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490 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
490 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# hyperv_wmi_generator.py: generates most of the WMI type mapping code
# Copyright (C) 2011 Matthias Bolte <matthias.bolte@googlemail.com>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
import os.path
separator = "/*" + ("*" * 50) + "*\n"
wmi_version_separator = "/"
wmi_classes_by_name = {}
class WmiClass:
"""Represents WMI class and provides methods to generate C code.
This class holds one or more instances of WmiClassVersion because with the
Windows 2012 release, Microsoft introduced "v2" version of Msvm_* family of
classes that need different URI for making wsman requests and also have
some additional/changed properties (though many of the properties are the
same as in "v1". Therefore, this class makes sure that C code is generated
for each of them while avoiding name conflicts, identifies common members,
and defined *_WmiInfo structs holding info about each version so the driver
code can make the right choices based on which Hyper-V host it's connected
def __init__(self, name, versions=None):
self.name = name
self.versions = versions if versions else list()
self.common = None
def prepare(self):
"""Prepares the class for code generation
Makes sure that "versioned" classes are sorted by version, identifies
common properties and ensures that they are aligned by name and
type in each version
# sort versioned classes by version in case input file did not have them
# in order
self.versions = sorted(self.versions, key=lambda cls: cls.version or "")
# if there's more than one version make sure first one has name suffixed
# because we'll generate "common" member and will be the "base" name
if len(self.versions) > 1:
first = self.versions[0]
if first.version is None:
first.version = "v1"
first.name = "%s_%s" % (first.name, first.version)
# finally, identify common members in all versions and make sure they
# are in the same order - to ensure C struct member alignment
def generate_classes_header(self):
"""Generate C header code and return it as string
<class_name>_Data - used as one of hypervObject->data members
<class_name>_TypeInfo - used as wsman XmlSerializerInfo
<class_name> - "inherits" hypervObject struct
name_upper = self.name.upper()
header = separator
header += " * %s\n" % self.name
header += " */\n"
header += "\n"
header += "#define %s_CLASSNAME \\\n" % name_upper
header += " \"%s\"\n" % self.name
header += "\n"
header += "#define %s_WQL_SELECT \\\n" % name_upper
header += " \"SELECT * FROM %s \"\n" % self.name
header += "\n"
header += "extern hypervWmiClassInfoListPtr %s_WmiInfo;\n\n" % self.name
header += self._declare_data_structs()
header += self._declare_hypervObject_struct()
return header
def generate_classes_source(self):
"""Returns a C code string defining wsman data structs
<class_name>_Data structs
<class_name>_WmiInfo - list holding metadata (e.g. request URIs) for
each known version of WMI class.
source = separator
source += " * %s\n" % self.name
source += " */\n"
for cls in self.versions:
source += "SER_START_ITEMS(%s_Data)\n" % cls.name
for property in cls.properties:
source += property.generate_classes_source(cls.name)
source += "SER_END_ITEMS(%s_Data);\n\n" % cls.name
# also generate typemap data while we're here
source += "hypervCimType %s_Typemap[] = {\n" % cls.name
for property in cls.properties:
source += property.generate_typemap()
source += ' { "", "", 0 },\n' # null terminated
source += '};\n\n'
source += self._define_WmiInfo_struct()
source += "\n\n"
return source
def generate_classes_typedef(self):
"""Returns C string for typdefs"""
typedef = "typedef struct _%s %s;\n" % (self.name, self.name)
if self.common is not None:
typedef += "typedef struct _%s_Data %s_Data;\n" % (self.name, self.name)
for cls in self.versions:
typedef += "typedef struct _%s_Data %s_Data;\n" % (cls.name, cls.name)
return typedef
def _declare_data_structs(self):
"""Returns string C code declaring data structs.
