"use strict"; var adapter = global.adapter; var fulfilled = adapter.fulfilled; var rejected = adapter.rejected; var dummy = { dummy: "dummy" }; // we fulfill or reject with this when we don't intend to test against it describe("2.2.1: Both `onFulfilled` and `onRejected` are optional arguments.", function () { describe(" If `onFulfilled` is not a function, it must be ignored.", function () { function testNonFunction(nonFunction, stringRepresentation) { specify("`onFulfilled` is " + stringRepresentation, function (done) { rejected(dummy).then(nonFunction, function () { done(); }); }); } testNonFunction(undefined, "`undefined`"); testNonFunction(null, "`null`"); testNonFunction(false, "`false`"); testNonFunction(5, "`5`"); testNonFunction({}, "an object"); }); describe(" If `onRejected` is not a function, it must be ignored.", function () { function testNonFunction(nonFunction, stringRepresentation) { specify("`onRejected` is " + stringRepresentation, function (done) { fulfilled(dummy).then(function () { done(); }, nonFunction); }); } testNonFunction(undefined, "`undefined`"); testNonFunction(null, "`null`"); testNonFunction(false, "`false`"); testNonFunction(5, "`5`"); testNonFunction({}, "an object"); }); });