'use strict'; const { ArrayIsArray, Boolean, NumberIsSafeInteger, ObjectDefineProperties, ObjectDefineProperty, ObjectKeys, Set, Symbol, } = primordials; const { ELDHistogram: _ELDHistogram, PerformanceEntry, mark: _mark, clearMark: _clearMark, measure: _measure, milestones, observerCounts, setupObservers, timeOrigin, timeOriginTimestamp, timerify, constants, installGarbageCollectionTracking, removeGarbageCollectionTracking, loopIdleTime, } = internalBinding('performance'); const { NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_NODE, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MEASURE, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GC, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_FUNCTION, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_HTTP2, NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_HTTP, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_NODE_START, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_V8_START, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_START, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_EXIT, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_BOOTSTRAP_COMPLETE, NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_ENVIRONMENT } = constants; const { AsyncResource } = require('async_hooks'); const L = require('internal/linkedlist'); const kInspect = require('internal/util').customInspectSymbol; const { ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK, ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE, ERR_VALID_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_PERFORMANCE_MARK } = require('internal/errors').codes; const { Histogram, kHandle, } = require('internal/histogram'); const { setImmediate } = require('timers'); const kCallback = Symbol('callback'); const kTypes = Symbol('types'); const kEntries = Symbol('entries'); const kBuffer = Symbol('buffer'); const kBuffering = Symbol('buffering'); const kQueued = Symbol('queued'); const kTimerified = Symbol('timerified'); const kInsertEntry = Symbol('insert-entry'); const kGetEntries = Symbol('get-entries'); const kIndex = Symbol('index'); const kMarks = Symbol('marks'); const kCount = Symbol('count'); const observers = {}; const observerableTypes = [ 'node', 'mark', 'measure', 'gc', 'function', 'http2', 'http' ]; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_ID = 0; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTBYTE = 1; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTHEADER = 2; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTBYTESENT = 3; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_SENTBYTES = 4; const IDX_STREAM_STATS_RECEIVEDBYTES = 5; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_TYPE = 0; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_PINGRTT = 1; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_FRAMESRECEIVED = 2; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_FRAMESSENT = 3; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_STREAMCOUNT = 4; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_STREAMAVERAGEDURATION = 5; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_DATA_SENT = 6; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_DATA_RECEIVED = 7; const IDX_SESSION_STATS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS = 8; let http2; let sessionStats; let streamStats; function collectHttp2Stats(entry) { if (http2 === undefined) http2 = internalBinding('http2'); switch (entry.name) { case 'Http2Stream': if (streamStats === undefined) streamStats = http2.streamStats; entry.id = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_ID] >>> 0; entry.timeToFirstByte = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTBYTE]; entry.timeToFirstHeader = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTHEADER]; entry.timeToFirstByteSent = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_TIMETOFIRSTBYTESENT]; entry.bytesWritten = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_SENTBYTES]; entry.bytesRead = streamStats[IDX_STREAM_STATS_RECEIVEDBYTES]; break; case 'Http2Session': if (sessionStats === undefined) sessionStats = http2.sessionStats; entry.type = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_TYPE] >>> 0 === 0 ? 'server' : 'client'; entry.pingRTT = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_PINGRTT]; entry.framesReceived = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_FRAMESRECEIVED]; entry.framesSent = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_FRAMESSENT]; entry.streamCount = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_STREAMCOUNT]; entry.streamAverageDuration = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_STREAMAVERAGEDURATION]; entry.bytesWritten = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_DATA_SENT]; entry.bytesRead = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_DATA_RECEIVED]; entry.maxConcurrentStreams = sessionStats[IDX_SESSION_STATS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS]; break; } } function now() { const hr = process.hrtime(); return hr[0] * 1000 + hr[1] / 1e6; } function getMilestoneTimestamp(milestoneIdx) { const ns = milestones[milestoneIdx]; if (ns === -1) return ns; return ns / 1e6 - timeOrigin; } class PerformanceNodeTiming extends PerformanceEntry { get name() { return 'node'; } get entryType() { return 'node'; } get startTime() { return 0; } get duration() { return now() - timeOrigin; } get nodeStart() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_NODE_START); } get v8Start() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_V8_START); } get environment() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_ENVIRONMENT); } get loopStart() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_START); } get loopExit() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_LOOP_EXIT); } get bootstrapComplete() { return getMilestoneTimestamp(NODE_PERFORMANCE_MILESTONE_BOOTSTRAP_COMPLETE); } get idleTime() { return loopIdleTime(); } [kInspect]() { return { name: 'node', entryType: 'node', startTime: this.startTime, duration: this.duration, nodeStart: this.nodeStart, v8Start: this.v8Start, bootstrapComplete: this.bootstrapComplete, environment: this.environment, loopStart: this.loopStart, loopExit: this.loopExit }; } } const nodeTiming = new PerformanceNodeTiming(); // Maintains a list of entries as a linked list stored in insertion order. class PerformanceObserverEntryList { constructor() { ObjectDefineProperties(this, { [kEntries]: { writable: true, enumerable: false, value: {} }, [kCount]: { writable: true, enumerable: false, value: 0 } }); L.init(this[kEntries]); } [kInsertEntry](entry) { const item = { entry }; L.append(this[kEntries], item); this[kCount]++; } get length() { return this[kCount]; } [kGetEntries](name, type) { const ret = []; const list = this[kEntries]; if (!L.isEmpty(list)) { let item = L.peek(list); while (item && item !== list) { const entry = item.entry; if ((name && entry.name !== name) || (type && entry.entryType !== type)) { item = item._idlePrev; continue; } sortedInsert(ret, entry); item = item._idlePrev; } } return ret; } // While the items are stored in insertion order, getEntries() is // required to return items sorted by startTime. getEntries() { return this[kGetEntries](); } getEntriesByType(type) { return this[kGetEntries](undefined, `${type}`); } getEntriesByName(name, type) { return this[kGetEntries](`${name}`, type !== undefined ? `${type}` : type); } } class PerformanceObserver extends AsyncResource { constructor(callback) { if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK(callback); } super('PerformanceObserver'); ObjectDefineProperties(this, { [kTypes]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: {} }, [kCallback]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: callback }, [kBuffer]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: new PerformanceObserverEntryList() }, [kBuffering]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: false }, [kQueued]: { enumerable: false, writable: true, value: false } }); } disconnect() { const observerCountsGC = observerCounts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GC]; const types = this[kTypes]; for (const key of ObjectKeys(types)) { const item = types[key]; if (item) { L.remove(item); observerCounts[key]--; } } this[kTypes] = {}; if (observerCountsGC === 1 && observerCounts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GC] === 0) { removeGarbageCollectionTracking(); } } observe(options) { if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } const { entryTypes } = options; if (!ArrayIsArray(entryTypes)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE('entryTypes', entryTypes); } const filteredEntryTypes = entryTypes.filter(filterTypes).map(mapTypes); if (filteredEntryTypes.length === 0) { throw new ERR_VALID_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE(); } this.disconnect(); const observerCountsGC = observerCounts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GC]; this[kBuffer][kEntries] = []; L.init(this[kBuffer][kEntries]); this[kBuffering] = Boolean(options.buffered); for (const entryType of filteredEntryTypes) { const list = getObserversList(entryType); if (this[kTypes][entryType]) continue; const item = { obs: this }; this[kTypes][entryType] = item; L.append(list, item); observerCounts[entryType]++; } if (observerCountsGC === 0 && observerCounts[NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GC] === 1) { installGarbageCollectionTracking(); } } } class Performance { constructor() { this[kIndex] = { [kMarks]: new Set() }; } get nodeTiming() { return nodeTiming; } get timeOrigin() { return timeOriginTimestamp; } now() { return now() - timeOrigin; } mark(name) { name = `${name}`; _mark(name); this[kIndex][kMarks].add(name); } measure(name, startMark, endMark) { name = `${name}`; const marks = this[kIndex][kMarks]; if (arguments.length >= 3) { if (!marks.has(endMark) && !(endMark in nodeTiming)) throw new ERR_INVALID_PERFORMANCE_MARK(endMark); else endMark = `${endMark}`; } startMark = startMark !== undefined ? `${startMark}` : ''; _measure(name, startMark, endMark); } clearMarks(name) { if (name !== undefined) { name = `${name}`; this[kIndex][kMarks].delete(name); _clearMark(name); } else { this[kIndex][kMarks].clear(); _clearMark(); } } timerify(fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('fn', 'Function', fn); } if (fn[kTimerified]) return fn[kTimerified]; const ret = timerify(fn, fn.length); ObjectDefineProperty(fn, kTimerified, { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, value: ret }); ObjectDefineProperties(ret, { [kTimerified]: { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, value: ret }, name: { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, value: `timerified ${fn.name}` } }); return ret; } eventLoopUtilization(util1, util2) { const ls = nodeTiming.loopStart; if (ls <= 0) { return { idle: 0, active: 0, utilization: 0 }; } if (util2) { const idle = util1.idle - util2.idle; const active = util1.active - util2.active; return { idle, active, utilization: active / (idle + active) }; } const idle = nodeTiming.idleTime; const active = performance.now() - ls - idle; if (!util1) { return { idle, active, utilization: active / (idle + active) }; } const idle_delta = idle - util1.idle; const active_delta = active - util1.active; const utilization = active_delta / (idle_delta + active_delta); return { idle: idle_delta, active: active_delta, utilization }; } [kInspect]() { return { nodeTiming: this.nodeTiming, timeOrigin: this.timeOrigin, idleTime: this.idleTime, }; } } const performance = new Performance(); function getObserversList(type) { let list = observers[type]; if (list === undefined) { list = observers[type] = {}; L.init(list); } return list; } function doNotify(observer) { observer[kQueued] = false; observer.runInAsyncScope(observer[kCallback], observer, observer[kBuffer], observer); observer[kBuffer][kEntries] = []; L.init(observer[kBuffer][kEntries]); } // Set up the callback used to receive PerformanceObserver notifications function observersCallback(entry) { const type = mapTypes(entry.entryType); if (type === NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_HTTP2) collectHttp2Stats(entry); const list = getObserversList(type); let current = L.peek(list); while (current && current.obs) { const observer = current.obs; // First, add the item to the observers buffer const buffer = observer[kBuffer]; buffer[kInsertEntry](entry); // Second, check to see if we're buffering if (observer[kBuffering]) { // If we are, schedule a setImmediate call if one hasn't already if (!observer[kQueued]) { observer[kQueued] = true; // Use setImmediate instead of nextTick to give more time // for multiple entries to collect. setImmediate(doNotify, observer); } } else { // If not buffering, notify immediately doNotify(observer); } current = current._idlePrev; } } setupObservers(observersCallback); function filterTypes(i) { return observerableTypes.indexOf(`${i}`) >= 0; } function mapTypes(i) { switch (i) { case 'node': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_NODE; case 'mark': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MARK; case 'measure': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_MEASURE; case 'gc': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_GC; case 'function': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_FUNCTION; case 'http2': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_HTTP2; case 'http': return NODE_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPE_HTTP; } } // The specification requires that PerformanceEntry instances are sorted // according to startTime. Unfortunately, they are not necessarily created // in that same order, and can be reported to the JS layer in any order, // which means we need to keep the list sorted as we insert. function getInsertLocation(list, entryStartTime) { let start = 0; let end = list.length; while (start < end) { const pivot = (end + start) >>> 1; if (list[pivot].startTime === entryStartTime) return pivot; if (list[pivot].startTime < entryStartTime) start = pivot + 1; else end = pivot; } return start; } function sortedInsert(list, entry) { const entryStartTime = entry.startTime; if (list.length === 0 || (list[list.length - 1].startTime < entryStartTime)) { list.push(entry); return; } if (list[0] && (list[0].startTime > entryStartTime)) { list.unshift(entry); return; } const location = getInsertLocation(list, entryStartTime); list.splice(location, 0, entry); } class ELDHistogram extends Histogram { enable() { return this[kHandle].enable(); } disable() { return this[kHandle].disable(); } } function monitorEventLoopDelay(options = {}) { if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options', 'Object', options); } const { resolution = 10 } = options; if (typeof resolution !== 'number') { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('options.resolution', 'number', resolution); } if (resolution <= 0 || !NumberIsSafeInteger(resolution)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE.RangeError('resolution', resolution); } return new ELDHistogram(new _ELDHistogram(resolution)); } module.exports = { performance, PerformanceObserver, monitorEventLoopDelay }; ObjectDefineProperty(module.exports, 'constants', { configurable: false, enumerable: true, value: constants });