1703 lines
41 KiB
1703 lines
41 KiB
'use strict'
const t = require('tap')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
// make our tests verify that windows link targets get turned into / paths
const fs = require('fs')
const {readlink, readlinkSync} = fs
fs.readlink = (path, cb) => {
readlink(path, (er, path) => {
if (er)
return cb(er)
cb(null, path.replace(/\//g, '\\'))
fs.readlinkSync = path => readlinkSync(path).replace(/\//g, '\\')
const ReadEntry = require('../lib/read-entry.js')
const makeTar = require('./make-tar.js')
const WriteEntry = require('../lib/write-entry.js')
const path = require('path')
const fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures')
const files = path.resolve(fixtures, 'files')
const Header = require('../lib/header.js')
const mutateFS = require('mutate-fs')
process.env.USER = 'isaacs'
const chmodr = require('chmodr')
const Parser = require('../lib/parse.js')
const rimraf = require('rimraf')
const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'
const normPath = require('../lib/normalize-windows-path.js')
t.test('set up', t => {
const one = fs.statSync(files + '/hardlink-1')
const two = fs.statSync(files + '/hardlink-2')
if (one.dev !== two.dev || one.ino !== two.ino) {
fs.unlinkSync(files + '/hardlink-2')
fs.linkSync(files + '/hardlink-1', files + '/hardlink-2')
chmodr.sync(files, isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644)
t.test('100 byte filename', t => {
// do this one twice, so we have it with and without cache
let statCache = null
let linkCache = null
const runTest = t => {
const f = '100-byte-filename-cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'
const ws = new WriteEntry(f, {
cwd: files,
linkCache: linkCache,
statCache: statCache,
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.match(ws, {
header: {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: '100-byte-filename-cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 100,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync(f, {
cwd: files,
linkCache: linkCache,
statCache: statCache,
linkCache = ws.linkCache
statCache = ws.statCache
t.equal(out.length, 1024)
t.equal(out.slice(0, 100).toString(), f)
const h = new Header(out.slice(0, 512))
t.match(h, {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: '100-byte-filename-cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 100,
linkpath: '',
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: '',
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
'6363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363' +
'6363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363' +
'6363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363' +
'6363636300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' +
t.test('uncached', runTest)
t.test('cached', runTest)
t.test('directory', t => {
const ws = new WriteEntry('dir', {
cwd: files,
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.match(ws.header, {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: 'dir/',
mode: isWindows ? 0o777 : 0o755,
size: 0,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.equal(out.length, 512)
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync('dir', { cwd: files })
t.equal(wss.read().length, 512)
t.match(wss.header, {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: 'dir/',
mode: isWindows ? 0o777 : 0o755,
size: 0,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.test('empty path for cwd', t => {
const ws = new WriteEntry('')
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.match(ws.header, {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: './',
mode: isWindows ? 0o777 : fs.statSync('./').mode & 0o7777,
size: 0,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.test('symlink', {
skip: isWindows && 'symlinks not fully supported',
}, t => {
const ws = new WriteEntry('symlink', { cwd: files })
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
const header = {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: 'symlink',
size: 0,
linkpath: 'hardlink-2',
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync('symlink', { cwd: files })
t.match(wss.header, header)
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(out.length, 512)
t.match(ws.header, header)
t.test('zero-byte file', t => {
const ws = new WriteEntry('files/zero-byte.txt', { cwd: fixtures })
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(out.length, 512)
