
330 lines
11 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use Config; # to determine nvsize
use Test::More tests => 23;
use List::Util qw( uniqnum );
is_deeply( [ uniqnum qw( 1 1.0 1E0 2 3 ) ],
[ 1, 2, 3 ],
'uniqnum compares numbers' );
is_deeply( [ uniqnum qw( 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 ) ],
[ 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ],
'uniqnum distinguishes floats' );
my @nums = map $_+0.1, 1e7..1e7+5;
is_deeply( [ uniqnum @nums ],
[ @nums ],
'uniqnum distinguishes large floats' );
my @strings = map "$_", @nums;
is_deeply( [ uniqnum @strings ],
[ @strings ],
'uniqnum distinguishes large floats (stringified)' );
my ($uniq_count1, $uniq_count2, $equiv);
if($Config{nvsize} == 8) {
# NV is either 'double' or 8-byte 'long double'
# The 2 values should be unequal - but just in case perl is buggy:
$equiv = 1 if 1.4142135623730951 == 1.4142135623730954;
$uniq_count1 = uniqnum (1.4142135623730951,
1.4142135623730954 );
$uniq_count2 = uniqnum('1.4142135623730951',
'1.4142135623730954' );
elsif(length(sqrt(2)) > 25) {
# NV is either IEEE 'long double' or '__float128' or doubledouble
if(1 + (2 ** -1074) != 1) {
# NV is doubledouble
# The 2 values should be unequal - but just in case perl is buggy:
$equiv = 1 if 1 + (2 ** -1074) == 1 + (2 ** - 1073);
$uniq_count1 = uniqnum (1 + (2 ** -1074),
1 + (2 ** -1073) );
# The 2 values should be unequal - but just in case perl is buggy:
$equiv = 1 if 4.0564819207303340847894502572035e31 == 4.0564819207303340847894502572034e31;
$uniq_count2 = uniqnum('4.0564819207303340847894502572035e31',
'4.0564819207303340847894502572034e31' );
else {
# NV is either IEEE 'long double' or '__float128'
# The 2 values should be unequal - but just in case perl is buggy:
$equiv = 1 if 1005.10228292019306452029161597769015 == 1005.1022829201930645202916159776901;
$uniq_count1 = uniqnum (1005.10228292019306452029161597769015,
1005.1022829201930645202916159776901 );
$uniq_count2 = uniqnum('1005.10228292019306452029161597769015',
'1005.1022829201930645202916159776901' );
else {
# NV is extended precision 'long double'
# The 2 values should be unequal - but just in case perl is buggy:
$equiv = 1 if 10.770329614269008063 == 10.7703296142690080625;
$uniq_count1 = uniqnum (10.770329614269008063,
10.7703296142690080625 );
$uniq_count2 = uniqnum('10.770329614269008063',
'10.7703296142690080625' );
if($equiv) {
is($uniq_count1, 1, 'uniqnum preserves uniqueness of high precision floats');
is($uniq_count2, 1, 'uniqnum preserves uniqueness of high precision floats (stringified)');
else {
is($uniq_count1, 2, 'uniqnum preserves uniqueness of high precision floats');
is($uniq_count2, 2, 'uniqnum preserves uniqueness of high precision floats (stringified)');
skip ('test not relevant for this perl configuration', 1) unless $Config{nvsize} == 8
&& $Config{ivsize} == 8;
my @in = (~0, ~0 - 1, 18446744073709551614.0, 18014398509481985, 1.8014398509481985e16);
# On perl-5.6.2 (and perhaps other old versions), ~0 - 1 is assigned to an NV.
# This affects the outcome of the following test, so we need to first determine
# whether ~0 - 1 is an NV or a UV:
if("$in[1]" eq "1.84467440737096e+19") {
# It's an NV and $in[2] is a duplicate of $in[1]
@correct = (~0, ~0 - 1, 18014398509481985, 1.8014398509481985e16);
else {
# No duplicates in @in
@correct = @in;
is_deeply( [ uniqnum @in ],
[ @correct ],
'uniqnum correctly compares UV/IVs that overflow NVs' );
my $ls = 31; # maximum left shift for 32-bit unity
if( $Config{ivsize} == 8 ) {
$ls = 63; # maximum left shift for 64-bit unity
# Populate @in with UV-NV pairs of equivalent values.
# Each of these values is exactly representable as
# either a UV or an NV.
my @in = (1 << $ls, 2 ** $ls,
1 << ($ls - 3), 2 ** ($ls - 3),
5 << ($ls - 3), 5 * (2 ** ($ls - 3)));
my @correct = (1 << $ls, 1 << ($ls - 3), 5 << ($ls -3));
