
253 lines
7.9 KiB

#!perl -w
# vim:ts=8:sw=4
use strict;
use Test::More;
use DBI;
plan skip_all => '$h->{Callbacks} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl'
if $DBI::PurePerl && $DBI::PurePerl; # doubled to avoid typo warning
$| = 1;
my $dsn = "dbi:ExampleP:drv_foo=drv_bar";
my %called;
ok my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, '', ''), "Create dbh";
is $dbh->{Callbacks}, undef, "Callbacks initially undef";
ok $dbh->{Callbacks} = my $cb = { };
is ref $dbh->{Callbacks}, 'HASH', "Callbacks can be set to a hash ref";
is $dbh->{Callbacks}, $cb, "Callbacks set to same hash ref";
$dbh->{Callbacks} = undef;
is $dbh->{Callbacks}, undef, "Callbacks set to undef again";
ok $dbh->{Callbacks} = {
ping => sub {
my $m = $_;
is $m, 'ping', '$m holds method name';
is $_, 'ping', '$_ holds method name (not stolen)';
is @_, 1, '@_ holds 1 values';
is ref $_[0], 'DBI::db', 'first is $dbh';
ok tied(%{$_[0]}), '$dbh is tied (outer) handle'
or DBI::dump_handle($_[0], 'tied?', 10);
quote_identifier => sub {
is @_, 4, '@_ holds 4 values';
my $dbh = shift;
is ref $dbh, 'DBI::db', 'first is $dbh';
is $_[0], 'foo';
is $_[1], 'bar';
is $_[2], undef;
$_[2] = { baz => 1 };
return (1,2,3); # return something - which is not allowed
disconnect => sub { # test die from within a callback
die "You can't disconnect that easily!\n";
"*" => sub {
is keys %{ $dbh->{Callbacks} }, 4;
is ref $dbh->{Callbacks}->{ping}, 'CODE';
$_ = 42;
ok $dbh->ping;
is $called{ping}, 1;
is $_, 42, '$_ not altered by callback';
ok $dbh->ping;
is $called{ping}, 2;
ok $dbh->type_info_all;
is $called{type_info_all}, 1, 'fallback callback';
my $attr;
eval { $dbh->quote_identifier('foo','bar', $attr) };
is $called{quote_identifier}, 1;
ok $@, 'quote_identifier callback caused fatal error';
is ref $attr, 'HASH', 'param modified by callback - not recommended!';
ok !eval { $dbh->disconnect };
ok $@, "You can't disconnect that easily!\n";
$dbh->{Callbacks} = undef;
ok $dbh->ping;
is $called{ping}, 2; # no change
# --- test skipping dispatch and fallback callbacks
$dbh->{Callbacks} = {
ping => sub {
undef $_; # tell dispatch to not call the method
return "42 bells";
data_sources => sub {
my ($h, $values_to_return) = @_;
undef $_; # tell dispatch to not call the method
my @ret = 11..10+($values_to_return||0);
return @ret;
commit => sub { # test using set_err within a callback
my $h = shift;
undef $_; # tell dispatch to not call the method
return $h->set_err(42, "faked commit failure");
# these tests are slightly convoluted because messing with the stack is bad for
# your mental health
my $rv = $dbh->ping;
is $rv, "42 bells";
my @rv = $dbh->ping;
is scalar @rv, 1, 'should return a single value in list context';
is "@rv", "42 bells";
# test returning lists with different number of args to test
# the stack handling in the dispatch code
is join(":", $dbh->data_sources()), "";
is join(":", $dbh->data_sources(0)), "";
is join(":", $dbh->data_sources(1)), "11";
is join(":", $dbh->data_sources(2)), "11:12";
local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
local $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
is eval { $dbh->commit }, undef, 'intercepted commit should return undef';
like $@, '/DBD::\w+::db commit failed: faked commit failure/';
is $DBI::err, 42;
is $DBI::errstr, "faked commit failure";
# --- test connect_cached.*
=for comment XXX
The big problem here is that conceptually the Callbacks attribute
is applied to the $dbh _during_ the $drh->connect() call, so you can't
set a callback on "connect" on the $dbh because connect isn't called
on the dbh, but on the $drh.