t.match(ws.header, {
path: 'files/zero-byte.txt',
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 0,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.test('zero-byte file, but close fails', t => {
const poop = new Error('poop')
t.teardown(mutateFS.fail('close', poop))
const ws = new WriteEntry('files/1024-bytes.txt', { cwd: fixtures })
ws.on('end', _ =>
t.fail('should not get an end, because the close fails'))
ws.on('error', er => {
t.match(er, { message: 'poop' })
t.test('hardlinks', t => {
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync('hardlink-1', {
cwd: files,
const ws = new WriteEntry('files/hardlink-2', {
cwd: fixtures,
linkCache: wss.linkCache,
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(out.length, 512)
t.match(ws.header, {
type: 'Link',
path: 'files/hardlink-2',
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 0,
linkpath: 'files/hardlink-1',
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.test('hardlinks far away', t => {
const h1 = 'hardlink-1'
const f = path.resolve(files, h1)
const stat = fs.statSync(f)
const linkCache = new Map([[stat.dev + ':' + stat.ino, '/a/b/c/d/e']])
const ws = new WriteEntry('files/hardlink-2', {
cwd: fixtures,
linkCache: linkCache,
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(out.length, 1024)
t.match(ws.header, {
path: 'files/hardlink-2',
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 26,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.test('really deep path', t => {
const f = 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'
const ws = new WriteEntry(f, { cwd: files })
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.match(ws.header, {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: true,
path: 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 100,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.equal(out.length, 2048)
t.test('no pax', t => {
const f = 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'
const ws = new WriteEntry(f, { cwd: files, noPax: true })
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.match(ws.header, {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: true,
path: 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 100,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.equal(out.length, 1024)
t.test('nonexistent file', t => {
const f = path.resolve(files, 'does not exist')
const ws = new WriteEntry('does not exist', { cwd: files })
ws.on('error', er => {
t.match(er, {
message: 'ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat \'' + f + '\'',
code: 'ENOENT',
path: f,
syscall: 'lstat',
t.test('absolute path', t => {
const absolute = path.resolve(files, '512-bytes.txt')
const { root } = path.parse(absolute)
const f = root + root + root + absolute
const warn = normPath(isWindows ? root : root + root + root + root)
t.test('preservePaths=false strict=false', t => {
const warnings = []
// on windows, c:\c:\c:\... is a valid path, so just use the
// single-root absolute version of it.
const ws = new WriteEntry(isWindows ? absolute : f, {
cwd: files,
onwarn: (c, m, p) => warnings.push([c, m, p]),
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(out.length, 1024)
t.match(warnings, [[
`stripping ${warn} from absolute path`,
{ path: normPath(isWindows ? absolute : f) },
t.match(ws.header, {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: normPath(absolute.replace(/^(\/|[a-z]:[/\\])*/i, '')),
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 512,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.test('preservePaths=true', t => {
// with preservePaths, strictness doens't matter
;[true, false].forEach(strict => {
t.test('strict=' + strict, t => {
const warnings = []
const ws = new WriteEntry(isWindows ? absolute : f, {
cwd: files,
strict: strict,
preservePaths: true,
onwarn: (c, m, p) => warnings.push([c, m, p]),
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(warnings.length, 0)
t.match(ws.header, {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: normPath(isWindows ? absolute : f),
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 512,
linkpath: null,
uname: 'isaacs',
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.test('preservePaths=false strict=true', t => {
t.throws(_ => {
new WriteEntry(isWindows ? absolute : f, {
strict: true,
cwd: files,
}, {
message: /stripping .* from absolute path/,
path: normPath(isWindows ? absolute : f),
