47 lines
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47 lines
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# File: kml.fmt
# Description: Example ExifTool print format file for generating a
# track in Google Earth KML format from a collection of
# geotagged images or timed GPS from video files
# Usage: From a collection of images:
# exiftool -p kml.fmt -r DIR [...] > out.kml
# From video files:
# exiftool -p kml.fmt -ee3 FILEorDIR [...] > out.kml
# Requires: ExifTool version 10.41 or later
# Revisions: 2019/10/29 - P. Harvey created
# Notes: 1) Input files must contain GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude.
# 2) The -fileOrder option may be used to control the order of the
# waypoints when processing multiple still-image files, or the
# order of the tracks when processing multiple video files.
#[HEAD]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
#[HEAD]<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">
#[HEAD] <Document>
#[HEAD] <name>My Track</name>
#[HEAD] <open>1</open>
#[SECT] <Placemark>
#[SECT] <name>${main:directory;$_=$self->GetValue('FileName') if $self->Options('ExtractEmbedded')}</name>
#[SECT] <Style>
#[SECT] <LineStyle>
#[SECT] <color>#ff4499ff</color>
#[SECT] <width>3</width>
#[SECT] </LineStyle>
#[SECT] </Style>
#[SECT] <LineString>
#[SECT] <altitudeMode>clampToGround</altitudeMode>
#[SECT] <coordinates>
#[ENDS] </coordinates>
#[ENDS] </LineString>
#[ENDS] </Placemark>
#[TAIL] </Document>