166 lines
4.5 KiB
166 lines
4.5 KiB
#!perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => (2 * 27 + 9) + 2 * (2 * 5 + 5) + 1;
use Variable::Magic qw<
cast dispell
use lib 't/lib';
use Variable::Magic::TestWatcher;
my $wiz = init_watcher
[ qw<get set len clear free copy dup local fetch store exists delete> ],
my %n = map { $_ => int rand 1000 } qw<foo bar baz qux>;
my %h = %n;
watch { cast %h, $wiz } { }, 'cast';
my $s = watch { $h{foo} } +{ (fetch => 1) x VMG_UVAR },
'assign element to';
is $s, $n{foo}, 'hash: assign element to correctly';
my %b;
watch { %b = %h } { }, 'assign to';
is_deeply \%b, \%n, 'hash: assign to correctly';
$s = watch { \%h } { }, 'reference';
my @b = watch { @h{qw<bar qux>} }
+{ (fetch => 2) x VMG_UVAR }, 'slice';
is_deeply \@b, [ @n{qw<bar qux>} ], 'hash: slice correctly';
# exists
watch { exists $h{bar} } +{ (exists => 1) x VMG_UVAR },'exists in void context';
for (1 .. 2) {
$s = watch { exists $h{bar} } +{ (exists => 1) x VMG_UVAR },
"exists in scalar context ($_)";
ok $s, "hash: exists correctly ($_)";
# delete
watch { delete $h{bar} } +{
((delete => 1) x !VMG_COMPAT_HASH_DELETE_NOUVAR_VOID, copy => 1) x VMG_UVAR
}, 'delete in void context';
for (1 .. 2) {
$s = watch { delete $h{baz} } +{ (delete => 1, copy => 1) x VMG_UVAR },
"delete in scalar context ($_)";
my $exp = $_ == 1 ? $n{baz} : undef;
is $s, $exp, "hash: delete correctly ($_)";
# clear
watch { %h = () } { clear => 1 }, 'empty in list context';
watch { $h{a} = -1; %h = (b => $h{a}) }
+{ (fetch => 1, store => 2, copy => 2) x VMG_UVAR, clear => 1 },
'empty and set in void context';
watch { %h = (a => 1, d => 3) }
+{ (store => 2, copy => 2) x VMG_UVAR, clear => 1 },
'assign from list in void context';
@b = watch { %h = (a => 1, d => 3) }
+{ (exists => 2, store => 2, copy => 2) x VMG_UVAR, clear => 1 },
'assign from list in void context';
watch { %h = map { $_ => 1 } qw<a b d>; }
+{ (store => 3, copy => 3) x VMG_UVAR, clear => 1 },
'assign from map in void context';
watch { $h{d} = 2 } +{ (store => 1) x VMG_UVAR },
'assign old element';
watch { $h{c} = 3 } +{ (store => 1, copy => 1) x VMG_UVAR },
'assign new element';
$s = watch { %h } { }, 'buckets';
@b = watch { keys %h } { }, 'keys';
is_deeply [ sort @b ], [ qw<a b c d> ], 'hash: keys correctly';
@b = watch { values %h } { }, 'values';
is_deeply [ sort { $a <=> $b } @b ], [ 1, 1, 2, 3 ], 'hash: values correctly';
watch { while (my ($k, $v) = each %h) { } } { }, 'each';
watch {
my %b = %n;
watch { cast %b, $wiz } { }, 'cast 2';
} { free => 1 }, 'scope end';
watch { undef %h } { clear => 1 }, 'undef';
watch { dispell %h, $wiz } { }, 'dispell';
my $SKIP;
if (!VMG_UVAR) {
$SKIP = 'uvar magic';
} else {
local $@;
unless (eval { require B; require B::Deparse; 1 }) {
$SKIP = 'B and B::Deparse';
if ($SKIP) {
$SKIP .= ' required to test uvar/clear interaction fix';
skip $SKIP => 2 * ( 2 * 5 + 5);
my $bd = B::Deparse->new;
my %h1 = (a => 13, b => 15);
my %h2 = (a => 17, b => 19);
my @tests = (
[ \%h1 => 'first hash' => (14, 16) ],
[ \%h2 => 'second hash' => (18, 20) ],
for my $test (@tests) {
my ($h, $desc, @exp) = @$test;
watch { &cast($h, $wiz) } { }, "cast clear/uvar on $desc";
my $code = sub { my $x = $h->{$_[0]}; ++$x; $x };
my $before = $bd->coderef2text($code);
my $res;
watch { $res = $code->('a') } { fetch => 1 }, "fetch constant 'a' from $desc";
is $res, $exp[0], "uvar: fetch constant 'a' from $desc was correct";
my $after = $bd->coderef2text($code);
is $before, $after,
"uvar: code deparses correctly after constant fetch from $desc";
my $key = 'b';
watch { $res = $code->($key) } { fetch => 1 },"fetch variable 'b' from $desc";
is $res, $exp[1], "uvar: fetch variable 'b' from $desc was correct";
$after = $bd->coderef2text($code);
is $before, $after,
"uvar: code deparses correctly after variable fetch from $desc";
watch { %$h = () } { clear => 1 }, "fixed clear for $desc";
watch { &dispell($h, $wiz) } { }, "dispell clear/uvar from $desc";
ok(!(B::svref_2object($h)->FLAGS & B::SVs_RMG()),
"$desc no longer has the RMG flag set");