So a "connect" callback would have to be defined on the $drh, but that's
cumbersome for the user and then it would apply to all future connects
using that driver.
The best thing to do is probably to special-case "connect", "connect_cached"
and (the already special-case) "connect_cached.reused".
my $driver_dsn = (DBI->parse_dsn($dsn))[4] or die 'panic';
my @args = (
$dsn, 'u', 'p', {
Callbacks => {
"" => sub {
my ($dbh, $cb_dsn, $user, $auth, $attr) = @_;
ok tied(%$dbh), ' $h is tied (outer) handle'
if $dbh; # $dbh is typically undef or a dead/disconnected $dbh
like $cb_dsn, qr/\Q$driver_dsn/, 'dsn';
is $user, 'u', 'user';
is $auth, 'p', 'pass';
"connect_cached.reused" => sub {
my ($dbh, $cb_dsn, $user, $auth, $attr) = @_;
ok tied(%$dbh), 'connect_cached.reused $h is tied (outer) handle';
like $cb_dsn, qr/\Q$driver_dsn/, 'dsn';
is $user, 'u', 'user';
is $auth, 'p', 'pass';
"connect_cached.connected" => sub {
my ($dbh, $cb_dsn, $user, $auth, $attr) = @_;
ok tied(%$dbh), 'connect_cached.connected $h is tied (outer) handle';
like $cb_dsn, qr/\Q$driver_dsn/, 'dsn';
is $user, 'u', 'user';
is $auth, 'p', 'pass';
%called = ();
ok $dbh = DBI->connect(@args), "Create handle with callbacks";
is keys %called, 0, 'no callback for plain connect';
ok $dbh = DBI->connect_cached(@args), "Create handle with callbacks";
is $called{new}, 1, " called";
is $called{cached}, undef, "connect_cached.reused not yet called";
is $called{connected}, 1, "connect_cached.connected called";
ok $dbh = DBI->connect_cached(@args), "Create handle with callbacks";
is $called{cached}, 1, "connect_cached.reused called";
is $called{new}, 1, " not called again";
is $called{connected}, 1, "connect_cached.connected not called called";
# --- test ChildCallbacks.
%called = ();
$args[-1] = {
Callbacks => my $dbh_callbacks = {
ping => sub { $called{ping}++; return; },
ChildCallbacks => my $sth_callbacks = {
execute => sub { $called{execute}++; return; },
fetch => sub { $called{fetch}++; return; },
ok $dbh = DBI->connect(@args), "Create handle with ChildCallbacks";
ok $dbh->ping, 'Ping';
is $called{ping}, 1, 'Ping callback should have been called';
ok my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT name from t'), 'Prepare a statement handle (child)';
ok $sth->{Callbacks}, 'child should have Callbacks';
is $sth->{Callbacks}, $sth_callbacks, "child Callbacks should be ChildCallbacks of parent"
or diag "(dbh Callbacks is $dbh_callbacks)";
ok $sth->execute, 'Execute';
is $called{execute}, 1, 'Execute callback should have been called';
ok $sth->fetch, 'Fetch';
is $called{fetch}, 1, 'Fetch callback should have been called';
# stress test for stack reallocation and mark handling -- RT#86744
my $stress_count = 3000;
my $place_holders = join(',', ('?') x $stress_count);
my @params = ('t') x $stress_count;
my $stress_dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:NullP:test');
my $stress_sth = $stress_dbh->prepare("select 1");
$stress_sth->{Callbacks}{execute} = sub { return; };
A generic 'transparent' callback looks like this:
(this assumes only scalar context will be used)
sub {
my $h = shift;
return if our $avoid_deep_recursion->{"$h $_"}++;
my $this = $h->$_(@_);
undef $_; # tell DBI not to call original method
return $this; # tell DBI to return this instead
XXX should add a test for this
XXX even better would be to run chunks of the test suite with that as a '*' callback. In theory everything should pass (except this test file, naturally)..