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2023-02-17 11:33:40 +08:00
"use strict";
var assert = require("assert");
var testUtils = require("./helpers/util.js");
describe("Promise.prototype.error", function(){
describe("catches stuff originating from explicit rejections", function() {
specify("using callback", function() {
var e = new Promise.TypeError("sup");
function callsback(a, b, c, fn) {
callsback = Promise.promisify(callsback);
return callsback(1, 2, 3).error(function(err) {
assert(err === e);
describe("does not catch stuff originating from thrown errors", function() {
specify("using constructor", function() {
var e = new Error("sup");
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
throw e;
}).error(function(err) {;
}).then(, function(err){
assert(err === e);
specify("using thenable", function() {
var e = new Error("sup");
var thenable = {
then: function(resolve, reject){
return Promise.cast(thenable).error(function(err) {
}).then(, function(err) {
assert(err === e);
specify("using callback", function() {
var e = new Error("sup");
function callsback(a, b, c, fn) {
throw e;
callsback = Promise.promisify(callsback);
return callsback(1, 2, 3).error(function(err) {;
}).then(, function(err){
assert(err === e);
if (testUtils.ecmaScript5) {
describe("Weird errors", function() {
specify("unwritable stack", function() {
var e = new Error();
var stack = e.stack;
Object.defineProperty(e, "stack", {
configurable: true,
get: function() {return stack;},
set: function() {throw new Error("cannot set");}
return new Promise(function(_, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
}).caught(function(err) {
assert.equal(e, err);
describe("Error constructors", function() {
describe("OperationalError", function() {
it("should work without new", function() {
var a = Promise.OperationalError("msg");
assert.strictEqual(a.message, "msg");
assert(a instanceof Error);
it("should work with new", function() {
var a = new Promise.OperationalError("msg");
assert.strictEqual(a.message, "msg");
assert(a instanceof Error);
it("should retain custom properties", function() {
var message;
var name;
function f(cb) {
var err = new Error("custom message");
message = err.message;
name =;
err.code = "ENOENT";
err.path = "C:\\";
return Promise.promisify(f)().error(function(e) {
assert.strictEqual(e.message, message);
assert.strictEqual(, name);
assert(e instanceof Promise.OperationalError);
assert.strictEqual(e.code, "ENOENT");
assert.strictEqual(e.path, "C:\\");
describe("CancellationError", function() {
it("should work without new", function() {
var a = Promise.CancellationError("msg");
assert.strictEqual(a.message, "msg");
assert(a instanceof Error);
it("should work with new", function() {
var a = new Promise.CancellationError("msg");
assert.strictEqual(a.message, "msg");
assert(a instanceof Error);
describe("TimeoutError", function() {
it("should work without new", function() {
var a = Promise.TimeoutError("msg");
assert.strictEqual(a.message, "msg");
assert(a instanceof Error);
it("should work with new", function() {
var a = new Promise.TimeoutError("msg");
assert.strictEqual(a.message, "msg");
assert(a instanceof Error);
describe("AggregateError", function() {
it("should work without new", function() {
var a = Promise.AggregateError("msg");
assert.strictEqual(a.message, "msg");
assert(a instanceof Error);
it("should work with new", function() {
var a = new Promise.AggregateError("msg");
assert.strictEqual(a.message, "msg");
assert(a instanceof Error);
if (testUtils.isNodeJS) {
it("should stringify without circular errors", function() {
var a = Promise.AggregateError();
a.push(new Error("1"));
a.push(new Error("2"));
a.push(new Error("3"));
a = a.toString();
assert(a.indexOf("Error: 1") >= 0);
assert(a.indexOf("Error: 2") >= 0);
assert(a.indexOf("Error: 3") >= 0);
it("should stringify with circular errors", function() {
var a = Promise.AggregateError();
a.push(new Error("1"));
a.push(new Error("3"));
a = a.toString();
assert(a.indexOf("Error: 1") >= 0);
assert(a.indexOf("[Circular AggregateError]") >= 0);
assert(a.indexOf("Error: 3") >= 0);