The *_Data structs are members of hypervObject data union. Each one has
corresponding *_TypeInfo that is used for wsman unserialization of
response XML into the *_Data structs. If there's a "common" member, it
won't have corresponding *_TypeInfo because this is a special case only
used to provide a common "view" of v1, v2 etc members
header = ""
if self.common is not None:
header += "struct _%s_Data {\n" % self.name
for property in self.common:
header += property.generate_classes_header()
header += "};\n\n"
# Declare actual data struct for each versions
for cls in self.versions:
header += "#define %s_RESOURCE_URI \\\n" % cls.name.upper()
header += " \"%s\"\n" % cls.uri_info.resourceUri
header += "\n"
header += "struct _%s_Data {\n" % cls.name
for property in cls.properties:
header += property.generate_classes_header()
header += "};\n\n"
header += "SER_DECLARE_TYPE(%s_Data);\n" % cls.name
return header
def _declare_hypervObject_struct(self):
"""Return string for C code declaring hypervObject instance"""
header = "\n/* must match hypervObject */\n"
header += "struct _%s {\n" % self.name
header += " union {\n"
# if there's common use it as "common" else first and only version is
# the "common" member
if self.common is not None:
header += " %s_Data *common;\n" % self.name
header += " %s_Data *common;\n" % self.versions[0].name
for cls in self.versions:
header += " %s_Data *%s;\n" % (cls.name, cls.version)
header += " } data;\n"
header += " hypervWmiClassInfoPtr info;\n"
header += " %s *next;\n" % self.name
header += "};\n"
header += "\n\n\n"
return header
def _define_WmiInfo_struct(self):
"""Return string for C code defining *_WmiInfo struct
Those structs hold info with meta-data needed to make wsman requests for
each version of WMI class
source = "hypervWmiClassInfoListPtr %s_WmiInfo = &(hypervWmiClassInfoList) {\n" % self.name
source += " .count = %d,\n" % len(self.versions)
source += " .objs = (hypervWmiClassInfoPtr []) {\n"
for cls in self.versions:
source += " &(hypervWmiClassInfo) {\n"
source += " .name = %s_CLASSNAME,\n" % self.name.upper()
if cls.version is not None:
source += " .version = \"%s\",\n" % cls.version
source += " .version = NULL,\n"
source += " .rootUri = %s,\n" % cls.uri_info.rootUri
source += " .resourceUri = %s_RESOURCE_URI,\n" % cls.name.upper()
source += " .serializerInfo = %s_Data_TypeInfo,\n" % cls.name
source += " .propertyInfo = %s_Typemap\n" % cls.name
source += " },\n"
source += " }\n"
source += "};\n"
return source
def _align_property_members(self):
"""Identifies common properties in all class versions.
Makes sure that properties in all versions are ordered with common
members first and that they are in the same order. This makes the
generated C structs memory aligned and safe to access via the "common"
struct that "shares" members with v1, v2 etc.
num_classes = len(self.versions)
common = {}
property_info = {}
if num_classes < 2:
# count property occurrences in all class versions
for cls in self.versions:
for prop in cls.properties:
# consdered same if matches by name AND type
key = "%s_%s_%s" % (prop.name, prop.type, prop.is_array)
if key in property_info:
property_info[key][1] += 1
property_info[key] = [prop, 1]
# isolate those that are common for all and keep track of their positions
pos = 0
for key in sorted(property_info):
info = property_info[key]
# exists in all class versions
if info[1] == num_classes:
common[info[0].name] = [info[0], pos]
pos += 1
# alter each version's property list so that common members are first
# and in the same order as in the common dictionary
for cls in self.versions:
index = 0
count = len(cls.properties)
while index < count:
prop = cls.properties[index]
# it's a "common" property
if prop.name in common:
pos = common[prop.name][1]
# move to the same position as in "common" dictionary
if index != pos:
tmp = cls.properties[pos]
cls.properties[pos] = prop
cls.properties[index] = tmp
index += 1
index += 1
# finally, get common properties as list sorted by position in dictionary
tmp = sorted(common.values(), key=lambda x: x[1])
self.common = []
for x in tmp:
class ClassUriInfo:
"""Prepares URI information needed for wsman requests."""
