812 lines
24 KiB
812 lines
24 KiB
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# $Id$
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Makefile.PL for XML::LibXML.
# This file is required to generate a localized Makefile
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as
# Perl itself.
# Copyright 2001-2003 AxKit.com Ltd., 2002-2006 Christian Glahn, 2006-2009 Petr Pajas
use strict;
use warnings;
require 5.008;
use vars qw/$DEVNULL $is_Win32 $extralibdir $skipsaxinstall/;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use Config;
use Symbol;
use File::Spec;
my %config;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# common information go to the top, so they are easier to find
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
my %INFOS = (
'NAME' => 'XML::LibXML',
'VERSION_FROM' => 'LibXML.pm', # finds $VERSION
'AUTHOR' => 'Petr Pajas',
'ABSTRACT' => 'Interface to Gnome libxml2 xml parsing and DOM library',
'LICENSE' => 'perl',
(($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.48)
? (MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.008',)
: ()
'PREREQ_PM' => {
'base' => 0,
#'Hash::FieldHash' => '0.09',
'parent' => 0,
'strict' => 0,
'Test::More' => 0,
'vars' => 0,
'warnings' => 0,
'XML::NamespaceSupport' => '1.07',
'XML::SAX' => '0.11',
'XML::SAX::Base' => '0',
'XML::SAX::Exception' => '0',
'OBJECT' => '$(O_FILES)', # add the DOM extensions to libxml2
($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.54)
resources =>
repository => 'https://github.com/shlomif/perl-XML-LibXML',
homepage => 'https://github.com/shlomif/perl-XML-LibXML',
keywords =>
"object oriented",
: (),
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
use lib qw(inc);
use Devel::CheckLib;
# Prompt the user here for any paths and other configuration
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# libxml2 valid versions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# read extra configurations from the commandline
my %params;
@ARGV = grep {
my ($key, $val) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
if (exists $params{$key}) {
$config{$key} = $val; 0
} else { 1 }
} @ARGV;
$extralibdir = $config{EXTRALIBDIR};
delete $config{EXTRALIBDIR};
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# force unsupported version
my $FORCE = delete $config{FORCE};
# switch Debugging messages on
my $DEBUG = delete $config{DEBUG};
if ( $config{DEBUG} and $is_Win32 ) {
warn "win32 compile\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# enable perls UTF8 support if available
if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
warn "enable native perl UTF8\n";
$config{DEFINE} .= " -DHAVE_UTF8";
if ( $] < 5.008 or $config{NO_THREADS} ) {
warn "disabling XML::LibXML support for Perl threads\n";
delete $config{NO_THREADS};
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# get the libxml2 configuration
