
879 lines
22 KiB

# -*- perl -*- Lintian::Index
# Copyright (C) 2020 Felix Lechner
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.
package Lintian::Index;
use v5.20;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Carp;
use Const::Fast;
use Cwd;
use IPC::Run3;
use List::SomeUtils qw(any);
use Path::Tiny;
use Unicode::UTF8 qw(encode_utf8 decode_utf8);
use Lintian::Index::Item;
use Lintian::IO::Select qw(unpack_and_index_piped_tar);
use Lintian::IPC::Run3 qw(safe_qx);
use Lintian::Util qw(perm2oct);
const my $EMPTY => q{};
const my $SPACE => q{ };
const my $SLASH => q{/};
const my $BACKSLASH => q{\\};
const my $ZERO => q{0};
const my $HYPHEN => q{-};
const my $PERCENT => q{%};
const my $NEWLINE => qq{\n};
const my $WAIT_STATUS_SHIFT => 8;
const my $NO_LIMIT => -1;
const my $LINES_PER_FILE => 3;
const my $WIDELY_READABLE_FOLDER => oct(755);
const my $WORLD_WRITABLE_FOLDER => oct(777);
use Moo;
use namespace::clean;
$HYPHEN => Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_FILE
| Lintian::Index::Item::OPEN_IS_OK,
'h' => Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_HARDLINK
| Lintian::Index::Item::OPEN_IS_OK,
'd' => Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_DIR| Lintian::Index::Item::FS_PATH_IS_OK,
'l' => Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_SYMLINK,
'b' => Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_BLOCK_DEV,
'c' => Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_CHAR_DEV,
'p' => Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_PIPE,
=head1 NAME
Lintian::Index - access to collected data about the upstream (orig) sources
use Lintian::Index;
Lintian::Processable::Source::Orig::Index provides an interface to collected data about the upstream (orig) sources.
=over 4
=item identifier
=item catalog
Returns a reference to a hash with elements catalogued by path names.
=item C<basedir>
Returns the base directory for file references.
=item C<anchored>
=item unpack_messages
has identifier => (is => 'rw', default => 'unnamed');
has catalog => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
# create an empty root
my $root = Lintian::Index::Item->new;
# associate with this index
my %catalog;
$catalog{$EMPTY} = $root;
return \%catalog;
has basedir => (
is => 'rw',
trigger => sub {
my ($self, $folder) = @_;
unless length $folder;
# create directory
path($folder)->mkpath({ chmod => $WORLD_WRITABLE_FOLDER })
unless -e $folder;
default => $EMPTY
has anchored => (is => 'rw', default => 0);
has unpack_messages => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] });
has sorted_list => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
default => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my @sorted = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } values %{$self->catalog};
# remove automatic root dir; list is sorted
shift @sorted;
const my @IMMUTABLE => @sorted;
return \@IMMUTABLE;
=item lookup (FILE)
Like L</index> except orig_index is based on the "orig tarballs" of
the source packages.
For native packages L</index> and L</orig_index> are generally
NB: If sorted_index includes a debian packaging, it is was
contained in upstream part of the source package (or the package is
sub lookup {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
# get root dir by default
$name //= $EMPTY;
croak encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': Name is not a string')
unless ref $name eq $EMPTY;
my $found = $self->catalog->{$name};
return $found
if defined $found;
return undef;
=item resolve_path
sub resolve_path {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
return $self->lookup->resolve_path($name);
=item create_from_basedir
sub create_from_basedir {
my ($self) = @_;
my $savedir = getcwd;
or die encode_utf8(
$self->identifier . ': Cannot change to directory ' . $self->basedir);
# get times in UTC
= $PERCENT . q{M} . $SPACE . $PERCENT . q{s} . $SPACE . $PERCENT . q{A+};
my $FILE_NAME = $PERCENT . q{p};
my @index_command
= ('env', 'TZ=UTC', 'find', '-printf', join($EMPTY, @REQUESTED_FIELDS));
my $index_output;
my $index_errors;
run3(\@index_command, \undef, \$index_output, \$index_errors);
or die encode_utf8(
$self->identifier . ": Cannot change to directory $savedir");
# allow processing of file names with non UTF-8 bytes
$index_errors = decode_utf8($index_errors)
if length $index_errors;
my $permissionspattern = qr/\S{10}/;
my $sizepattern = qr/\d+/;
my $datepattern = qr/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/;
my $timepattern = qr/\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+/;
my $pathpattern = qr/[^\0]*/;
my %all;
$index_output =~ s/\0$//;
my @lines = split(/\0/, $index_output, $NO_LIMIT);
die encode_utf8($self->identifier
. ": Did not get a multiple of $LINES_PER_FILE lines from find.")
