85 lines
2.1 KiB
85 lines
2.1 KiB
use v5.14;
use warnings;
use Test2::V0;
$] >= 5.026000 or plan skip_all => "No parse_subsignature()";
use feature 'signatures';
no warnings 'experimental';
use lib "t";
use testcase "t::func";
BEGIN { $^H{"t::func/nfunc"}++ }
# a signature with experimental named parameter support
my %was_rest;
nfunc withx(:$x, %rest) { %was_rest = %rest; return $x }
is( withx( x => 123 ), 123, 'named param extracts value' );
is( \%was_rest, {}, 'named param not visible in %rest' );
withx( x => 1, y => 2 );
is( \%was_rest, { y => 2 }, 'other params still visible in %rest' );
my $LINE = __LINE__+1;
like( dies { withx() },
qr/^Missing argument 'x' for subroutine main::withx at \S+ line $LINE\./,
'complaint from missing named param' );
nfunc with2x(:$x1, :$x2) { return "x1=$x1 x2=$x2"; }
is( with2x( x1 => 10, x2 => 20 ), "x1=10 x2=20",
'supports multiple named params' );
# named params can still have defaults
nfunc withy(:$y = "Y", %rest) { return $y }
is( withy( y => 456 ), 456, 'named param with default' );
is( withy(), "Y", 'named param applies default' );
# named params still work without a slurpy
nfunc withz(:$z) { return $z }
is( withz( z => 789 ), 789, 'named param without slurpy' );
my $LINE = __LINE__+1;
like( dies { withz( z => 1, w => 1 ); 1 },
qr/^Unrecognised argument 'w' for subroutine main::withz at \S+ line $LINE\./,
'complaint from unknown param' );
# mixed positional+named
nfunc withboth($x, :$y = "def") { return "x=$x y=$y"; }
is( withboth(1, y => 2), "x=1 y=2",
'supports mixed positional + named' );
is( withboth(1), "x=1 y=def",
'mixed still applies defaults' );
# diagnostics on duplicates
sub warnings_from ( $code ) {
my $warnings = "";
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= $_[0] };
eval( "$code; 1" ) or die $@;
return $warnings;
like( warnings_from( 'nfunc diag1($x, :$x) { }' ),
qr/^"my" variable \$x masks earlier declaration in same scope at /,
'warning from duplicated parameter name' );