t.throws(_ => new WriteEntry(null), new TypeError('path is required'))
t.test('no user environ, sets uname to empty string', t => {
delete process.env.USER
const ws = new WriteEntry('512-bytes.txt', { cwd: files })
let out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(out.length, 1024)
t.match(ws.header, {
cksumValid: true,
needPax: false,
path: '512-bytes.txt',
mode: isWindows ? 0o666 : 0o644,
size: 512,
uname: '',
linkpath: null,
gname: null,
devmaj: 0,
devmin: 0,
t.test('an unsuppored type', {
skip: isWindows && '/dev/random on windows',
}, t => {
const ws = new WriteEntry('/dev/random', { preservePaths: true })
ws.on('data', c => {
throw new Error('should not get data from random')
ws.on('stat', stat => {
t.match(stat, {
dev: Number,
mode: 0o020666,
nlink: 1,
rdev: Number,
blksize: Number,
ino: Number,
size: 0,
blocks: 0,
t.ok(stat.isCharacterDevice(), 'random is a character device')
ws.on('end', _ => {
t.match(ws, { type: 'Unsupported', path: '/dev/random' })
t.test('readlink fail', t => {
const expect = {
syscall: 'readlink',
path: String,
// pretend everything is a symbolic link, then read something that isn't
t.throws(_ => {
return new WriteEntry.Sync('write-entry.js', { cwd: __dirname })
}, expect)
new WriteEntry('write-entry.js', { cwd: __dirname }).on('error', er => {
t.match(er, expect)
t.equal(normPath(er.path), normPath(__filename))
t.test('open fail', t => {
t.teardown(mutateFS.fail('open', new Error('pwn')))
t.throws(_ => new WriteEntry.Sync('write-entry.js', { cwd: __dirname }),
{ message: 'pwn' })
new WriteEntry('write-entry.js', { cwd: __dirname }).on('error', er => {
t.match(er, { message: 'pwn' })
t.test('read fail', t => {
const expect = {
message: 'EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read',
code: 'EISDIR',
syscall: 'read',
// pretend everything is a file, then read something that isn't
t.teardown(mutateFS.statMutate((er, st) => {
if (er)
return [er, st]
st.isFile = () => true
st.size = 123
t.throws(_ => new WriteEntry.Sync('fixtures', {
cwd: __dirname,
}), expect)
new WriteEntry('fixtures', { cwd: __dirname }).on('error', er => {
t.match(er, expect)
t.test('read invalid EOF', t => {
t.teardown(mutateFS.mutate('read', (er, br) => [er, 0]))
const expect = {
message: 'encountered unexpected EOF',
path: normPath(__filename),
syscall: 'read',
code: 'EOF',
t.throws(_ => new WriteEntry.Sync('write-entry.js', { cwd: __dirname }),
new WriteEntry('write-entry.js', { cwd: __dirname }).on('error', er => {
t.match(er, expect)
t.test('read overflow expectation', t => {
t.teardown(mutateFS.statMutate((er, st) => {
if (st)
st.size = 3
const f = '512-bytes.txt'
const expect = {
message: 'did not encounter expected EOF',
path: normPath(path.resolve(files, f)),
syscall: 'read',
code: 'EOF',
t.throws(_ => new WriteEntry.Sync(f, { cwd: files, maxReadSize: 2 }), expect)
new WriteEntry(f, { cwd: files, maxReadSize: 2 }).on('error', er => {
t.match(er, expect)
t.test('short reads', t => {
const cases = {
'1024-bytes.txt': new Array(1024).join('x') + '\n',
'100-byte-filename-cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc': new Array(101).join('c'),
const maxReadSize = [null, 1024, 100, 111]
Object.keys(cases).forEach(filename => {
t.test(filename.split('byte').shift() + 'byte', t => {
const contents = cases[filename]
maxReadSize.forEach(mRS => {
t.test('maxReadSize=' + mRS, t => {
let out = []
const ws = new WriteEntry(filename, {
maxReadSize: mRS,
cwd: files,
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
out = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(out.length, 512 * Math.ceil(1 + contents.length / 512))
t.equal(out.slice(512).toString().replace(/\0.*$/, ''), contents)
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync(filename, { cwd: files })
const syncOut = wss.read()
t.equal(syncOut.length, out.length)
t.equal(syncOut.slice(512).toString(), out.slice(512).toString())
t.test('win32 path conversion', {
skip: isWindows && 'no need to test on windows',
}, t => {
const ws = new WriteEntry('long-path\\r', {
cwd: files,
win32: true,
t.equal(ws.path, 'long-path/r')
t.test('win32 <|>? in paths', {
skip: isWindows && 'do not create annoying junk on windows systems',
}, t => {
const file = path.resolve(fixtures, '<|>?.txt')
const uglyName = Buffer.from('ef80bcef81bcef80beef80bf2e747874', 'hex').toString()
const ugly = path.resolve(fixtures, uglyName)
t.teardown(_ => {
fs.writeFileSync(ugly, '<|>?')
