50 lines
1.9 KiB
50 lines
1.9 KiB
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More tests => 27 ;
use Data::Dumper ;
use Array::IntSpan;
my $trace = shift || 0 ;
my @expect= ([1,3,'ab'], [6, 7, 'cd'], [8, 13, 'ef'], [14, 14, 'ef']) ;
my $r = Array::IntSpan->new(@expect) ;
diag(Dumper $r) if $trace ;
ok ( defined($r) , 'Array::IntSpan new() works') ;
is_deeply( $r , \@expect, 'new content ok') ;
$r->consolidate ;
@expect= ([1,3,'ab'], [6, 7, 'cd'], [8, 14, 'ef']) ;
is_deeply( $r , \@expect, 'consolidate ok') || diag(Dumper $r);
diag(Dumper $r) if $trace ;
my @sub = ( sub {"c:".$_[2];},
sub {print "set called with @_\n";} );
foreach my $t (
[[5,5,'cd'],0,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'], [8, 14, 'ef']]],
[[13,16,'ef'],1,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'], [8, 16, 'ef']]],
[[24,26,'ef'],0,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'], [8, 16, 'ef'],[24,26,'ef']]] ,
[[19,22,'ef'],0,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'], [8, 16, 'ef'],[19,22,'ef'],[24,26,'ef']]],
[[23,23,'efa'],0,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'], [8, 16, 'ef'],[19,22,'ef'],[23,23,'efa'],[24,26,'ef']]],
[[23,23,'ef'],1,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'], [8, 16, 'ef'],[19,26,'ef']]],
[[17,18,'efb'],0,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'], [8, 16, 'ef'],[17,18,'efb'],[19,26,'ef']]],
[[17,18,'ef'],1,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'], [8 ,26,'ef']]],
[[8,12,undef],1,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'], [13 ,26,'ef']]],
[[8,12,'gh',@sub],0,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'],[8,12,'gh'], [13 ,26,'ef']]],
[[13,20,'gh',@sub],1,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 7, 'cd'],[8,20,'gh'], [21 ,26,'c:ef']]],
[[6,7,'gh',@sub],1,[[1,3,'ab'], [5, 5, 'c:cd'],[6,20,'gh'], [21 ,26,'c:ef']]],
my @range = @{$t->[0]} ;
is ($r->set_consolidate_range(@range),$t->[1],
"set_consolidate_range @range[0,1]") ;
is_deeply($r, $t->[2], "result of @range[0,1]") ||
diag("Got ".Dumper($r)) ;