2006-01-26 20:11:32 +08:00
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC " -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN " " http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd " >
< html xmlns = " http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml " >
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
This file is autogenerated from the PHP output
Do not edit this file . Changes will be lost .
< head >
< meta http - equiv = " Content-Type " content = " text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 " />
< link rel = " stylesheet " type = " text/css " href = " main.css " />
< link rel = " SHORTCUT ICON " href = " 32favicon.png " />
2006-01-26 20:11:32 +08:00
< title > Search the documentation on Libvir . org </ title >
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
< meta name = " description " content = " libvirt, virtualization, virtualization API " />
2006-01-26 20:11:32 +08:00
</ head >
< body >
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
< div id = " header " >
< div id = " headerLogo " ></ div >
</ div >
< div id = " body " >
< div id = " content " >
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
< ? php
$query = $_GET [ 'query' ];
2011-01-13 14:09:13 +08:00
// We handle only the first argument so far
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
$query = ltrim ( $query );
if ( ! $query ) {
echo " <h1 align='center'>Search the documentation on Libvir.org</h1> " ;
2011-01-17 16:55:41 +08:00
$scope = $_GET [ 'scope' ];
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
if ( $scope == NULL )
$scope = " any " ;
$scope = ltrim ( $scope );
if ( $scope == " " )
$scope = " any " ;
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
< p > The search service indexes the libvirt APIs and documentation as well as the libvir - list @ redhat . com mailing - list archives . To use it simply provide a set of keywords :</ p >
2011-01-17 16:55:41 +08:00
< form action = " <?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] , " ? query = " , rawurlencode( $query ) ?> "
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
enctype = " application/x-www-form-urlencoded " method = " get " >
< input name = " query " type = " text " size = " 50 " value = " <?php echo $query ?> " />
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
< select name = " scope " >
< option value = " any " > Search All </ option >
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
< option value = " API " < ? php if ( $scope == 'API' ) print " selected='selected' " ?> >Only the APIs</option>
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
< option value = " DOCS " < ? php if ( $scope == 'DOCS' ) print " selected " ?> >Only the Documentation</option>
< option value = " LISTS " < ? php if ( $scope == 'LISTS' ) print " selected " ?> >Only the lists archives</option>
</ select >
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
< input name = " submit " type = " submit " value = " Search ... " />
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
</ form >
< ? php
function logQueryWord ( $word ) {
$result = mysql_query ( " SELECT ID,Count FROM Queries WHERE Value=' $word ' " );
if ( $result ) {
$i = mysql_num_rows ( $result );
if ( $i == 0 ) {
mysql_free_result ( $result );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO Queries (Value,Count) VALUES (' $word ',1) " );
} else {
$id = mysql_result ( $result , 0 , 0 );
$count = mysql_result ( $result , 0 , 1 );
$count ++ ;
mysql_query ( " UPDATE Queries SET Count= $count WHERE ID= $id " );
} else {
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO Queries (Value,Count) VALUES (' $word ',1) " );
function queryWord ( $word ) {
$result = NULL ;
$j = 0 ;
if ( $word ) {
$result = mysql_query ( " SELECT words.relevance, symbols.name, symbols.type, symbols.module, symbols.descr FROM words, symbols WHERE LCASE(words.name) LIKE LCASE(' $word ') and words.symbol = symbols.name ORDER BY words.relevance DESC LIMIT 75 " );
if ( $result ) {
$j = mysql_num_rows ( $result );
2008-02-06 03:27:37 +08:00
if ( $j == 0 )
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
mysql_free_result ( $result );
logQueryWord ( $word );
return array ( $result , $j );
function queryHTMLWord ( $word ) {
$result = NULL ;
$j = 0 ;
if ( $word ) {