# For each release we already know which libxml2 versions work with the given
# module. All we need is to keep track of bad versions.
# If a user wants to build XML::LibXML with a newer version, there will be
# a warning, that errors are possible.
# We keep track of the valid versions by keeping a blacklist of intervals
# of working and not working versions where Ma.Mi.Pt <= X.Y.Z is of the same
# state.
# NOTE: All versions, the tests pass will be marked as working.
$skipsaxinstall = $ENV{SKIP_SAX_INSTALL} || $config{SKIP_SAX_INSTALL};
delete $config{SKIP_SAX_INSTALL};
unless ( $is_Win32 ) { # cannot get config in W32
my @blacklist = (
# format X,Y,Z,is_ok, X,Y,Z is version,
# is_ok applies also to *preceding* versions
[2,4,25,0], # broken XPath
[2,4,28,0], # unsupported, may work fine with earlier XML::LibXML versions
[2,4,29,0], # broken
[2,4,30,0], # broken
[2,5,0,0], # unsupported
[2,5,1,0], # all pre 2.5.4 version have broken attr output
[2,5,5,0], # tests pass, but known as broken
[2,5,11,0], # will partially work
[2,6,0,0], # unsupported
[2,6,4,0], # schema error
[2,6,5,0], # broken xincludes
# [2,6,16,1], # first version to pass all tests
[2,6,18,1], # up to 2.6.18 all ok
[2,6,19,0], # broken c14n
[2,6,20,0], # broken schemas
[2,6,24,1], # all tests pass
[2,6,25,0], # broken XPath
[2,6,32,1], # tested, works ok
[2,7,1,0], # broken release, broken utf-16
[2,7,6,1], # tested, ok
[2,7,8,1], # tested, ok
[2,9,3,1], # schema regression
[2,9,4,0], # schema regression
my $xml2cfg = "xml2-config";
my $libprefix = $ENV{XMLPREFIX} || $config{XMLPREFIX};
delete $config{XMLPREFIX}; # delete if exists, otherwise MakeMaker gets confused
if ( defined $libprefix ) {
$xml2cfg = $libprefix . '/bin/' . $xml2cfg;
# if a user defined INC and LIBS on the command line we must not
# override them
if ( not defined $config{LIBS} and not defined $config{INC} ) {
print "running xml2-config...";
eval {
try_libconfig( $xml2cfg, \%config, \@blacklist );
if ( $@ ) {
if ( $@ =~ /^VERSION|^FORCED/ ) {
my $libxml2_version;
print STDERR "The installed version of libxml2 $@ is not compatible with XML::LibXML (and probably buggy)!\n\n".
"You may continue at your own risk using 'perl Makefile.PL FORCE=1', but:\n\n".
" - don't expect XML::LibXML to build or work correctly!\n".
" - don't report errors!\n".
" - don't send patches!\n\n".
"Check the README file for more information on versions\n".
"that are tested with XML::LibXML\n\n";
if ($@ =~ /^VERSION (\S+)/) {
$libxml2_version = $1;
# 0 recommended by http://cpantest.grango.org (Notes for CPAN Authors)
exit 0 if !$FORCE and $libxml2_version ne "2.9.4";
if ( $@ =~ /^UNTESTED (\S*)/ ) {
warn "Note: libxml2 $1 was not tested with this XML::LibXML version.\n"
# warn <<"UNTESTED";
# The installed version of libxml2 was not tested with this version of XML::LibXML.
# XML::LibXML may fail building or some tests may not pass.
# Expect strange errors and unstable scripts.
# Check the README file for more informations
if ( not defined $config{LIBS} and not defined $config{INC} ) {
warn "didn't manage to get libxml2 config, guessing\n";
$config{LIBS} = '-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib -lxml2 -lm';
$config{INC} = '-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include';
print <<"OPT";
If this is wrong, Re-run as:
\$ $^X Makefile.PL LIBS='-L/path/to/lib' INC='-I/path/to/include'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# GDOME Support
# GDOME Support has to get explicitly activated by setting GDOME=1 as a config param.
unless ( $is_Win32 ) { # cannot get config in W32
if ( $config{GDOME} ) {
my $ver;
my $state = undef; # there are three possible states:
# 1 : works
# 0 : works not
# undef : not yet tested
my @blacklist = (
print <<"GDOME";
GDOME Support (experimental):
XML::LibXML can parse into XML::GDOME DOMs if libgdome is installed.
This feature is optional and is not required for using XML::LibXML.
print "running gdome-config...";
eval {
test_libconfig( "gdome-config", \%config, @blacklist );
print "NOTE: You will need to install XML::GDOME to use this feature\n";
if ( $@ ) {
if ( $@ =~ /^VERSION/ ) {
warn "The installed libgdome version is not supported\n";
elsif ( $@ =~ /^UNTESTED/ ) {
warn "The installed libgdome version was not yet tested with XML::LibXML.\n";
print "NOTE: You will need to install XML::GDOME to use this feature\n";
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
my $config_LIBS_alternatives;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# fix the ld flags
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if (!defined $config{LIBS} || $config{LIBS} !~ /\-l(?:lib)?xml2\b/) {
# in this case we are not able to run xml2-config. therefore we need to
# expand the libz as well.
if ($is_Win32) {
$config{LIBS} .= ' -llibxml2.lib -lzlib.lib';
else {
my $l = $config{LIBS};
if (!defined($l)) {
$l = '';