const wc = new WriteEntry(uglyName, {
cwd: fixtures,
win32: true,
const out = []
wc.on('data', c => out.push(c))
wc.on('end', _ => {
const data = Buffer.concat(out).toString()
t.equal(data.substr(0, 4), '<|>?')
t.equal(wc.path, '<|>?.txt')
t.equal(wc.absolute, ugly)
t.test('uid doesnt match, dont set uname', t => {
t.teardown(mutateFS.statMutate((er, st) => {
if (st)
st.uid -= 1
const ws = new WriteEntry('long-path/r', {
cwd: files,
t.test('override absolute to some other file', t => {
const ws = new WriteEntry('blerg', {
absolute: files + '/one-byte.txt',
const out = []
ws.on('data', c => out.push(c))
ws.on('end', _ => {
const data = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(data.length, 1024)
t.match(data.slice(512).toString(), /^a\0{511}$/)
t.match(ws, {
path: 'blerg',
header: { size: 1 },
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync('blerg', {
absolute: files + '/one-byte.txt',
const sdata = wss.read()
t.equal(sdata.length, 1024)
t.match(sdata.slice(512).toString(), /^a\0{511}$/)
t.match(wss, {
path: 'blerg',
header: { size: 1 },
t.test('portable entries, nothing platform-specific', t => {
const om = 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/Ω.txt'
const ws = new WriteEntry(om, {
cwd: files,
portable: true,
const pexpect = {
atime: null,
charset: null,
comment: null,
ctime: null,
gid: null,
gname: null,
linkpath: null,
path: 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/Ω.txt',
size: 2,
uid: null,
uname: null,
dev: null,
ino: null,
nlink: null,
const hexpect = {
size: 2,
ctime: null,
atime: null,
uid: null,
uname: '',
gid: null,
gname: '',
const ps = new Parser()
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync(om, {
cwd: files,
portable: true,
ps.on('entry', entry => {
t.match(entry.extended, pexpect)
t.match(entry.header, hexpect)
const p = new Parser()
p.on('entry', entry => {
t.match(entry.extended, pexpect)
t.match(entry.header, hexpect)
t.test('no mtime', t => {
const om = 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/Ω.txt'
const ws = new WriteEntry(om, {
cwd: files,
noMtime: true,
portable: true,
const pexpect = {
atime: null,
mtime: null,
charset: null,
comment: null,
ctime: null,
gid: null,
gname: null,
linkpath: null,
path: 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/Ω.txt',
size: 2,
uid: null,
uname: null,
dev: null,
ino: null,
nlink: null,
const hexpect = {
size: 2,
ctime: null,
atime: null,
mtime: null,
uid: null,
uname: '',
gid: null,
gname: '',
const ps = new Parser()
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync(om, {
cwd: files,
portable: true,
noMtime: true,
ps.on('entry', entry => {
t.match(entry.extended, pexpect)
t.match(entry.header, hexpect)
const p = new Parser()
p.on('entry', entry => {
t.match(entry.extended, pexpect)
t.match(entry.header, hexpect)
t.test('force mtime', t => {
const om = 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/Ω.txt'
const date = new Date('1979-07-01T19:10:00.000Z')
const ws = new WriteEntry(om, {
cwd: files,
mtime: date,
portable: true,
const pexpect = {
atime: null,
mtime: new Date('1979-07-01T19:10:00.000Z'),
charset: null,
comment: null,
ctime: null,
gid: null,
gname: null,
linkpath: null,
path: 'long-path/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/Ω.txt',
size: 2,
uid: null,
uname: null,
dev: null,
ino: null,
nlink: null,
const hexpect = {
size: 2,
ctime: null,
atime: null,
mtime: new Date('1979-07-01T19:10:00.000Z'),
uid: null,
uname: '',
gid: null,
gname: '',
const ps = new Parser()
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync(om, {
cwd: files,
portable: true,
