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Theming samples for lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.8
Below are two samples of what a greeter theme in Gtk3 could look like. For the first one, we're only using the lightdm-gtk-greeter style-class. This is best if you just want to set a simple color-scheme.
For more fine-grain control, you can also use the named widgets. Those are being used in the second sample, because that gives you maximum control over the greeter.
* 1. Minimalistic theme *
.lightdm-gtk-greeter {
background-color: black;
color: white;
* 2. Advanced theme *
/* the panel widget at the top */
#panel_window {
background-color: alpha (black, 0.5);
color: white;
font: bold;
text-shadow: 0 1px alpha(black, 0.5);
icon-shadow: 0 1px alpha(black, 0.5);
box-shadow: inset 0 -1px alpha (black, 0.5);
/* the menubars/menus of the panel, i.e. indicators */
#panel_window .menubar,
#panel_window .menubar > .menuitem {
background-color: transparent;
color: white;
font: bold;
text-shadow: 0 1px alpha(black, 0.5);
icon-shadow: 0 1px alpha(black, 0.5);
#panel_window .menubar .menuitem:insensitive {
color: alpha(white, 0.7);
text-shadow: none;
#panel_window .menubar .menu {
border-radius: 1px;
#panel_window .menubar .menu .menuitem {
font: normal;
text-shadow: none;
/* the login window */
#restart_dialog {
border-style: none;
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: @lightdm_bg_color;
color: @lightdm_fg_color;
/* the window widget doesn't have a border, so draw border using box-shadow */
box-shadow: inset 1px 0 shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.6),
inset -1px 0 shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.6),
inset 0 1px shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.6),
inset 0 -1px shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.6);
/* the top half of the login-window, in GtkDialog terms, the content */
#content_frame {
padding-bottom: 14px;
/* the user-combobox */
#login_window .menu {
border-radius: 1px;
#login_window GtkComboBox .button,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:hover,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:active,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:active:hover,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:focus,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:hover:focus,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:active:focus,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:active:hover:focus {
padding: 0;
background: none;
border-style: none;
box-shadow: none;
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:focus,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:hover:focus,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:active:focus,
#login_window GtkComboBox .button:active:hover:focus {
box-shadow: inset 1px 0 alpha(@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.6),
inset -1px 0 alpha(@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.6),
inset 0 1px alpha(@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.6),
inset 0 -1px alpha(@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.6);
#login_window #user_combobox {
color: @lightdm_fg_color;
font: 18px;
#login_window #user_combobox .menu {
font: normal;
#login_window #user_combobox .arrow {
color: mix(@lightdm_fg_color, @lightdm_bg_color, 0.5);
/* the entries, one for the username, one for the password */
#login_window .entry {
padding: 3px 5px;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.8);
border-radius: 3px;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.95),
shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.97) 30%,
shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 1.02)
color: @lightdm_fg_color;
box-shadow: none;
transition: all 150ms ease-out;
#login_window .entry:focus,
#login_window .entry:hover {
border-color: shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.7);
box-shadow: inset 1px 0 alpha(@dark_shadow, 0.10),
inset 0 1px alpha(@dark_shadow, 0.12),
inset -1px 0 alpha(@dark_shadow, 0.10);
/* the buttons, alternatively this could also be done with a simple ".lightdm-gtk-greeter .button" */
#login_window .button,
#shutdown_dialog .button,
#restart_dialog .button {
padding: 3px 15px;
transition: all 150ms ease-out;
/* the user's avatar box */
#user_image {
padding: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
/* draw border using box-shadow */
box-shadow: inset 1px 0 shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.75),
inset -1px 0 shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.75),
inset 0 1px shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.55),
inset 0 -1px shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 1.8);
/* the border around the user's avatar box */
#user_image_border {
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.8),
inset 0 -1px shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.55);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.9),
shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.98) 10%,
shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 1.0) 99%,
shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 1.0)
/* the lower half of the login-window, in GtkDialog terms the buttonbox or action area */
#buttonbox_frame {
padding-top: 20px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
border-style: none;
border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@bg_color, 0.85),
shade(@bg_color, 0.98) 10%,
shade(@bg_color, 1.0) 99%,
shade(@bg_color, 1.0)
box-shadow: inset 1px 0 shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.6),
inset -1px 0 shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.6),
inset 0 1px shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.6),
inset 0 -1px shade(@lightdm_bg_color, 0.6);
/* the buttons that have focus by default in each window */
#login_window .button.default,
#shutdown_dialog .button.default,
#restart_dialog .button.default,
#login_window .button:focus,
#login_window .button:active:focus,
#shutdown_dialog .button:focus,
#shutdown_dialog .button:active:focus,
#restart_dialog .button:focus,
#restart_dialog .button:active:focus {
border-color: shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.8);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.02),
shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.95) 90%,
shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.90)
color: @theme_selected_fg_color;
#login_window .button.default:hover,
#shutdown_dialog .button.default:hover,
#restart_dialog .button.default:hover,
#login_window .button:hover:focus,
#login_window .button:active:hover:focus,
#shutdown_dialog .button:hover:focus,
#shutdown_dialog .button:active:hover:focus,
#restart_dialog .button:hover:focus,
#restart_dialog .button:active:hover:focus {
border-color: shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.7);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.12),
shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.05) 90%,
shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.00)
/* the shutdown button */
#shutdown_button.button {
border-color: shade(@error_bg_color, 0.8);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@error_bg_color, 1.02),
shade(@error_bg_color, 0.95) 90%,
shade(@error_bg_color, 0.90)
color: @error_fg_color;
#shutdown_button.button:active:hover {
border-color: shade(@error_bg_color, 0.7);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@error_bg_color, 1.12),
shade(@error_bg_color, 1.05) 90%,
shade(@error_bg_color, 1.00)
/* the restart button */
#restart_button.button {
border-color: shade(@warning_bg_color, 0.8);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@warning_bg_color, 1.02),
shade(@warning_bg_color, 0.95) 90%,
shade(@warning_bg_color, 0.90)
color: @warning_fg_color;
#restart_button.button:active:hover {
border-color: shade(@warning_bg_color, 0.7);
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@warning_bg_color, 1.12),
shade(@warning_bg_color, 1.05) 90%,
shade(@warning_bg_color, 1.00)
/* the warning, in case a wrong password is entered or something else goes wrong according to PAM */
#greeter_infobar {
border-bottom-width: 0;
font: bold;