# Put several options.
$config_LIBS_alternatives = [
map { "$l $_" }
q/ -llibxml2/,
q/ -lxml2 -lzlib/,
q/ -llibxml2 -lzlib -llibgettextlib.dll/
$config{LIBS} = $config_LIBS_alternatives->[-1];
$config{INC} .= " -I$Config{incpath}";
else {
$config{LIBS} .= ' -lxml2 -lz -lm';
elsif ($config{LIBS} !~ /\-lz\b/ and !($is_Win32 && $config{LIBS} !~ /\-lzlib\b/)) {
# note if libxml2 has not -lz within its cflags, we should not use
# it! We should trust libxml2 and assume libz is not available on the
# current system (this is ofcourse not true with win32 systems.
# $config{LIBS} .= $is_Win32 ? ' -lzlib' :' -lz';
if ( $config{DEBUG} ) {
warn "zlib was not configured\n";
warn "set zlib\n" if $is_Win32;
if ($is_Win32) {
$config{LIBS} .= ' -lzlib.lib';
} else {
$config{LIBS} .= ' -lzlib';
} else {
$config{LIBS} .= ' -lz';
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# MacOS X Compiler switches have to go here
# if we run on MacOSX, we should check if 10.2 is running and if so,
# if the Build Target is set correctly. Otherwise we have to set it by
# hand
my $ldflags = delete $config{LDFLAGS};
if ($ldflags) {
$config{dynamic_lib} = { OTHERLDFLAGS => " $ldflags " };
my $incpath = $config{INC} || "";
$incpath =~ s#(\A|\s)\s*-I#$1#g;
sub _libxml_check_lib_with_config_LIBs
my ($lib_name, $conf_LIBS) = @_;
debug => $DEBUG,
LIBS => $conf_LIBS,
# fill in what you prompted the user for here
lib => [$lib_name],
incpath => [split(/\s/,$incpath)],
header =>
sub _libxml_check_lib {
my ($libname) = @_;
if (defined($config_LIBS_alternatives)) {
foreach my $conf_LIBS (@$config_LIBS_alternatives) {
if (_libxml_check_lib_with_config_LIBs($libname, $conf_LIBS)) {
$config{LIBS} = $conf_LIBS;
return 1;
else {
return _libxml_check_lib_with_config_LIBs($libname, $config{LIBS});
print "Checking for ability to link against xml2...";
if ( _libxml_check_lib('xml2') ) {
print "yes\n";
else {
print "no\n";
print "Checking for ability to link against libxml2...";
if ( _libxml_check_lib('libxml2')) {
print "yes\n";
else {
print STDERR <<"DEATH";
libxml2, zlib, and/or the Math library (-lm) have not been found.
Try setting LIBS and INC values on the command line
Or get libxml2 from
If you install via RPMs, make sure you also install the -devel
RPMs, as this is where the headers (.h files) are.
Also, you may try to run perl Makefile.PL with the DEBUG=1 parameter
to see the exact reason why the detection of libxml2 installation
failed or why Makefile.PL was not able to compile a test program.