mtime: new Date('1979-07-01T19:10:00.000Z'),
ps.on('entry', entry => {
t.match(entry.extended, pexpect)
t.match(entry.header, hexpect)
const p = new Parser()
p.on('entry', entry => {
t.match(entry.extended, pexpect)
t.match(entry.header, hexpect)
t.test('portable dir entries, no mtime', t => {
const dir = 'long-path/'
const ws = new WriteEntry(dir, {
cwd: files,
portable: true,
const hexpect = {
path: 'long-path/',
ctime: null,
atime: null,
uid: null,
uname: '',
gid: null,
gname: '',
mtime: null,
const ps = new Parser()
const wss = new WriteEntry.Sync(dir, {
cwd: files,
portable: true,
ps.on('entry', entry => {
t.match(entry.header, hexpect)
const p = new Parser()
p.on('entry', entry => {
t.match(entry.header, hexpect)
t.test('writing more data than is appropriate', t => {
const path = t.testdir({
file: 'hello',
const wss = new WriteEntry(`${path}/file`)
wss.on('error', er => {
t.match(er, {
message: 'writing more data than expected',
wss.on('stat', () => wss.write(Buffer.from('some more stuff')))
t.test('write entry from read entry', t => {
const data = makeTar([
path: '$',
type: 'File',
size: 10,
mode: isWindows ? 0o777 : 0o755,
uid: 123,
gid: 321,
ctime: new Date('1979-07-01'),
atime: new Date('1980-08-17'),
path: 'blep',
type: 'SymbolicLink',
linkpath: 'xyz',
t.test('basic file', t => {
const fileEntry = new ReadEntry(new Header(data))
const wetFile = new WriteEntry.Tar(fileEntry)
const out = []
let wetFileEnded = false
wetFile.on('data', c => out.push(c))
wetFile.on('end', _ => wetFileEnded = true)
fileEntry.write(data.slice(512, 550))
fileEntry.write(data.slice(550, 1000))
fileEntry.end(data.slice(1000, 1024))
t.equal(wetFileEnded, true)
const result = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(result.length, 1024)
t.equal(result.toString().replace(/\0.*$/, ''), '$')
const body = result.slice(512).toString().replace(/\0*$/, '')
t.equal(body, '$$$$$$$$$$')
t.test('basic file', t => {
const data = makeTar([
path: '$',
type: 'Directory',
size: 0,
mode: isWindows ? 0o777 : 0o755,
uid: 123,
gid: 321,
ctime: new Date('1979-07-01'),
atime: new Date('1980-08-17'),
mtime: new Date('1997-06-21'),
const fileEntry = new ReadEntry(new Header(data))
const wetFile = new WriteEntry.Tar(fileEntry, { portable: true })
const out = []
let wetFileEnded = false
wetFile.on('data', c => out.push(c))
wetFile.on('end', _ => wetFileEnded = true)
t.equal(wetFileEnded, true)
const result = Buffer.concat(out)
t.match(new Header(result), { mtime: null })
t.test('with pax header', t => {
const fileEntryPax = new ReadEntry(new Header(data))
fileEntryPax.path = new Array(200).join('$')
const wetPax = new WriteEntry.Tar(fileEntryPax)
let wetPaxEnded = false
const out = []
wetPax.on('data', c => out.push(c))
wetPax.on('end', _ => wetPaxEnded = true)
fileEntryPax.write(data.slice(512, 550))
fileEntryPax.write(data.slice(550, 1000))
fileEntryPax.end(data.slice(1000, 1024))
t.equal(wetPaxEnded, true)
const result = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(result.length, 2048)
t.match(result.slice(1024, 1124).toString(), /^\$+\0?$/)
const body = result.slice(1536).toString().replace(/\0*$/, '')
t.match(new Header(result), { type: 'ExtendedHeader' })
t.equal(body, '$$$$$$$$$$')
t.test('pax and portable', t => {
const fileEntryPax = new ReadEntry(new Header(data))
fileEntryPax.path = new Array(200).join('$')
const wetPax = new WriteEntry.Tar(fileEntryPax, { portable: true })
let wetPaxEnded = false
const out = []
wetPax.on('data', c => out.push(c))
wetPax.on('end', _ => wetPaxEnded = true)
fileEntryPax.write(data.slice(512, 550))
fileEntryPax.write(data.slice(550, 1000))