def __init__(self, wmi_name, version):
self.rootUri = "ROOT_CIMV2"
self.resourceUri = None
baseUri = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/cimv2"
if wmi_name.startswith("Msvm_"):
baseUri = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/virtualization"
if version == "v2":
baseUri += "/v2"
self.resourceUri = "%s/%s" % (baseUri, wmi_name)
class WmiClassVersion:
"""Represents specific version of WMI class."""
def __init__(self, name, version, properties, uri_info):
self.name = name
self.version = version
self.properties = properties
self.uri_info = uri_info
class Property:
typemap = {
"boolean": "BOOL",
"string": "STR",
"datetime": "STR",
"int8": "INT8",
"sint8": "INT8",
"int16": "INT16",
"sint16": "INT16",
"int32": "INT32",
"sint32": "INT32",
"int64": "INT64",
"sint64": "INT64",
"uint8": "UINT8",
"uint16": "UINT16",
"uint32": "UINT32",
"uint64": "UINT64"
def __init__(self, type, name, is_array):
if type not in Property.typemap:
report_error("unhandled property type %s" % type)
self.type = type
self.name = name
self.is_array = is_array
def generate_classes_header(self):
if self.is_array:
return " XML_TYPE_DYN_ARRAY %s;\n" % self.name
return " XML_TYPE_%s %s;\n" \
% (Property.typemap[self.type], self.name)
def generate_classes_source(self, class_name):
if self.is_array:
return " SER_NS_DYN_ARRAY(%s_RESOURCE_URI, \"%s\", 0, 0, %s),\n" \
% (class_name.upper(), self.name, self.type)
return " SER_NS_%s(%s_RESOURCE_URI, \"%s\", 1),\n" \
% (Property.typemap[self.type], class_name.upper(), self.name)
def generate_typemap(self):
return ' { "%s", "%s", %s },\n' % (self.name, self.type.lower(), str(self.is_array).lower())
def open_file(filename):
return open(filename, "wt")
def report_error(message):
print("error: " + message)
def parse_class(block, number):
# expected format: class <name>
header_items = block[0][1].split()
if len(header_items) != 2:
report_error("line %d: invalid block header" % (number))
assert header_items[0] == "class"
name = header_items[1]
properties = []
version = None
wmi_name = name
ns_separator = name.find(wmi_version_separator)
if ns_separator != -1:
version = name[:ns_separator]
wmi_name = name[ns_separator + 1:]
name = "%s_%s" % (wmi_name, version)
for line in block[1:]:
# expected format: <type> <name>
items = line[1].split()
if len(items) != 2:
report_error("line %d: invalid property" % line[0])
if items[1].endswith("[]"):
items[1] = items[1][:-2]
is_array = True
is_array = False
properties.append(Property(type=items[0], name=items[1],
cls = WmiClassVersion(name=name, version=version, properties=properties,
uri_info=ClassUriInfo(wmi_name, version))
if wmi_name in wmi_classes_by_name:
wmi_classes_by_name[wmi_name] = WmiClass(wmi_name, [cls])
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
report_error("usage: %s srcdir builddir" % sys.argv[0])
input_filename = os.path.join(sys.argv[1], "hyperv", "hyperv_wmi_generator.input")
output_dirname = os.path.join(sys.argv[2], "hyperv")
classes_typedef = open_file(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_classes.generated.typedef"))
classes_header = open_file(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_classes.generated.h"))
classes_source = open_file(os.path.join(output_dirname, "hyperv_wmi_classes.generated.c"))
# parse input file
number = 0
block = None
for line in open(input_filename, "rt").readlines():
number += 1
if "#" in line:
line = line[:line.index("#")]
line = line.lstrip().rstrip()
if len(line) < 1:
if line.startswith("class"):
if block is not None:
report_error("line %d: nested block found" % (number))
block = []
if block is not None:
if line == "end":
if block[0][1].startswith("class"):
parse_class(block, number)
block = None
block.append((number, line))
# write output files
notice = "/* Generated by hyperv_wmi_generator.py */\n\n\n\n"
names = sorted(wmi_classes_by_name.keys())
for name in names:
cls = wmi_classes_by_name[name]
if __name__ == "__main__":