exit 0; # 0 recommended by http://cpantest.grango.org (Notes for CPAN Authors)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# _NOW_ write the Makefile
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# helper functions to build the Makefile
sub MY::manifypods {
package MY;
my $str = shift->SUPER::manifypods(@_);
# warn $str;
# $str =~ s/^manifypods : pure_all (.*)$/manifypods : pure_all docs $1/m;
$str .= <<"EOF";
docs-fast :
\t\@$^X -pi~ -e 's{<edition>[0-9.]*</edition>}{<edition>'"\$(VERSION)"'</edition>}' docs/libxml.dbk
\t\@$^X -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib example/xmllibxmldocs.pl docs/libxml.dbk lib/XML/LibXML/
docs : pure_all
\t\@$^X -pi~ -e 's{<edition>[0-9.]*</edition>}{<edition>'"\$(VERSION)"'</edition>}' docs/libxml.dbk
\t\@$^X -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib example/xmllibxmldocs.pl docs/libxml.dbk lib/XML/LibXML/
\t\@$^X -pi.old -e 's/a/a/' Makefile.PL
\t\@echo "==> YOU MUST NOW RE-RUN $^X Makefile.PL <=="
return $str;
sub MY::install {
package MY;
my $script = shift->SUPER::install(@_);
unless ( $::skipsaxinstall ) {
$script =~ s/install :: (.*)$/install :: $1 install_sax_driver/m;
$script .= <<"INSTALL";
install_sax_driver :
\t-\@\$(PERL) -I\$(INSTALLSITELIB) -I\$(INSTALLSITEARCH) -MXML::SAX -e "XML::SAX->add_parser(q(XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser))->save_parsers()"
\t-\@\$(PERL) -I\$(INSTALLSITELIB) -I\$(INSTALLSITEARCH) -MXML::SAX -e "XML::SAX->add_parser(q(XML::LibXML::SAX))->save_parsers()"
} else {
warn "Note: 'make install' will skip XML::LibXML::SAX registration with XML::SAX!\n";
return $script;
sub MY::test {
package MY;
my $script = shift->SUPER::test(@_);
if ( $::extralibdir ) {
$script =~ s/(\$\(TEST_VERBOSE\),)/$1 \'$::extralibdir\',/m;
return $script;
# echo perl -pi~ -e '$$_=q($(version))."\n" if /#\ VERSION TEMPLATE/ ' $(TO_INST_PM)
sub MY::postamble {
my $mpl_args = join " ", map qq["$_"], @ARGV;
my $CC =
? "CC = $ENV{CC}"
: ''
my $ret = "$CC\n" . <<'MAKE_FRAG';
# emacs flymake-mode
check-syntax :
test -n "$(CHK_SOURCES)" && \
# used to update version numbers in all modules
@version=`grep '\# VERSION TEMPLATE' $(VERSION_FROM)`; \
echo "New version line: $$version"; \
perl -pi~ -e '$$_=q('"$$version"')."\n" if /#\ VERSION TEMPLATE/ ' $(TO_INST_PM);
runtest: pure_all
$(ABSPERLRUN) -MFile::Spec -MTest::Run::CmdLine::Iface -e \
"local @INC = @INC; unshift @INC, map { File::Spec->rel2abs(\$$_) } ('$(INST_LIB)', '$(INST_ARCHLIB)'); Test::Run::CmdLine::Iface->new({test_files => [glob(q{t/*.t})]})->run();"
distruntest: distdir
cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(ABSPERLRUN) Makefile.PL {#mpl_args#}
cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(MAKE) runtest $(PASTHRU)
$ret =~ s/{#mpl_args#}/$mpl_args/;
return $ret;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Functions
# - these should really be in MakeMaker... But &shrug;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
use Config;
use Cwd;
use Symbol;
use File::Spec;
$is_Win32 = ($^O =~ /Win32/);
if ($is_Win32) {
else {
$DEVNULL = eval { File::Spec->devnull };
if ($@) { $DEVNULL = '/dev/null' }
sub rm_f {
my @files = @_;
my @realfiles;
foreach (@files) {
push @realfiles, glob($_);
if (@realfiles) {
chmod(0777, @realfiles);
sub rm_fr {
my @files = @_;
my @realfiles;
foreach (@files) {
push @realfiles, glob($_);
foreach my $file (@realfiles) {
if (-d $file) {
# warn("$file is a directory\n");
rmdir($file) || die "Couldn't remove $file: $!";
else {
# warn("removing $file\n");
chmod(0777, $file);
sub xsystem {
my $command_aref = shift;
if ($DEBUG) {
print "@$command_aref\n";
if ((system { $command_aref->[0] } @$command_aref) != 0) {
die "system call to '@$command_aref' failed";
return 1;
open(OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT");
