mirror of https://gitee.com/openkylin/npm.git
268 lines
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268 lines
6.3 KiB
const t = require('tap')
const Vuln = require('../lib/vuln.js')
const Node = require('../lib/node.js')
const Link = require('../lib/link.js')
const Edge = require('../lib/edge.js')
const { resolve } = require('path')
const semver = require('semver')
const semverOpt = { includePrerelease: true, loose: true }
class MockAdvisory {
constructor (obj) {
Object.assign(this, obj)
this.vulnerableVersions = this.versions.filter(v =>
semver.satisfies(v, this.range, semverOpt))
testVersion (v) {
return this.vulnerableVersions.includes(v)
t.test('basic vulnerability object tests', async t => {
const crit = new MockAdvisory({
type: 'advisory',
source: 420,
id: 'cafebad',
title: 'borgsafalamash',
name: 'name',
dependency: 'name',
severity: 'critical',
range: '1.x < 1.3',
versions: [
const low = new MockAdvisory({
type: 'advisory',
source: 69,
id: 'deadbeef',
title: 'flerbygurrf',
name: 'name',
dependency: 'name',
severity: 'low',
range: '2.x < 2.3.2 || 3.x <3.0.1',
versions: [
const v = new Vuln({ name: 'name', advisory: crit })
t.type(v, Vuln)
t.equal(v.testSpec('github:foo/bar'), true)
t.equal(v.testSpec('0.x'), false)
t.equal(v.testSpec('>4.x'), true)
t.equal(v.testSpec('npm:name@>4.x'), true)
t.strictSame([...v.advisories], [crit])
t.equal(v.severity, 'critical')
t.equal(v.testSpec('2.x'), true)
t.equal(v.severity, 'critical')
t.match(v.advisories, new Set([crit, low]))
t.equal(v.severity, 'low')
t.match(v.advisories, new Set([low]))
t.equal(v.severity, 'critical')
t.match(v.advisories, new Set([crit, low]))
t.matchSnapshot(JSON.stringify(v, 0, 2), 'json formatted')
const meta = new MockAdvisory({
type: 'metavuln',
source: 'deadbeef',
severity: 'low',
name: 'another',
dependency: 'name',
range: '1.x',
versions: [
const meta2 = new MockAdvisory({
type: 'metavuln',
source: 'cafebad',
severity: 'critical',
name: 'another',
dependency: 'name',
range: '>1.0.0 <=2.0.1',
versions: [
const v2 = new Vuln({ name: 'another', advisory: meta })
t.matchSnapshot(JSON.stringify(v), 'json after adding effect')
t.match(v2.advisories, new Set([meta]))
t.equal(v2.range, meta.range)
t.equal(v2.range, [meta.range, meta2.range].join(' || '))
// when the simple range is loaded, it memoizes and sets range as well
t.equal(v2.simpleRange, '1.0.0 - 2.0.1')
t.equal(v2.range, v2.simpleRange)
const root = new Node({
path: '/path/to',
pkg: {
dependencies: { thing: '1.2.1' },
workspaces: [
// a workspace with one direct vuln and one indirect vuln
const ws = new Node({
pkg: { name: 'foo', version: '1.2.3', dependencies: { bar: '' } },
path: resolve(root.path, 'packages/foo'),
children: [
{ pkg: { name: 'bar', version: '1.2.3', dependencies: { baz: '' } } },
{ pkg: { name: 'baz', version: '1.2.3' } },
// manually connect the workspace
new Link({
name: 'foo',
parent: root,
target: ws,
new Edge({
type: 'workspace',
name: 'foo',
spec: 'file:packages/foo',
from: root,
const directWsVuln = new Vuln({
name: 'bar',
advisory: new MockAdvisory({
name: 'bar',
versions: ['1.2.2', '1.2.3', '1.2.4'],
range: '<=1.2.3',
const indirectWsVuln = new Vuln({
name: 'baz',
advisory: new MockAdvisory({
name: 'baz',
versions: ['1.2.2', '1.2.3', '1.2.4'],
range: '<=1.2.3',
// workspace dep vulns are direct vulnerabilities as well
t.equal(directWsVuln.isVulnerable(ws.children.get('bar')), true)
t.equal(directWsVuln.isDirect, true)
t.equal(indirectWsVuln.isVulnerable(ws.children.get('baz')), true)
t.equal(indirectWsVuln.isDirect, false)
const node = new Node({
path: '/path/to/node_modules/thing',
name: 'thing',
pkg: {
name: 'name',
version: '1.2.1',
parent: root,
// check twice to hit memoizing code path
t.equal(v.isVulnerable(node), true)
t.equal(v.isVulnerable(node), true)
t.equal(v.isDirect, true)
t.match(v.nodes, new Set([node]))
// make sure we don't infinitely loop when setting it to true
v2.fixAvailable = true
v.fixAvailable = true
v2.fixAvailable = true
v2.fixAvailable = { isSemVerMajor: false }
t.strictSame(v.fixAvailable, { isSemVerMajor: false })
v2.fixAvailable = true
t.strictSame(v.fixAvailable, { isSemVerMajor: false })
v2.fixAvailable = { isSemVerMajor: true }
t.strictSame(v.fixAvailable, { isSemVerMajor: true })
v2.fixAvailable = false
t.strictSame(v.fixAvailable, false)
t.matchSnapshot(JSON.stringify(v, 0, 2), 'json formatted after loading')
t.matchSnapshot(JSON.stringify(v2, 0, 2), 'json formatted metavuln')
const ok = new Node({
path: '/path/to/node_modules/thing',
pkg: {
name: 'name',
version: '3.2.0',
t.match(v.isVulnerable(ok), false)
const noVersion = new Node({
path: '/path/to/node_modules/thing',
pkg: {},
t.match(v.isVulnerable(noVersion), false, 'node without version, no opinion')
t.strictSame([...v2.via], [], 'removing advisories removes via')
t.strictSame([...v.effects], [], 'removing via removes effect')