74 lines
1.5 KiB
74 lines
1.5 KiB
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 9;
use List::Util qw(sample);
my @items = sample 3, 1 .. 10;
is( scalar @items, 3, 'returns correct count when plentiful' );
@items = sample 10, 1 .. 10;
is( scalar @items, 10, 'returns correct count when exact' );
@items = sample 20, 1 .. 10;
is( scalar @items, 10, 'returns correct count when short' );
my @items = sample 5, 1 .. 5;
is_deeply( [ sort { $a <=> $b } @items ], [ 1 .. 5 ],
'returns a permutation of the input list when exact' );
# These two seeds happen to give different results for me, but there is the
# smallest 1-in-2**48 chance that they happen to agree on some platform. If
# so then pick a different seed value.
srand 1234;
my $x = join "", sample 3, 'a'..'z';
srand 5678;
my $y = join "", sample 3, 'a'..'z';
isnt( $x, $y, 'returns different result on different random seed' );
my @nums = ( 1..5 );
sample 5, @nums;
is_deeply( \@nums, [ 1..5 ],
'sample does not mutate passed array'
my $destroyed_count;
sub Guardian::DESTROY { $destroyed_count++ }
my @ret = sample 3, map { bless [], "Guardian" } 1 .. 10;
is( $destroyed_count, 7, 'the 7 unselected items were destroyed' );
@ret = ();
is( $destroyed_count, 10, 'all the items were destroyed' );
local $List::Util::RAND = sub { 4/10 };
join( "", sample 5, 'A'..'Z' ),
join( "", sample 5, 'A'..'Z' ),
'rigged rand() yields predictable output'