fileEntryPax.end(data.slice(1000, 1024))
t.equal(wetPaxEnded, true)
const result = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(result.length, 2048)
t.match(result.slice(1024, 1124).toString(), /^\$+\0?$/)
t.match(new Header(result), { type: 'ExtendedHeader' })
t.match(new Header(result.slice(1024)), {
ctime: null,
atime: null,
uname: '',
gname: '',
const body = result.slice(1536).toString().replace(/\0*$/, '')
t.equal(body, '$$$$$$$$$$')
t.test('pax, portable, and noMtime', t => {
const fileEntryPax = new ReadEntry(new Header(data))
fileEntryPax.path = new Array(200).join('$')
const wetPax = new WriteEntry.Tar(fileEntryPax, {
noMtime: true,
portable: true,
let wetPaxEnded = false
const out = []
wetPax.on('data', c => out.push(c))
wetPax.on('end', _ => wetPaxEnded = true)
fileEntryPax.write(data.slice(512, 550))
fileEntryPax.write(data.slice(550, 1000))
fileEntryPax.end(data.slice(1000, 1024))
t.equal(wetPaxEnded, true)
const result = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(result.length, 2048)
t.match(result.slice(1024, 1124).toString(), /^\$+\0?$/)
t.match(new Header(result), { type: 'ExtendedHeader' })
t.match(new Header(result.slice(1024)), {
mtime: null,
ctime: null,
atime: null,
uname: '',
gname: '',
const body = result.slice(1536).toString().replace(/\0*$/, '')
t.equal(body, '$$$$$$$$$$')
t.test('abs path', t => {
const fileEntry = new ReadEntry(new Header(data))
fileEntry.path = '/a/b/c'
t.test('warn', t => {
const warnings = []
new WriteEntry.Tar(fileEntry, {
onwarn: (code, msg, data) => warnings.push(code, msg, data),
t.match(warnings, ['TAR_ENTRY_INFO', 'stripping / from absolute path', {
path: '/a/b/c',
t.test('preserve', t => {
const warnings = []
new WriteEntry.Tar(fileEntry, {
onwarn: (code, msg, data) => warnings.push(code, msg, data),
preservePaths: true,
t.same(warnings, [])
t.test('throw', t => {
t.throws(_ => new WriteEntry.Tar(fileEntry, {
strict: true,
t.test('no block remain', t => {
const readEntry = new ReadEntry(new Header({
size: 512,
type: 'File',
path: 'x',
const wet = new WriteEntry.Tar(readEntry)
const out = []
wet.on('data', c => out.push(c))
let wetEnded = false
wet.on('end', _ => wetEnded = true)
t.equal(wetEnded, false)
readEntry.end(Buffer.from(new Array(513).join('@')))
t.equal(wetEnded, true)
const res = Buffer.concat(out)
t.equal(res.length, 1024)
t.match(res.slice(512).toString(), /^@+$/)
t.test('write more than appropriate', t => {
const readEntry = new ReadEntry(new Header({
path: 'x',
type: 'File',
size: '1',
const wet = new WriteEntry.Tar(readEntry)
t.throws(_ => wet.write(Buffer.from(new Array(1024).join('x'))))
// https://github.com/npm/node-tar/issues/284
t.test('prefix and hard links', t => {
const dir = path.resolve(fixtures, 'writeentry-prefix-hardlinks')
t.teardown(_ => rimraf.sync(dir))
mkdirp.sync(dir + '/in/z/b/c')
fs.writeFileSync(dir + '/in/target', 'ddd')
fs.linkSync(dir + '/in/target', dir + '/in/z/b/c/d')
fs.linkSync(dir + '/in/target', dir + '/in/z/b/d')
fs.linkSync(dir + '/in/target', dir + '/in/z/d')
fs.linkSync(dir + '/in/target', dir + '/in/y')
const long = 'y'.repeat(250)
fs.linkSync(dir + '/in/target', dir + '/in/' + long)
const expect = [
type: 'Directory',
path: 'out/x/',
type: 'File',
size: 3,
path: 'out/x/target',
path: 'out/x/y',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
path: 'PaxHeader/yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
type: 'ExtendedHeader',
new RegExp('^266 path=out.x.' + long + '[\\w\\W]*linkpath=out.x.target'),
path: 'out/x/yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'out/x/z/',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'out/x/z/b/',