open(OLDERR, ">&STDERR");
open(STDOUT, ">$DEVNULL");
open(STDERR, ">$DEVNULL");
my $retval = (system { $command_aref->[0] } @$command_aref);
open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT");
open(STDERR, ">&OLDERR");
if ($retval != 0) {
die "system call to '@$command_aref' failed";
return 1;
sub backtick {
my $command = shift;
if ($DEBUG) {
print $command, "\n";
my $results = `$command`;
chomp $results;
if ($? != 0) {
die "backticks call to '$command' failed";
return $results;
open(OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT");
open(OLDERR, ">&STDERR");
open(STDOUT, ">$DEVNULL");
open(STDERR, ">$DEVNULL");
my $results = `$command`;
my $retval = $?;
open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT");
open(STDERR, ">&OLDERR");
if ($retval != 0) {
die "backticks call to '$command' failed";
chomp $results;
return $results;
sub try_link0 {
my ($src, $opt) = @_;
# local $config{LIBS};
# $config{LIBS} .= $opt;
unless (mkdir(".testlink", 0777)) {
mkdir(".testlink", 0777) || die "Cannot create .testlink dir: $!";
open(my $cfile, '>', 'Conftest.xs')
or die "Cannot write to file Conftest.xs: $!";
print {$cfile} <<"EOT";
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>
#include <XSUB.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
print {$cfile} $src;
print {$cfile} <<"EOT";
MODULE = Conftest PACKAGE = Conftest
open(my $cfile, '>', 'Conftest.pm')
or die "Cannot write to file Conftest.pm: $!";
print {$cfile} <<'EOT';
package Conftest;
$VERSION = 1.0;
require DynaLoader;
@ISA = ('DynaLoader');
bootstrap Conftest $VERSION;
open (my $cfile, '>', 'Makefile.PL')
or die "Cannot write to file Makefile.PL: $!";
print {$cfile} <<'EOT';
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
my %config;
while($_ = shift @ARGV) {
my ($k, $v) = split /=/, $_, 2;
warn("$k = $v\n");
$config{$k} = $v;
WriteMakefile(NAME => "Conftest", VERSION_FROM => "Conftest.pm", %config);
open(my $cfile, ">test.pl")
or die "Cannot write to file test.pl: $!";
print {$cfile} <<"EOT";
use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 1; } END { ok(\$loaded) }
use Conftest; \$loaded++;
my $quote = $is_Win32 ? '"' : "'";
xsystem([$^X, 'Makefile.PL',
(map { "$_=$config{$_}" } keys %config),
my $def_opt = defined($opt) ? $opt : '';
# I am not sure if OTHERLDFLAGS is really required - at least the
# libraries to include do not belong here!
# I would assume a user to set OTHERLDFLAGS in the %config if they are
# really required. if done so, we don't have to pass them here ...
xsystem([$Config{make}, 'test', "OTHERLDFLAGS=${def_opt}"]);
} # end try_link0
sub try_link {
my $start_dir = cwd();
my $result = eval {
warn $@ if $@;
return $result;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# try_libconfig class a generic config file and requests --version, --libs and
# --cflags
sub try_libconfig {
my $cfgscript = shift;
my $config = shift;
my $bl = shift;
my $state = undef; # there are three possible states:
# 1 : works
# 0 : works not
# undef : not yet tested
my $ver = backtick("$cfgscript --version");
if ( defined $ver ) {
my ( $major, $minor, $point) = $ver =~ /([0-9]+).([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/g;
foreach my $i ( @$bl ) {
$state = $i->[3];
last if $major < $i->[0];
next if $major > $i->[0];
last if $minor < $i->[1];
next if $minor > $i->[1];
last if $point <= $i->[2];
$state = undef;
$config->{LIBS} = backtick("$cfgscript --libs");
$config->{INC} = backtick("$cfgscript --cflags");
if ( defined $state and $state == 0 ) {
print "failed\n";
if ($FORCE) {
die "FORCED $ver\n";
else {
die "VERSION $ver\n";
unless ( defined $state ) {
print "untested\n";
die "UNTESTED $ver\n";
print "ok ($ver)\n";
else {
print "failed\n";
die "FAILED\n"; # strange error
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #