diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/checkUpdate.py b/checkUpdate.py
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/checkUpdate.py
rename to checkUpdate.py
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/checkUpdate.pyc b/checkUpdate.pyc
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/checkUpdate.pyc
rename to checkUpdate.pyc
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/Resources.qrc b/data/Resources.qrc
similarity index 60%
rename from kylin-update-notify/data/Resources.qrc
rename to data/Resources.qrc
index d68938f..6859cf5 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify/data/Resources.qrc
+++ b/data/Resources.qrc
@@ -2,7 +2,5 @@
- background_upgrade_icon.png
- close.png
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service b/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service
similarity index 62%
rename from kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service
rename to data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service
index 34f7c2a..d5e9c63 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service
+++ b/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ Description=系统升级后台检测程序
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/kylin-background-upgrade --check-upgrade
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.timer b/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.timer
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.timer
rename to data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.timer
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade-template.conf b/data/kylin-background-upgrade-template.conf
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade-template.conf
rename to data/kylin-background-upgrade-template.conf
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop b/data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop
similarity index 78%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop
rename to data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop
index 2e53db2..f592f81 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop
+++ b/data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[Desktop Entry]
-Exec=/usr/bin/kylin-background-upgrade --check-immediately
+Exec=/usr/bin/kylin-background-upgrade %u
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-update.timer.conf b/data/kylin-update.timer.conf
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-update.timer.conf
rename to data/kylin-update.timer.conf
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/org.ukui.log4qt.kylin-background-upgrade.gschema.xml b/data/org.ukui.log4qt.kylin-background-upgrade.gschema.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/org.ukui.log4qt.kylin-background-upgrade.gschema.xml
rename to data/org.ukui.log4qt.kylin-background-upgrade.gschema.xml
diff --git a/data/update.png b/data/update.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a28e913
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/update.png differ
diff --git a/kylin-background-upgrade.pro b/kylin-background-upgrade.pro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c28cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kylin-background-upgrade.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+QT += core gui dbus network KWindowSystem sql
+greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
+CONFIG += c++11 link_pkgconfig
+# 项目名
+TARGET = kylin-background-upgrade
+LIBS +=-lukui-log4qt -lpython2.7
+# 执行文件装载
+target.path = /usr/bin
+target.source += $$TARGET
+ ./src/core.cpp \
+ ./src/main.cpp \
+ ./src/traydbus.cpp \
+ ./src/trayicon.cpp \
+ ./src/updatehandle.cpp \
+ ./src/updatewidget.cpp
+ ./src/core.h \
+ ./src/traydbus.h \
+ ./src/trayicon.h \
+ ./src/updatehandle.h \
+ ./src/updatewidget.h
+# service文件装载 manul
+service_manul.files = ./data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service
+service_manul.path = /usr/lib/systemd/user/
+# timer文件装载
+timer_manul.files = ./data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.timer
+timer_manul.path = /usr/lib/systemd/user/
+# desktop文件装载
+desktop.files = ./data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop
+desktop.path = /usr/share/applications/
+conf.files = ./data/kylin-background-upgrade-template.conf
+conf.path = /var/lib/kylin-background-upgrade/
+# 日志配置文件
+schemes.files += data/org.ukui.log4qt.kylin-background-upgrade.gschema.xml
+schemes.path = /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
+TRANSLATIONS += translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts
+ translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts
+ translation.path = /usr/share/kylin-background-upgrade
+ translation.files += translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm
+ translation.files += translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm
+INSTALLS += target desktop conf translation schemes service_manul timer_manul
+PKGCONFIG += gsettings-qt
+FORMS += \
+ ./src/updatewidget.ui
+ ./data/Resources.qrc
+ ./data/update.png
+ checkUpdate.py
diff --git a/kylin-background-upgrade.pro.user b/kylin-background-upgrade.pro.user
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7c7ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kylin-background-upgrade.pro.user
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ EnvironmentId
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+ 桌面
+ 桌面
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+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ /home/lxy/kylin-background-upgrade/sp3/build-kylin-background-upgrade-unknown-Debug
+ true
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+ false
+ false
+ true
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+ false
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+ false
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+ 2
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+ Debug
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+ 2
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+ true
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+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
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+ Clean
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+ 2
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+ Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4BuildConfiguration
+ 0
+ /home/lxy/kylin-background-upgrade/sp3/build-kylin-background-upgrade-unknown-Profile
+ true
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+ true
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ Qt4ProjectManager.MakeStep
+ false
+ false
+ 2
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+ Build
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+ true
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+ true
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+ false
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+ Clean
+ Clean
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+ 2
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+ 0
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+ Deploy
+ ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Deploy
+ 1
+ ProjectExplorer.DefaultDeployConfiguration
+ 1
+ dwarf
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+ 250
+ -e
+ cpu-cycles
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+ 3
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+ 8
+ 9
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+ 14
+ 2
+ kylin-background-upgrade2
+ Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4RunConfiguration:/home/lxy/kylin-background-upgrade/OpenKylin/make_deb/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade.pro
+ /home/lxy/kylin-background-upgrade/OpenKylin/make_deb/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade.pro
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ /home/lxy/kylin-background-upgrade/sp3/build-kylin-background-upgrade-unknown-Debug
+ 1
+ ProjectExplorer.Project.TargetCount
+ 1
+ ProjectExplorer.Project.Updater.FileVersion
+ 22
+ Version
+ 22
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/README.md b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2620f7b..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# kylin-background-upgrade
-## 主要功能:
-> 由后台定时器定时调起,访问源服务器检测是否有强制更新与可选更新
-> 检测到强制更新内容在后台升级,托盘不显示
-> 如果控制面板的自动检测更新关闭,则后台托盘程序不提醒用户更新
-> 检测到可选更新弹出交互界面
-> 点击同意更新按钮,调到控制面板更新页面,托盘程序退出
-> 点击暂不更新按钮,退出托盘程序
-## 注意事项:
-> 如果托盘应该出现的情况下没出现,请查看是否收纳。在控制面板>个性化>显示在托盘上的图标中,把更新管理器托盘程序改成显示。
-> 如果托盘打印信息为:“源管理器updateSource is failed,连接失败,程序退出”,请查看源管理器是否启动,如已启动,请执行: sudo pkill -f start_dbus sudo
-> killall kylin-software-properties-service sudo kylin-software-properties-service 后,再启动托盘程序。
-> 静默升级时,会在命令行打印信息
-> 右下角提示,在不进行其他操作时,不退出
-## 启动定时器:
-> 定时器与托盘服务名称: kylin-background-upgrade-timer.timer kylin-background-upgrade.service
-> 查看定时器是否工作: systemctl --user status kylin-background-upgrade-timer.timer
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/Resources.qrc b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/Resources.qrc
deleted file mode 100644
index d68938f..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/Resources.qrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- update.png
- background_upgrade_icon.png
- close.png
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/background_upgrade_icon.png b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/background_upgrade_icon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 19fb6d0..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/background_upgrade_icon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/close.png b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/close.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ff39832..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/close.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eab582..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Description=Kylin Background Upgrade
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/kylin-background-upgrade --check-upgrade
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.timer b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.timer
deleted file mode 100644
index 9455699..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.timer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/update.png b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/update.png
deleted file mode 100644
index fe222a3..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/data/update.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/changelog b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index d51510b..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-kylin-update-notify ( yangtze; urgency=medium
- *BUG号:无
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:适配新版本updater
- *影响域: 无
- -- luoxueyi Fri, 01 Dec 2023 14:16:50 +0800
-kylin-update-notify ( yangtze; urgency=medium
- * remove depend kylin-software-properties .
- -- luoxueyi Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:08:00 +0800
-kylin-update-notify ( yangtze; urgency=medium
- * Fix the upload error.
- -- handsome_feng Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:55:18 +0800
-kylin-update-notify ( yangtze; urgency=medium
- *BUG号:#issues/I784B9 【arm】【树莓派】【系统更新】控制面板“有更新应用时通知”是关闭的,会自动弹出“检测到有系统更新”弹窗
- #issues/I7847A 【arm】【树莓派】【系统更新】点击“检测到有系统更新”弹窗的“立即更新”按钮,无法跳转到控制面板系统更新页面
- #issues/I76LO5 【wayland】【控制面板】【更新】更新提示弹窗未显示在屏幕右下角
- #issues/I768RV 【控制面板】【更新】推迟提醒计时器时间错乱,在未到推迟时间又重新出现弹窗
- #issues/I74KO7 【控制面板】【更新】开启"有更新应用时通知",在通知弹窗中点击"立即更新"无法跳转到控制面板-更新界面
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:无
- *影响域: 无
- -- luoxueyi Fri, 09 Jun 2023 10:13:18 +0800
-kylin-update-notify ( yangtze; urgency=medium
- *BUG号:135671 【wayland】【更新升级】设置推迟时间不生效,到推迟的时间后没有再次出现自动更新弹窗
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:无
- *影响域: 无
- -- luoxueyi Tue, 18 Apr 2023 09:46:45 +0800
-kylin-update-notify ( yangtze; urgency=medium
- * patch from zhangdongwei
- -- Xie Wei Thu, 21 Jul 2022 19:41:21 +0800
-kylin-update-notify ( yangtze; urgency=medium
- * add BR: python2.7-dev
- -- Xie Wei Thu, 21 Jul 2022 18:26:14 +0800
-kylin-update-notify ( yangtze; urgency=medium
- * build for openKylin
- * 修改为quilt格式
- -- Xie Wei Thu, 21 Jul 2022 18:08:51 +0800
-kylin-update-notify ( yangtze; urgency=medium
- *BUG号:无
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:无
- *影响域: 系统更新-静默升级
- -- luoxueyi Thu, 21 Jul 2022 17:57:12 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade ( v101; urgency=medium
- *BUG号:121781 【在线更新】中文环境下,静默更新完成后,右上角及侧边栏通知未汉化
- 122046 【更新升级】配置静默推送,但是仓库源不存在推送的包,后台日志有报错,功能未见异常
- 122183 【在线更新】上午8-12点外仍会弹出更新通知
- 122425 【在线更新】设置每隔1min38s弹出通知,在弹出的通知弹窗中点击推迟,1min38s后再次弹出更新通知
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:无
- *影响域: 系统更新-静默升级
- -- luoxueyi Thu, 07 Jul 2022 18:34:30 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade ( v101; urgency=medium
- *BUG号:无
- *需求号:# 12723 【更新升级】静默升级接口重构
- # 13511 【更新升级】系统可选更新通知机制优化
- *其他改动说明:更新kylin-system-updater后端接口
- *影响域: 系统更新-静默升级
- -- luoxueyi Mon, 06 Jun 2022 16:24:14 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.3.1+0527kord0) v101; urgency=medium
- *BUG号:无
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:更新kylin-system-updater后端接口
- -- luoxueyi Fri, 20 May 2022 15:58:48 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.3.1+0520) v101; urgency=medium
- *BUG号:无
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:更新kylin-system-updater后端接口
- -- luoxueyi Fri, 20 May 2022 15:58:48 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.3.1+0125.2) v101; urgency=medium
- *BUG号:104479
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:无
- -- wanghailiang Tue, 25 Jan 2022 10:11:46 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.3.1+0111.1) v101; urgency=medium
- *BUG 号: 102451
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:无
- -- liyanda Tue, 11 Jan 2022 18:05:55 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0830.4hw1) v101.hw; urgency=medium
- *BUG 号:无
- *需求号:无
- *其他改动说明:测试设置固定值的窗口出现位置
- -- liyanda Thu, 29 Apr 2021 19:24:32 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0331.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * 更新界面拉起控制面板异常问题
- -- liyanda Wed, 31 Mar 2021 19:26:45 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0324.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * 适配高分屏
- -- liyanda Wed, 24 Mar 2021 18:53:48 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0320.5) v101; urgency=medium
- * 优化弹窗布局
- -- liyanda Sat, 20 Mar 2021 16:23:38 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0316.3) v101; urgency=medium
- * 更改定时器生成机制
- -- liyanda Mon, 15 Mar 2021 12:37:14 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0312.2) v101; urgency=medium
- * 增加推迟提醒功能
- -- liyanda Fri, 12 Mar 2021 15:07:45 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0303.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * 更新文件锁内容
- -- liyanda Wed, 03 Mar 2021 13:49:46 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0204.2) v101; urgency=medium
- * 更改托盘图标提示方式
- -- liyanda1234 Thu, 04 Feb 2021 11:32:41 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0201.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * Change file lock path
- * 更改文件锁路径
- -- liyanda1234 Mon, 01 Feb 2021 15:46:09 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0129.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * Modify the problem of abnormal installation
- * 修改安装异常的问题
- -- liyanda1234 Fri, 29 Jan 2021 13:48:21 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0126.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * 更改后台更新错误处理机制
- -- liyanda1234 Tue, 26 Jan 2021 16:42:59 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0122.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * 更改托盘选择页面的ui
- -- liyanda1234 Fri, 22 Jan 2021 15:13:40 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0120.4) v101; urgency=medium
- * 更改消息通知逻辑
- * 更改环境变量
- * 更改托盘图标右键内容
- -- liyanda1234 Wed, 20 Jan 2021 11:40:40 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0119.3) v101; urgency=medium
- * Modify message notification icon
- * 修改消息通知图标
- * Standardize message notification content
- * 规范消息通知内容
- * Increase the focus on source management
- * 增加对源管理器重连机制
- -- liyanda1234 Tue, 19 Jan 2021 11:05:27 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0118.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * 增加对更新管理器的启动的判断
- -- liyanda1234 Mon, 18 Jan 2021 17:41:38 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0115.3) v101; urgency=medium