$result = mysql_query ( " SELECT relevance, name, id, resource, section FROM wordsHTML WHERE LCASE(name) LIKE LCASE(' $word ') ORDER BY relevance DESC LIMIT 75 " );
if ( $result ) {
$j = mysql_num_rows ( $result );
2008-02-06 03:27:37 +08:00
if ( $j == 0 )
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
mysql_free_result ( $result );
logQueryWord ( $word );
return array ( $result , $j );
function queryArchiveWord ( $word ) {
$result = NULL ;
$j = 0 ;
if ( $word ) {
2006-02-25 05:22:21 +08:00
$result = mysql_query ( " SELECT wordsArchive.relevance, wordsArchive.name, 'libvir-list', archives.resource, archives.title FROM wordsArchive, archives WHERE LCASE(wordsArchive.name) LIKE LCASE(' $word ') and wordsArchive.ID = archives.ID ORDER BY relevance DESC LIMIT 75 " );
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
if ( $result ) {
$j = mysql_num_rows ( $result );
2008-02-06 03:27:37 +08:00
if ( $j == 0 )
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
mysql_free_result ( $result );
logQueryWord ( $word );
return array ( $result , $j );
function resSort ( $a , $b ) {
list ( $ra , $ta , $ma , $na , $da ) = $a ;
list ( $rb , $tb , $mb , $nb , $db ) = $b ;
if ( $ra == $rb ) return 0 ;
return ( $ra > $rb ) ? - 1 : 1 ;
if (( $query ) && ( strlen ( $query ) <= 50 )) {
$link = mysql_connect ( " localhost " , " nobody " );
if ( ! $link ) {
echo " <p> Could not connect to the database: " , mysql_error ();
} else {
mysql_select_db ( " libvir " , $link );
$list = explode ( " " , $query );
$results = array ();
$number = 0 ;
for ( $number = 0 ; $number < count ( $list ); $number ++ ) {
$word = $list [ $number ];
if (( $scope == 'any' ) || ( $scope == 'API' )) {
list ( $result , $j ) = queryWord ( $word );
if ( $j > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $j ; $i ++ ) {
$relevance = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 0 );
$name = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 1 );
$type = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 2 );
$module = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 3 );
$desc = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 4 );
if ( array_key_exists ( $name , $results )) {
list ( $r , $t , $m , $d , $w , $u ) = $results [ $name ];
$results [ $name ] = array (( $r + $relevance ) * 2 ,
$t , $m , $d , $w , $u );
} else {
$id = $name ;
$m = strtolower ( $module );
2006-02-25 05:17:54 +08:00
$url = " html/libvirt- $module .html# $id " ;
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
$results [ $name ] = array ( $relevance , $type ,
$module , $desc , $name , $url );
mysql_free_result ( $result );
if (( $scope == 'any' ) || ( $scope == 'DOCS' )) {
list ( $result , $k ) = queryHTMLWord ( $word );
if ( $k > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $k ; $i ++ ) {
$relevance = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 0 );
$name = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 1 );
$id = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 2 );
$module = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 3 );
$desc = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 4 );
$url = $module ;
if ( $id != " " ) {
$url = $url + " # $id " ;
$results [ " $name _html_ $number _ $i " ] =
array ( $relevance , " XML docs " ,
$module , $desc , $name , $url );
mysql_free_result ( $result );
if (( $scope == 'any' ) || ( $scope == 'LISTS' )) {
list ( $result , $j ) = queryArchiveWord ( $word );
if ( $j > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $j ; $i ++ ) {
$relevance = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 0 );
$name = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 1 );
$type = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 2 );
$url = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 3 );
$desc = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 4 );
if ( array_key_exists ( $url , $results )) {
list ( $r , $t , $m , $d , $w , $u ) = $results [ $url ];
$results [ $name ] = array (( $r + $relevance ) * 2 ,
$t , $m , $d , $w , $u );
} else {
$id = $name ;
$m = strtolower ( $module );
$u = str_replace (
2006-02-25 05:17:54 +08:00
" http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/ " , " " , $url );
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
$results [ $url ] = array ( $relevance , $type ,
$u , $desc , $name , $url );
mysql_free_result ( $result );
