mirror of https://gitee.com/openkylin/nodejs.git
60 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable File
60 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable File
# Shell script to update minimatch in the source tree to the latest release.
# This script must be in the tools directory when it runs because it uses the
# script source file path to determine directories to work in.
set -ex
ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")/../.." && pwd)
[ -z "$NODE" ] && NODE="$ROOT/out/Release/node"
[ -x "$NODE" ] || NODE=$(command -v node)
NEW_VERSION=$("$NODE" "$NPM" view minimatch dist-tags.latest)
CURRENT_VERSION=$("$NODE" -p "require('./deps/minimatch/src/package.json').version")
echo "Comparing $NEW_VERSION with $CURRENT_VERSION"
if [ "$NEW_VERSION" = "$CURRENT_VERSION" ]; then
echo "Skipped because minimatch is on the latest version."
exit 0
cd "$( dirname "$0" )/../.." || exit
rm -rf deps/minimatch/src
rm -rf deps/minimatch/index.js
rm -rf minimatch-tmp
mkdir minimatch-tmp
cd minimatch-tmp || exit
"$NODE" "$NPM" init --yes
"$NODE" "$NPM" install --global-style --no-bin-links --ignore-scripts "minimatch@$NEW_VERSION"
cd node_modules/minimatch
"$NODE" "$NPM" exec --package=esbuild@0.17.15 --yes -- esbuild ./dist/cjs/index.js --bundle --platform=node --outfile=minimatch.js
ls -l minimatch-tmp
mv minimatch-tmp/node_modules/minimatch deps/minimatch/src
mv deps/minimatch/src/minimatch.js deps/minimatch/index.js
cp deps/minimatch/src/LICENSE deps/minimatch/LICENSE
rm -rf minimatch-tmp/
echo "All done!"
echo ""
echo "Please git add minimatch, commit the new version:"
echo ""
echo "$ git add -A deps/minimatch"
echo "$ git commit -m \"deps: update minimatch to $NEW_VERSION\""
echo ""
# The last line of the script should always print the new version,
# as we need to add it to $GITHUB_ENV variable.