47 lines
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47 lines
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use Sub::Install;
# This test, from here on out, is the verbatim "reinstall.t" test from
# Sub::Installer 0.0.2
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use Scalar::Util qw/reftype/;
use warnings;
# Install a sub in a package...
my $sub_ref = main->reinstall_sub({ ok1 => \&ok });
is reftype $sub_ref, 'CODE' => 'reinstall returns code ref';
is_deeply \&ok, $sub_ref => 'reinstall returns correct code ref';
ok1(1 => 'reinstalled sub runs');
# Install the same sub in the same package...
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ok 0 => "warned unexpected: @_" if $_[0] =~ /redefined/ };
$sub_ref = main->reinstall_sub({ ok1 => \&is });
is reftype $sub_ref, 'CODE' => 'reinstall2 returns code ref';
is_deeply \&is, $sub_ref => 'reinstall2 returns correct code ref';
ok1(1,1 => 'reinstalled sub reruns');
# Install in another package...
$sub_ref = Other->reinstall_sub({ ok2 => \&ok });
is reftype $sub_ref, 'CODE' => 'reinstall2 returns code ref';
is_deeply \&ok, $sub_ref => 'reinstall2 returns correct code ref';
ok1(1,1 => 'reinstalled sub reruns');
package Other;
ok2(1 => 'remotely reinstalled sub runs');