- * 增加中英文翻译
- * 更改单例方式
- * 更改连接dbus的方式
- * 修改server参数,调整定时器调用方式
- -- liyanda1234 Fri, 15 Jan 2021 11:13:31 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0112.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * 修改读取更新管理器数据库地址
- * 修改获取源管理器返回值类型
- -- liyanda1234 Tue, 12 Jan 2021 17:27:38 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0111.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * 增加电量与包大小的判断
- -- liyanda1234 Mon, 11 Jan 2021 13:38:20 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0109.4) v101; urgency=medium
- * 修改了电量错误处理
- -- liyanda1234 Sat, 09 Jan 2021 13:26:51 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0108.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * 重新命名托盘
- -- liyanda1234 Fri, 08 Jan 2021 12:15:37 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0106.3) v101; urgency=medium
- * 增加文件锁的错误处理
- -- liyanda1234 Wed, 06 Jan 2021 14:29:43 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.2.1+0104.8) v101; urgency=medium
- * 增加文件锁
- * 增加消息通知功能
- -- liyanda1234 Mon, 04 Jan 2021 10:18:57 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.1.1+1231.2) v101; urgency=medium
- * 新增托盘静默更新气泡提示
- * 重构dbus连接代码
- -- liyanda1234 Thu, 31 Dec 2020 14:43:43 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.1.1+1230.5) v101; urgency=medium
- * 更改获取包列表的方式
- -- liyanda1234 Wed, 30 Dec 2020 20:53:18 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.1.1+1229.6) v101; urgency=medium
- * 更改任务栏显示的问题
- -- liyanda1234 Tue, 29 Dec 2020 17:00:00 +0800
-kylin-background-upgrade (1.1.1+1229.1) v101; urgency=medium
- * firstlog
- -- liyanda1234 Wed, 23 Dec 2020 15:18:22 +0800
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/control b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index dd7c4ea..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Source: kylin-update-notify
-Maintainer: kylin
-Section: universe/admin
-Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper-compat(=12),
- qtbase5-dev,
- libxml2-dev,
- libxml2,
- libqt5svg5-dev,
- libglib2.0-dev,
- qttools5-dev-tools,
- qtchooser,
- libgsettings-qt-dev,
- libqt5dbus5,
- nvme-cli,
- libqapt-dev,
- libkf5windowsystem-data,
- libkf5windowsystem-dev,
- libkf5windowsystem5,
- libkf5windowsystem-doc,
- libukui-log4qt-dev,
-Standards-Version: 4.1.3
-Package: kylin-update-notify
-Architecture: any
-Section: universe/admin
-Priority: optional
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
- kylin-system-updater ( >= )
-Breaks: kylin-update-tray
-Description: kylin background upgrade
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/install b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/install
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d1cc74..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-kylin-update-notify.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/
-checkUpdate.py /usr/share/kylin-update-notify
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/postinst b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/postinst
deleted file mode 100755
index 18fefff..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-systemctl --user daemon-reload
-systemctl --global enable kylin-background-upgrade-silent.timer
-systemctl --global enable kylin-background-upgrade-manul.timer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/postrm b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/postrm
deleted file mode 100644
index c9010ea..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/postrm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#if [ ! -f "/etc/systemd/user/kylin-background-upgrade-timer.timer" ];then
-#echo "remove_timer"
-#rm /etc/systemd/user/kylin-background-upgrade-timer.timer
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/rules b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index 9e47e96..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all
-export QT_SELECT := qt5
- dh $@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/source/format b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 89ae9db..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (native)
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/source/options b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/source/options
deleted file mode 100644
index 06e1ae9..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/debian/source/options
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/env.pri b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/env.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index 673db9f..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/env.pri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-INCLUDEPATH = ./widgets
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/kylin-update-notify-immutable.pro b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/kylin-update-notify-immutable.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 450bff3..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/kylin-update-notify-immutable.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-QT += core gui dbus network KWindowSystem sql
-greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
-CONFIG += c++11 link_pkgconfig
-# 项目名
-TARGET = kylin-background-upgrade
-LIBS +=-lukui-log4qt
-INCLUDEPATH +=./widgets
- ./src/core.cpp \
- ./src/main.cpp \
- ./src/traydbus.cpp \
- ./src/trayicon.cpp \
- ./src/updatehandle.cpp \
- ./src/updatewidget.cpp
- ./src/core.h \
- ./src/traydbus.h \
- ./src/trayicon.h \
- ./src/updatehandle.h \
- ./src/updatewidget.h
-TRANSLATIONS += translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts \
- translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts
-PKGCONFIG += gsettings-qt kysdk-waylandhelper
-FORMS += \
- ./src/updatewidget.ui
- ./data/Resources.qrc
- ./data/update.png
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/core.cpp b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/core.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 269318f..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/core.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#include "core.h"
-core::core(QString getnum, QWidget *parent)
- : QMainWindow(parent)
- updateHandle = new updatehandle(getnum,this);
- connect(updateHandle,&updatehandle::execSignal,this,&core::execSlots);
- this->setWindowFlags(Qt::SubWindow);
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << __LINE__;
-void core::execSlots()
- emit execSignal();
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/main.cpp b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e3c717b..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-#include "core.h"
-#define PROGRAM_NAME "kylin-background-upgrade"
-#define LOG_NAME "/.config/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade.log"
-#define LOG_SILENT_NAME "/.config/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade-silent.log"
-#define LOG_MANUL_NAME "/.config/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.log"
-static FILE *fp = NULL;
-QString toDir;
-static bool _silentOrManul = true;
-void msgHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext& context, const QString& msg)
- static char logPath[255] = {0};
- int uid = -1;
- static int pid = 0;
- Q_UNUSED(context);
- QDateTime currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
- QString timeStr = currentTime.toString("yy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss +zzz");
- pid = (int)getpid();
- uid = (int)getuid();
- // 获取用于控制命令行输出的环境变量
- char *ctrlEnv = getenv("BACKGROUND_UPGRADE_DEBUG");
- QString env;
- // 格式化输出字符串,添加消息发生时间、消息等级
- QString outMsg;
- switch (type) {
- case QtDebugMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
- break;
- case QtInfoMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
- break;
- case QtWarningMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
- break;
- case QtCriticalMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
- break;
- case QtFatalMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
- }
- if (fp != NULL) {
- // 日志文件存在,则输出到日志文件中
- fprintf(fp, "%s\n", outMsg.toUtf8().data());
- fflush(fp);
- }
- if (ctrlEnv != NULL) {
- // 环境变量为true或者1,则将信息输出到命令行
- env = QString(ctrlEnv).toLower();
- if ((env == "true") || (env == "1")) {
- fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", outMsg.toStdString().c_str());
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- }
- // 遇到致命错误,需要终止程序(这里终止程序是可选的)
- if (type == QtFatalMsg)
- abort();
-void log_env_init(QString arg){
- static int uid = -1;
- static char logPath[98] = {0};
- bool _is_root = false;
- toDir = QDir::homePath();
- toDir += "/.config/kylin-background-upgrade/";
- QDir dir(toDir);
- if(!dir.exists()) {
- dir.mkdir(toDir);
- }
- // 初始执行时,设置log文件路径
- if (uid == -1) {
- uid = getuid();
- }
- if (uid == 0) {
- // root user
- sprintf(logPath, "/var/log/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade.log");
- _is_root = true;
- } else {
- // normal user
- // sprintf(logPath, "/run/user/%d/%s.log", uid, PROGRAM_NAME);
- //QString 转 const char*
- std::string str = QDir::homePath().toStdString();
- const char* ch = str.c_str();
- if (arg == "--check-upgrade" || arg == "--check-immediately") {
- sprintf(logPath, "%s%s", ch, LOG_MANUL_NAME);
- } else {
- sprintf(logPath, "%s%s", ch, LOG_SILENT_NAME);
- }
- }
- if (access(logPath, F_OK|W_OK) == 0) { // log文件存在且可写
- if (fp == NULL)
- fp = fopen(logPath, "a+");
- QFileInfo info(logPath);
- if (info.size() > 1024*1024*20) { //20MB
- fclose(fp); fp = NULL;
- QFile fileclean(logPath);
- fileclean.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QFile::Truncate);
- fileclean.close();
- if (fp == NULL)
- fp = fopen(logPath, "a+");
- }
- } else if (access(logPath, F_OK) != 0){ //文件不存在
- if (fp == NULL) {
- if (_is_root) { //root用户日志文件
- QDir* dir = new QDir();
- if(!dir->exists("/var/log/kylin-background-upgrade/")){
- dir->mkpath("/var/log/kylin-background-upgrade/");
- }
- fp = fopen(logPath, "a+");
- if (fp == NULL)
- printf("Can't open logfile!\n");
- } else {
- fp = fopen(logPath, "a+");
- if (fp == NULL)
- printf("Can't open logfile!\n");
- }
- }
- } else {
- // log文件不可写,则需要判断是否被打开过,被打开过就需要关闭
- if (fp != NULL)
- fclose(fp);
- fp = NULL;
- }
-bool _is_openkylin()
- QString command = "lsb_release -i -s";
- QProcess process;
- process.start(command);
- process.waitForFinished();
- QString result = process.readAllStandardOutput();
- int ret = result.left(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.length()).compare(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.left(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.length()));
- return (0 == ret)?true:false;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- QString arg=QString::fromLatin1(argv[1]);
- log_env_init(arg);
- qInstallMessageHandler(msgHandler);
- char *dis_env=getenv("DISPLAY");
- QString display_env(dis_env);
- if(display_env != NULL){
- qDebug()<<"The desktop graphics environment is normal, DISPLAY="<= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0))
- QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling);
- QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps);
- setenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME","ukui",true);
- qunsetenv("SESSION_MANAGER");
- QApplication a(argc, argv);
- core m_core(arg);
-// QObject::connect(m_core,SIGNAL(execSignal()),&a,SLOT(quit()));
- return a.exec();
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/traydbus.cpp b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/traydbus.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7618f0d..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/traydbus.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-#include "traydbus.h"
-//托盘d-bus 服务
-QStringList traydbusservice::getCrucial()
- QFile file("/var/lib/kylin-software-properties/template/crucial.list");
- if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
- return crucial;
- while (!file.atEnd()) {
- QByteArray line = file.readLine();
- QString str = QString(line);
- qDebug()<isValid()) {
- qDebug() << qPrintable(QDBusConnection::systemBus().lastError().message());
- exit(1);
- }
- interface1->setTimeout(123456789);
- //调用远程的value方法,源管理器update
- qDebug()<<"Start updateSourceTemplate ...";
- QDBusReply reply1 = interface1->call(QDBus::Block, "updateSourceTemplate");
- if (reply1.isValid()) {
- if (reply1.value()) {
-// QDBusReply reply2 = interface1->call(QDBus::Block, "updateSourcePackages","kylin-background-upgrade");
-// if (reply2.isValid()) {
-// qDebug()<<"updateSourcePackages return value:"<start(3000);
- if (initSource_Dbus()) {
- connectTimer->stop();
- } else {
- num ++;
- if (num >2) {
- qDebug()<<"updateSourceTemplate failed, exit.";
- exit(0);
- }
- qDebug()<<"updateSourceTemplate failed,Retries are in progress for the "<isValid()) {
- qDebug() << qPrintable(QDBusConnection::systemBus().lastError().message());
- qDebug() << "Failed to connect /com/kylin/systemupgrade ";
- exit(1);
- }
- interface_utils = new QDBusInterface("com.kylin.systemupgrade", "/com/kylin/systemupgrade/utils",
- "com.kylin.systemupgrade.interface",
- QDBusConnection::systemBus());
- if (!interface_utils->isValid()) {
- qDebug() << qPrintable(QDBusConnection::systemBus().lastError().message());
- qDebug() << "Failed to connect /com/kylin/systemupgrade ";
- exit(1);
- }
- //监听D-bus信号,获取安装信息与进度
-// connect(interface,SIGNAL(UpdateDloadAndInstStaChanged(QStringList, int, QString, QString)),this,SLOT(getsignal(QStringList, int, QString, QString)));
-// QDBusConnection::systemBus().connect(QString("com.kylin.systemupgrade"), QString("/com/kylin/systemupgrade"),
-// QString("com.kylin.systemupgrade.interface"),
-// QString("UpdateDloadAndInstStaChanged"), this, SLOT(getsignal(QStringList, int32_t, QString, QString)));
- * @brief update_dbus::getsignal
- * 获取下载进度
- */
-void update_dbus::getsignal(QStringList pkgs, int progess, QString status, QString current_details)
- QString aptStatus = "";
-// QString aptAppName;
- int aptPercent = 0;
-// QVariant dateQVariant;
-// aptStatus = arg;
-// QVariantMap::Iterator it;
-// for (it = key.begin(); it != key.end(); ++it) {
-// if (it.key() == "apt_appname") {
-// dateQVariant = it.value();
-// aptAppName = dateQVariant.toString();
-// }
-// if (it.key() == "apt_percent") {
-// dateQVariant = it.value();
-// aptPercent = dateQVariant.toFloat();
-// }
-// }
-// if (arg == "apt_start" && aptD_busStatus == true) {
-// aptD_busStatus =false;
-// }
-// if ((arg == "apt_start" || arg == "apt_finish") && (aptPercent == 0 || aptPercent == 100)) {
-// emit aptAppNames_Percentsignal(aptAppName,aptPercent,true);
-// } else if (arg == "apt_error" ) {
-// emit aptAppNames_Percentsignal(aptAppName,aptPercent,false);
-// }
- if (aptPercent != progess) {
- aptPercent = progess;
- emit aptAppNames_Percentsignal(pkgs.at(0),aptPercent,status);
- }
- * @brief update_dbus::checkForUpdates
- * 检测强制推送列表
- */
-QStringList update_dbus::checkForUpdates(QStringList arg)
- QDBusReply reply = interface_utils->call("CheckInstalledOrUpgrade",arg);
- if (reply.isValid())
- {
- qDebug()<<"The upgradeable list:"< res = interface->asyncCall("UpdateDetect");
- qDebug() << "UpdateDetect (mode: MODE_UPDATE_DETECT) ...";
- return true;
- * @brief update_dbus::installAndUpgrade
- * 静默升级入口
- */
-bool update_dbus::installAndUpgrade(QStringList pkgNames)
- installpkgs = pkgNames;
- //调用D-bus接口,安装软件
- connect(interface,SIGNAL(UpdateDetectFinished(bool,QStringList,QString,QString)),this,SLOT(slotUpdateCache(bool,QStringList,QString,QString)));
-// QDBusPendingCall call = interface_utils->asyncCall("InstallPackages","kylin-background-upgrade", installpkgs);
- QDBusPendingCall call = interface->asyncCall("UpdateCache");
- qDebug() << "UpdateCache (mode: MODE_UPDATE_CACHE) ..."; //MODE_UPDATE_CACHE
- return true;
-void update_dbus::slotInstallFinish(bool status, QStringList pkgs,QString error,QString details)
- emit UpdateInstallFinished(status,pkgs,error,details);
-void update_dbus::UpdateDectSlot(bool status, QStringList pkgs,QString error,QString details)
- emit UpdateDectFinished(status,pkgs,error,details);
-void update_dbus::slotUpdateCache(bool status,QStringList pkgslist,QString errorstring,QString errorcode)
- if (status) {
- qDebug() << "MODE_UPDATE_CACHE finish .";
- connect(interface,SIGNAL(UpdateInstallFinished(bool,QStringList,QString,QString)),this,SLOT(slotInstallFinish(bool,QStringList,QString,QString)));
- interface->asyncCall("InstallPackages", installpkgs);
- } else {
- qDebug() << "Call UpdateCache (mode: MODE_UPDATE_CACHE) failed, exit!";
- exit(0);