unless @lines % $LINES_PER_FILE == 0;
while (defined(my $first = shift @lines)) {
my $entry = Lintian::Index::Item->new;
=~ /^($permissionspattern)\ ($sizepattern)\ ($datepattern)\+($timepattern)$/s;
my $name = shift @lines;
my $linktarget = shift @lines;
# for non-links, string is empty
if length $linktarget;
# find prints single dot for base; removed in next step
$name =~ s{^\.$}{\./}s;
# strip relative prefix
$name =~ s{^\./+}{}s;
# make sure directories end with a slash, except root
$name .= $SLASH
if length $name
&& $entry->perm =~ /^d/
&& $name !~ m{ /$ }msx;
$all{$entry->name} = $entry;
my $load_errors = $self->load;
return $index_errors . $load_errors;
=item create_from_piped_tar
sub create_from_piped_tar {
my ($self, $command) = @_;
my $extract_dir = $self->basedir;
my ($named, $numeric, $extract_errors, $index_errors)
= unpack_and_index_piped_tar($command, $extract_dir);
# fix permissions
safe_qx('chmod', '-R', 'u+rwX,go-w', $extract_dir);
# allow processing of file names with non UTF-8 bytes
my @named_owner = split(/\n/, $named);
my @numeric_owner = split(/\n/, $numeric);
my %catalog;
for my $line (@named_owner) {
my $entry = Lintian::Index::Item->new;
$catalog{$entry->name} = $entry;
# get numerical owners from second list
for my $line (@numeric_owner) {
# entry not used outside this loop
my $entry = Lintian::Index::Item->new;
die encode_utf8($self->identifier
. ': Numerical index lists extra files for file name '
. $entry->name)
unless exists $catalog{$entry->name};
# keep numerical uid and gid
# tar produces spurious root entry when stripping slashes from member names
delete $catalog{$SLASH}
unless $self->anchored;
my $load_errors = $self->load;
return $extract_errors . $index_errors . $load_errors;
=item load
sub load {
my ($self) = @_;
my $errors = $EMPTY;
my %all = %{$self->catalog};
# set internal permissions flags
for my $entry (values %all) {
my $raw_type = substr($entry->perm, 0, 1);
my $operm = perm2oct($entry->perm);
$operm | (
// Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_OTHER
# find all entries that are not regular files
my @nosize
= grep { !$_->path_info & Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_FILE } values %all;
# reset size for anything but regular files
$_->size(0) for @nosize;
if ($self->anchored) {
my %relative;
for my $name (keys %all) {
my $entry = $all{$name};
# remove leading slash from absolute names
my $name = $entry->name;
$name =~ s{^/+}{}s;
# remove leading slash from absolute hardlink targets
if ($entry->is_hardlink) {
my $target = $entry->link;
$target =~ s{^/+}{}s;
$relative{$name} = $entry;
%all = %relative;
# disallow absolute names
die encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': Index contains absolute path names')
if any { $_->name =~ m{^/}s } values %all;
# disallow absolute hardlink targets
die encode_utf8(
$self->identifier . ': Index contains absolute hardlink targets')
if any { $_->link =~ m{^/}s } grep { $_->is_hardlink } values %all;
# add entries for missing directories
for my $entry (values %all) {
my $current = $entry;
my $parentname;
# travel up the directory tree
do {
$parentname = $current->dirname;
# insert new entry for missing intermediate directories
unless (exists $all{$parentname}) {
my $added = Lintian::Index::Item->new;
# random but fixed date; hint, it's a good read. :)
$all{$parentname} = $added;
$current = $all{$parentname};
} while ($parentname ne $EMPTY);
# insert root for empty tarfies like suckless-tools_45.orig.tar.xz
unless (exists $all{$EMPTY}) {
my $root = Lintian::Index::Item->new;
# random but fixed date; hint, it's a good read. :)
$all{$EMPTY} = $root;
my @directories
= grep { $_->path_info & Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_DIR } values %all;
# make space for children
my %children;
$children{$_->name} = [] for @directories;
# record children
for my $entry (values %all) {
my $parentname = $entry->dirname;
# Ensure the "root" is not its own child. It is not really helpful
# from an analysis PoV and it creates ref cycles (and by extension
# leaks like #695866).
push(@{ $children{$parentname} }, $entry)
unless $parentname eq $entry->name;
foreach my $entry (@directories) {
my %childnames
= map {$_->basename => $_->name }@{ $children{$entry->name} };
# ensure root is not its own child; may create leaks like #695866
die encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': Root directory is its own parent')
if defined $all{$EMPTY} && defined $all{$EMPTY}->parent_dir;
# find all hard links
my @hardlinks
= grep { $_->path_info & Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_HARDLINK }
values %all;
# catalog where they point
my %backlinks;
push(@{$backlinks{$_->link}}, $_) for @hardlinks;
# add the master files for proper sort results
push(@{$backlinks{$_}}, $all{$_}) for keys %backlinks;
# point hard links to shortest path
for my $mastername (keys %backlinks) {
my @group = @{$backlinks{$mastername}};
# sort for path length
my @links = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @group;
# pick the shortest path
my $preferred = shift @links;
# get the previous master entry
my $master = $all{$mastername};
# skip if done
if $preferred->name eq $master->name;
# unset link for preferred
# copy size from original
($preferred->path_info& ~Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_HARDLINK)
| Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_FILE);
foreach my $pointer (@links) {
# turn into a hard link
($pointer->path_info & ~Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_FILE)
| Lintian::Index::Item::TYPE_HARDLINK);
# set link to preferred path
# no size for hardlinks
# make sure recorded names match hash keys
$all{$_}->name($_) for keys %all;
$errors .= $self->add_md5sums;
$errors .= $self->add_file_types;
$errors .= $self->add_ar;
$errors .= $self->add_elf;
$errors .= $self->add_java;
$errors .= $self->add_strings;
return $errors;
=item merge_in
sub merge_in {
my ($self, $other) = @_;
die encode_utf8($self->identifier
. ': Need same base directory ('
. $self->basedir . ' vs '
. $other->basedir . ')')
unless $self->basedir eq $other->basedir;
die encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': Need same anchoring status')
unless $self->anchored == $other->anchored;
# associate all new items with this index
$_->index($self) for values %{$other->catalog};
for my $item (values %{$other->catalog}) {
# do not transfer root
if $item->name eq $EMPTY;
# duplicates on disk are dropped with basedir segments
$self->catalog->{$item->name} = $item;
# when adding folder, delete potential file entry
my $noslash = $item->name;
if ($noslash =~ s{/$}{}) {
delete $self->catalog->{$noslash};
# add children that came from other root to current
my @other_childnames = keys %{$other->catalog->{$EMPTY}->childnames};
for my $name (@other_childnames) {
= $self->catalog->{$name};
# remove items from other index
# unset other base directory
=item capture_common_prefix
sub capture_common_prefix {
my ($self) = @_;
my $new_basedir = path($self->basedir)->parent;
# do nothing in root
if $new_basedir eq $SLASH;
my $segment = path($self->basedir)->basename;
die encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': Common path segment has no length')
unless length $segment;
my $prefix;
if ($self->anchored) {
$prefix = $SLASH . $segment;
} else {
$prefix = $segment . $SLASH;
my $new_root = Lintian::Index::Item->new;
# associate new item with this index
$new_root->childnames({ $segment => $prefix });
# random but fixed date; hint, it's a good read. :)
$new_root->path_info($FILE_CODE2LPATH_TYPE{'d'} | $WIDELY_READABLE_FOLDER);
my %new_catalog;
for my $item (values %{$self->catalog}) {
# drop common prefix from name
my $new_name = $prefix . $item->name;
if (length $item->link) {
# add common prefix from link target
my $new_link = $prefix . $item->link;
