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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import * as path from 'path';
import {Writable} from 'stream';
import execa = require('execa');
import * as fs from 'graceful-fs';
import stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi');
import type {FormattedTestResults} from '@jest/test-result';
import type {Config} from '@jest/types';
import {ErrorWithStack} from 'jest-util';
import {normalizeIcons} from './Utils';
const JEST_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages/jest-cli/bin/jest.js');
type RunJestOptions = {
nodeOptions?: string;
nodePath?: string;
skipPkgJsonCheck?: boolean; // don't complain if can't find package.json
stripAnsi?: boolean; // remove colors from stdout and stderr,
timeout?: number; // kill the Jest process after X milliseconds
env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv;
// return the result of the spawned process:
// [ 'status', 'signal', 'output', 'pid', 'stdout', 'stderr',
// 'envPairs', 'options', 'args', 'file' ]
export default function runJest(
dir: string,
args?: Array<string>,
options: RunJestOptions = {},
): RunJestResult {
return normalizeStdoutAndStderrOnResult(
spawnJest(dir, args, options),
function spawnJest(
dir: string,
args?: Array<string>,
options?: RunJestOptions,
spawnAsync?: false,
): RunJestResult;
function spawnJest(
dir: string,
args?: Array<string>,
options?: RunJestOptions,
spawnAsync?: true,
): execa.ExecaChildProcess;
// Spawns Jest and returns either a Promise (if spawnAsync is true) or the completed child process
function spawnJest(
dir: string,
args: Array<string> = [],
options: RunJestOptions = {},
spawnAsync = false,
): execa.ExecaSyncReturnValue | execa.ExecaChildProcess {
const isRelative = !path.isAbsolute(dir);
if (isRelative) {
dir = path.resolve(__dirname, dir);
const localPackageJson = path.resolve(dir, 'package.json');
if (!options.skipPkgJsonCheck && !fs.existsSync(localPackageJson)) {
throw new Error(
Make sure you have a local package.json file at
Otherwise Jest will try to traverse the directory tree and find the
global package.json, which will send Jest into infinite loop.
const env: NodeJS.ProcessEnv = {
if (options.nodeOptions) env['NODE_OPTIONS'] = options.nodeOptions;
if (options.nodePath) env['NODE_PATH'] = options.nodePath;
const spawnArgs = [JEST_PATH, ...args];
const spawnOptions: execa.CommonOptions<string> = {
cwd: dir,
reject: false,
timeout: options.timeout || 0,
return (spawnAsync ? execa : execa.sync)(
export type RunJestResult = execa.ExecaReturnValue;
export interface RunJestJsonResult extends RunJestResult {
json: FormattedTestResults;
function normalizeStreamString(
stream: string,
options: RunJestOptions,
): string {
if (options.stripAnsi) stream = stripAnsi(stream);
stream = normalizeIcons(stream);
return stream;
function normalizeStdoutAndStderrOnResult(
result: RunJestResult,
options: RunJestOptions,
): RunJestResult {
const stdout = normalizeStreamString(result.stdout, options);
const stderr = normalizeStreamString(result.stderr, options);
return {...result, stderr, stdout};
// Runs `jest` with `--json` option and adds `json` property to the result obj.
// 'success', 'startTime', 'numTotalTests', 'numTotalTestSuites',
// 'numRuntimeErrorTestSuites', 'numPassedTests', 'numFailedTests',
// 'numPendingTests', 'testResults'
export const json = function (
dir: string,
args?: Array<string>,
options: RunJestOptions = {},
): RunJestJsonResult {
args = [...(args || []), '--json'];
const result = runJest(dir, args, options);
try {
return {
json: JSON.parse(result.stdout || ''),
} catch (e: any) {
throw new Error(
Can't parse JSON.
ERROR: ${e.name} ${e.message}
STDOUT: ${result.stdout}
STDERR: ${result.stderr}
type StdErrAndOutString = {stderr: string; stdout: string};
type ConditionFunction = (arg: StdErrAndOutString) => boolean;
type CheckerFunction = (arg: StdErrAndOutString) => void;
// Runs `jest` continously (watch mode) and allows the caller to wait for
// conditions on stdout and stderr and to end the process.
export const runContinuous = function (
dir: string,
args?: Array<string>,
options: RunJestOptions = {},
) {
const jestPromise = spawnJest(dir, args, {timeout: 30000, ...options}, true);
let stderr = '';
let stdout = '';
const pending = new Set<CheckerFunction>();
const pendingRejection = new WeakMap<CheckerFunction, () => void>();
jestPromise.addListener('exit', () => {
for (const fn of pending) {
const reject = pendingRejection.get(fn);
if (reject) {
console.log('stdout', normalizeStreamString(stdout, options));
console.log('stderr', normalizeStreamString(stderr, options));
const dispatch = () => {
for (const fn of pending) {
fn({stderr, stdout});
new Writable({
write(chunk, _encoding, callback) {
stdout += chunk.toString('utf8');
new Writable({
write(chunk, _encoding, callback) {
stderr += chunk.toString('utf8');
const continuousRun = {
async end() {
const result = await jestPromise;
// Not sure why we have to assign here... The ones on `result` are empty strings
result.stdout = stdout;
result.stderr = stderr;
return normalizeStdoutAndStderrOnResult(result, options);
getCurrentOutput(): StdErrAndOutString {
return {stderr, stdout};
getInput() {
return jestPromise.stdin;
async waitUntil(fn: ConditionFunction) {
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const check: CheckerFunction = state => {
if (fn(state)) {
const error = new ErrorWithStack(
'Process exited',
pendingRejection.set(check, () => reject(error));
return continuousRun;
// return type matches output of logDebugMessages
export function getConfig(
dir: string,
args: Array<string> = [],
options?: RunJestOptions,
): {
globalConfig: Config.GlobalConfig;
configs: Array<Config.ProjectConfig>;
version: string;
} {
const {exitCode, stdout} = runJest(
return JSON.parse(stdout);