- }
- * @brief update_dbus::listenState
- * 监听状态
- * @return
- */
-bool update_dbus::listenState()
- QDBusReply r4eply = interface->call("get_important_status");
- return r4eply;
-power_dbus::power_dbus(QObject *parent)
- :QObject(parent)
- * @brief power_dbus::initDbusaddrest
- * 连接电源管理器的dbus,获取dbus路径
- * @return
- */
-bool power_dbus::initDbusaddrest()
- QStringList users;
- QDBusInterface m_interface1( "org.freedesktop.UPower",
- "/org/freedesktop/UPower",
- "org.freedesktop.UPower",
- QDBusConnection::systemBus() );
- if (!m_interface1.isValid()) {
- qDebug() << "< org.freedesktop.UPower > initialization failed!";
- return false;
- }
- QDBusReply> obj_reply = m_interface1.call("EnumerateDevices");
- if (obj_reply.isValid()) {
- for (QDBusObjectPath op : obj_reply.value())
- users << op.path();
- if (users.size()==1 || users.isEmpty()) {
- qDebug()<<"Failed to obtain the remaining battery capacity, The built-in power supply cannot be detected ...";
- return false;
- }
- powerpath=users.at(1);
- return true;
- }
- return true;
- * @brief power_dbus::getPower_Dbus
- * 连接电源管理器的dbus
- * @return
- */
-QString power_dbus::getPower_Dbus()
- QDBusInterface m_interface( "org.freedesktop.UPower",
- powerpath,
- "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
- QDBusConnection::systemBus());
- if (!m_interface.isValid()) {
- qDebug() << "电源管理器dbus接口初始化失败";
- return "false";
- }
- QDBusReply obj_reply = m_interface.call("Get","org.freedesktop.UPower.Device","Percentage");
- QString Ele_surplus=obj_reply.value().toString();
- return Ele_surplus;
-UserIdStatus::UserIdStatus(QObject *parent)
- :QObject(parent)
- initUserIdStatus();
-void UserIdStatus::initConnectionInfo()
-// qRegisterMetaType("MyClass");
-// QDBusInterface m_interface1("org.freedesktop.login1",
-// "/org/freedesktop/login1",
-// "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager",
-// QDBusConnection::systemBus() );
-// if (!m_interface1.isValid()) {
-// qDebug() << "dbus接口初始化失败";
-// return;
-// }
-// QDBusMessage res = m_interface1.call("ListUsers");
-// qDebug() << res.arguments().at(0).value().IDName;
-// qDebug()< res = m_interface1.call("Get","org.freedesktop.login1.User","State");
- UIDStatus = res.value().toString();
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/traydbus.h b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/traydbus.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 795f869..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/traydbus.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-class traydbusservice : public QObject
- //定义Interface名称为com.scorpio.test.value
- Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "com.scorpio.test.value")
- traydbusservice();
- QStringList crucial;
- QStringList important;
-public slots:
- QStringList getCrucial();
- QStringList getImportant();
- void connectSuccessslots();
- void quitslots();
- QString ready(QString ret);
- QString connectSuccessSignal();
- QString quitsignal();
-class source_dbus: public QObject
- explicit source_dbus(QObject *parent = nullptr);
- ~source_dbus();
- QString serialNumber;
- QTimer *connectTimer;
- int num=0;
- static source_dbus *getInstance();
- QDBusInterface *interface1; //连接源更新管理器的D-bus
- bool initSource_Dbus();
- static source_dbus *sourceMutual; //UpdateDbus类静态对象
-public slots:
- void connectDbus();
- void ready();
-class update_dbus: public QObject
- explicit update_dbus(QObject *parent = nullptr);
- ~update_dbus();
- static update_dbus *getInstance();
- QDBusInterface *interface; //连接更新管理器的D-bus
- QDBusInterface *interface_utils; //kylin-system-updater utils
- void initUpdate_Dbus();
- static update_dbus *updateMutual; //UpdateDbus类静态对象
- QStringList checkForUpdates(QStringList arg); //检测是否有更新
- bool checkForUpdateDect(); //检测系统更新
- bool installAndUpgrade(QStringList pkgNames); //静默升级入口
- QTimer *timer;
- bool aptD_busStatus=true; //发送状态的标志位
- bool listenState();
- QStringList installpkgs;
- void ready();
- void aptAppNames_Percentsignal(QString arg,int32_t args,QString state); //发送正在下载安装的包名以及进度
- void dowloadStart();
- void UpdateInstallFinished(bool,QStringList,QString,QString);
- void UpdateDectFinished(bool,QStringList,QString,QString);
-protected slots:
- void getsignal(QStringList, int, QString, QString);
- void slotUpdateCache(bool,QStringList,QString,QString);
- void slotInstallFinish(bool,QStringList,QString,QString);
- void UpdateDectSlot(bool,QStringList,QString,QString);
-class power_dbus: public QObject
- power_dbus(QObject *parent = nullptr);
- ~power_dbus();
- QDBusInterface *interface; //连接更新管理器的D-bus
- bool initDbusaddrest();
- QString getPower_Dbus();
- QString powerpath;
- void ready();
-protected slots:
-class MyClass
- uint32_t uidnum;
- QString IDName;
- QDBusObjectPath address;
-class UserIdStatus: public QObject
- UserIdStatus(QObject *parent = nullptr);
- ~UserIdStatus();
- QString UIDStatus;
- void initConnectionInfo();
- void initUserIdStatus();
- void ready();
-protected slots:
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatehandle.cpp b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatehandle.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e04ed5..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatehandle.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,750 +0,0 @@
-#include "updatehandle.h"
-updatehandle::updatehandle(QString getnum1,QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
- argnum = getnum1;
- initTranslator(); //加载翻译文件
- getpower(); //获取电量值
- readconf(); //读取配置文件设定值
- initDbus(); //初始化dbus
- initUI(argnum); //初始化托盘程序
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << __LINE__;
- * @brief updatehandle::initTranslator
- * 加载翻译文件
- */
-void updatehandle::initTranslator()
- QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator;
- if (translator->load(QLocale(), QLatin1String("kylin-background-upgrade"), QLatin1String("_"), QLatin1String("/usr/share/kylin-background-upgrade"))) {
- QApplication::installTranslator(translator);
- } else {
- qDebug() << "cannot load translator kylin-background-upgrade_" << QLocale::system().name() << ".qm!";
- }
- * @brief updatehandle::getpower
- * 获取电量值
- */
-void updatehandle::getpower()
- //获取电量信息
- Power_dbus = new power_dbus(this);
- powerState = Power_dbus->initDbusaddrest();
- if (powerState) {
- powerNum = Power_dbus->getPower_Dbus();
- qDebug()<<"电脑电量值为:"<UIDStatus == "online") {
- qDebug()<<"非活跃窗口,禁止启动";
- exit(0);
- }
- m_updateMutual = update_dbus::getInstance(); //初始化更新管理器d-bus
- m_sourceMutual = source_dbus::getInstance(); //初始化源管理器d-bus
- * @brief updatehandle::initUI
- * 初始化界面类
- */
-void updatehandle::initUI(QString argnum)
- timerDownload = new QTimer(this);
- connect(timerDownload, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(downloadTimeout()));
- if(argnum.contains("--check-immediately")){
- qDebug()<<"exec --check-immediately";
- } else if(argnum.contains("--check-upgrade")) {
- qDebug()<<"exec --check-upgrade";
- } else {
- qDebug()<<"exec slient.";
- }
- trayIcon = new trayicon(this);
- bool ignore_or_delay = ignoreOrDelay(argnum.contains("--check-immediately",Qt::CaseInsensitive));
- choice_window = new updatewidget(ignore_or_delay);//更新选择页面
- tip_window = new updateTip(); //静默升级提示
- if (argnum == "") {
- //监听连接源管理器d-bus
- //监听托盘点击事件,3:单击,2:双击,1:右键
- connect(trayIcon,&trayicon::activated, this,&updatehandle::onActivated);
- connect(m_sourceMutual,&source_dbus::ready,this,&updatehandle::getTemplateList);
- m_sourceMutual->connectDbus();
- } else if (argnum.contains("--check-upgrade",Qt::CaseInsensitive)||ignore_or_delay) {
- //连接关闭功能槽函数
- connect(choice_window,&updatewidget::disAgreeBtnSignals,this,&updatehandle::execslots);
- UpdateDectCheck(ignore_or_delay);
- } else {
- qDebug()<<"No update,exit!";
- exit(0);
- }
- * @brief updatehandle::tray_Show
- * 启动托盘选择页面
- */
-void updatehandle::tray_Show()
- if(checktime()){
- if (!m_updateMutual->listenState()) {
- if (m_getsql()) {
- qDebug()<<"m_getsql 的值为true";
- choice_window->update_lab->setText(tr("System update"));
- if (argnum != "update") {
- choice_window->updateWidgetShow();
- }
- } else {
- qDebug()<<"更新管理器关闭检测更新,托盘程序结束";
- exit(0);
- }
- } else {
- qDebug()<<"更新管理器已运行,程序退出";
- exit(0);
- }
- } else {
- qDebug()<<"配置文件设定时间未到,程序退出";
- exit(0);
- }
- * @brief updatehandle::checktime
- * 进行当前时间与配置文件时间比对
- * @return
- * true: 当前时间大于配置文件时间
- * false: 当前时间小于配置文件时间
- */
-bool updatehandle::checktime()
- timersetting->beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Timer"));
- CheckUpgradeTime = timersetting->value("CheckUpgradeTime").toString();
- QDateTime datetime = QDateTime::fromString(CheckUpgradeTime, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
- //结束组
- timersetting->endGroup();
- QDateTime Nowtime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //获取系统现在的时间
- qint64 nSecs = Nowtime.secsTo(datetime); //对比
- qDebug()<<"Get timing time: "<isHidden()){
- QPoint pt=cursor().pos();
- tip_window->move(pt.x(),pt.y()-45);
- tip_window->show();
- } else {
- tip_window->hide();
- }
- * @brief updatehandle::getTemplateList
- * 获取源管理器文件中的可选更新与强制更新列表
- */
-void updatehandle::getTemplateList()
- qDebug()<<"Parses the optional update list and the mandatory update list ...";
- QMap updatedata;
- QString str1;
- QString str2;
- QStringList m_crucial;
- QFile file1("/var/lib/kylin-software-properties/template/crucial.list");
- if (!file1.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){
- qDebug()<<"cat not open file crucial.list";
- exit(0);
- }
- while (!file1.atEnd()) {
- QByteArray line = file1.readLine();
- str1 += QString(line);
- }
- str1.replace(QString("\n"), QString(""));
- m_crucial = str1.split(QRegExp("[ ]"));
- m_crucial.removeAll(QString(""));
- qDebug()<<"The crucial lists: "< data)
- qDebug()<<"Monitor the installation progress and status signal ...";
- //ksu获取进度,状态
- connect(m_updateMutual,&update_dbus::UpdateInstallFinished,this,&updatehandle::InstallFinsih);
- QStringList crucial;
- QMap::iterator it;
- for (it = data.begin();it != data.end();it++) {
- if (it.key() == "crucial") {
- crucial = it.value();
- } else if (it.key() == "important") {
- important = it.value();
- }
- }
- qDebug()<<"Checking silent upgrade list: "<checkForUpdates(crucial);
- if (!checkCrucialAll.isEmpty()) {
- handleCrucial(checkCrucialAll);
- } else {
- qDebug() << "Silent upgrade list is empty, exit!";
- exit(0);
- }
- * @brief updatehandle::handleCrucial
- * 处理静默升级包
- * @param checkCrucialAll
- * 传入包列表
- */
-void updatehandle::handleCrucial(QStringList checkCrucialAll)
- QStringList crucialPackageSize;
- QStringList crucialPackage;
- if (checkCrucialAll.count()%2 != 0) {
- qDebug()<<"The format of the silent upgrade list is incorrect, exit!";
- exit(0);
- }
- if (argnum != "update") {
- //提取包名与大小信息
- for (int i=0;istart(20*60*1000);
- if (powerState) { //判断是否获取到电量
- if (powerNum.toInt()setVisible(true);
- qDebug()<<"The system is updating silently ...";
- m_updateMutual->installAndUpgrade(crucialPackage);
- } else {
- exit(0);
- }
- } else {
- notify_send(tr("The system is updating silently"));
- trayIcon->setVisible(true);
- qDebug()<<"The system is updating silently ...";
- m_updateMutual->installAndUpgrade(crucialPackage);
- }
- } else {
- notify_send(tr("The system is updating silently"));
- trayIcon->setVisible(true);
- qDebug()<<"The system is updating silently ...";
- m_updateMutual->installAndUpgrade(crucialPackage);
- }
- }
- * @brief updatehandle::UpdateDectSlot
- * 处理可选升级包
- */
-void updatehandle::UpdateDectSlot(bool status,QStringList list,QString errorstring,QString errorcode)
- if (!status) {
- qDebug() << "Update Detect failed: " << QString("%1 %2").arg(errorstring).arg(errorcode);
- exit(0);
- } else {
- if (list.length() == 0) {
- qDebug() << "The software on this computer is up to date, exit!";
- exit(0);
- } else {
- choice_window->update_lab->setText(tr("System update"));
- if (argnum != "update") {
- choice_window->updateWidgetShow();
- }
- }
- }
- //完成检测,刷新下次更新标志位
- timersetting->beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Timer"));
- timersetting->setValue("GeneratRandomTime",true);
- timersetting->setValue("CheckCompleted",true);
- timersetting->sync();
- timersetting->endGroup();
- * @brief updatehandle::UpdateDectCheck
- * 处理可选升级包
- */
-void updatehandle::UpdateDectCheck(bool _check_immediately)
- //判断是否有系统更新
- if(checktime() || !RandomizedExecute || _check_immediately){
- if (m_getsql() || _check_immediately) {
- qDebug()<<"Detection update has been opened ...";
- connect(m_updateMutual,&update_dbus::UpdateDectFinished,this,&updatehandle::UpdateDectSlot);
- bool ret= m_updateMutual->checkForUpdateDect();
- } else {
- qDebug()<<"Detection updates have been disabled, exit!";
- exit(0);
- }
- } else {
- qDebug()<<"The scheduled time is not reached, exit.";
- exit(0);
- }
- * @brief updatehandle::ignoreOrDelays
- * 处理可选升级包
- */
-bool updatehandle::ignoreOrDelay(bool mode)
- static char flagPath[64] = {0};
- sprintf(flagPath, "/var/cache/kylin-update-manager/ignoreOrDelay");
- bool ignore_or_delay = false;
- QFile file(flagPath);
- //判断是否完成第一步更新
- if (access(flagPath, F_OK) == 0) { // flag文件存在且可写
- qDebug()< setPackageSize) {
- qDebug()<<"包大小超出设定大小,程序退出";
- return false;
- }
- }
- qDebug()<<"包大小符合预定大小";
- return true;
- * @brief updatehandle::register_dbus
- */
-void updatehandle::register_dbus()
- //建立到session bus的连接
- QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
- //在session bus上注册名为com.scorpio.test的服务
- if (!connection.registerService("com.scorpio.test")) {
- qDebug() << "error:" << connection.lastError().message();
- exit(-1);
- }
- object = new traydbusservice();
- //注册名为/test/objects的对象,把类Object所有槽函数导出为object的method
- connection.registerObject("/test/objectsd", object,QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots| QDBusConnection :: ExportAllSignals);
- connect(object,&traydbusservice::quitsignal,[=](){
- emit execSignal();
- });
- connect(object,&traydbusservice::connectSuccessSignal,[=](){
- dbusConnectStatus = true;
- emit object->ready("success");
- });
- * @brief updatehandle::d_busStatus
- * 判断下载状态的槽函数
- * @param arg : Appname
- * @param args : aptpercent
- * @param state : state
- */
-void updatehandle::d_busStatus(QString arg,int32_t args,QString state)
- if (!checkCrucial.isEmpty() && messstate2) {
- messstate2=false;
- trayIcon->setVisible(true);
- }
-// qDebug()<<"下载进度:";
-// qDebug()<<"Appname:"<stop();
- //apt返回失败时判断是否安装成功
- if (!state)
- _check_status = package_installation_status(checkCrucial);
- if(state || _check_status){
- qDebug() << "Silent upgrade is complete, exit.";
- notify_send(tr("The system has completed an important update, It is recommended that you restart immediately."));
- }else{
- QString errorstate = tr("update error");
- QString errorName;
- errorName = QString("%1 %2").arg(error).arg(errorstate);
- qDebug() << "Silent update failed: "<setVisible(false);
- tip_window->hide();
- exit(0);
-bool updatehandle::package_installation_status(QStringList pkgs)
- QString pkgname;
- QString cmd;
- QProcess process;
- bool status,status_single;
- for (QStringList::iterator it = pkgs.begin(); it != pkgs.end(); ++it) {
- pkgname = *it;
- status_single = false;
- cmd = QString("dpkg -l %1").arg(pkgname);
- process.start(cmd);
- process.waitForFinished();
- QByteArray result_ = process.readAllStandardOutput();
- if (QString::fromLocal8Bit(result_) != "") {
- QStringList rets = QString::fromLocal8Bit(result_).split(QRegExp("[\n]"),QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- for (QStringList::iterator it_ret = rets.begin(); it_ret != rets.end(); ++it_ret) {
- QString ret;
- ret = *it_ret;
- if (ret.contains(pkgname) && ret.startsWith("ii")) {
- status_single = true;
- qDebug() << "pkg "<beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Timer"));
- timersetting->setValue("CheckCompleted",false);
- timersetting->setValue("GeneratRandomTime",false);
- timersetting->sync();
- timersetting->endGroup();
- emit execSignal();
- * @brief updatehandle::notify_send
- * 发送消息通知函数
- * @param arg
- * 发送的正文
- */
-void updatehandle::notify_send(QString arg)
- QDBusInterface iface("org.freedesktop.Notifications",
- "/org/freedesktop/Notifications",
- "org.freedesktop.Notifications",
- QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
- QList args;
- args< time2Slot.at(0)) {
- return 1;
- } else if (time1Slot.at(0) == time2Slot.at(0)) {
- if (time1Slot.at(1) > time2Slot.at(1)) {
- return 1;
- } else if (time1Slot.at(1) == time2Slot.at(1)) {
- return 0;
- } else if (time1Slot.at(1) < time2Slot.at(1)) {
- return -1;
- }
- } else if (time1Slot.at(0) < time2Slot.at(0)) {
