214 lines
5.5 KiB
214 lines
5.5 KiB
#!perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 39 + (2 * 2 + 1) + (5 + 2 * 3);
use Variable::Magic qw<
wizard cast dispell
use lib 't/lib';
use Variable::Magic::TestValue;
my $c = 0;
my $n = 1 + int rand 1000;
my $d;
my $wiz = wizard len => sub { $d = $_[2]; ++$c; return $n };
is $c, 0, 'len: wizard() doesn\'t trigger magic';
my @a = qw<a b c>;
$c = 0;
cast @a, $wiz;
is $c, 0, 'len: cast on array doesn\'t trigger magic';
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
my $b = scalar @a;
is $c, 1, 'len: get array length triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 3, 'len: get array length have correct default length';
is $b, $n, 'len: get array length correctly';
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
$b = $#a;
is $c, 1, 'len: get last array index triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 3, 'len: get last array index have correct default length';
is $b, $n - 1, 'len: get last array index correctly';
$n = 0;
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
$b = scalar @a;
is $c, 1, 'len: get array length 0 triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 3, 'len: get array length 0 have correct default length';
is $b, 0, 'len: get array length 0 correctly';
$n = undef;
@a = ();
cast @a, $wiz;
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
$b = scalar @a;
is $c, 1, 'len: get empty array length triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 0, 'len: get empty array length have correct default length';
is $b, 0, 'len: get empty array length correctly';
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
$b = $#a;
is $c, 1, 'len: get last empty array index triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 0, 'len: get last empty array index have correct default length';
is $b, -1, 'len: get last empty array index correctly';
skip 'len magic is no longer called for scalars' => 16 + 6
skip 'length() no longer calls len magic on plain scalars' => 16
$c = 0;
$n = 1 + int rand 1000;
# length magic on scalars needs also get magic to be triggered.
my $wiz = wizard get => sub { return 'anything' },
len => sub { $d = $_[2]; ++$c; return $n };
my $x = 6789;
$c = 0;
cast $x, $wiz;
is $c, 0, 'len: cast on scalar doesn\'t trigger magic';
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
$b = length $x;
is $c, 1, 'len: get scalar length triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 4, 'len: get scalar length have correct default length';
is $b, $n, 'len: get scalar length correctly';
$n = 0;
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
$b = length $x;
is $c, 1, 'len: get scalar length 0 triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 4, 'len: get scalar length 0 have correct default length';
is $b, $n, 'len: get scalar length 0 correctly';
$n = undef;
$x = '';
cast $x, $wiz;
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
$b = length $x;
is $c, 1, 'len: get empty scalar length triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 0, 'len: get empty scalar length have correct default length';
is $b, 0, 'len: get empty scalar length correctly';
$x = "\x{20AB}ongs";
cast $x, $wiz;
use bytes;
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
$b = length $x;
is $c, 1, 'len: get utf8 scalar length in bytes triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 7, 'len: get utf8 scalar length in bytes have correct default length';
is $b, $d,'len: get utf8 scalar length in bytes correctly';
$c = 0;
$d = undef;
$b = length $x;
is $c, 1, 'len: get utf8 scalar length triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 5, 'len: get utf8 scalar length have correct default length';
is $b, $d, 'len: get utf8 scalar length correctly';
our $c;
# length magic on scalars needs also get magic to be triggered.
my $wiz = wizard get => sub { 0 },
len => sub { $d = $_[2]; ++$c; return $_[2] };
my $x = "banana";
cast $x, $wiz;
local $c = 0;
pos($x) = 2;
is $c, 1, 'len: pos scalar triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 6, 'len: pos scalar have correct default length';
is $x, 'banana', 'len: pos scalar works correctly'
my $x = "hl\x{20AB}gh"; # Force utf8 on string
cast $x, $wiz;
local $c = 0;
substr($x, 2, 1) = 'a';
is $c, 1, 'len: substr utf8 scalar triggers magic correctly';
is $d, 5, 'len: substr utf8 scalar have correct default length';
is $x, 'hlagh', 'len: substr utf8 scalar correctly';
skip 'len magic is no longer called for negative array indices' => 5
if "$]" >= 5.025_004;
my @val = (4 .. 6);
my $wv = init_value @val, 'len', 'len';
value { $val[-1] = 8 } [ 4, 5, 6 ];
dispell @val, $wv;
is_deeply \@val, [ 4, 5, 8 ], 'len: after value';
local $@;
my $wua = eval { wizard len => \undef };
is $@, '', 'len: noop wizard (for arrays) creation does not croak';
my @a = ('a' .. 'z');
eval { cast @a, $wua };
is $@, '', 'len: noop wizard (for arrays) cast does not croak';
my $l;
eval { $l = $#a };
is $@, '', 'len: noop wizard (for arrays) invocation does not croak';
is $l, 25, 'len: noop magic on an array returns the previous length';
my $wus = eval { wizard get => \undef, len => \undef };
is $@, '', 'len: noop wizard (for strings) creation does not croak';
for ([ 'euro', 'string' ], [ "\x{20AC}uro", 'unicode string' ]) {
my ($euro, $desc) = @$_;
eval { cast $euro, $wus };
is $@, '', 'len: noop wizard (for strings) cast does not croak';
eval { pos($euro) = 2 };
is $@, '', 'len: noop wizard (for strings) invocation does not croak';
my ($rest) = ($euro =~ /(.*)/g);
is $rest, 'ro', "len: noop magic on a $desc returns the previous length";