path: 'out/x/z/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'out/x/z/b/c/',
path: 'out/x/z/b/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
path: 'out/x/z/b/c/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
const check = (out, t) => {
const data = Buffer.concat(out)
expect.forEach((e, i) => {
if (typeof e === 'string')
t.equal(data.slice(i * 512, i * 512 + e.length).toString(), e)
else if (e instanceof RegExp)
t.match(data.slice(i * 512, (i + 1) * 512).toString(), e)
t.match(new Header(data.slice(i * 512, (i + 1) * 512)), e)
const runTest = async (t, path, Class) => {
const linkCache = new Map()
const statCache = new Map()
const opt = {
cwd: dir + '/in',
prefix: 'out/x',
noDirRecurse: true,
const out = []
const entry = (path) => new Promise(resolve => {
const p = new Class(path, opt)
p.on('end', resolve)
p.on('data', d => out.push(d))
await entry(path)
if (path === '.')
path = './'
await entry(`${path}target`)
await entry(`${path}y`)
await entry(`${path}${long}`)
await entry(`${path}z`)
await entry(`${path}z/b`)
await entry(`${path}z/d`)
await entry(`${path}z/b/c`)
await entry(`${path}z/b/d`)
await entry(`${path}z/b/c/d`)
check(out, t)
t.test('async', t => {
t.test('.', t => runTest(t, '.', WriteEntry))
return t.test('./', t => runTest(t, './', WriteEntry))
t.test('sync', t => {
t.test('.', t => runTest(t, '.', WriteEntry.Sync))
return t.test('./', t => runTest(t, './', WriteEntry.Sync))
t.test('prefix and hard links from tar entries', t => {
const long = 'y'.repeat(250)
const expect = [
type: 'Directory',
path: 'out/x/',
type: 'File',
size: 3,
path: 'out/x/target',
path: 'out/x/y',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
path: 'PaxHeader/yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
type: 'ExtendedHeader',
new RegExp('^266 path=out.x.' + long + '[\\w\\W]*linkpath=out.x.target'),
path: 'out/x/yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'out/x/z/',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'out/x/z/b/',
path: 'out/x/z/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'out/x/z/b/c/',
path: 'out/x/z/b/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
path: 'out/x/z/b/c/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'out/x/target',
const data = makeTar([
type: 'Directory',
path: './',
type: 'File',
size: 3,
path: 'target',
path: 'y',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
path: 'PaxHeader/yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
type: 'ExtendedHeader',
size: ('260 path=' + long + '\n19 linkpath=target\n').length,
'260 path=' + long + '\n19 linkpath=target\n',
path: 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/b/',
path: 'z/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/b/c/',
path: 'z/b/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
path: 'z/b/c/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
const check = (out, t) => {
const data = Buffer.concat(out)
expect.forEach((e, i) => {
if (typeof e === 'string')
t.equal(data.slice(i * 512, i * 512 + e.length).toString(), e)
else if (e instanceof RegExp)
t.match(data.slice(i * 512, (i + 1) * 512).toString(), e)
t.match(new Header(data.slice(i * 512, (i + 1) * 512)), e)
const runTest = async (t, path) => {
const linkCache = new Map()
const statCache = new Map()
const opt = {
prefix: 'out/x',
noDirRecurse: true,
const out = []
const parser = new Parser({
strict: true,
onentry: readEntry => {
const p = new WriteEntry.Tar(readEntry, opt)
p.on('data', d => out.push(d))
parser.on('end', () => check(out, t))
t.test('.', t => runTest(t, '.'))