- return -1;
- }
- * @brief updatehandle::readconf
- * 读取配置文件
- */
-void updatehandle::readconf()
- QMap Timer;
- Timer.insert("CheckCompleted", bool(false));
- Timer.insert("CheckUpgradeTime", " ");
- Timer.insert("CheckUpgradeTimeSlot", "14:30:00-16:30:00");
- Timer.insert("GeneratRandomTime", bool(true));
- Timer.insert("RandomizedExecute", bool(true));
- QMap Settings;
- Settings.insert("powersize", int(1));
- Settings.insert("setpackagesize", "999999999");
-// qDebug()<<"Settings "< ir_timer(Timer);
- QMapIterator ir_settings(Settings);
- QSettings *code_conf = new QSettings(confPath,QSettings::IniFormat);
- code_conf->beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Timer"));
- while(ir_timer.hasNext()){
- ir_timer.next();
- code_conf->setValue(ir_timer.key(), ir_timer.value());
- }
- code_conf->sync();
- code_conf->endGroup();
- code_conf->beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Settings"));
- while(ir_settings.hasNext()){
- ir_settings.next();
- code_conf->setValue(ir_settings.key(), ir_settings.value());
- }
- code_conf->sync();
- code_conf->endGroup();
- }
- timersetting = new QSettings(confPath,QSettings::IniFormat);
- timersetting->beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Timer"));
- CheckUpgradeTime = timersetting->value("CheckUpgradeTime").toString();
- CheckUpgradeTimeSlot = timersetting->value("CheckUpgradeTimeSlot").toString();
- RandomizedExecute = timersetting->value("RandomizedExecute").toBool();
- GeneratRandomTime = timersetting->value("GeneratRandomTime").toBool();
- CheckCompleted = timersetting->value("CheckCompleted").toBool();
- qDebug()<<"[ CheckUpgradeTime: "<endGroup();
- timersetting->beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Settings"));
- powerSize = timersetting->value("powersize").toInt();
- setPackageSize = timersetting->value("setpackagesize").toFloat();
- timersetting->endGroup();
- QStringList timeSlot = CheckUpgradeTimeSlot.split("-");
- qDebug()<<"timeSlot "<beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Timer"));
- QString timing = current_date+' '+timeSlot.at(0);
- QString start_timing = timeSlot.at(0);
- QString end_timing = timeSlot.at(1);
- QStringList start_timingSlot,end_timingSlot;
- QString time0,time1,time2,time3;
- if (start_timing.contains(":")){
- start_timingSlot = start_timing.split(":");
- time0 = start_timingSlot.at(0);
- time1 = start_timingSlot.at(1);
- }
- if (end_timing.contains(":")){
- end_timingSlot = end_timing.split(":");
- time2 = end_timingSlot.at(0);
- time3 = end_timingSlot.at(1);
- }
- int strayParameter = (time2.toInt()*60+time3.toInt())-(time0.toInt()*60+time1.toInt());
- a = 0;
- if (strayParameter<0){
- qDebug() << "Time format error.";
- }else if (strayParameter==0) {
- qDebug() << "strayParameter: "<< strayParameter << ", a "<setValue("CheckCompleted",false);
- }
- QString timing_time = bojb.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").toLatin1().data();
- timersetting->setValue("CheckUpgradeTime",timing_time);
- timersetting->setValue("GeneratRandomTime",false);
- qDebug()<< "CheckUpgradeTime "<sync();
- timersetting->endGroup();
- }
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatewidget.cpp b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatewidget.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ef46e46..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatewidget.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
-#include "updatewidget.h"
-#include "ui_updatewidget.h"
-#include "ukuistylehelper/ukuistylehelper.h"
-#include "windowmanager/windowmanager.h"
-#define PANEL_DBUS_SERVICE "com.ukui.panel.desktop"
-#define PANEL_DBUS_PATH "/"
-#define PANEL_DBUS_INTERFACE "com.ukui.panel.desktop"
-#define UKUI_PANEL_SETTING "org.ukui.panel.settings"
-#define DBUS_NAME "org.ukui.SettingsDaemon"
-#define DBUS_PATH "/org/ukui/SettingsDaemon/wayland"
-#define DBUS_INTERFACE "org.ukui.SettingsDaemon.wayland"
-updatewidget::updatewidget(bool check_Tips, QWidget *parent) :
- QWidget(parent),
- ui(new Ui::Form)
- ui->setupUi(this);
- //设置出现在屏幕的位置以及大小
- listenPanelChange();
- QString xdg_session_type = qgetenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE");
- if (xdg_session_type != "wayland"){
- initPanelDbusGsetting();
- GetsAvailableAreaScreen();
- qDebug()<<"not wayland";
- bIsWayland = false;
- } else {
- //注释掉的是原先的接口,已经废除。采用原本的获取方式
-// initset_window_position();
-// set_window_position();
- initPanelDbusGsetting();
- GetsAvailableAreaScreen();
- qDebug()<<"wayland";
- bIsWayland = true;
- }
- _check_Tips = check_Tips;
- //设置任务栏无显示
- setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint);
- setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);
- update_lab = new QLabel();
- icon_lab = new QLabel();
- tip_lab = new QLabel();
- tip_lab->setText(tr(" Updatable app detected on your system!"));
- agreebtn = new FixButton();
- delaybtn = new FixButton();
- window_close = new QPushButton(this);
- window_close->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("window-close-symbolic"));
- window_close->setProperty("isWindowButton", 0x2);
- window_close->setProperty("useIconHighlightEffect", 0x8);
- window_close->setFlat(true);
- window_close->setToolTip(tr("Close"));
- window_close->installEventFilter(this);
- connect(window_close, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &updatewidget::onClick_close_btn);
- QPixmap icon(QIcon::fromTheme("ukui-control-center").pixmap(QSize(26,26)));
- m_pfirstlayout = new QVBoxLayout();
- m_labellayout = new QHBoxLayout();
- m_psecondlayout = new QHBoxLayout();
- m_pselectlayout = new QHBoxLayout();
- comboBox = new QComboBox();
- comboBox->clear();
- strList<addItems(strList);
- comboBox->installEventFilter(this);
- labelwidget = new QWidget();
- selectWidget = new QWidget();
- statwidget = new QWidget();
- agreebtn->setText(tr("Update"),1);
- agreebtn->installEventFilter(this);
- delaybtn->setText(tr("Delay"),1);
- delaybtn->installEventFilter(this);
- connect(agreebtn,&QPushButton::clicked,this,&updatewidget::agreeBtnClicked);
- connect(comboBox,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(comboBoxClicked(int)));
- connect(delaybtn,&QPushButton::clicked,this,&updatewidget::delayBtnClicked);
- icon_lab->setPixmap(icon);
- icon_lab->setScaledContents(true);
- icon_lab->setMaximumSize(26,26);
- update_lab->setMaximumHeight(26);
- update_lab->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,3);
- window_close->setFixedSize(24,24);
- window_close->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,3);
- m_labellayout->addWidget(icon_lab);
- m_labellayout->addWidget(update_lab);
- m_labellayout->addStretch();
- m_labellayout->addWidget(window_close);
- m_labellayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,20);
- labelwidget->setLayout(m_labellayout);
- m_pselectlayout->addWidget(tip_lab);
- m_pselectlayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,25);
- selectWidget->setLayout(m_pselectlayout);
- m_psecondlayout->addStretch();
- comboBox->setFixedHeight(35);
- comboBox->setMinimumWidth(135);
- comboBox->setMaximumWidth(155);
- agreebtn->setFixedSize(100,35);
- if (_check_Tips)
- m_psecondlayout->addWidget(delaybtn);
- else
- m_psecondlayout->addWidget(comboBox);
- m_psecondlayout->addWidget(agreebtn);
- m_psecondlayout->setSpacing(15); //set space between comboBox and btn
- m_psecondlayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,12,12);
- statwidget->setLayout(m_psecondlayout);
- m_pfirstlayout->addWidget(labelwidget);
- m_pfirstlayout->addWidget(selectWidget);
- m_pfirstlayout->addWidget(statwidget);
- m_pfirstlayout->setSpacing(2);
- this->setLayout(m_pfirstlayout);
- this->setFixedSize(435,160);
-// QGSettings *settings;
-// if(QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled("org.ukui.style")){
-// settings = new QGSettings("org.ukui.style");
-// connect(settings,&QGSettings::changed,this,&ActiveConnectionWidget::GSettingsChanges);
-// }
-// const QByteArray transparency_id(TRANSPARENCY_SETTINGS);
-// if(QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled(transparency_id)) {
-// transparency = new QGSettings(transparency_id);
-// }
-// if(QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled(transparency_id)) {
-// getTransparency();
-// connect(transparency,&QGSettings::changed,this,&ActiveConnectionWidget::GSettingsChanges);
-// }
- this->setProperty("useStyleWindowManager", false);
- this->setProperty("useSystemStyleBlur", true);
- this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true);
- this->setWindowOpacity(0.9);
-// labelwidget->setStyleSheet("background-color:green;");
-// update_lab->setStyleSheet("background-color:blue;");
-// selectWidget->setStyleSheet("background-color:red;");
-// statwidget->setStyleSheet("background-color:orange;");
-// comboBox->setStyleSheet("background-color:violet;");
-// agreebtn->setStyleSheet("background-color:yellow;");
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << __LINE__;
- delete ui;
-void updatewidget::updateWidgetShow()
- this->show();
- qDebug()<<"should show:"<windowHandle(), updateWidgetRect);
- else
- this->setGeometry(updateWidgetRect);
-void updatewidget::onClick_close_btn()
- // emit disAgreeBtnSignals();
- qDebug()<<"User Cancel reminder, exit tray program!";
- // exit(0);
- qApp->quit();
- * @brief updatewidget::eventFilter
- * 事件过滤器
- */
-bool updatewidget::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
- if (obj == this->window_close) { //指定window_close
- if (event->type() == QEvent::HoverMove) {
- QPushButton *close_btn = qobject_cast(obj);
- if (close_btn) {
- QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), close_btn->toolTip());
- }
- }
- } else if (obj == this->agreebtn || obj == this->delaybtn) {
- if (event->type() == QEvent::HoverMove) {
- FixButton *btn = qobject_cast(obj);
- if (btn) {
- QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), btn->toolTip());
- }
- }
- } else if (obj == this->comboBox) {
- if (event->type() == QEvent::HoverMove) {
- QComboBox *comboBox = qobject_cast(obj);
- if (comboBox) {
- QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), comboBox->toolTip());
- }
- }
- }
- return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event);
- * @brief updatewidget::initPanelDbusGsetting
- * 初始化与任务栏gsetting和dbus
- */
-void updatewidget::initPanelDbusGsetting()
- /* 链接任务栏Dbus接口,获取任务栏高度和位置 */
- m_pServiceInterface = new QDBusInterface(PANEL_DBUS_SERVICE, PANEL_DBUS_PATH, PANEL_DBUS_INTERFACE, QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
- m_pServiceInterface->setTimeout(2147483647);
- connect(m_pPanelSetting, &QGSettings::changed,[=](QString key){
- if ("panelposition" == key | "panelsize" == key) {
- GetsAvailableAreaScreen();
- }
- });
-void updatewidget::listenPanelChange()
- /* 链接任务栏dgsetting接口 */
- if(QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled(UKUI_PANEL_SETTING))
- m_pPanelSetting = new QGSettings(UKUI_PANEL_SETTING);
- * @brief updatewidget::connectTaskBarDbus
- * 链接任务栏dbus获取高度的接口
- * @return
- */
-int updatewidget::connectTaskBarDbus()
- int panelHeight = 46;
- if (m_pPanelSetting != nullptr) {
- QStringList keys = m_pPanelSetting->keys();
- if (keys.contains("panelsize")) {
- panelHeight = m_pPanelSetting->get("panelsize").toInt();
- }
- } else {
- QDBusMessage msg = m_pServiceInterface->call("GetPanelSize", QVariant("Hight"));
- panelHeight = msg.arguments().at(0).toInt();
- return panelHeight;
- }
- return panelHeight;
- * @brief updatewidget::getPanelSite
- * 获取任务栏状态位置下上左右
- * @return
- * 返回任务栏位置
- */
-int updatewidget::getPanelSite()
- int panelPosition = 0;
- if (m_pPanelSetting != nullptr) {
- QStringList keys = m_pPanelSetting->keys();
- if (keys.contains("panelposition")) {
- panelPosition = m_pPanelSetting->get("panelposition").toInt();
- }
- } else {
- QDBusMessage msg = m_pServiceInterface->call("GetPanelPosition", QVariant("Site"));
- panelPosition = msg.arguments().at(0).toInt();
- }
- qDebug() << "Current Position of ukui panel: " << panelPosition;
- return panelPosition;
- * @brief updatewidget::GetsAvailableAreaScreen
- * 获取屏幕的可用区域高度和宽度并设置位置
- */
-void updatewidget::GetsAvailableAreaScreen()
- //如果取不到任务栏的高度,还是优先获取桌面分辨率,可用区域
- if ((0 == connectTaskBarDbus()) && (0 == getPanelSite())) {
- QScreen* pScreen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
- QRect DeskSize = pScreen->availableGeometry();
- m_nScreenWidth = DeskSize.width(); //桌面分辨率的宽
- m_nScreenHeight = DeskSize.height(); //桌面分辨率的高
- } else {
- //如果取到任务栏的高度,则取屏幕分辨率的高度
- int h = connectTaskBarDbus();
- QRect screenRect = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->geometry();
- m_nScreenWidth = screenRect.width();
- m_nScreenHeight = screenRect.height();
- m_pPeonySite = getPanelSite();
- switch (m_pPeonySite)
- {
- case updatewidget::PanelDown :
- {
- qDebug()<<"Taskbar coordinates: [ '"< reply = interface.call("GetPanelPosition", str);
- return reply;
-int updatewidget::getTaskbarHeight(QString str)
- QDBusInterface interface( "com.ukui.panel.desktop",
- "/",
- "com.ukui.panel.desktop",
- QDBusConnection::sessionBus() );
- QDBusReply reply = interface.call("GetPanelSize", str);
- return reply;
-int updatewidget::getScreenGeometry(QString methodName)
- int res = 0;
- QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(DBUS_NAME,
- methodName);
- QDBusMessage response = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(message);
- if (response.type() == QDBusMessage::ReplyMessage) {
- if(response.arguments().isEmpty() == false) {
- int value = response.arguments().takeFirst().toInt();
- res = value;
- }
- } else {
- qDebug()<geometry();
- int priX = getScreenGeometry("x");
- int priY = getScreenGeometry("y");
- int priWid = getScreenGeometry("width");
- int priHei = getScreenGeometry("height");
- QRect screenGeometry = qApp->primaryScreen()->geometry();
- availableWidth = priX + priWid;
- availableHeight = priY + priHei;
- totalHeight = screenGeometry.height();
- totalWidth = screenGeometry.width();
- int distance = 4;
- int n = 0;
- int m = 46;
- n = getTaskbarPos("position");
- m = getTaskbarHeight("height");
- if(n == 0){
- //任务栏在下侧
- this->setGeometry(priWid-435-distance,availableHeight-160-m-distance,this->width(),this->height());
- qDebug()<<"任务栏在下侧"<width()<<" "<height();
- }else if(n == 1){
- //任务栏在上侧
- this->setGeometry(priWid-435-distance,availableHeight-160-distance,this->width(),this->height());
- qDebug()<<"任务栏在上侧"<width()<<" "<height();
- } else if (n == 2){
- //任务栏在左侧
- this->setGeometry(priWid-435-distance,availableHeight-160-distance,this->width(),this->height());
- qDebug()<<"任务栏在左侧"<width()<<" "<height();
- } else if (n == 3){
- //任务栏在右侧
- this->setGeometry(availableWidth-435-m-distance,availableHeight-160-distance,this->width(),this->height());
- qDebug()<<"任务栏在右侧"<width()<<" "<height();
- }
- * @brief updatewidget::insideTime
- * 获取时间
- * @return
- */
-char *updatewidget::insideTime()
- qDebug()<<"current select: "<comboBox->currentText();
- QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //获取系统现在的时间
- QString str = time.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); //设置显示格式
- QByteArray str2char2 = str.toLatin1(); // must
- char *nowtime = str2char2.data();
- if(comboBox->currentText() == strList.at(0)) {
- QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //获取系统现在的时间
- QString str = time.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); //设置显示格式
- QDateTime bojb = QDateTime::fromString(str,"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").addSecs(1800);
- QString str1 = bojb.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
- QByteArray str2char2 = str1.toLatin1(); // must
- nowtime = str2char2.data();
- return nowtime;
- } else if (comboBox->currentText() == strList.at(1)) {
- QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //获取系统现在的时间
- QString str = time.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); //设置显示格式
- QDateTime bojb = QDateTime::fromString(str,"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").addSecs(3600);
- QString str1 = bojb.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
- QByteArray str2char2 = str1.toLatin1(); // must
- nowtime = str2char2.data();
- return nowtime;
- } else if (comboBox->currentText() == strList.at(2)) {
- QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //获取系统现在的时间
- QString str = time.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); //设置显示格式
- QDateTime bojb = QDateTime::fromString(str,"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").addSecs(18000);
- QString str1 = bojb.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
