
351 lines
6.8 KiB

#!perl -T
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Variable::Magic qw<
wizard cast dispell
my $run;
if (VMG_UVAR) {
plan tests => 43;
$run = 1;
} else {
plan skip_all => 'uvar magic is required to test symbol table hooks';
our %mg;
my $code = 'wizard '
. join (', ', map { <<CB;
$_ => sub {
my \$d = \$_[1];
return 0 if \$d->{guard};
local \$d->{guard} = 1;
push \@{\$mg{$_}}, \$_[2];
} qw<fetch store exists delete>);
$code .= ', data => sub { +{ guard => 0 } }';
my $wiz = eval $code;
diag $@ if $@;
cast %Hlagh::, $wiz;
local %mg;
eval q{
die "ok\n";
package Hlagh;
our $thing;
package NotHlagh;
our $what = @Hlagh::stuff;
is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: variables compiled fine';
is_deeply \%mg, {
fetch => [ qw<thing stuff> ],
store => [ qw<thing stuff> ],
}, 'stash: variables';
local %mg;
eval q[
die "ok\n";
package Hlagh;
sub eat;
sub shoot;
sub leave { "bye" };
sub shoot { "bang" };
is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: function definitions compiled fine';
is_deeply \%mg, {
store => [ qw<eat shoot leave shoot> ],
}, 'stash: function definitions';
local %mg;
eval q{
die "ok\n";
package Hlagh;
my @calls = qw<eat shoot leave roam yawn roam>;
my (@fetch, @store);
if ("$]" >= 5.011_002 && "$]" < 5.021_004) {
@fetch = @calls;
@store = map { ($_) x 2 } @calls;
} else {
@fetch = @calls;
@store = @calls;
is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: function calls compiled fine';
is_deeply \%mg, {
fetch => \@fetch,
store => \@store,
}, 'stash: function calls';
local %mg;
eval q{ Hlagh->shoot() };
is $@, '', 'stash: valid method call ran fine';
my %expected = ( fetch => [ qw<shoot> ] );
# Typeglob reification may cause a store in 5.28+
if ("$]" >= 5.027 && %mg == 2) {
$expected{store} = $expected{fetch};
is_deeply \%mg, \%expected, 'stash: valid method call';
local %mg;
eval q{ Hlagh->shoot() };
is $@, '', 'stash: second valid method call ran fine';
is_deeply \%mg, {
fetch => [ qw<shoot> ],
}, 'stash: second valid method call';
local %mg;
eval q{ my $meth = 'shoot'; Hlagh->$meth() };
is $@, '', 'stash: valid dynamic method call ran fine';
is_deeply \%mg, {
store => [ qw<shoot> ],
}, 'stash: valid dynamic method call';
local %mg;
eval q[
package Hlagher;
our @ISA;
BEGIN { @ISA = 'Hlagh' }
is $@, '', 'inherited valid method call ran fine';
is_deeply \%mg, {
fetch => [ qw<ISA leave> ],
}, 'stash: inherited valid method call';
local %mg;
eval q{ Hlagher->leave() };
is $@, '', 'second inherited valid method call ran fine';
is_deeply \%mg, { }, 'stash: second inherited valid method call doesn\'t call magic';
local %mg;
eval q{ Hlagher->shoot() };
is $@, '', 'inherited previously called valid method call ran fine';
is_deeply \%mg, {
fetch => [ qw<shoot> ],
}, 'stash: inherited previously called valid method call';
local %mg;
eval q{ Hlagher->shoot() };
is $@, '', 'second inherited previously called valid method call ran fine';
is_deeply \%mg, { }, 'stash: second inherited previously called valid method call doesn\'t call magic';
local %mg;
eval q{ Hlagh->unknown() };
like $@, qr/^Can't locate object method "unknown" via package "Hlagh"/, 'stash: invalid method call croaked';
is_deeply \%mg, {
