87 lines
3.5 KiB
87 lines
3.5 KiB
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const addDynamicImportSupport = require('./lib/dynamic-import');
const addReactSupport = require('./lib/react');
const addLodashSupport = require('./lib/lodash');
module.exports = (context, options) => {
options = Object.assign({
loose: true,
react: false,
lodash: true,
dynamicImport: true,
modules: process.env.BABEL_ENV === 'es' ? false : 'commonjs', // Usually set to `commonjs` or `false`
targets: ['browsers', 'node'], // Can be an array with `browsers` and/or `node` or an object
env: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production',
}, options);
const config = {
sourceType: 'unambiguous',
presets: [],
plugins: [],
// The `preset-env` will activate the necessary features based on our targets
// It's no longer necessary to add `es2015`, `es2016`, etc manually
config.presets.push([require.resolve('@babel/preset-env'), {
// This is required to suppress a warning in newer versions of @babel/preset-env
corejs: 3,
// Replaces `import 'babel-polyfill';` with only the polyfills that are
// actually required based on the targets
useBuiltIns: 'entry',
// Produce less and more readable code (although not as faithful to the semantics)
loose: options.loose,
// Set modules options
modules: options.modules,
// Set the browser support to be the same used by Google (https://www.npmjs.com/package/browserslist-config-google)
// Set Nodejs target to be the latest LTS
targets: Array.isArray(options.targets) ? Object.assign({},
options.targets.indexOf('node') !== -1 ? { node: '8.9' } : {},
options.targets.indexOf('browsers') !== -1 ? { browsers: ['extends browserslist-config-google'] } : {}
) : options.targets,
// Enables support for builtin/feature proposals that have native support by the defined target environments
shippedProposals: true,
// The plugins below activate stage 3 features that babel hasn't added to the stage 3 preset yet
// Allows class { handleClick = () => { } static propTypes = { foo: PropTypes.string } }
[require.resolve('@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties'), { loose: options.loose }],
// Allows obj?.x?.y?.z
// Allows object.foo ?? 'bar'
config.plugins.push(['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', {
// We already have preset-env injecting the core-js polyfills automatically
corejs: false,
// Do not replace babel helpers with calls to moduleName
helpers: false,
// Add import calls whenever generatorRuntime global is found
regenerator: true,
// Choose whether to use ESModules or commonjs depending of the env
useESModules: options.modules !== 'commonjs',
// Use the @babel/runtime this package depends on
absoluteRuntime: path.dirname(require.resolve('@babel/runtime/package.json')),
// Adds dynamic import support
if (options.dynamicImport) {
addDynamicImportSupport(config, options.modules);
// Add react support
if (options.react) {
addReactSupport(config, options.env);
// Cherry-pick lodash modules for smaller bundles
if (options.lodash) {
addLodashSupport(config, options.lodash);
return config;