- QByteArray str2char2 = str1.toLatin1(); // must
- nowtime = str2char2.data();
- return nowtime;
- } else if (comboBox->currentText() == strList.at(3)) {
- QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //获取系统现在的时间
- QString str = time.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); //设置显示格式
- QDateTime bojb = QDateTime::fromString(str,"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").addDays(1);
- QString str1 = bojb.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
- QByteArray str2char2 = str1.toLatin1(); // must
- nowtime = str2char2.data();
- return nowtime;
- } else if (comboBox->currentText() == strList.at(4)) {
- QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //获取系统现在的时间
- QString str = time.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); //设置显示格式
- QDateTime bojb = QDateTime::fromString(str,"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").addDays(3);
- QString str1 = bojb.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
- QByteArray str2char2 = str1.toLatin1(); // must
- nowtime = str2char2.data();
- return nowtime;
- }
- return nowtime;
-bool updatewidget::_is_openkylin()
- QString command = "lsb_release -i -s";
- QProcess process;
- process.start(command);
- process.waitForFinished();
- QString result = process.readAllStandardOutput();
- int ret = result.left(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.length()).compare(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.left(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.length()));
- return (0 == ret)?true:false;
- * @brief updatewidget::agreeBtnClicked
- * 同意更新按钮槽函数
- */
-void updatewidget::agreeBtnClicked()
- emit agreeBtnSignals();
- bool _is_2107 = true;
- QFile file("/etc/os-release");
- if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
- QString line;
- QTextStream in(&file);
- line = in.readLine();
- while(!line.isNull()) {
- line = in.readLine();
- if(line.contains("KYLIN_RELEASE_ID")) {
- _is_2107 = false;
- }
- }
- }
- file.close();
- QProcess p(0);
- p.startDetached("ukui-control-center -m upgrade");
- qDebug()<<"exec -m upgrade";
- p.waitForStarted();
- qDebug()<<"Open the control panel and start updating immediately, exit tray program!";
- exit(0);
- * @brief updatewidget::comboBoxClicked
- * 推迟框槽函数
- */
-void updatewidget::comboBoxClicked(int num)
- //判断是否有kylin-background-upgrade目录,没有则创建
- QString toDir = QDir::homePath();
- toDir += "/.config/kylin-background-upgrade/";
- QDir dir(toDir);
- if(! dir.exists()) {
- dir.mkdir(toDir);//只创建一级子目录,即必须保证上级目录存在
- }
- toDir += "kylin-background-upgrade-conf.ini";
- QFileInfo fileInfo(toDir);
- if (!fileInfo.exists()) {
- qDebug()<<"The periodic configuration file fails to be opened, exit!";
- exit(0);
- } else {
- char *nowtime=insideTime();
- qDebug() << "current timing: "<beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Timer"));
- timersettings->setValue("CheckUpgradeTime",nowtime);
- timersettings->sync();
- timersettings->endGroup();
- }
- emit disAgreeBtnSignals();
- qDebug()<<"Users do not update, exit tray program!";
- exit(0);
- * @brief updatewidget::delayBtnClicked
- * 延迟提醒,退出
- */
-void updatewidget::delayBtnClicked()
- qDebug() << "User deferred updates, exit!";
- exit(0);
- * @brief updatewidget::paintEvent
- * 样式绘画画家
- * @param e
- */
-void updatewidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
- QStyleOption opt;
- opt.init(this);
- QPainter p(this);
- /* 获取当前剪贴板中字体的颜色,作为背景色;
- * 白字体 --> 黑背景
- * 黑字体 --> 白字体
- */
- p.setBrush(opt.palette.color(QPalette::Base));
- p.setOpacity(1);
- p.setPen(QPen(QColor(220,220,220)));
- QPainterPath path;
- opt.rect.adjust(0,0,0,0);
- path.addRoundedRect(opt.rect,12,12);
- p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); //反锯齿
- p.drawRoundedRect(opt.rect,12,12);
- setProperty("blurRegion",QRegion(path.toFillPolygon().toPolygon()));
- style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
- QFontMetrics fontMetrics(this->font());
- QString current_str = comboBox->currentText();
- int fontSize = fontMetrics.width(current_str);
- int showTextSize = comboBox->width() - 32;
- if (fontSize > showTextSize) {
- QString elidedText = fontMetrics.elidedText(comboBox->currentText(), Qt::ElideRight, showTextSize);
- comboBox->setItemText(comboBox->currentIndex(), elidedText);
- comboBox->setToolTip(current_str);
- }
- QWidget::paintEvent(e);
- * @brief updateTip::updateTip
- * 提示框
- * @param parent
- */
-updateTip::updateTip(QWidget *parent) :
- QWidget(parent)
- //设置任务栏无显示
- setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint);
- setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::Popup);
- m_layout = new QVBoxLayout();
- tipLabel = new QLabel();
- tipLabel->setText(tr("The system is updating silently"));
- m_layout->addWidget(tipLabel);
- this->setLayout(m_layout);
- this->setProperty("useSystemStyleBlur", true);
- this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true);
- this->setWindowOpacity(0.9);
- * @brief updateTip::paintEvent
- * 样式绘画画家
- * @param e
- */
-void updateTip::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
- QStyleOption opt;
- opt.init(this);
- QPainter p(this);
- /* 获取当前剪贴板中字体的颜色,作为背景色;
- * 白字体 --> 黑背景
- * 黑字体 --> 白字体
- */
- p.setBrush(opt.palette.color(QPalette::Base));
- p.setOpacity(1);
- p.setPen(QPen(QColor(220,220,220)));
- QPainterPath path;
- opt.rect.adjust(0,0,0,0);
- path.addRoundedRect(opt.rect,4,4);
- p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); //反锯齿
- p.drawRoundedRect(opt.rect,4,4);
- setProperty("blurRegion",QRegion(path.toFillPolygon().toPolygon()));
- style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
- QWidget::paintEvent(e);
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatewidget.h b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatewidget.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 15f0c30..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatewidget.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#include "Button/fixbutton.h"
-namespace Ui {
-class Form;
-class updatewidget : public QWidget
- explicit updatewidget(bool check_Tips, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- ~updatewidget();
- enum PanelStatePosition
- {
- PanelDown = 0,
- PanelUp,
- PanelLeft,
- PanelRight
- };
- bool _check_Tips;
- QLabel *update_lab;
- QLabel *icon_lab;
- QLabel *tip_lab;
- QLabel *close_lab;
- FixButton *agreebtn;
- FixButton *delaybtn;
- QPushButton *window_close;
- QWidget *labelwidget;
- QWidget *statwidget;
- QWidget *selectWidget;
- QStringList strList;
- QPixmap *icon;
- QVBoxLayout *m_pfirstlayout = nullptr;
- QHBoxLayout *m_labellayout = nullptr;
- QHBoxLayout *m_psecondlayout = nullptr;
- QHBoxLayout *m_pselectlayout = nullptr;
- QDBusInterface* m_pServiceInterface; // 获取任务栏的高度
- QGSettings *m_pPanelSetting = nullptr;
- QComboBox *comboBox;
- int m_nScreenWidth; // 屏幕分辨率的宽
- int m_nScreenHeight; // 屏幕分辨率的高
- int m_pPeonySite; // 任务栏位置
- QSettings *timersettings; //读取timer配置文件
- QRect updateWidgetRect;
- bool bIsWayland = false;
- int connectTaskBarDbus();
- int getPanelSite();
- void GetsAvailableAreaScreen();
- char *insideTime();
- int getTaskbarPos(QString str);
- int getTaskbarHeight(QString str);
- int getScreenGeometry(QString methodName);
- void set_window_position();
- void initset_window_position();
- void listenPanelChange();
- void initPanelDbusGsetting(); // 初始化与任务栏gsetting和dbus
- bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *); // 添加事件过滤器声明
- bool _is_openkylin();
- void updateWidgetShow();
- Ui::Form *ui;
- void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
- void agreeBtnSignals();
- void disAgreeBtnSignals();
-protected slots:
- void agreeBtnClicked();
- void comboBoxClicked(int);
- void delayBtnClicked();
- void onClick_close_btn();
-class updateTip : public QWidget
- explicit updateTip(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- ~updateTip();
- QLabel *tipLabel;
- QVBoxLayout *m_layout = nullptr;
- void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
-protected slots:
-#endif // TRAYWIDGET_H
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm
deleted file mode 100644
index 535b5f5..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bf37ed..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- Form
- Form
- trayicon
- The system is updating silently
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཁ་རོག་གེར་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱེད་སྒང་།
- updateTip
- The system is updating silently
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཁ་རོག་གེར་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱེད་སྒང་།
- updatehandle
- System update
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་གསར་སྒྱུར་
- The system is updating silently
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཁ་རོག་གེར་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱེད་སྒང་།
- The system has completed an important update, It is recommended that you restart immediately.
- མ་ལག་གི་འགག་རྩའི་གསར་སྒྱུར་ཞིག་ལེགས་གྲུབ་དང་།བསམ་འཆར་ལ་ཁྱེད་རང་འཕྲལ་མར་བསྐྱར་འབྱེད་།
- update error
- རིམ་འཕར་འགྲུབ་མེད།
- kylin-background-upgrade
- རྒྱབ་སྟེགས་གསར་སྒྱུར་བྱ་རིམ།
- update
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་རིམ་སྤོར་
- updatewidget
- Updatable app detected on your system!
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་གསར་སྒྱུར་རྣམ་གྲངས་
- Close
- སྒོ་རྒྱག་པ་
- 30 minutes later
- ཕྱིར་འགྱངས་སྐར་མ་30།
- 1 hour later
- ཆུ་ཚོད་གཅིག་ནར་འགྱངས་།
- 5 hours later
- ཆུ་ཚོད་5ནར་འགྱངས་།
- 1 day later
- ཉིན་གཅིག་ནར་འགྱངས་།
- 3 days later
- ཉིན་གསུམ་ནར་འགྱངས་།
- Update
- ལམ་སང་གསར་སྒྱུར་
- Delay
- ནར་འགྱངས།
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1025f13..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/Button/button.pri b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/Button/button.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index ded778b..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/Button/button.pri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- $$PWD/fixbutton.cpp \
- $$PWD/fixbutton.h \
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/Button/fixbutton.cpp b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/Button/fixbutton.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fed4aad..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/Button/fixbutton.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include "fixbutton.h"
-FixButton::FixButton(QWidget *parent):
- QPushButton(parent)
-void FixButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
- QFontMetrics fontMetrics(this->font());
- int fontSize = fontMetrics.width(mStr);
- int showTextSize = this->width() - 32;
- if (fontSize > showTextSize) {
- this->setText(fontMetrics.elidedText(mStr, Qt::ElideRight, showTextSize), false);
- this->setToolTip(mStr);
- } else {
- this->setText(mStr, false);
- this->setToolTip("");
- }
- QPushButton::paintEvent(event);
-void FixButton::setText(const QString & text, bool saveTextFlag)
- if (saveTextFlag)
- mStr = text;
- QPushButton::setText(text);
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/Button/fixbutton.h b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/Button/fixbutton.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f30dbe..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/Button/fixbutton.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _FIXBUTTON_H_
-#define _FIXBUTTON_H_
-class FixButton : public QPushButton
- FixButton(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- ~FixButton();
- void setText(const QString &text, bool saveTextFlag = true);
- void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
- QString mStr;
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/widgets.pri b/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/widgets.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index da4ea4f..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/widgets/widgets.pri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/kylin-update-notify.desktop b/kylin-update-notify.desktop
similarity index 64%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/kylin-update-notify.desktop
rename to kylin-update-notify.desktop
index 72d60c6..662e431 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/kylin-update-notify.desktop
+++ b/kylin-update-notify.desktop
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[Desktop Entry]
-Exec=/usr/bin/kylin-update-notify --check-upgrade
+Exec=/usr/bin/kylin-background-upgrade --check-upgrade
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify.pro b/kylin-update-notify.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 2206f0c..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-TEMPLATE = subdirs
- kylin-update-notify \
- kylin-update-notify-immutable
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify.pro.user b/kylin-update-notify.pro.user
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40338c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kylin-update-notify.pro.user
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ EnvironmentId
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+ true
+ true
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+ ProjectExplorer.Project.PluginSettings
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+ 桌面
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+ 0
+ 0
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+ /home/kylin/openkylin/build-kylin-update-notify-unknown-Debug
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+ Build
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+ Clean
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+ Clean
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+ /home/kylin/openkylin/build-kylin-update-notify-unknown-Profile
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+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ /home/kylin/openkylin/build-kylin-update-notify-unknown-Debug/kylin-update-notify-immutable
+ dwarf
+ cpu-cycles
+ 250
+ -e
+ cpu-cycles
+ --call-graph
+ dwarf,4096
+ -F
+ 250
+ -F
+ true
+ 4096
+ false
+ false
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+ false
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+ 1
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+ 0
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+ 13
+ 14
+ 2
+ Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4RunConfiguration:/home/kylin/openkylin/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify.pro
+ /home/kylin/openkylin/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify.pro
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ /home/kylin/openkylin/build-kylin-update-notify-unknown-Debug/kylin-update-notify
+ 2
+ ProjectExplorer.Project.TargetCount
+ 1
+ ProjectExplorer.Project.Updater.FileVersion
+ 22
+ Version
+ 22
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/checkUpdate.py b/kylin-update-notify/checkUpdate.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 23ce81a..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/checkUpdate.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import apt
-import subprocess
-def calculate_upgradable_pkgs():
- cache = apt.Cache()
- pkgs_to_upgrade = []
- for pkg in cache:
- if pkg.is_installed and pkg.is_upgradable :
- pkgs_to_upgrade.append(pkg.name)
- if cache.get_changes():
- cache.clear()
- if len(pkgs_to_upgrade) != 0:
- subprocess.Popen('dbus-send --system --type=signal / com.kylin.update.notification.DownloadFinish', shell=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- calculate_upgradable_pkgs()
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/checkUpdate.pyc b/kylin-update-notify/checkUpdate.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index d168620..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify/checkUpdate.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/background_upgrade_icon.png b/kylin-update-notify/data/background_upgrade_icon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 19fb6d0..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify/data/background_upgrade_icon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/close.png b/kylin-update-notify/data/close.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ff39832..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify/data/close.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-silent.service b/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-silent.service
deleted file mode 100644
index d10f47f..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-silent.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-silent.timer b/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-silent.timer