if (( count ( $results ) == 0 ) && ( count ( $list ) == 1 )) {
$word = $list [ 0 ];
if (( $scope == 'any' ) || ( $scope == 'XMLAPI' )) {
list ( $result , $j ) = queryWord ( " vir $word " );
if ( $j > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $j ; $i ++ ) {
$relevance = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 0 );
$name = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 1 );
$type = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 2 );
$module = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 3 );
$desc = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 4 );
if ( array_key_exists ( $name , $results )) {
list ( $r , $t , $m , $d , $w , $u ) = $results [ $name ];
$results [ $name ] = array (( $r + $relevance ) * 2 ,
$t , $m , $d , $w , $u );
} else {
$id = $name ;
$m = strtolower ( $module );
2006-02-25 05:17:54 +08:00
$url = " html/libvirt- $module .html# $id " ;
2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
$results [ $name ] = array ( $relevance , $type ,
$module , $desc , $name , $url );
mysql_free_result ( $result );
mysql_close ( $link );
$nb = count ( $results );
echo " <h3 align='center'>Found $nb results for query $query </h3> \n " ;
usort ( $results , " resSort " );
if ( $nb > 0 ) {
printf ( " <table><tbody> \n " );
printf ( " <tr><td>Quality</td><td>Symbol</td><td>Type</td><td>module</td><td>Description</td></tr> \n " );
$i = 0 ;
while ( list ( $name , $val ) = each ( $results )) {
list ( $r , $t , $m , $d , $s , $u ) = $val ;
$m = str_replace ( " < " , " < " , $m );
$s = str_replace ( " < " , " < " , $s );
$d = str_replace ( " < " , " < " , $d );
echo " <tr><td> $r </td><td><a href=' $u '> $s </a></td><td> $t </td><td> $m </td><td> $d </td></tr> " ;
$i = $i + 1 ;
if ( $i > 75 )
break ;
printf ( " </tbody></table> \n " );
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
< img src = " libvirtLogo.png " alt = " libvirt Logo " />
2006-01-26 20:11:32 +08:00
</ div >
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
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< a title = " Information for users, administrators and developers " class = " inactive " href = " docs.html " > Documentation </ a >
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< a title = " User contributed content " class = " inactive " href = " http://wiki.libvirt.org " > Wiki </ a >
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2010-07-26 22:32:42 +08:00
< a title = " Frequently asked questions " class = " inactive " href = " http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/FAQ " > FAQ </ a >
2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
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< a title = " How and where to report bugs and request features " class = " inactive " href = " bugs.html " > Bug reports </ a >
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< a title = " Overview of all content on the website " class = " inactive " href = " sitemap.html " > Sitemap </ a >
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2006-01-26 20:11:32 +08:00
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2008-04-24 17:44:00 +08:00
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< div id = " footer " >
< div id = " projects " >
< dl id = " p1 " >< dt >
< a href = " http://augeas.net/ " > Augeas </ a >
</ dt >< dd >
< span > A configuration editing tool and API </ span >
</ dd >< dt >
< a href = " http://libvirt.org/ " > libvirt </ a >
</ dt >< dd >
< span > The open source virtualization API </ span >
</ dd ></ dl >
< dl id = " p2 " >< dt >
< a href = " http://cobbler.et.redhat.com/ " > Cobbler </ a >
</ dt >< dd >
< span > OS provisioning and profile management </ span >
</ dd >< dt >
< a href = " http://ovirt.org/ " > oVirt </ a >
</ dt >< dd >
< span > Virtualization management across the data center </ span >
</ dd ></ dl >
< dl id = " p3 " >< dt >
< a href = " http://freeipa.org/ " > FreeIPA </ a >
</ dt >< dd >
< span > Identity , policy and audit management </ span >
</ dd >< dt >
< a href = " http://virt-manager.org/ " > Virtual Machine Manager </ a >
</ dt >< dd >
< span > Virtualization management from the desktop </ span >
</ dd ></ dl >
2006-01-26 20:11:32 +08:00
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2005-12-09 22:41:48 +08:00
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