) breezy; urgency=low
* do a "save" dist-upgrade (add only, no removes)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.8) breezy; urgency=low
* if repository window is running from inside synaptic, don't show "Add
cdrom" button (it's available in the synaptic menu already)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.7) breezy; urgency=low
* if running from inside another application (e.g. synaptic), make sure
the dialogs get a correct parent (ubuntu #14001)
* if nothing changed, do not run "reload" if runing from inside synaptic
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.6) breezy; urgency=low
* remove (parts of) ubuntu branding from the application
* make it run only with python2.4 (ubuntu #10876)
* make sure to always properly escape the strings displayed
in the treeview
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.5) breezy; urgency=low
* updates where not shown sometimes, fixed that (ubuntu #13410)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.4) breezy; urgency=low
* re-read the sources.list after a "add-custom" (ubuntu #9855)
* settings window has a title (ubuntu #10756)
* default actions for the buttons (ubuntu #10741)
* various typos fixed (ubuntu #9866)
* make sure that no dialogs are opened without a parent (ubuntu #10284)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.3) breezy; urgency=low
* use breezy as default for newly created sources (ubuntu #13009)
* be more carefull with preserving the mirror
* a better explaination for the "Reload" button (ubuntu #11432)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.2) breezy; urgency=low
* fix a small problem in the parsing code (ubuntu #8754)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404.1) hoary; urgency=low
* pickup the correct proxy settings from apt (#8668)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050404) hoary; urgency=low
* translation updates:
- xh, fr
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050403) hoary; urgency=low
* translation updates:
- pt_BR, tw
* documentation updates (thanks to Sean Wheller and
Jeff Schering)
* small fixes:
- make sure to not duplicate sources.list entires (even for
- added the hoary-updates to the templates and matchers (#8600)
- some missing i18n strings marked as such (thanks to Zygmunt Krynicki)
- don't fail on missing net connections
- always update the status label
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050323) hoary; urgency=low
* translation updates
* gui can set the new apt cache properties now
* warn about broken packages (#7688)
* only ask to reload the package list if something changed (#7871)
* various focus fixes (#7900)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050314) hoary; urgency=low
* new svn snapshot, lot's of bugfixes and i18n updates.
- fix for a ui problem (#6837)
- read pined packages correctly (#7058)
- update list correctly after reload (#7182)
- tell user when dist-upgrade is needed (#7271)
- cdrom sources can be added now too (#7315)
- meta-release file bugfix (#7330)
- translation updates (da, fr, es, ro, pl)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050304) hoary; urgency=low
* new snapshot, use python-apt depcache now
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050301) hoary; urgency=low
* new snapshot, better de.po, better i18n support
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050228.1) hoary; urgency=low
* fixed a FTBFS (because of the "cleanfiles" in
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050228) hoary; urgency=low
* get the correct candidate version for updatable packages
(ubuntu #6825)
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050221) hoary; urgency=low
* new svn snapshot, fixes:
- #6756: window size too big
- #6767, #6780: gnome-software-properties window broken
update-manager (0.37.1+svn20050219) hoary; urgency=low
* new svn snapshot, fixes:
- #6565, #6565 (typo)
- #6634 (remeber last details state)
- #6635 (progress dialog merged in main window)
- #6578 (hide details if no updates are available)
update-manager (0.37.1) hoary; urgency=low
* typo (#6542)
* package list is sorted now
* applied "hide details if system is update-to-date" patch
(#6578, thanks to Jorge Bernal)
update-manager (0.37) hoary; urgency=low
* test for lock file and show error if the lock is already taken
* use utf8 for the description
* changelogs are fetched from now
(closes: #6315)
* handle 404 from http and set the error accordingly
* set main_window to not sensitive when downloading changelogs
* if no updates are available, hide the checkbox column (closes: #6443)
update-manager (0.36.6) hoary; urgency=low
* various bugfixes and embedding of synaptics progress windows
update-manager (0.36.5) hoary; urgency=low
* disabled sources can now be displayed too (optional preference)
* comments can be added
* various bugfixes
update-manager (0.36.4) hoary; urgency=low
* regression of the last upload fixed
* gnome-software-properties can be embedded into other windows now
(usefull for e.g. synaptic)
update-manager (0.36.3) hoary; urgency=low
* updates to the main window design
update-manager (0.36.2) hoary; urgency=low
* new main window layout in update-manager
(Michiel design, looks _so_ nice)
update-manager (0.36.1) hoary; urgency=low
* columns are resizable now (closes: #5541)
* lot's of typo/gui-glitches fixes (closes: #5200, #5816, #5801, #5802)
update-manager (0.36) hoary; urgency=low
* new upstream release, added support to control APT::Periodic::*
variables in gnome-software-properties
update-manager (0.35) hoary; urgency=low
* new upstream release
- typo fix (closes: #5200)
update-manager (0.34) hoary; urgency=low
* new upstream release
update-manager (0.33) hoary; urgency=low
* new upstream release, featuring the gnome-software-properties
update-manager (0.32) hoary; urgency=low
* new upstream release
update-manager (0.31-1ubuntu1) hoary; urgency=low
* Update Build-Deps and fix FTBFS.
update-manager (0.31-1) hoary; urgency=low
* new upstream release, added icon, desktop file and bugfix
update-manager (0.3-1) hoary; urgency=low
* New upstream release, inital ubuntu release
update-manager (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
update-manager (0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Um Yeah.
update-manager (0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Release.