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a2a70..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-silent.timer
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-template.conf b/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-template.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ac8fb8..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade-template.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop b/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e53db2..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-background-upgrade.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Exec=/usr/bin/kylin-background-upgrade --check-immediately
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-update.timer.conf b/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-update.timer.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 09880ea..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/data/kylin-update.timer.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/org.ukui.log4qt.kylin-background-upgrade.gschema.xml b/kylin-update-notify/data/org.ukui.log4qt.kylin-background-upgrade.gschema.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cc35fcd..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/data/org.ukui.log4qt.kylin-background-upgrade.gschema.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- "true"
- hook qt messages
- Control if hook qt messages
- "DEBUG,console,daily"
- config rootLogger's level and appenders
- config rootLogger's level and appenders:"level,appender"
- ".yyyy-MM-dd"
- daily log file pattern
- set daily log file pattern format:one day
- "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,zzz}(%-4r)[%t]|%-5p| - %m%n"
- set log message's format
- set log message's format
- 3600
- set check log files delay time
- set check log files delay time
- 7
- set log files count
- set log files count,unit s
- 512
- set log files total size
- set log files total size, unit M
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/data/update.png b/kylin-update-notify/data/update.png
deleted file mode 100644
index fe222a3..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify/data/update.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/env.pri b/kylin-update-notify/env.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index 673db9f..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/env.pri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-INCLUDEPATH = ./widgets
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify.desktop b/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d60c6..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Exec=/usr/bin/kylin-update-notify --check-upgrade
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify.pro b/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 450bff3..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/kylin-update-notify.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-QT += core gui dbus network KWindowSystem sql
-greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
-CONFIG += c++11 link_pkgconfig
-# 项目名
-TARGET = kylin-background-upgrade
-LIBS +=-lukui-log4qt
-INCLUDEPATH +=./widgets
- ./src/core.cpp \
- ./src/main.cpp \
- ./src/traydbus.cpp \
- ./src/trayicon.cpp \
- ./src/updatehandle.cpp \
- ./src/updatewidget.cpp
- ./src/core.h \
- ./src/traydbus.h \
- ./src/trayicon.h \
- ./src/updatehandle.h \
- ./src/updatewidget.h
-TRANSLATIONS += translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts \
- translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts
-PKGCONFIG += gsettings-qt kysdk-waylandhelper
-FORMS += \
- ./src/updatewidget.ui
- ./data/Resources.qrc
- ./data/update.png
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/core.h b/kylin-update-notify/src/core.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9647b0e..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/core.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CORE_H
-#define CORE_H
-#include "updatehandle.h"
-class core : public QMainWindow
- core(QString getnum, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- ~core();
- updatehandle *updateHandle;
- void execSignal();
-protected slots:
- void execSlots();
-#endif // CORE_H
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/trayicon.cpp b/kylin-update-notify/src/trayicon.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 612e126..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/trayicon.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#include "trayicon.h"
-trayicon::trayicon(QWidget *parent) : QSystemTrayIcon(parent)
- initAction();
-void trayicon::initAction()
- this->setToolTip(tr("The system is updating silently"));
- this->setIcon(QIcon(":/update.png"));
- m_trayMenu = new QMenu();
- m_topWidget = new QWidget();
- m_topWidget->setFixedSize(30,30);
- m_topWidget->installEventFilter(this);
- m_topWidgetAction = new QWidgetAction(this);
- * @brief trayicon::eventFilter
- * 事件过滤器
- */
-bool trayicon::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
-// if (obj == m_topWidget && event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress)
-// {
-// QPainter painter(m_topWidget);
-// painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
-// painter.setBrush(QColor(42,120,192));
-// painter.drawRect(m_topWidget->rect());
-// }
- return QSystemTrayIcon::eventFilter(obj,event);
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/trayicon.h b/kylin-update-notify/src/trayicon.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e49374..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/trayicon.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TRAYICON_H
-#define TRAYICON_H
-class trayicon : public QSystemTrayIcon
- explicit trayicon(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- void initAction();
- QAction *action_show;
- QMenu *m_trayMenu;
- QWidget *m_topWidget;
- QWidgetAction *m_topWidgetAction;
- QMenu* trayIconMenu;
- QAction* OpenSetUp;
- bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
-#endif // TRAYICON_H
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatehandle.h b/kylin-update-notify/src/updatehandle.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eb4250..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatehandle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TRAY_H
-#define TRAY_H
-#include "traydbus.h"
-#include "trayicon.h"
-#include "updatewidget.h"
-class updatehandle : public QWidget
- updatehandle(QString getnum1,QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- ~updatehandle();
- trayicon *trayIcon; //托盘实例化
- QStringList important; //保存重要更新包名
- QString argnum; //得到命令行输入参数
- traydbusservice *object; //托盘dbus服务
- bool powerState; //保存电量是否可获取
- QString powerNum = "0"; //保存电量值
- QString confPath = ""; //保存配置文件位置
- bool dbusConnectStatus=false; //d-bus连接状态
- bool messstate1=true;
- bool messstate2=true;
- int powerSize; //电源设定值
- float setPackageSize; //包大小设定值
- QString CheckUpgradeTime; //检查更新时间
- QString CheckUpgradeTimeSlot; //检查更新时间段
- bool CheckCompleted; //是否检查完成
- bool RandomizedExecute; //是否随机执行
- bool GeneratRandomTime; //是否刷新随机时间
- bool errorStatus=false; //是否完整下载安装的状态值
- updatewidget *choice_window; //托盘选择框
- updateTip *tip_window; //托盘提示框框
- QStringList checkCrucial; //保存静默升级包以及大小信息
- source_dbus *m_sourceMutual; //源管理器dbus
- update_dbus *m_updateMutual; //更新管理器dbus
- power_dbus *Power_dbus;
- QTimer *timerDownload; //托盘下载时间错误延时处理
- QTimer *timerLock; //文件锁定时检测
- QSettings *mqsetting; //读取配置文件
- QSettings *timersetting; //读取timer配置文件
- void initUI(QString); //初始化界面
- void initDbus(); //初始化dbus
- void initTranslator(); //初始化翻译加载
- void getTemplateList(); //获取源管理器文件中的可选更新与强制更新
- void processData(QMap data); //处理获取的更新数据
- void handleCrucial(QStringList checkCrucialAll); //处理静默升级包
- void handleImportant(); //处理可选升级包
- void register_dbus(); //注册D-bus服务
- bool checktime(); //检查设定更新时间
- //数据库相关
- QSqlDatabase db;
- QSqlQueryModel model;
- bool m_getsql(); //获取更新管理器数据库信息
- void notify_send(QString arg); //向notification发送信息显示
- bool packageDownOrNot(QStringList arg);
- void readconf(); //读取配置文件
- int _secsTo(QString,QString); //时间差
- void getpower(); //获取电量值
- void UpdateDectCheck(bool); //调用后端UpdateDetect
- bool ignoreOrDelay(bool mode); //是否开机检查检查弹窗
- bool package_installation_status(QStringList);
- void execSignal(); //关闭窗口信号
-protected slots:
- void onActivated(trayicon::ActivationReason reason); //更新选择页面
- void tray_Show(); //启动托盘显示
- void execslots(); //关闭窗口槽函数
- void d_busStatus(QString,int32_t,QString); //判断下载状态的槽函数
- void InstallFinsih(bool,QStringList,QString,QString); //状态槽函数
- void downloadTimeout(); //延时检测下载状态
- void UpdateDectSlot(bool,QStringList,QString,QString); //updatedetect回调函数
-#endif // TRAY_H
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatewidget.ui b/kylin-update-notify/src/updatewidget.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index d527737..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatewidget.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- Form
- 0
- 0
- 400
- 300
- Form
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/translations/UapLBi.json b/kylin-update-notify/translations/UapLBi.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c82f587..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/translations/UapLBi.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm b/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm
deleted file mode 100644
index 535b5f5..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts b/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bf37ed..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- Form
- Form
- trayicon
- The system is updating silently
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཁ་རོག་གེར་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱེད་སྒང་།
- updateTip
- The system is updating silently
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཁ་རོག་གེར་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱེད་སྒང་།
- updatehandle
- System update
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་གསར་སྒྱུར་
- The system is updating silently
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཁ་རོག་གེར་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱེད་སྒང་།
- The system has completed an important update, It is recommended that you restart immediately.
- མ་ལག་གི་འགག་རྩའི་གསར་སྒྱུར་ཞིག་ལེགས་གྲུབ་དང་།བསམ་འཆར་ལ་ཁྱེད་རང་འཕྲལ་མར་བསྐྱར་འབྱེད་།
- update error
- རིམ་འཕར་འགྲུབ་མེད།
- kylin-background-upgrade
- རྒྱབ་སྟེགས་གསར་སྒྱུར་བྱ་རིམ།
- update
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་རིམ་སྤོར་
- updatewidget
- Updatable app detected on your system!
- རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་གསར་སྒྱུར་རྣམ་གྲངས་
- Close
- སྒོ་རྒྱག་པ་
- 30 minutes later
- ཕྱིར་འགྱངས་སྐར་མ་30།
- 1 hour later
- ཆུ་ཚོད་གཅིག་ནར་འགྱངས་།
- 5 hours later
- ཆུ་ཚོད་5ནར་འགྱངས་།
- 1 day later
- ཉིན་གཅིག་ནར་འགྱངས་།
- 3 days later
- ཉིན་གསུམ་ནར་འགྱངས་།
- Update
- ལམ་སང་གསར་སྒྱུར་
- Delay
- ནར་འགྱངས།
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm b/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1025f13..0000000
Binary files a/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts b/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 480f39a..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
- Form
- Form
- QObject
- The system is updating silently
- 系统正在静默更新
- trayicon
- The system is updating silently
- 系统正在静默更新
- updateTip
- The system is updating silently
- 系统正在静默更新
- updatehandle
- The system has completed an important update. It is recommended that you restart immediately.
- 系统已经完成一项关键更新,建议您立即重启
- The system is updating silently
- 系统正在静默更新
- System update detected
- 检测到有系统更新
- System update detected
- 检测到有系统更新
- The system has completed a critical update, and some software packages failed to update. It is recommended that you restart immediately
- 系统完成一项关键更新,部分软件包更新失败,建议您立即重启
- System update
- 系统更新
- The system has completed an important update, It is recommended that you restart immediately.
- 系统完成一项关键更新,建议您立即重启
- update error
- 升级失败
- kylin-background-upgrade
- 后台更新程序
- update
- 系统升级
- updatewidget
- Please remind me later
- 请在以下时间段之后提醒我
- at
- 在
- No more reminders
- 内不再提醒
- No reminders
- 内不再提醒
- Updatable app detected on your system!
- 系统有更新项目
- Close
- 关闭
- 30 minutes later
- 推迟 30 分钟
- 1 hour later
- 推迟 1 小时
- 3 days later
- 推迟 3 天
- Delay
- 推迟
- 5 hours later
- 推迟 5 小时
- 1 day later
- 推迟 1 天
- Update
- 立即更新
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/widgets/Button/button.pri b/kylin-update-notify/widgets/Button/button.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index ded778b..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/widgets/Button/button.pri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- $$PWD/fixbutton.cpp \
- $$PWD/fixbutton.h \
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/widgets/Button/fixbutton.cpp b/kylin-update-notify/widgets/Button/fixbutton.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fed4aad..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/widgets/Button/fixbutton.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include "fixbutton.h"
-FixButton::FixButton(QWidget *parent):
- QPushButton(parent)
-void FixButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
- QFontMetrics fontMetrics(this->font());
- int fontSize = fontMetrics.width(mStr);
- int showTextSize = this->width() - 32;
- if (fontSize > showTextSize) {
- this->setText(fontMetrics.elidedText(mStr, Qt::ElideRight, showTextSize), false);
- this->setToolTip(mStr);
- } else {
- this->setText(mStr, false);
- this->setToolTip("");
- }
- QPushButton::paintEvent(event);
-void FixButton::setText(const QString & text, bool saveTextFlag)
- if (saveTextFlag)
- mStr = text;
- QPushButton::setText(text);
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/widgets/Button/fixbutton.h b/kylin-update-notify/widgets/Button/fixbutton.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f30dbe..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/widgets/Button/fixbutton.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _FIXBUTTON_H_
-#define _FIXBUTTON_H_
-class FixButton : public QPushButton
- FixButton(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- ~FixButton();
- void setText(const QString &text, bool saveTextFlag = true);
- void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
- QString mStr;
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/widgets/widgets.pri b/kylin-update-notify/widgets/widgets.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index da4ea4f..0000000
--- a/kylin-update-notify/widgets/widgets.pri
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/core.cpp b/src/core.cpp
similarity index 89%
rename from kylin-update-notify/src/core.cpp
rename to src/core.cpp
index 269318f..00dc303 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/core.cpp
+++ b/src/core.cpp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ core::core(QString getnum, QWidget *parent)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << __LINE__;
void core::execSlots()
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/core.h b/src/core.h
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/core.h
rename to src/core.h
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
similarity index 53%
rename from kylin-update-notify/src/main.cpp
rename to src/main.cpp
index e3c717b..f7179b2 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -6,50 +6,42 @@
#define PROGRAM_NAME "kylin-background-upgrade"
-#define LOG_NAME "/.config/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade.log"
-#define LOG_SILENT_NAME "/.config/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade-silent.log"
-#define LOG_MANUL_NAME "/.config/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade-manul.log"
static FILE *fp = NULL;
-QString toDir;
-static bool _silentOrManul = true;
void msgHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext& context, const QString& msg)
static char logPath[255] = {0};
- int uid = -1;
- static int pid = 0;
+ static int uid = -1;
QDateTime currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QString timeStr = currentTime.toString("yy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss +zzz");
- pid = (int)getpid();
- uid = (int)getuid();
// 获取用于控制命令行输出的环境变量
- char *ctrlEnv = getenv("BACKGROUND_UPGRADE_DEBUG");
+ char *ctrlEnv = getenv("XXXX_DEBUG");
QString env;
// 格式化输出字符串,添加消息发生时间、消息等级
QString outMsg;
