32 lines
969 B
32 lines
969 B
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}, 'Test::Warnings';
plan skip_all => 'B::C required for testing perlcc -O3'
unless eval { +require B::C; };
plan skip_all => 'B::C is too old (require 1.48, have ' . ($B::C::VERSION || 'undef') . ')'
unless eval { B::C->VERSION('1.48') };
plan skip_all => 'Devel::CheckBin required for looking for a perlcc executable'
unless eval { +require Devel::CheckBin };
plan skip_all => 'perlcc required' unless Devel::CheckBin::can_run('perlcc');
my $f = "t/rt96893x.pl";
open my $fh, ">", $f; END { unlink $f if $f }
print $fh 'use Sub::Name; subname("main::bar", sub{42}); print "# successfully ran subname() with perlcc\n";';
close $fh;
system($^X, qw(-Mblib -S perlcc -O3 -UCarp -UConfig -r), $f);
local $TODO = 'experimental, for informational purposes only';
is($? >> 8, 0, 'executable completed successfully');
unlink "t/rt96893x", "t/rt96893x.exe";
# vim: ft=perl