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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import * as path from 'path';
import {cleanup, extractSummary, writeFiles} from '../Utils';
import runJest from '../runJest';
const DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '../execute-tests-once-in-mpr');
beforeEach(() => cleanup(DIR));
afterAll(() => cleanup(DIR));
test('Tests are executed only once even in an MPR', () => {
// Make a global config that ignores all sub-projects.
const config = {
jest: {
projects: ['<rootDir>', '<rootDir>/foo/*/'],
testPathIgnorePatterns: ['/foo/'],
testRegex: /my-test-.*\.js/.source,
// Make a child config with a special regexp to ensure we execute the tests.
const childConfig = {
jest: {
testRegex: /my-test-.*\.js/.source,
/* eslint-disable sort-keys */
writeFiles(DIR, {
'foo/folder/my-test-bar.js': "test('bar', () => console.log('Bar!'));",
'foo/folder/package.json': JSON.stringify(childConfig, null, 2),
'foo/directory/my-test-baz.js': "test('baz', () => console.log('Baz!'));",
'foo/directory/package.json': JSON.stringify(childConfig, null, 2),
'foo/whatever/my-test-qux.js': "test('qux', () => console.log('Qux!'));",
'foo/whatever/package.json': JSON.stringify(childConfig, null, 2),
'package.json': JSON.stringify(config, null, 2),
/* eslint-enable sort-keys */
const {stderr, exitCode} = runJest(DIR, ['foo/folder/my-test-bar.js']);
const {rest, summary} = extractSummary(stderr);
// We have only one test passed, so total should equal to one, despite we have
// three projects.
expect(summary).toMatch(/1 total/);