t.test('./', t => runTest(t, './'))
t.test('hard links and no prefix', t => {
const dir = path.resolve(fixtures, 'writeentry-prefix-hardlinks')
t.teardown(_ => rimraf.sync(dir))
mkdirp.sync(dir + '/in/z/b/c')
fs.writeFileSync(dir + '/in/target', 'ddd')
fs.linkSync(dir + '/in/target', dir + '/in/z/b/c/d')
fs.linkSync(dir + '/in/target', dir + '/in/z/b/d')
fs.linkSync(dir + '/in/target', dir + '/in/z/d')
fs.linkSync(dir + '/in/target', dir + '/in/y')
const expect = [
type: 'Directory',
path: './',
type: 'File',
size: 3,
path: 'target',
path: 'y',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/b/',
path: 'z/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/b/c/',
path: 'z/b/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
path: 'z/b/c/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
const check = (out, t) => {
const data = Buffer.concat(out)
expect.forEach((e, i) => {
if (typeof e === 'string')
t.equal(data.slice(i * 512, i * 512 + e.length).toString(), e)
t.match(new Header(data.slice(i * 512, (i + 1) * 512)), e)
const runTest = async (t, path, Class) => {
const linkCache = new Map()
const statCache = new Map()
const opt = {
cwd: dir + '/in',
const out = []
const entry = (path) => new Promise(resolve => {
const p = new Class(path, opt)
p.on('end', resolve)
p.on('data', d => out.push(d))
await entry(path)
if (path === '.')
path = './'
await entry(`${path}target`)
await entry(`${path}y`)
await entry(`${path}z`)
await entry(`${path}z/b`)
await entry(`${path}z/d`)
await entry(`${path}z/b/c`)
await entry(`${path}z/b/d`)
await entry(`${path}z/b/c/d`)
check(out, t)
t.test('async', t => {
t.test('.', t => runTest(t, '.', WriteEntry))
return t.test('./', t => runTest(t, './', WriteEntry))
t.test('sync', t => {
t.test('.', t => runTest(t, '.', WriteEntry.Sync))
return t.test('./', t => runTest(t, './', WriteEntry.Sync))
t.test('hard links from tar entries and no prefix', t => {
const expect = [
type: 'Directory',
path: './',
type: 'File',
size: 3,
path: 'target',
path: 'y',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/b/',
path: 'z/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/b/c/',
path: 'z/b/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
path: 'z/b/c/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
const data = makeTar([
type: 'Directory',
path: './',
type: 'File',
size: 3,
path: 'target',
path: 'y',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/b/',
path: 'z/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
type: 'Directory',
path: 'z/b/c/',
path: 'z/b/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
path: 'z/b/c/d',
type: 'Link',
linkpath: 'target',
const check = (out, t) => {
const data = Buffer.concat(out)
expect.forEach((e, i) => {
if (typeof e === 'string')
t.equal(data.slice(i * 512, i * 512 + e.length).toString(), e)
else if (e instanceof RegExp)
t.match(data.slice(i * 512, (i + 1) * 512).toString(), e)
t.match(new Header(data.slice(i * 512, (i + 1) * 512)), e)
const runTest = async (t, path) => {
const linkCache = new Map()
const statCache = new Map()
const opt = {
noDirRecurse: true,
const out = []
const parser = new Parser({
onentry: readEntry => {
const p = new WriteEntry.Tar(readEntry, opt)
p.on('data', d => out.push(d))
parser.on('end', () => check(out, t))
t.test('.', t => runTest(t, '.'))
t.test('./', t => runTest(t, './'))
t.test('myuid set by getuid() if available, otherwise 0', t => {
const {getuid} = process
process.getuid = null
const noUid = new WriteEntry(__filename)
t.equal(noUid.myuid, 0, 'set to zero if no getuid function')
process.getuid = () => 123456789
const hasUid = new WriteEntry(__filename)
t.equal(hasUid.myuid, 123456789, 'set to process.getuid()')
process.getuid = getuid