switch (type) {
case QtDebugMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
+ outMsg = QString("[%1 D]: %2").arg(timeStr).arg(msg);
case QtInfoMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
+ outMsg = QString("[%1 I]: %2").arg(timeStr).arg(msg);
case QtWarningMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
+ outMsg = QString("[%1 W]: %2").arg(timeStr).arg(msg);
case QtCriticalMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
+ outMsg = QString("[%1 C]: %2").arg(timeStr).arg(msg);
case QtFatalMsg:
- outMsg = QString("[%1 D .%2 :%4]: %3").arg(timeStr).arg(pid).arg(msg).arg(uid);
+ outMsg = QString("[%1 F]: %2").arg(timeStr).arg(msg);
if (fp != NULL) {
@@ -72,43 +64,31 @@ void msgHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext& context, const QString
-void log_env_init(QString arg){
+void log_env_init(){
static int uid = -1;
- static char logPath[98] = {0};
+ static char logPath[255] = {0};
bool _is_root = false;
- toDir = QDir::homePath();
- toDir += "/.config/kylin-background-upgrade/";
- QDir dir(toDir);
- if(!dir.exists()) {
- dir.mkdir(toDir);
- }
// 初始执行时,设置log文件路径
if (uid == -1) {
uid = getuid();
if (uid == 0) {
// root user
- sprintf(logPath, "/var/log/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade.log");
+ sprintf(logPath, "/var/log/kylin-background-upgrade/kylin-background-upgrade.log", uid, PROGRAM_NAME);
_is_root = true;
} else {
// normal user
- // sprintf(logPath, "/run/user/%d/%s.log", uid, PROGRAM_NAME);
- //QString 转 const char*
- std::string str = QDir::homePath().toStdString();
- const char* ch = str.c_str();
- if (arg == "--check-upgrade" || arg == "--check-immediately") {
- sprintf(logPath, "%s%s", ch, LOG_MANUL_NAME);
- } else {
- sprintf(logPath, "%s%s", ch, LOG_SILENT_NAME);
- }
+ sprintf(logPath, "/run/user/%d/%s.log", uid, PROGRAM_NAME);
+ printf("Logfile path: %s\n", logPath);
if (access(logPath, F_OK|W_OK) == 0) { // log文件存在且可写
if (fp == NULL)
fp = fopen(logPath, "a+");
QFileInfo info(logPath);
- if (info.size() > 1024*1024*20) { //20MB
+ if (info.size() > 1024*1024*200) { //200MB
fclose(fp); fp = NULL;
QFile fileclean(logPath);
fileclean.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QFile::Truncate);
@@ -140,67 +120,35 @@ void log_env_init(QString arg){
-bool _is_openkylin()
- QString command = "lsb_release -i -s";
- QProcess process;
- process.start(command);
- process.waitForFinished();
- QString result = process.readAllStandardOutput();
- int ret = result.left(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.length()).compare(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.left(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.length()));
- return (0 == ret)?true:false;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QString arg=QString::fromLatin1(argv[1]);
- log_env_init(arg);
+// initUkuiLog4qt("kylin-background-upgrade");
+ log_env_init();
- char *dis_env=getenv("DISPLAY");
- QString display_env(dis_env);
- if(display_env != NULL){
- qDebug()<<"The desktop graphics environment is normal, DISPLAY="<= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0))
+// callPyFunc *lxy = new callPyFunc();
QApplication a(argc, argv);
- core m_core(arg);
-// QObject::connect(m_core,SIGNAL(execSignal()),&a,SLOT(quit()));
+ core *m_core= new core(arg);
+ QObject::connect(m_core,SIGNAL(execSignal()),&a,SLOT(quit()));
return a.exec();
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/traydbus.cpp b/src/traydbus.cpp
similarity index 94%
rename from kylin-update-notify/src/traydbus.cpp
rename to src/traydbus.cpp
index 7618f0d..9d44cd5 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/traydbus.cpp
+++ b/src/traydbus.cpp
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ source_dbus::source_dbus(QObject *parent)
connectTimer = new QTimer(this);
- connect(connectTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(connectDbus()));
+// connect(connectTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(connectDbus()));
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << __LINE__;
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ update_dbus* update_dbus::getInstance()
update_dbus::update_dbus(QObject *parent)
- initUpdate_Dbus();
+// initUpdate_Dbus();
@@ -270,9 +270,17 @@ QStringList update_dbus::checkForUpdates(QStringList arg)
bool update_dbus::checkForUpdateDect()
qDebug()<<"Start to check system upgrade ...";
- connect(interface,SIGNAL(UpdateDetectFinished(bool, QStringList, QString, QString)),this,SLOT(UpdateDectSlot(bool, QStringList, QString, QString)));
- QDBusReply res = interface->asyncCall("UpdateDetect");
- qDebug() << "UpdateDetect (mode: MODE_UPDATE_DETECT) ...";
+// connect(interface,SIGNAL(UpdateDetectFinished(bool, QStringList, QString, QString)),this,SLOT(UpdateDectSlot(bool, QStringList, QString, QString)));
+// QDBusReply res = interface->call("UpdateDetect");
+// QProcess process;
+// process.start("/home/lxy/kylin-background-upgrade/OpenKylin/kylin-background-upgrade/checkUpdate.py");
+// process.waitForStarted();
+// process.waitForFinished();//以阻塞的方式等待释放
+// QStringList updatelists;
+// updatelists.append("kylin-video");
+// QString errorcode = "";
+// QString errorstring = "";
+// UpdateDectSlot(true,updatelists,errorcode, errorstring);
return true;
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/traydbus.h b/src/traydbus.h
similarity index 99%
rename from kylin-update-notify/src/traydbus.h
rename to src/traydbus.h
index 795f869..4772831 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/traydbus.h
+++ b/src/traydbus.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/trayicon.cpp b/src/trayicon.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/trayicon.cpp
rename to src/trayicon.cpp
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/trayicon.h b/src/trayicon.h
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/trayicon.h
rename to src/trayicon.h
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatehandle.cpp b/src/updatehandle.cpp
similarity index 76%
rename from kylin-update-notify/src/updatehandle.cpp
rename to src/updatehandle.cpp
index 8e04ed5..2559021 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatehandle.cpp
+++ b/src/updatehandle.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#include "updatehandle.h"
updatehandle::updatehandle(QString getnum1,QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
@@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ updatehandle::updatehandle(QString getnum1,QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << __LINE__;
@@ -74,31 +73,16 @@ void updatehandle::initUI(QString argnum)
timerDownload = new QTimer(this);
connect(timerDownload, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(downloadTimeout()));
- if(argnum.contains("--check-immediately")){
- qDebug()<<"exec --check-immediately";
- } else if(argnum.contains("--check-upgrade")) {
- qDebug()<<"exec --check-upgrade";
- } else {
- qDebug()<<"exec slient.";
- }
trayIcon = new trayicon(this);
- bool ignore_or_delay = ignoreOrDelay(argnum.contains("--check-immediately",Qt::CaseInsensitive));
- choice_window = new updatewidget(ignore_or_delay);//更新选择页面
+ choice_window = new updatewidget();//更新选择页面
tip_window = new updateTip(); //静默升级提示
- if (argnum == "") {
- //监听连接源管理器d-bus
- //监听托盘点击事件,3:单击,2:双击,1:右键
- connect(trayIcon,&trayicon::activated, this,&updatehandle::onActivated);
- connect(m_sourceMutual,&source_dbus::ready,this,&updatehandle::getTemplateList);
- m_sourceMutual->connectDbus();
- } else if (argnum.contains("--check-upgrade",Qt::CaseInsensitive)||ignore_or_delay) {
+ if (argnum.contains("--check-upgrade",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
- UpdateDectCheck(ignore_or_delay);
+ UpdateDectCheck();
} else {
- qDebug()<<"No update,exit!";
+ qDebug()<<"no --check-upgrade, exit.";
@@ -113,9 +97,9 @@ void updatehandle::tray_Show()
if (!m_updateMutual->listenState()) {
if (m_getsql()) {
qDebug()<<"m_getsql 的值为true";
- choice_window->update_lab->setText(tr("System update"));
+ choice_window->update_lab->setText(tr("System update detected"));
if (argnum != "update") {
- choice_window->updateWidgetShow();
+ choice_window->show();
} else {
@@ -219,10 +203,8 @@ void updatehandle::getTemplateList()
QString str2;
QStringList m_crucial;
QFile file1("/var/lib/kylin-software-properties/template/crucial.list");
- if (!file1.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){
- qDebug()<<"cat not open file crucial.list";
- exit(0);
- }
+ if (!file1.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+ return ;
while (!file1.atEnd()) {
QByteArray line = file1.readLine();
str1 += QString(line);
@@ -234,10 +216,8 @@ void updatehandle::getTemplateList()
QStringList m_important;
QFile file2("/var/lib/kylin-software-properties/template/important.list");
- if (!file2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
- qDebug()<<"cat not open file important.list";
- exit(0);
- }
+ if (!file2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+ return ;
while (!file2.atEnd()) {
QByteArray line = file2.readLine();
str2 += QString(line);
@@ -309,7 +289,6 @@ void updatehandle::handleCrucial(QStringList checkCrucialAll)
for (int i=1;istart(20*60*1000);
if (powerState) { //判断是否获取到电量
@@ -333,31 +312,31 @@ void updatehandle::handleCrucial(QStringList checkCrucialAll)
notify_send(tr("The system is updating silently"));
qDebug()<<"The system is updating silently ...";
- m_updateMutual->installAndUpgrade(crucialPackage);
+// m_updateMutual->installAndUpgrade(crucialPackage);
- * @brief updatehandle::UpdateDectSlot
+ * @brief updatehandle::handleImportant
* 处理可选升级包
-void updatehandle::UpdateDectSlot(bool status,QStringList list,QString errorstring,QString errorcode)
+void updatehandle::UpdateDectSlot()
- if (!status) {
- qDebug() << "Update Detect failed: " << QString("%1 %2").arg(errorstring).arg(errorcode);
- exit(0);
- } else {
- if (list.length() == 0) {
- qDebug() << "The software on this computer is up to date, exit!";
- exit(0);
- } else {
- choice_window->update_lab->setText(tr("System update"));
+// if (!status) {
+//// qDebug() << "Update Detect failed: " << QString("%1 %2").arg(errorstring).arg(errorcode);
+// exit(0);
+// } else {
+// if (list.length() == 0) {
+// qDebug() << "The software on this computer is up to date, exit!";
+// exit(0);
+// } else {
+ choice_window->update_lab->setText(tr("System update detected"));
if (argnum != "update") {
- choice_window->updateWidgetShow();
+ choice_window->show();
- }
- }
+// }
+// }
@@ -370,11 +349,31 @@ void updatehandle::UpdateDectSlot(bool status,QStringList list,QString errorstri
* @brief updatehandle::UpdateDectCheck
* 处理可选升级包
-void updatehandle::UpdateDectCheck(bool _check_immediately)
+void updatehandle::UpdateDectCheck()
- if(checktime() || !RandomizedExecute || _check_immediately){
- if (m_getsql() || _check_immediately) {
+ if(!checktime()){
+ qDebug()<<"Detection update has been opened ...";
+// connect(m_updateMutual,&update_dbus::UpdateDectFinished,this,&updatehandle::UpdateDectSlot);
+ QDBusConnection::systemBus().connect(QString(),QString("/"),"com.kylin.update.notification","DownloadFinish",this,SLOT(UpdateDectSlot()));
+// bool ret= m_updateMutual->checkForUpdateDect();
+ } else {
+ qDebug()<<"The scheduled time is not reached, exit.";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ * @brief updatehandle::handleImportant
+ * 处理可选升级包
+ */
+void updatehandle::handleImportant()
+ //判断是否需要检查系统更新
+ if(checktime()){
+ if (!m_updateMutual->listenState()) {
+ if (m_getsql()) {
qDebug()<<"Detection update has been opened ...";
bool ret= m_updateMutual->checkForUpdateDect();
@@ -383,48 +382,13 @@ void updatehandle::UpdateDectCheck(bool _check_immediately)
} else {
- qDebug()<<"The scheduled time is not reached, exit.";
+ qDebug()<<"更新管理器已运行,程序退出";
- * @brief updatehandle::ignoreOrDelays
- * 处理可选升级包
- */
-bool updatehandle::ignoreOrDelay(bool mode)
- static char flagPath[64] = {0};
- sprintf(flagPath, "/var/cache/kylin-update-manager/ignoreOrDelay");
- bool ignore_or_delay = false;
- QFile file(flagPath);
- //判断是否完成第一步更新
- if (access(flagPath, F_OK) == 0) { // flag文件存在且可写
- qDebug()<stop();
- //apt返回失败时判断是否安装成功
- if (!state)
- _check_status = package_installation_status(checkCrucial);
- if(state || _check_status){
+ if(state){
qDebug() << "Silent upgrade is complete, exit.";
+// qDebug() << (tr("The system has completed an important update, It is recommended that you restart immediately."));
notify_send(tr("The system has completed an important update, It is recommended that you restart immediately."));
QString errorstate = tr("update error");
@@ -521,55 +481,12 @@ void updatehandle::InstallFinsih(bool state,QStringList pkgname,QString error,QS
-bool updatehandle::package_installation_status(QStringList pkgs)
- QString pkgname;
- QString cmd;
- QProcess process;
- bool status,status_single;
- for (QStringList::iterator it = pkgs.begin(); it != pkgs.end(); ++it) {
- pkgname = *it;
- status_single = false;
- cmd = QString("dpkg -l %1").arg(pkgname);
- process.start(cmd);
- process.waitForFinished();
- QByteArray result_ = process.readAllStandardOutput();
- if (QString::fromLocal8Bit(result_) != "") {
- QStringList rets = QString::fromLocal8Bit(result_).split(QRegExp("[\n]"),QString::SkipEmptyParts);
- for (QStringList::iterator it_ret = rets.begin(); it_ret != rets.end(); ++it_ret) {
- QString ret;
- ret = *it_ret;
- if (ret.contains(pkgname) && ret.startsWith("ii")) {
- status_single = true;
- qDebug() << "pkg "<beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Timer"));
- timersetting->setValue("CheckCompleted",false);
- timersetting->setValue("GeneratRandomTime",false);
- timersetting->sync();
- timersetting->endGroup();
emit execSignal();
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatehandle.h b/src/updatehandle.h
similarity index 94%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatehandle.h
rename to src/updatehandle.h
index 9eb4250..49ebe77 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatehandle.h
+++ b/src/updatehandle.h
@@ -86,9 +86,7 @@ public:
void readconf(); //读取配置文件
int _secsTo(QString,QString); //时间差
void getpower(); //获取电量值
- void UpdateDectCheck(bool); //调用后端UpdateDetect
- bool ignoreOrDelay(bool mode); //是否开机检查检查弹窗
- bool package_installation_status(QStringList);
+ void UpdateDectCheck(); //调用后端UpdateDetect
void execSignal(); //关闭窗口信号
@@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ protected slots:
void d_busStatus(QString,int32_t,QString); //判断下载状态的槽函数
void InstallFinsih(bool,QStringList,QString,QString); //状态槽函数
void downloadTimeout(); //延时检测下载状态
- void UpdateDectSlot(bool,QStringList,QString,QString); //updatedetect回调函数
+ void UpdateDectSlot(); //updatedetect回调函数
#endif // TRAY_H
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatewidget.cpp b/src/updatewidget.cpp
similarity index 64%
rename from kylin-update-notify/src/updatewidget.cpp
rename to src/updatewidget.cpp
index ef46e46..5babafa 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatewidget.cpp
+++ b/src/updatewidget.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
#include "updatewidget.h"
#include "ui_updatewidget.h"
-#include "ukuistylehelper/ukuistylehelper.h"
-#include "windowmanager/windowmanager.h"
#define PANEL_DBUS_SERVICE "com.ukui.panel.desktop"
#define PANEL_DBUS_PATH "/"
#define PANEL_DBUS_INTERFACE "com.ukui.panel.desktop"
@@ -15,7 +10,7 @@
#define DBUS_PATH "/org/ukui/SettingsDaemon/wayland"
#define DBUS_INTERFACE "org.ukui.SettingsDaemon.wayland"
-updatewidget::updatewidget(bool check_Tips, QWidget *parent) :
+updatewidget::updatewidget(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Form)
@@ -27,7 +22,6 @@ updatewidget::updatewidget(bool check_Tips, QWidget *parent) :
qDebug()<<"not wayland";
- bIsWayland = false;
} else {
// initset_window_position();
@@ -35,179 +29,69 @@ updatewidget::updatewidget(bool check_Tips, QWidget *parent) :
- bIsWayland = true;
- _check_Tips = check_Tips;
setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint);
setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);
update_lab = new QLabel();
- icon_lab = new QLabel();
tip_lab = new QLabel();
- tip_lab->setText(tr(" Updatable app detected on your system!"));
- agreebtn = new FixButton();
- delaybtn = new FixButton();
- window_close = new QPushButton(this);
- window_close->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("window-close-symbolic"));
- window_close->setProperty("isWindowButton", 0x2);
- window_close->setProperty("useIconHighlightEffect", 0x8);
- window_close->setFlat(true);
- window_close->setToolTip(tr("Close"));
- window_close->installEventFilter(this);