fetch => [ qw<unknown> ],
store => [ qw<unknown AUTOLOAD> ],
}, 'stash: invalid method call';
local %mg;
eval q{ my $meth = 'unknown_too'; Hlagh->$meth() };
like $@, qr/^Can't locate object method "unknown_too" via package "Hlagh"/, 'stash: invalid dynamic method call croaked';
is_deeply \%mg, {
store => [ qw<unknown_too AUTOLOAD> ],
}, 'stash: invalid dynamic method call';
local %mg;
eval q{ Hlagher->also_unknown() };
like $@, qr/^Can't locate object method "also_unknown" via package "Hlagher"/, 'stash: invalid inherited method call croaked';
is_deeply \%mg, {
fetch => [ qw<also_unknown AUTOLOAD> ],
}, 'stash: invalid method call';
local %mg;
my @expected_stores = qw<nevermentioned eat shoot>;
@expected_stores = map { ($_) x 2 } @expected_stores if "$]" < 5.017_004;
push @expected_stores, 'nevermentioned' if "$]" < 5.017_001;
eval q{
package Hlagh;
undef &nevermentioned;
undef &eat;
undef &shoot;
is $@, '', 'stash: delete executed fine';
is_deeply \%mg, { store => \@expected_stores }, 'stash: delete';
is_deeply \%mg, { }, 'stash: magic that remains at END time' if $run;
dispell %Hlagh::, $wiz;
package AutoHlagh;
use vars qw<$AUTOLOAD>;
sub AUTOLOAD { return $AUTOLOAD }
cast %AutoHlagh::, $wiz;
local %mg;
my $res = eval q{ AutoHlagh->autoloaded() };
is $@, '', 'stash: autoloaded method call ran fine';
is $res, 'AutoHlagh::autoloaded',
'stash: autoloaded method call returned the right thing';
is_deeply \%mg, {
fetch => [ qw<autoloaded> ],
store => [ qw<autoloaded AUTOLOAD AUTOLOAD> ],
}, 'stash: autoloaded method call';
package AutoHlagher;
our @ISA;
BEGIN { @ISA = ('AutoHlagh') }
local %mg;
my $res = eval q{ AutoHlagher->also_autoloaded() };
is $@, '', 'stash: inherited autoloaded method call ran fine';
is $res, 'AutoHlagher::also_autoloaded',
'stash: inherited autoloaded method returned the right thing';
is_deeply \%mg, {
fetch => [ qw<also_autoloaded AUTOLOAD> ],
store => [ qw<AUTOLOAD> ],
}, 'stash: inherited autoloaded method call';
dispell %AutoHlagh::, $wiz;
my $uo = 0;
$code = 'wizard '
. join (', ', map { <<CB;
$_ => sub {
my \$d = \$_[1];
return 0 if \$d->{guard};
local \$d->{guard} = 1;
} qw<fetch store exists delete>);
my $uo_exp = "$]" >= 5.011_002 && "$]" < 5.021_004 ? 3 : 2;
$code .= ', data => sub { +{ guard => 0 } }';
$wiz = eval $code . ', op_info => ' . VMG_OP_INFO_NAME;
diag $@ if $@;
cast %Hlagh::, $wiz;
is $uo, 0, 'stash: no undef op before function call with op name';
eval q{
die "ok\n";
package Hlagh;
is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: function call with op name compiled fine';
is $uo, $uo_exp, 'stash: undef op after function call with op name';
dispell %Hlagh::, $wiz;
is $uo, $uo_exp, 'stash: undef op after dispell for function call with op name';
$uo = 0;
$wiz = eval $code . ', op_info => ' . VMG_OP_INFO_OBJECT;
diag $@ if $@;
cast %Hlagh::, $wiz;
is $uo, 0, 'stash: no undef op before function call with op object';
eval q{
die "ok\n";
package Hlagh;
is $@, "ok\n", 'stash: function call with op object compiled fine';
is $uo, $uo_exp,
'stash: undef op after dispell for function call with op object';
dispell %Hlagh::, $wiz;
is $uo, $uo_exp,
'stash: undef op after dispell for function call with op object';