GitHub takes the security of our software products and services seriously, including the open source code repositories managed through our GitHub organizations, such as [GitHub]( If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this GitHub-owned open source repository, you can report it to us in one of two ways. If the vulnerability you have found is *not* [in scope for the GitHub Bug Bounty Program]( or if you do not wish to be considered for a bounty reward, please report the issue to us directly using [private vulnerability reporting]( If the vulnerability you have found is [in scope for the GitHub Bug Bounty Program]( and you would like for your finding to be considered for a bounty reward, please submit the vulnerability to us through [HackerOne]( in order to be eligible to receive a bounty award. **Please do not report security vulnerabilities through public GitHub issues, discussions, or pull requests.** Thanks for helping make GitHub safe for everyone.