if( $Config{ivsize} == 8 && $Config{nvsize} == 8 ) {
# Add some more UV-NV pairs of equivalent values.
# Each of these values is exactly representable
# as either a UV or an NV.
push @in, ( 9007199254740991, 9.007199254740991e+15,
9007199254740992, 9.007199254740992e+15,
9223372036854774784, 9.223372036854774784e+18,
18446744073709549568, 1.8446744073709549568e+19,
18446744073709139968, 1.8446744073709139968e+19,
100000000000262144, 1.00000000000262144e+17,
100000000001310720, 1.0000000000131072e+17,
144115188075593728, 1.44115188075593728e+17,
-9007199254740991, -9.007199254740991e+15,
-9007199254740992, -9.007199254740992e+15,
-9223372036854774784, -9.223372036854774784e+18,
-18446744073709549568, -1.8446744073709549568e+19,
-18446744073709139968, -1.8446744073709139968e+19,
-100000000000262144, -1.00000000000262144e+17,
-100000000001310720, -1.0000000000131072e+17,
-144115188075593728, -1.44115188075593728e+17 );
push @correct, ( 9007199254740991,
-144115188075593728 );
# uniqnum should discard each of the NVs as being a
# duplicate of the preceding UV.
is_deeply( [ uniqnum @in],
[ @correct],
'uniqnum correctly compares UV/IVs that don\'t overflow NVs' );
# Hard to know for sure what an Inf is going to be. Lets make one
my $Inf = 0 + 1E1000;
my $NaN;
$Inf **= 1000 while ( $NaN = $Inf - $Inf ) == $NaN;
is_deeply( [ uniqnum 0, 1, 12345, $Inf, -$Inf, $NaN, 0, $Inf, $NaN ],
[ 0, 1, 12345, $Inf, -$Inf, $NaN ],
'uniqnum preserves the special values of +-Inf and Nan' );
my $maxuint = ~0;
my $maxint = ~0 >> 1;
my $minint = -(~0 >> 1) - 1;
my @nums = ($maxuint, $maxuint-1, -1, $maxint, $minint, 1 );
use warnings FATAL => 'numeric';
if (eval {
"$Inf" + 0 == $Inf
}) {
push @nums, $Inf;
if (eval {
my $nanish = "$NaN" + 0;
$nanish != 0 && !$nanish != $NaN;
}) {
push @nums, $NaN;
is_deeply( [ uniqnum @nums, 1.0 ],
[ @nums ],
'uniqnum preserves uniqueness of full integer range' );
my @strs = map "$_", @nums;
if($maxuint !~ /\A[0-9]+\z/) {
skip( "Perl $] doesn't stringify UV_MAX right ($maxuint)", 1 );
is_deeply( [ uniqnum @strs, "1.0" ],
[ @strs ],
'uniqnum preserves uniqueness of full integer range (stringified)' );
my @nums = (6.82132005170133e-38, 62345678);
is_deeply( [ uniqnum @nums ], [ @nums ],
'uniqnum keeps uniqueness of numbers that stringify to the same byte pattern as a float'
my $warnings = "";
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= join "", @_ };
is_deeply( [ uniqnum 0, undef ],
[ 0 ],
'uniqnum considers undef and zero equivalent' );
ok( length $warnings, 'uniqnum on undef yields a warning' );
is_deeply( [ uniqnum undef ],
[ 0 ],
'uniqnum on undef coerces to zero' );
is_deeply( [uniqnum 0, -0.0 ],
'uniqnum handles negative zero');
skip ('test not relevant for this perl configuration', 4) unless $Config{ivsize} == 8;
# 1e17 is the number beyond which "%.20g" formatting fails on some
# 64-bit int perls.
# The following 2 tests check that the nearest values (both above
# and below that tipping point) are being handled correctly.
# 99999999999999984 is the largest 64-bit integer less than 1e17
# that can be expressed exactly as a double
is_deeply( [ uniqnum (99999999999999984, 99999999999999984.0) ],
[ (99999999999999984) ],
'uniqnum recognizes 99999999999999984 and 99999999999999984.0 as the same' );
is_deeply( [ uniqnum (-99999999999999984, -99999999999999984.0) ],
[ (-99999999999999984) ],
'uniqnum recognizes -99999999999999984 and -99999999999999984.0 as the same' );
# 100000000000000016 is the smallest positive 64-bit integer greater than 1e17
# that can be expressed exactly as a double
is_deeply( [ uniqnum (100000000000000016, 100000000000000016.0) ],
[ (100000000000000016) ],
'uniqnum recognizes 100000000000000016 and 100000000000000016.0 as the same' );
is_deeply( [ uniqnum (-100000000000000016, -100000000000000016.0) ],
[ (-100000000000000016) ],
'uniqnum recognizes -100000000000000016 and -100000000000000016.0 as the same' );
# uniqnum not confused by IV'ified floats
# This fails on 5.6 and isn't fixable without breaking a lot of other tests
skip 'This perl version gets confused by IVNV dualvars', 1 if $] lt '5.008000';
my @nums = ( 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 );
my $dummy = sprintf "%d", $_ for @nums;
# All @nums now have both NOK and IOK but IV=2 in each case
is( scalar( uniqnum @nums ), 3, 'uniqnum not confused by dual IV+NV' );
package Numify;
use overload '0+' => sub { return $_[0]->{num} };
sub new { bless { num => $_[1] }, $_[0] }
package main;
use Scalar::Util qw( refaddr );
my @nums = map { Numify->new( $_ ) } qw( 2 2 5 );
# is_deeply wants to use eq overloading
my @ret = uniqnum @nums;
ok( scalar @ret == 2 &&
refaddr $ret[0] == refaddr $nums[0] &&
refaddr $ret[1] == refaddr $nums[2],
'uniqnum respects numify overload' );
"1 1 2" =~ m/(.) (.) (.)/;
is_deeply( [ uniqnum $1, $2, $3 ],
[ 1, 2 ],
'uniqnum handles magic' );