# adjust references to children
for my $basename (keys %{$item->childnames}) {
= $prefix . $item->childnames->{$basename};
$new_catalog{$new_name} = $item;
$new_catalog{$EMPTY} = $new_root;
# remove segment from base directory
=item drop_common_prefix
sub drop_common_prefix {
my ($self) = @_;
my $errors = $EMPTY;
my @childnames = keys %{$self->catalog->{$EMPTY}->childnames};
die encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': Not exactly one top-level child')
unless @childnames == 1;
my $segment = $childnames[0];
die encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': Common path segment has no length')
unless length $segment;
my $new_root = $self->lookup($segment . $SLASH);
die encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': New root is not a directory')
unless $new_root->is_dir;
my $prefix;
if ($self->anchored) {
$prefix = $SLASH . $segment;
} else {
$prefix = $segment . $SLASH;
my $regex = quotemeta($prefix);
delete $self->catalog->{$EMPTY};
my %new_catalog;
for my $item (values %{$self->catalog}) {
# drop common prefix from name
my $new_name = $item->name;
$new_name =~ s{^$regex}{};
if (length $item->link) {
# drop common prefix from link target
my $new_link = $item->link;
$new_link =~ s{^$regex}{};
# adjust references to children
for my $basename (keys %{$item->childnames}) {
$item->childnames->{$basename} =~ s{^$regex}{};
# unsure this works, but orig not anchored
$new_name = $EMPTY
if $new_name eq $SLASH && $self->anchored;
$new_catalog{$new_name} = $item;
# add dropped segment to base directory
$self->basedir($self->basedir . $SLASH . $segment);
my $other_errors = $self->drop_basedir_segment;
return $errors . $other_errors;
=item drop_basedir_segment
sub drop_basedir_segment {
my ($self) = @_;
my $errors = $EMPTY;
my $obsolete = path($self->basedir)->basename;
die encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': Base directory has no name')
unless length $obsolete;
my $parent_dir = path($self->basedir)->parent->stringify;
die encode_utf8($self->identifier . ': Base directory has no parent')
if $parent_dir eq $SLASH;
my $grandparent_dir = path($parent_dir)->parent->stringify;
die encode_utf8(
$self->identifier . ': Will not do anything in file system root')
if $grandparent_dir eq $SLASH;
# destroyed when object is lost
my $tempdir_tiny
= path($grandparent_dir)->tempdir(TEMPLATE => 'customXXXXXXXX');
my $tempdir = $tempdir_tiny->stringify;
# avoids conflict in case of repeating path segments
for my $child (path($self->basedir)->children) {
my $old_name = $child->stringify;
# Perl unicode bug
utf8::downgrade $old_name;
utf8::downgrade $tempdir;
my @command = ('mv', $old_name, $tempdir);
my $stderr;
run3(\@command, \undef, \undef, \$stderr);
my $status = ($? >> $WAIT_STATUS_SHIFT);
# already in UTF-8
die $stderr
if $status;
rmdir $self->basedir;
for my $child ($tempdir_tiny->children) {
my $old_name = $child->stringify;
my $target_dir = $parent_dir . $SLASH . $child->basename;
# Perl unicode bug
utf8::downgrade $target_dir;
if (-e $target_dir) {
# catalog items were dropped when index was merged
my @command = (qw{rm -rf}, $target_dir);
my $stderr;
run3(\@command, \undef, \undef, \$stderr);
my $status = ($? >> $WAIT_STATUS_SHIFT);
# already in UTF-8
die $stderr
if $status;
my $display_dir
= path($parent_dir)->basename . $SLASH . $child->basename;
$errors .= "removed existing $display_dir" . $NEWLINE;
# Perl unicode bug
utf8::downgrade $old_name;
utf8::downgrade $parent_dir;
my @command = ('mv', $old_name, $parent_dir);
my $stderr;
run3(\@command, \undef, \undef, \$stderr);
my $status = ($? >> $WAIT_STATUS_SHIFT);
# already in UTF-8
die $stderr
if $status;
return $errors;
=head1 AUTHOR
Originally written by Felix Lechner <> for
=head1 SEE ALSO
# Local Variables:
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 4
# End:
# vim: syntax=perl sw=4 sts=4 sr et