- connect(window_close, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &updatewidget::onClick_close_btn);
- QPixmap icon(QIcon::fromTheme("ukui-control-center").pixmap(QSize(26,26)));
+ tip_lab->setText(tr("at"));
+ tip_lab1 = new QLabel();
+ tip_lab1->setText(tr("No reminders"));
+ agreebtn = new QPushButton();
+ disagreebtn = new QPushButton();
m_pfirstlayout = new QVBoxLayout();
m_labellayout = new QHBoxLayout();
m_psecondlayout = new QHBoxLayout();
m_pselectlayout = new QHBoxLayout();
comboBox = new QComboBox();
- strList<addItems(strList);
- comboBox->installEventFilter(this);
labelwidget = new QWidget();
- selectWidget = new QWidget();
statwidget = new QWidget();
+ selectWidget = new QWidget();
- agreebtn->setText(tr("Update"),1);
- agreebtn->installEventFilter(this);
- delaybtn->setText(tr("Delay"),1);
- delaybtn->installEventFilter(this);
+ agreebtn->setText(tr("Update"));
+ disagreebtn->setText(tr("Delay"));
- connect(comboBox,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(comboBoxClicked(int)));
- connect(delaybtn,&QPushButton::clicked,this,&updatewidget::delayBtnClicked);
+ connect(disagreebtn,&QPushButton::clicked,this,&updatewidget::disAgreeBtnClicked);
- icon_lab->setPixmap(icon);
- icon_lab->setScaledContents(true);
- icon_lab->setMaximumSize(26,26);
- update_lab->setMaximumHeight(26);
- update_lab->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,3);
- window_close->setFixedSize(24,24);
- window_close->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,3);
- m_labellayout->addWidget(icon_lab);
- m_labellayout->addStretch();
- m_labellayout->addWidget(window_close);
- m_labellayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,20);
- m_pselectlayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,25);
+ m_pselectlayout->addWidget(comboBox);
+ m_pselectlayout->addWidget(tip_lab1);
+ m_pselectlayout->addStretch();
- m_psecondlayout->addStretch();
- comboBox->setFixedHeight(35);
- comboBox->setMinimumWidth(135);
- comboBox->setMaximumWidth(155);
- agreebtn->setFixedSize(100,35);
- if (_check_Tips)
- m_psecondlayout->addWidget(delaybtn);
- else
- m_psecondlayout->addWidget(comboBox);
+ m_psecondlayout->addWidget(disagreebtn);
- m_psecondlayout->setSpacing(15); //set space between comboBox and btn
- m_psecondlayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,12,12);
- m_pfirstlayout->setSpacing(2);
- this->setFixedSize(435,160);
+ this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground);
+ this->setFixedSize(330,180);
-// QGSettings *settings;
-// if(QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled("org.ukui.style")){
-// settings = new QGSettings("org.ukui.style");
-// connect(settings,&QGSettings::changed,this,&ActiveConnectionWidget::GSettingsChanges);
-// }
-// const QByteArray transparency_id(TRANSPARENCY_SETTINGS);
-// if(QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled(transparency_id)) {
-// transparency = new QGSettings(transparency_id);
-// }
-// if(QGSettings::isSchemaInstalled(transparency_id)) {
-// getTransparency();
-// connect(transparency,&QGSettings::changed,this,&ActiveConnectionWidget::GSettingsChanges);
-// }
- this->setProperty("useStyleWindowManager", false);
- this->setProperty("useSystemStyleBlur", true);
- this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true);
- this->setWindowOpacity(0.9);
-// labelwidget->setStyleSheet("background-color:green;");
-// update_lab->setStyleSheet("background-color:blue;");
-// selectWidget->setStyleSheet("background-color:red;");
-// statwidget->setStyleSheet("background-color:orange;");
-// comboBox->setStyleSheet("background-color:violet;");
-// agreebtn->setStyleSheet("background-color:yellow;");
- qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << __LINE__;
delete ui;
-void updatewidget::updateWidgetShow()
- this->show();
- qDebug()<<"should show:"<windowHandle(), updateWidgetRect);
- else
- this->setGeometry(updateWidgetRect);
-void updatewidget::onClick_close_btn()
- // emit disAgreeBtnSignals();
- qDebug()<<"User Cancel reminder, exit tray program!";
- // exit(0);
- qApp->quit();
- * @brief updatewidget::eventFilter
- * 事件过滤器
- */
-bool updatewidget::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
- if (obj == this->window_close) { //指定window_close
- if (event->type() == QEvent::HoverMove) {
- QPushButton *close_btn = qobject_cast(obj);
- if (close_btn) {
- QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), close_btn->toolTip());
- }
- }
- } else if (obj == this->agreebtn || obj == this->delaybtn) {
- if (event->type() == QEvent::HoverMove) {
- FixButton *btn = qobject_cast(obj);
- if (btn) {
- QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), btn->toolTip());
- }
- }
- } else if (obj == this->comboBox) {
- if (event->type() == QEvent::HoverMove) {
- QComboBox *comboBox = qobject_cast(obj);
- if (comboBox) {
- QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), comboBox->toolTip());
- }
- }
- }
- return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event);
* @brief updatewidget::initPanelDbusGsetting
* 初始化与任务栏gsetting和dbus
@@ -297,26 +181,26 @@ void updatewidget::GetsAvailableAreaScreen()
case updatewidget::PanelDown :
- qDebug()<<"Taskbar coordinates: [ '"<setGeometry(m_nScreenWidth - 340,m_nScreenHeight - h - 190,300,150-100);
+ qDebug()<<"Taskbar coordinates: [ '"<setGeometry(m_nScreenWidth - 340,m_nScreenHeight - 190,300,150-100);
+ qDebug()<<"任务栏在上方: 显示坐标为: "<setGeometry(m_nScreenWidth - 340,m_nScreenHeight - 190,300,150-100);
+ qDebug()<<"任务栏在左侧: 显示坐标为: "<setGeometry(m_nScreenWidth - 340 - h,m_nScreenHeight - 190,300,150-100);
+ qDebug()<<"任务栏在右侧: 显示坐标为: "<setGeometry(priWid-435-distance,availableHeight-160-m-distance,this->width(),this->height());
- qDebug()<<"任务栏在下侧"<width()<<" "<height();
+ this->setGeometry(priWid-330-distance,availableHeight-180-m-distance,this->width(),this->height());
+ qDebug()<<"任务栏在下侧"<width()<<" "<height();
}else if(n == 1){
- this->setGeometry(priWid-435-distance,availableHeight-160-distance,this->width(),this->height());
- qDebug()<<"任务栏在上侧"<width()<<" "<height();
+ this->setGeometry(priWid-330-distance,availableHeight-180-distance,this->width(),this->height());
+ qDebug()<<"任务栏在上侧"<width()<<" "<height();
} else if (n == 2){
- this->setGeometry(priWid-435-distance,availableHeight-160-distance,this->width(),this->height());
- qDebug()<<"任务栏在左侧"<width()<<" "<height();
+ this->setGeometry(priWid-330-distance,availableHeight-180-distance,this->width(),this->height());
+ qDebug()<<"任务栏在左侧"<width()<<" "<height();
} else if (n == 3){
- this->setGeometry(availableWidth-435-m-distance,availableHeight-160-distance,this->width(),this->height());
- qDebug()<<"任务栏在右侧"<width()<<" "<height();
+ this->setGeometry(availableWidth-330-m-distance,availableHeight-180-distance,this->width(),this->height());
+ qDebug()<<"任务栏在右侧"<width()<<" "<height();
@@ -429,7 +313,7 @@ void updatewidget::set_window_position()
char *updatewidget::insideTime()
- qDebug()<<"current select: "<comboBox->currentText();
+ qDebug()<currentText();
QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //获取系统现在的时间
QString str = time.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); //设置显示格式
QByteArray str2char2 = str.toLatin1(); // must
@@ -475,24 +359,19 @@ char *updatewidget::insideTime()
QByteArray str2char2 = str1.toLatin1(); // must
nowtime = str2char2.data();
return nowtime;
+ } else if (comboBox->currentText() == strList.at(5)) {
+ QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); //获取系统现在的时间
+ QString str = time.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); //设置显示格式
+ QDateTime bojb = QDateTime::fromString(str,"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").addDays(5);
+ QString str1 = bojb.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
+ QByteArray str2char2 = str1.toLatin1(); // must
+ nowtime = str2char2.data();
+ return nowtime;
return nowtime;
-bool updatewidget::_is_openkylin()
- QString command = "lsb_release -i -s";
- QProcess process;
- process.start(command);
- process.waitForFinished();
- QString result = process.readAllStandardOutput();
- int ret = result.left(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.length()).compare(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.left(OPENKYLIN_DISTTRIBUTOR.length()));
- return (0 == ret)?true:false;
* @brief updatewidget::agreeBtnClicked
* 同意更新按钮槽函数
@@ -500,35 +379,19 @@ bool updatewidget::_is_openkylin()
void updatewidget::agreeBtnClicked()
emit agreeBtnSignals();
- bool _is_2107 = true;
- QFile file("/etc/os-release");
- if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
- QString line;
- QTextStream in(&file);
- line = in.readLine();
- while(!line.isNull()) {
- line = in.readLine();
- if(line.contains("KYLIN_RELEASE_ID")) {
- _is_2107 = false;
- }
- }
- }
- file.close();
+ qDebug()<<"WifiButtonClickSlot is running";
QProcess p(0);
p.startDetached("ukui-control-center -m upgrade");
- qDebug()<<"exec -m upgrade";
qDebug()<<"Open the control panel and start updating immediately, exit tray program!";
- * @brief updatewidget::comboBoxClicked
- * 推迟框槽函数
+ * @brief updatewidget::disAgreeBtnClicked
+ * 延迟提醒按钮槽函数
-void updatewidget::comboBoxClicked(int num)
+void updatewidget::disAgreeBtnClicked()
QString toDir = QDir::homePath();
@@ -545,7 +408,7 @@ void updatewidget::comboBoxClicked(int num)
} else {
char *nowtime=insideTime();
- qDebug() << "current timing: "<beginGroup(QString::fromLocal8Bit("Timer"));
@@ -557,16 +420,6 @@ void updatewidget::comboBoxClicked(int num)
- * @brief updatewidget::delayBtnClicked
- * 延迟提醒,退出
- */
-void updatewidget::delayBtnClicked()
- qDebug() << "User deferred updates, exit!";
- exit(0);
* @brief updatewidget::paintEvent
* 样式绘画画家
@@ -591,16 +444,6 @@ void updatewidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e)
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
- QFontMetrics fontMetrics(this->font());
- QString current_str = comboBox->currentText();
- int fontSize = fontMetrics.width(current_str);
- int showTextSize = comboBox->width() - 32;
- if (fontSize > showTextSize) {
- QString elidedText = fontMetrics.elidedText(comboBox->currentText(), Qt::ElideRight, showTextSize);
- comboBox->setItemText(comboBox->currentIndex(), elidedText);
- comboBox->setToolTip(current_str);
- }
@@ -621,9 +464,7 @@ updateTip::updateTip(QWidget *parent) :
tipLabel->setText(tr("The system is updating silently"));
- this->setProperty("useSystemStyleBlur", true);
- this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true);
- this->setWindowOpacity(0.9);
+ this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground);
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatewidget.h b/src/updatewidget.h
similarity index 81%
rename from kylin-update-notify/src/updatewidget.h
rename to src/updatewidget.h
index 15f0c30..c27b470 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify/src/updatewidget.h
+++ b/src/updatewidget.h
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
-#include "Button/fixbutton.h"
namespace Ui {
class Form;
@@ -33,7 +31,7 @@ class updatewidget : public QWidget
- explicit updatewidget(bool check_Tips, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
+ explicit updatewidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
enum PanelStatePosition
@@ -44,20 +42,16 @@ public:
- bool _check_Tips;
QLabel *update_lab;
- QLabel *icon_lab;
QLabel *tip_lab;
- QLabel *close_lab;
+ QLabel *tip_lab1;
- FixButton *agreebtn;
- FixButton *delaybtn;
- QPushButton *window_close;
+ QPushButton *agreebtn;
+ QPushButton *disagreebtn;
QWidget *labelwidget;
QWidget *statwidget;
QWidget *selectWidget;
QStringList strList;
- QPixmap *icon;
QVBoxLayout *m_pfirstlayout = nullptr;
QHBoxLayout *m_labellayout = nullptr;
@@ -72,8 +66,6 @@ public:
int m_nScreenHeight; // 屏幕分辨率的高
int m_pPeonySite; // 任务栏位置
QSettings *timersettings; //读取timer配置文件
- QRect updateWidgetRect;
- bool bIsWayland = false;
int connectTaskBarDbus();
int getPanelSite();
@@ -86,9 +78,6 @@ public:
void initset_window_position();
void listenPanelChange();
void initPanelDbusGsetting(); // 初始化与任务栏gsetting和dbus
- bool eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *); // 添加事件过滤器声明
- bool _is_openkylin();
- void updateWidgetShow();
Ui::Form *ui;
@@ -100,9 +89,8 @@ signals:
protected slots:
void agreeBtnClicked();
- void comboBoxClicked(int);
- void delayBtnClicked();
- void onClick_close_btn();
+ void disAgreeBtnClicked();
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatewidget.ui b/src/updatewidget.ui
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/src/updatewidget.ui
rename to src/updatewidget.ui
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/UapLBi.json b/translations/UapLBi.json
similarity index 100%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/UapLBi.json
rename to translations/UapLBi.json
diff --git a/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm b/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ced5ae6
Binary files /dev/null and b/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.qm differ
diff --git a/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts b/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba6076a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_bo_CN.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ updatewidget
+ at
+ རླུང་གནོན་ཆེན་པོ།
+ Delay
+ ཕྱིར་འགྱངས།
+ five hours later
+ རྗེས་སུ་དུས་ཚོད%d
+ one hours later
+ ཆུ་ཚོད་གཅིག
+ three day later
+ ཉིན་གསུམ།
+ In 30 minutes
+ སྐར་མ་སུམ་ཅུ།
+ Update
+ གསར་སྒྱུར།
+ No reminders
+ དྲན་སྐུལ།
+ five day later
+ ཉིན་ལྔ།
+ one day later
+ ཉིན་གཅིག
+ updatehandle
+ update error
+ རིམ་འཕར་འགྲུབ་མེད།
+ kylin-background-upgrade
+ རྒྱབ་སྟེགས་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱ་རིམ།
+ The system is updating silently
+ རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཁ་རོག་གེར་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱེད་སྒང་།
+ update
+ ཁུངས་གསར་བསྒྱུར།
+ The system has completed an important update. It is recommended that you restart immediately
+ རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཀྱིས་གནད་འགག་གི་རིམ་འགྱུར་ཞིག་ལེགས་འགྲུབ་བྱུང་བས། བསམ་ཚུལ་ཡིན་ན་ཁྱེད་ཀྱིས་མྱུར་དུ་འཁོར་སྒོ་སླར་ཕྱེ་བྱོས།
+ System update detected
+ རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་རིམ་འགྱུར་ཞིག་ཞིབ་དཔྱད་ཚད་ལེན་བྱས་པ།
+ The system has completed a critical update, and some software packages failed to update. It is recommended that you restart immediately
+ རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཀྱིས་གནད་འགག་གི་རིམ་འགྱུར་ཞིག་ལེགས་འགྲུབ་བྱུང་བས། མཉེན་ཆས་ཁག་གཅིག་རིམ་འགྱུར་ལེགས་འགྲུབ་མ་བྱུང་་། བསམ་འཆར་ཡིན་ན་ཁྱེད་ཀྱིས་མྱུར་དུ་འཁོར་སྒོ་སླར་ཕྱེ་བྱོས།
+ trayicon
+ The system is updating silently
+ རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཁ་རོག་གེར་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱེད་སྒང་།
+ updateTip
+ The system is updating silently
+ རྒྱུད་ཁོངས་ཁ་རོག་གེར་རིམ་འགྱུར་བྱེད་སྒང་།
diff --git a/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm b/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99232f2
Binary files /dev/null and b/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.qm differ
diff --git a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts b/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts
similarity index 60%
rename from kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts
rename to translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts
index 480f39a..2e07623 100644
--- a/kylin-update-notify-immutable/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/translations/kylin-background-upgrade_zh_CN.ts
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
The system is updating silently
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
The system is updating silently
@@ -50,36 +50,33 @@
System update detected
- 检测到有系统更新
+ 检测到有系统更新
The system has completed a critical update, and some software packages failed to update. It is recommended that you restart immediately
- System update
- 系统更新
The system has completed an important update, It is recommended that you restart immediately.
update error
@@ -91,61 +88,74 @@
- 在
+ 在
No more reminders
- No reminders
- 内不再提醒
- Updatable app detected on your system!
- 系统有更新项目
+ No reminders
+ 内不再提醒
- Close
- 关闭
+ In 30 minutes
+ 三十分钟
- 30 minutes later
- 推迟 30 分钟
+ one hours later
+ 一个小时
- 1 hour later
- 推迟 1 小时
+ three day later
+ 三天
- 3 days later
- 推迟 3 天
+ five day later
+ 五天
- Delay
- 推迟
- 5 hours later
- 推迟 5 小时
- 1 day later
- 推迟 1 天
+ Delay
+ 推迟
+ Two hours later
+ 两个小时
+ five hours later
+ 五个小时
+ one day later
+ 一天
+ two day later
+ 两天
+ Agree
+ 立即更新
+ Disagree
+ 推迟